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The Spraying of NANO CHEMTRAILS !!! It's Not Science Fiction Anymore. MUST READ !!

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by verschickter

Keep going I have reported you for trying to troll and disrupt the thread. Thx

You can't call someone a troll just because they have an opposing viewpoint. That’s the point of ATS!

By the way, I think that there is something in the ATS T&C's that says something about calling someone a troll.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

The article I was just looking at :


A nanocomputer is a computer whose physical dimensions are microscopic. The field of nanocomputing is part of the emerging field of nanotechnology . Several types of nanocomputers have been suggested or proposed by researchers and futurists.

Has a layman's breakdown of the very thing.

A quantum nanocomputer would work by storing data in the form of atomic quantum states or spin. Technology of this kind is already under development in the form of single-electron memory (SEM) and quantum dots. The energy state of an electron within an atom , represented by the electron energy level or shell, can theoretically represent one, two, four, eight, or even 16 bits of data. The main problem with this technology is instability. Instantaneous electron energy states are difficult to predict and even more difficult to control. An electron can easily fall to a lower energy state, emitting a photon ; conversely, a photon striking an atom can cause one of its electrons to jump to a higher energy state.

... ...

More talk!

Welcome to The New Nano Computer Dream Team

We are going through a complete metamorphosis with our site as well as our organization to keep up with the rapidly moving time frame and advances in Nanotechnology since our first inception back in 1995. We have always been on the bleeding edge of technology and have presented the uses to our membership. What you will have instore for you with this new site will enhance all of your needs. One of the newer additions or should I say suppliment to our old NanoMedicine Team is a comprehensive guide to the various uses of Nano in Modern Medicine.

We will start with the very basic element of our own DNA structure and then go beyond. So get ready for a Fantastic Voyage deep with in the realm of Nanotechnology and NanoComputers. We are truely the voyagers who are going where humans have not been before. So welcome aboard Nanonauts and prepare for the unusual and unknown!

This is a coined term already, and you can see the advancements they're making in those sites. I'd think it's enough to contest the question of "Is the worlds smallest computer only a mm in size"? It doesn't sound like that's accurate, and who knows when it's private technology firms working out their solutions enterprising.


A computer with circuitry so small that it can only be seen through a microscope. Nanocomputers can be electronic (where nanolithography is used to create microscopic circuits), biochemical or organic (such as DNA computers), or quantum (such as quantum computers). Nanocomputers deal with materials at a molecular level and hold the promise of creating increasingly smaller and faster computers, an important concept in the realm of pervasive computing.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by waynos

OP, why do you believe the source you have linked to? What is so convincing to you about it when solid information from professional people that is given directly to you on here is just dismissed out of hand?

Please, link us to the solid information you speak of. Also will you please provide proof that they are professional people in regards to the solid evidence you spoke of.

I wonder why you believe that the sources and information you speak of (which haven't been named and are yet to be seen) are telling the truth. I prefer not to just take your word for it.

edit on 13-11-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: spelling typo

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by waynos

There is plenty to back the thread up . This isnt opinion it's fact and I have countless pieces of documentation to back it up. You can read it or you can pretend you are an authority. Waynos you have given your opinion. thx.

I know my posts have made my position quite clear. But that doesn't mean my questions aren't genuine. And I'm the last person to claim to be an authority, I'm just trying to make sense of it all like everyone else.

Also, I am not questioning the nanotechnology, I am fairly familiar with the term and have read several sources on it elsewhere over the last few years. This is not news to me.

What doesn't make sense, or appear to be genuinely linked, is anything to do with billions of the being sprayed into the air (whether from airliners or not). This is completely new to me and it is not off topic to ask where the writer got his information from.

edit on 13-11-2011 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

The reason I believe what people like Uncinus, Proudbird, Essan, firepilot, et al (we both know that's who I meant) write on here is because it either tallies up with what I have already known for several decades to be true or, when they have written something I was unsure of, I have been able to verify it for myself from various credible sources.

Strangely enough I have found your own posts to be exactly the opposite. are you ready to admit you got the Chemtrail plane interior photo wrong yet or that the "translation from German" in a video you linked to was just a lie? I have never yet seen you acknowledge when some of your proof has been "busted".

You don't need a link to the information I have referred to, you already replied to most of it, in a sort of "la la la I'm not listening" kind of way

edit on 13-11-2011 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by verschickter

Keep going I have reported you for trying to troll and disrupt the thread. Thx

Sorry I dont want to troll or disrupt your thread. Please show me where I trolled or disrupted. Maybe you listen to someone with education on this field before you belief a photographer....

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Just because you read something on a website doesn't make it fact. I could open a site claiming the sky is purple and grass is pink are you going to believe that grass is now pink?

Maybe what the op has said is true, I just question the source of information.
edit on 13-11-2011 by kellerphoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Slow down, I didnt say its impossible. Do you know what molecules are? Speaking of nanos, nano is a scale 10^-9, thats way way way way way way larger then any molecule. Please read carefully, I´m aware of those things. I´m tired of explaining scientific things in a foreign language, it makes things so difficult.

Some of the most common visions of a nanotechnology-fueled future are tiny body-examining cameras that can be swallowed like pills, supercomputers 500 times more powerful than those currently available, and chips the size of sugar cubes capable of storing the entire content of the Library of Congress.

visions, I made it bold for you
edit on 13-11-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:46 PM
While nano-processors are being actively investigated and developed, it makes sense you could use them as ultra-sensitive sensors, hence you "could" use them as some thing sprayed into the environment. But you would need to get some kind off feedback, unless the effect was active and the "change" was the feedback. Not wise though. But that in general, the release of nano-processors into the environment with out some natural degradation incorporated into them, so nature would clean them up in due process. Otherwise it could be risky, we don't understand a lot yet about how synthetic nano-organizims might react in an open environment. Does this mean some who don't really know what they got do stupid things? Sure. Happens all the time.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by waynos

I have been able to verify it for myself from various credible sources.

Again just a bunch of statements with NO ACTUAL VERIFICATION. I asked you to supply us with the credible sources. I don't consider a few ATS screen names to be credible sources.

I never claimed that I had "PROOF". The things I have posted were submitted as evidence. There is a big difference between calling something evidence and calling it proof. I don't need to take back my opinion about the "inside a chemtrail plane photo" I have not seen PROOF of which photo was photo shopped yet. All I ask is that you back up your claims the same way you demand that others back up their claims.

As far as the German video goes the context of the video didn't change. The evidence from that video still remains the same and just as valid. Why don't you list the two different translations and show us the huge difference that changes the whole meaning. Please I must have missed that part.

Once again you provide nothing but your own opinion. So I see need to offer you anything more than that as well. I already offered you much more than just my personal opinion as far as evidence goes. All I ever see you post are things "yeah what he said" ..." he told me so ... so it must be true"

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by arbiture

Look into Raytheons acquisition of Applied Signals Technology Inc. If you're familiar with RFID tags involved with warehouse storage facilities. It's a similar concept, using "smart dust" that is air born and can be tracked using a monitoring device. Which in this case would be satellites and Advanced radar/lidar systems.

Applied Signals Technology

Source Article

Applied Signal’s tactical signals and communications intelligence systems, data fusion and information operations/information assurance products, combined with Raytheon’s sensor technology, program management, mission support and system integration capabilities, will provide highly specialized solutions to an expanded range of intelligence and defense customers in the United States and around the world, Raytheon said.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by verschickter
reply to post by Northwarden

Slow down, I didnt say its impossible. Do you know what molecules are? Speaking of nanos, nano is a scale 10^-9, thats way way way way way way larger then any molecule. Please read carefully, I´m aware of those things. I´m tired of explaining scientific things in a foreign language, it makes things so difficult.

Some of the most common visions of a nanotechnology-fueled future are tiny body-examining cameras that can be swallowed like pills, supercomputers 500 times more powerful than those currently available, and chips the size of sugar cubes capable of storing the entire content of the Library of Congress.

visions, I made it bold for you
edit on 13-11-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

Please try to be accurate. Please don't spread dis-information. The sizes of nano particles are already something that people are unfamiliar with. Let's make it easier to understand by not making false statements. Let's not explain 'scientific things' and claim to know 'scientific things' without getting it right.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

You also asked me why I accept their explanations, which I explained. I cannot supply my own credible sources as I have a fairly comprehensive library of books I have built up over the years of my life and there is a local library I also use. I also have friends in professions where their own knowledge and experience is useful. In this way I answer my questions and gain an understanding for myself. Unlike the impression you give, I am not seeking to preach a gospel for people to follow like sheep. How I am supposed to provide these on a message board I do not know. The sources linked to by uncinus et al are perfectly good ones, but unacceptable to your side of the debate for reasons that are never explained, so what's the point? . I come here for DISCUSSION

What you mean in the next part is that you don't WANT to see which is the doctored photo or the difference in context for the translation. At least be honest. I speak German, I know what the commentary was saying. I know myself that it was about chaff, I also know that chaff is nothing at all to do with chemtrails or geoengineering and therefore it was misrepresented very badly. I can only tell you this, if you don't understand German yourself how on earth do you expect it to be proven? Do you know what chaff is and why using the video in this context was a complete fail? Are you aware of tne history of chaff, developed under the code name "window" during WW2 by the RAF's boffins? Look it up.

And to your last point, all I have ever seen YOU post is unsubstantiated fantasy. Worthless false evidence is not evidence at all. However you do have me on one point, I should have said evidence, not proof, mea culpa for that one.
edit on 13-11-2011 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

Where are all the photos of these microscopic computers?

If they're everywhere, surely someone as savvy as a chemtrail believer can gather the appropriate evidence to back up their claims....right?

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by waynos

Yeah, if you read your link correct, you´ll see that the lenght of the molecule is in the nanometers. I dont spread disinfo, I simply disagree with the title and the OP.
But before I "troll" another post here, I´ll leave this thread. Believe what you want OP, with your "documents" (why not include it in the OP???mh..)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

And for "not getting it right", I wrote that english is a foreign language to me! Please dont judge me just because I can not bring down what i want to say in english, thank you!

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by verschickter

Start a thread. since you dont read the links in this one. Your opinion is noted . . Should I Catalogue that under "Xpert Opinions" ? There are so many of you Xperts in every thread I create.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by verschickter
reply to post by waynos

Yeah, if you read your link correct, you´ll see that the lenght of the molecule is in the nanometers. I dont spread disinfo, I simply disagree with the title and the OP.
But before I "troll" another post here, I´ll leave this thread. Believe what you want OP, with your "documents" (why not include it in the OP???mh..)

I don't know what point you are referring to?

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by verschickter
reply to post by luxordelphi

And for "not getting it right", I wrote that english is a foreign language to me! Please dont judge me just because I can not bring down what i want to say in english, thank you!

Mathematics is a universal language. The sizes of molecules and nano particles are in the language of mathematics. You know exactly what you were saying and doing and so do I.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
reply to post by arbiture

Look into Raytheon's acquisition of Applied Signals Technology Inc. If you're familiar with RFID tags involved with warehouse storage facilities. It's a similar concept, using "smart dust" that is air born and can be tracked using a monitoring device. Which in this case would be satellites and Advanced radar/lidar systems.

Applied Signals Technology

Source Article

Applied Signal’s tactical signals and communications intelligence systems, data fusion and information operations/information assurance products, combined with Raytheon’s sensor technology, program management, mission support and system integration capabilities, will provide highly specialized solutions to an expanded range of intelligence and defense customers in the United States and around the world, Raytheon said.

I am aware of this technology and there is a difference between "smart dust" and current RFID's. Raytheon has some interesting technology, and I know a lot can be integrated with current systems to a point. Lidar/radar technology is not the same as can be integrated into current smart dust, save for an image that can serve as a template to build upon other systems as processing becomes more sophisticated then it is. Data fusion implies the coordination of data in scattered dust particles, and other things that would use spacial isolation of regions of particles, This is as far as I know not yet OS. Hence details are not possible. I will look deeper into Applied Signal Tech. I have a rather long file on some things they have done (no doubt Raytheon is interested) but will check counter-source's for further unassociated data. All OS of course, amazing what you can get on the net by knowing "how" to look. Companies, in particular public ones have a nasty habit of bragging. Bad idea guys, people pick up this and peek our interest. May I suggest a form of compartmentalization that protects even those things you don't know are valuable? Send me a private note this site if interested.

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