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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:34 PM
As this is a fundamental concept or shift-of-paradigm kind of thing, it involves a world of information I wouldn't have time or energy to fit into a forum post alas. This and other things function 'as' what we have designed in a little box to call vitamins but that is descriptive of nothing except that it's vital to get at least a tiny bit or we die.

I guess one approach to a brief direction-for-answer (not an answer but a direction to look, and not the only one at all) would be the electron interchange that Szent-Gyorgyi studied and how ascorbic (sic, because there are various forms of chem one could group under AA) functions in the body related to that.

Separately, there is a concept that if last-collapse symptoms occur without a minimum of X quantity of something, that we need X quantity of that thing and as long as we get that much, well, that is what we need. I believe there are realms of functionality a thing may have inside a body, before 'last collapse' point, and that it may imply we need vastly more of something for overall health than merely the tiny bit that keeps us from death. Focusing merely on the tiny bit that was the "amount of vitamin needed so we didn't die" distorted a lot of research which due to that paradigm (and early expense of the stuff) used such small amounts of it.

There are other things but those are the two biggest for me.

posted on Apr, 6 2016 @ 02:27 PM
I am new to this forum and I just signed in because I decided to make my own Lipsomal Vit.C. Could anyone share his/her most simple recipe that it still work good enough ? Thanks
edit on 6-4-2016 by Dejan1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2016 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: Dejan1

Hey mate welcome to the forum. There are many recipes you can
find through out the pages. I have been using Lipo Vit C for 3yrs
now (March2016) & I have only been sick 1 time due to me not
taking it for ~ 3 wks. I ran out, was out of town & exposed to
a kid with a cold for 3 days.
Here's my recipe using 2.5 Liter Kendall
6 tab AA / 2 cups water
3 tab Sodium Bicarb / 2 cups water
8 tab Liq Sunflower Lethicin / 4 cups water

This recipe is on page 128 however I have since modified &
use 3 Tab Sodium Bicarb.


posted on May, 6 2016 @ 03:01 PM
Hi folks...

Please help me with finding a new good Ultrasonic Cleaner....

This one I purchased when I started here and it quit recently....seemed to burn out....

I recently got this one from Amazon and it seems so low powered that it's really difficult to see the surface of the mixture bubbling....

It does liposome but very weak and's as if they made a larger tank and used smaller transducers (which do the high frequency vibrations)....

I'm about to return it to Amazon but don't know which advertised ones are of any decent quality....

Please share your experiences with your own Cleaners...maybe we can help each other and avoid the junk Cleaners....

Thanks in advance....

edit on 5/6/2016 by Tarasco because: Added signature....

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Tarasco

I use a Kendall 2.5 L...mine isn't as good as it was when I
purchased it although it still works. When I clicked on the
new one you bought...look at the cleaners listed in the
below & the one one the bottom left is the one I have...
I ordered from Freight Harbor...March 2013.


posted on May, 7 2016 @ 06:59 PM
I've made quite a few batches so far now, and we all had that winter chest cold that wouldn't leave, even a friend who is staying here, and it started clearing up almost immediately for all of us, loosening up the very first day.

The stuff is wonderful. Lecithin is wonderful too!

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: Ektar. Thanks, Ektar...

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 09:48 AM
After using the same type of machine for the past three years I changed to a new one.
Problem for me is this new machine has different settings.
My old one has 1,2 or 3 but this one has temperature and a timer so it seems to just have one setting which leaves me wondering how long I put it in for.
Any ideas ?

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: lambros56

Sorry I'm late mate....what machine do you have? I think mine
has the same settings... 3 diff settings for time & then a choice
to turn heat on or not...I think longest setting for me was 480
(I would have to unpack to see) & I would run mine ~ 4 cycles?
Mine is no longer running at it's best so it's ~ 4 to 5 cycles & I
may or may not use the heat depending on how I'm mixing me
solutions prior to sonification. Hope that helps...I posted the
machine I use just a few post up.


posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: Ektar
I'm late getting back too.
I made a batch last week, not understanding the heat buttons, I ended up with the liquid turning into like a gel.
So I'm a bit flustered getting the thermostat right.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: neotech1neothink

With your added ingredients you are defeating the purpose of liposomal encapsulation. Taking liposomal C with anything the stomach needs to digest causes the liposome to break down and be dissolved (digested) in the stomach. By taking the liposomal C on an empty stomach the liposome passes through the stomach relatively intact where it can be absorbed lower in the intestine before stomach acid can act upon it. I'd be willing to bet that you could take your current dosing amount of ascorbic acid dissolved in water with no flushing. LE is for dosing above those limits where flushing occurs. The LE greatly enhances the absorbability because of the lipid outer layer. The way your taking the vitamin C you're back to the absorption level of Vitamin C tablets (approx 20%)

As an example, I currently dose at one ounce (shot glass) of LEC twice to three times daily. My LEC provides approximately 4g of ascorbic acid per ounce. It tastes like pluperfect hell but I don't flush. I would also add that in addition to the ascorbic acid I use reduced glutathione to equal approximately 250mg per dose.

I worked in wet labs most of my working life so I have the equipment and the know how to understand what's taking place when all these ingredients are combined. I am old school so I work by weight rather than volume measurements. Admittedly, that's overkill for the home user. The reason I deal with this as though I were working in a lab environment is for repeatability. I want the same results for myself and the friends and family I share the formula with. If, whomever, uses the same ingredients and takes the time to scale out those ingredients per the formula should get the exact same results that I do in my home lab.

Now, after all of that, I'm not kicking your cow. In fact, my hat's off to you for taking responsibility for your personal health. Nothing you're doing is off the charts wrong, you are getting Vitamin C into your bloodstream. You're just not getting as much as you may think that you are. In my experience dosing with well made liposomal C at levels above six grams per day (actually close to the 10-12g range) is where you see the detox effects LEC is now famous for. But, and this is important, it must be taken on an empty stomach. Otherwise the Vitamin C will lose its protective lipid layer and go through the digestive tract like tablets. If that happens at these doses you won't want to stray to far from the bathroom.

The process I use is based upon the patented process Livvon now owns and mirrors their process down to and including 12% ethyl alcohol in the blend to aid in the encapsulation process (the EA softens and makes the lecithin pliable). Livvon uses a high pressure spray process to encapsulate whereas we home users use sonication to do the work. In the end the finished product is at least on par with the retail product and because it can be made as needed it's always fresher than anything you can find on store shelves.

Flavoring is what it is. I'm experimenting with flavorings but the truth is that even with approximately 75-80+% encapsulation quite a bit of that Vitamin C isn't getting encapsulated and you're going to taste it. I tend to keep the formula at near the maximum saturation level for Vitamin C which means that there's a lot of Vitamin C that was not encapsulated. That's not necessary but my aim is to get the most bang for the money spent on ingredients. The one thing to remember is to flavor just before you bottle and refrigerate. I've used natural flavorings but the cost is to steep for my wallet. Flavorings from the big flavor houses work better and are generally sold in an ethyl alcohol carrier which, in my mind, makes them preferable but each to his own. So far my best results have been with orange flavor with a small amount of stevia extract (sweetening was the wife's request).

Keep at it, you'll eventually get it dialed in where you want it. Cheers!

posted on Sep, 2 2017 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: CmdrZero

The I get the livon labs stuff, it seems pretty good, haven't been sick as long I take it everyday. One month I didnt take it and I got sick 2 years ago, last year everyone around me was sick with flu or cold and I was the only one who didn't get sick.

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