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Huge Gas Cloud Building Around Rig In North Sea.

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by ezekielken
reply to post by GonzoSinister

Does the North seas get lightning strikes in the spring, summer? Wouldn't a rig be a lightning magnet?

its not unheard of however as im not meterologist i dunno how the current heat would change things, much like the rest of the world its been hotter here the last week or so than would be expected....

i imagine this causes high/low presure front that colide with high/ low pressure fronts from scandanavia but meh... as i said im no weather man.. maybe someone up to date on the way weather works could tell you how likley it is with current weather forces,

however, lightning usually comes with storms, storms up there are usually rather windy n stuff, i mean i know theres a lot of issue with weather n choppers not being able to take folk to the rigs, so as its gas... if the wind picks up and disperses it before lightning strikes i'd imagine it may be alright?

but to answer your question yes... there is lightning and being the only huge metal structure for miles they do work like big lightning rods...

Update... no word from my cousin yet but im expecting him to be back in the uk next weekend so i know he's out (possibly in brazil at present but he was told about stuff going down with deepwater horizon before most of us new)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:49 PM
For those who say this is horrible for the earth, just keep in mind whatever comes out is natural, and from the earth itself. Oil and gas have been leaking from the depths of the earth and sea naturally for eons. The earth has ways to deal with natural things that come out of itself. It's not like we're talking about kryptonite or alien or man-made chemicals.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
For those who say this is horrible for the earth, just keep in mind whatever comes out is natural, and from the earth itself. Oil and gas have been leaking from the depths of the earth and sea naturally for eons. The earth has ways to deal with natural things that come out of itself. It's not like we're talking about kryptonite or alien or man-made chemicals.

The fact that everything is "natural" still has nothing to do with the fact that some natural things are HAZARDOUS, POISONOUS, and/or DANGEROUS to introduce in large amounts into the atmosphere, water, land, or other ecosystems. Perhaps the CONTENTS are natural, but it was man who released these poisons/chemicals which were locked up for millions of years. Now... in the blink of an historical eye, we are releasing massive quantities of poisons and destabilizing GHGs into our biosphere... we're literally playing with fire (or shall I say, internal combustion?).
edit on 26-3-2012 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by

This thread needs to be bumped. Much better than the racism fest I was involved in last night!
edit on 26-3-2012 by because: (no reason given)

sadly that is how our human race works . hate divides us and tragedy brings us together.

i am getting sick of hearing about how we are screwing up the planet . people have already forgotten about the gulf of mexico disaster , and people have already forgotten about the nuclear disaster in japan.

if this becomes very serious, which i think it already is, its no big deal. the masses will forget about it in due time.

i want to hear people complain about our race destroying the planet , u know the only place in the vast universe that we know we can survive on. oh but instead we will just hear people complain about gas prices going up because of this even happening right now.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
For those who say this is horrible for the earth, just keep in mind whatever comes out is natural, and from the earth itself. Oil and gas have been leaking from the depths of the earth and sea naturally for eons. The earth has ways to deal with natural things that come out of itself. It's not like we're talking about kryptonite or alien or man-made chemicals.

what you mean to say is the earth is flat so any pollution us humans have a hand in will just fall off the side of the earth in due time.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
For those who say this is horrible for the earth, just keep in mind whatever comes out is natural, and from the earth itself. Oil and gas have been leaking from the depths of the earth and sea naturally for eons. The earth has ways to deal with natural things that come out of itself. It's not like we're talking about kryptonite or alien or man-made chemicals.

Volcanos are natural too... But can cause worldwide climate change and bring on ice ages

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:35 AM

I would think it's too early to be lighting
an olympic torch


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by GonzoSinister

Thanks gonzo , I spent a year and a bit on a tropical isle and know the lightning strikes were incredible there with the storms. Wasn't sure if there was enough hot cold interaction to form the cumulos way up north

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:52 AM

I guess ATS is going to have to rename the forum "Deepwater Disaster" to "Deepwater Disasters".

And add a shell to the logo.
edit on 3/27/2012 by Morpheas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:01 AM

I'm south of this and it kicked off on Sunday night, will be very interesting to see the outcome of this as apparently it has never occurred before.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:06 AM
There's so much carelessness in drilling and oil it makes me wonder if they don't do stuff like this on purpose.

What are they tryin to do? Get the North Pole to melt? Was the GOM leak on purpose?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by elitegamer23

Originally posted by Dbriefed
For those who say this is horrible for the earth, just keep in mind whatever comes out is natural, and from the earth itself. Oil and gas have been leaking from the depths of the earth and sea naturally for eons. The earth has ways to deal with natural things that come out of itself. It's not like we're talking about kryptonite or alien or man-made chemicals.

what you mean to say is the earth is flat so any pollution us humans have a hand in will just fall off the side of the earth in due time.

Bravo answer!!!
Tell the wild life living in these waters that are trying to breath in that # just how natural it is.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:13 AM
Oh boy, I really dont like the sound of this... So, what does it usually take to make one of these rigs blow? Can they shut down everything around the rig to make sure there isnt another Deepwater Horizon accident? What steps do they take now, other than blocking out the public of what's REALLY going on???

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:35 AM
Strange... another platform in the same area had a spill a few days ago..
edit on 3/27/2012 by Morpheas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Violater1

It says Total Oil in the report you linked to so how is it BP

Total is French, and other thing in the UK the cost of petrol & diesel is 65% tax that the government gets NOT the oil company also oil companies dont just produce fuel do they.

Also another thing that many people on here and in the general public don't seem to understand is what a profit margin is, a company may make 10 Billion £/$ in a quarter but what was the turnover to produce that its the same with supermarkets they may make vast profit announcements by they make an avg 4% profit thats not a lot.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Originally posted by Dbriefed
For those who say this is horrible for the earth, just keep in mind whatever comes out is natural, and from the earth itself. Oil and gas have been leaking from the depths of the earth and sea naturally for eons. The earth has ways to deal with natural things that come out of itself. It's not like we're talking about kryptonite or alien or man-made chemicals.

The fact that everything is "natural" still has nothing to do with the fact that some natural things are HAZARDOUS, POISONOUS, and/or DANGEROUS to introduce in large amounts into the atmosphere, water, land, or other ecosystems. Perhaps the CONTENTS are natural, but it was man who released these poisons/chemicals which were locked up for millions of years. Now... in the blink of an historical eye, we are releasing massive quantities of poisons and destabilizing GHGs into our biosphere... we're literally playing with fire (or shall I say, internal combustion?).
edit on 26-3-2012 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

Well... what he meant actually was that those gases are HAZARDOUS, POISONOUS and/or DANGEROUS....... to YOU. Not to the planet.

The planet was fine billions of years before life... I guess it can live without us or life in general for a billion more. So its OUR problem, not a PLANET's problem. See the difference?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:17 AM


for bring this to attention.

wow just wow.

last thing we need on our bucket list
edit on 27-3-2012 by omegacorps because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:25 AM
Would the fish survive this? Or panic and swim deeper into it? When the Gulf fiasco occurred BP and the US government set up a no-fly zone so nobody could film the dead dolphins and birds, and the media went along with these creatures. The sea animals are the first "people" who will pay the ultimate price for Shell's ignorance of how to live on a planet.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:21 AM
Guys, This has nothing to do with SHELL or BP.

Franklin & Elgin Platforms are operated by TOTAL E&P but the field development is owned by a consortium of companies (none of which are Shell or BP).

The leak is from the ELGIN platform.

Operated by Total, the development project is also held by Elgin Franklin Oil & Gas (Total wholly owns) 46.2 percent; Eni 21.8 percent; BG 14.1 percent; E.On Ruhrgas 5.2 percent; Chevron 3.9 percent; ExxonMobil 4.4 percent; Dyas 2.2 percent; and Summit 2.2 percent.

The sub-sea pipeline which transports export gas from this region to the mainland is the BP Forties pipeline.
Franklin & Elgins export lines tie into the BP Forties line in order to export their gas to Scotland.
From early reports it appears that there is a casing problem on one of ELGIN Well Head Platforms Production wells. That means the gas is leaking before it even gets onto the platform, undergoes process and compression before being pumped into the export line and then into the Forties main line.

At an extreme pressure of 1,100 bar and temperature of 190 degrees Celsius, the Elgin-Franklin development project is the largest High Pressure/High Temperature (HP/HT) development in the world.

I think they need to get an ROV down there sharpish to try and locate the source of the leak.

edit on 27-3-2012 by Rigel Kent because: To add more detail.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:37 AM
Seems like this is a fairly serious issue. Good bit of detail in this report regarding what exactly is being dealt with..

Elgin platform gas leak: Exclusion zone in place

A cloud of gas was reported to be surrounding the platform, which is located 150 miles (240km) off Aberdeen.

Workers from a second platform and drilling rig have been removed.

Shell has moved 85 non-essential staff from the Shearwater platform and Hans Deul drilling rig, about four miles from the Elgin, because of the drifting gas.

Total, which operates the Elgin platform, said the situation was stable but it had not yet been able to identify the source of the leak.
A sheen of between two and 23 tonnes of gas condensate, and measuring six nautical miles in length, has been reported on the water nearby, and Total has activated its Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.
"The stand-by vessel had identified the sea boiling, as it were, below the installation - suggesting there was gas coming up there and there was some kind of vapour cloud sitting on the surface of the sea."

He added: "Clearly there is a risk of ignition and a fire.
"We've taken away all the usual sources of ignition such as electrical power but yes there is a possibility.
"We believe it is low but you never say never."

Dealing with SOUR gas.

He said: "It is a very deep well. The gas they are bringing up is what we call sour gas.

"That gas has a high proportion of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide and that makes it very flammable and quite poisonous.

"So the big problem they have got is dealing with a very combustible gas - unlike Deepwater Horizon where we were dealing with crude oil which ironically is very difficult to light sometimes."

It seems unusual that it is not bubbling through the sea and that is going to add further complications of hydrogen sulfide going into the water - certainly causing widespread poisoning in the vicinity of the rig."

edit on 27-3-2012 by lacrimaererum because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2012 by lacrimaererum because: (no reason given)

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