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Israeli company hired by government to spy on Pennsylvanians

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:05 AM

Israeli company hired by government to spy on Pennsylvanians

The surprise disclosure that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through its state Homeland Security Agency, along with a number of local police departments in the state, have been employing a private Israeli security company with strong links to Mossad and the Israeli Defense Force grows increasingly disturbing when the website of the company, called the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response, is examined.

ITRR's slick site at features a homepage image of an armor-clad soldier or riot policeman preparing to fire an automatic pistol, while the company boasts of b
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:05 AM
Well this is just more proof of the covert spying going on by these so called elites, these were prolly the guys in the shiny new boots in Toronto Canada at the last G20, more terrorist manipulation Bullisht, also infiltrating and spying on innocent disgruntled citizens that are unhappy about there controllers and there means of control, if only people organized for the good of one another so much money wasted and spent on bull like these man made orgs, for order out of chaos. the more I read about this the more disturbing it seems, what is wrong with america? like seriously WTF....
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:16 AM
The Security Industrial Complex is truly out of hand. Fed in large part with Stimulus Cash at the expense of the Tax Payer with Interest payable to the Banksters of the G-20. As you can see, no need spending the Stimulus money on stimulating our own economy, when it can be rained on foreign countries that themselves would like to see the United States as nothing but a politically correct police state to keep paying, paying, paying for their own pursuit of denying others liberty and happiness.

I guess it's easier for the government to provide an atmosphere of fear and anger, than it is jobs and quality of life.

Hopefully some Pennsylvanians will be putting their deer rifles to a much dearer use soon.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by seridium

Spying is the top priority domestically. Everyone is a terrorist until proven otherwise.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:47 AM
Pennsylvania's Governor, Ed Rendell needs to be thrown out on his rump for this whole affair.

How is it that Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer is not allowed to enforce the standing federal policy on illegal aliens, but Rendell got help from the feds and hired a foreign spy group to spy on law-abiding Pennsylvanians and that's okay?????

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:05 AM
The source, Arab News, a bastion of truth without agenda, is really inflating this. A contract for $125k/year is not enough to do much and this was mainly for the G20 meeting. This should get you about 16 people for a 40 hour week at a loaded billing rate of $200/hr. Add in some advance prep and shift work and you'd be lucky to have 5 people at any given time for the G20 event. As it was, not much happened because Pittsburgh is not on the world stage and protests are public theater. I also noted that the writer is a little fuzzy with easily checked facts; there is no "University of Philadelphia;" there is Philadelphia University. Maybe he plagiarized a bad source.

My firearms will stay in the gun safe for now.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:31 AM
not only arab news

The group says the spying was revealed after the director of the state agency mistakenly sent an email about it to an environmentalist instead of to the natural gas industry.

The Coalition claims that "Defendants retaliated against plaintiff's speech by including plaintiff in a prolonged and secret campaign of domestic surveillance and incorporated the results of such surveillance into tri-weekly 'Pennsylvania Intelligence Bulletins' which expressly reported on plaintiff's conduct along with the conduct of actual known terrorist organizations.

Group hired to provide intelligence for Pa. tracked array of activists

State Homeland Security Director James Powers told The Patriot-News last week that he didn’t know if the private contractor hired to provide intelligence was tracking groups of activists.

Still not enough?

Is that sufficient or would you like more because there is ALOT more

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by pteridine

Yeah exactly these groups are hired to act out at conferences like the G20 and then run amuck and get many arrested and make protesting look so evil and un beneficial sicko's I hope they all die a horrible death I really do, people that are in this world for domination or control or power whatever it is they are after must be stopped one way or another.
If only us working men and women could get out of tax brackets that keep paying for this non sense spy bull# life would be much better, just realize all you sheep pay for these things to happen do neo conservative manifesto's.

edit on 113030p://upWednesday by seridium because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:19 AM
I am always stunned by some peoples responses...but i know i shouldn't be...but with all the communication and the ability for people to get infoo and to be able to wake up and not be fooled by TPTB ....alot still actually believe that their precious govenment has their interest at heart.
When will people especially on here begin to learn that there is a group of Elite trying to get complete and total control of the governments of the world and that they will use whatever means possible to get it.
They lie ...the swindle they set themselves into the seat of power not by being elected but by being in the key points that traverse the elected officials and stay there through party change.
It fills my heart with hope everytime i see those precious words....i used to believe what i was told...and then i WOKE UP.
It is not about being is about knowing when you are being BS'D When people tell you who controls the media we dont do it cause it makes us feel good we do it cause it will be good for the human race,When we say that recessions are created as a manor of control by the Elite it is not cause we are bitter cause there is no flow of is because it used against us as a manor of control.
When we say that there are private security companies hired to do the job that the police are more than capable of is not cause we are afraid it is because they are used for a manor of control.
I personally could not give a S*%t about American policy....but i do care about the human race...We are all in danger of being completely controlled....And it will not be nice.
The Elite are making moves to control the Entire i want to see those words more and more...cause that is what will be need....those lovely words.....I HAVE WOKE UP.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by pteridine
There is a story here.

Check out this thread, started right after Governor Ed Rendell apologized for keeping lists, spying and disseminating the lists to PRIVATE gas drilling companies.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by seridium

$125k/year doesn't get much in the way of intel gathering by a contractor. I think we are safe from spies.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by seridium

I think we are safe from spies.


Did you read up on the rest of the story? DHS was involved, and Gov. Rendell gave lists of law abiding citizens to Marcellus Shale Producers, a private consortium. He apologized after the story got out and he was getting some flak about it.

The government working hand-in-hand with industry, text definition of fascism.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:22 AM
Didnt know this was going on in my state, wonder what their intentions really are.


edit on 9/30/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13
Here is a link to yet another thread about the matter:

This sucks and some heads should roll for this.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

Thanks I will take a look.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Everyday my argument gains more ground, continuously. I bang the drums against this world charade known as Globalization. This Globalization is not about freedom and movement of goods, people and ideas, it's about the free movement of labor, power and control. The results we continue to see on a daily basis and now we are seeing another side effect of this menace, Israeli companies spying in America.

Just 50 years ago if this had occurred whoever offered that contract would lose their job and the Israeli company would be booted out, but now the man/woman who signed the contract will face no penalties past rhetorical words on camera and this event will be downplayed until everyone forgets about it.

The Internationals don't believe in national borders, respect of culture or sovereignty, because that would not permit them to do things such as this.

It's bad enough that we are being spied on, but now we even have to hire foreign companies to do the spying!? I mean seriously!

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