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A real CURE for AIDS, Hepititis, Cancer, Herpes etc, for less than the price of a night out!

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:56 AM
In 1992 Dr Stephen Kaali applied for a patent (#5,139,684 Kaali & Schwolsky 8-18-92) for his recently discovered cure for AIDS. []

This discovery by Kaali and Lyman in the Fall of 1990 at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, N.Y.C. in 1990 was the centerpiece of Dr. Bob Beck's lectures on blood electrification. Kaali and Lyman re-discovered something that Dr. Robert O. Becker had also came upon in the 1970's and 80's in that direct current applied at very low voltage, delivered in the 50-100 microampere range effected amazing cellular response and achieved the de-activation of pathogenic organisms.

Bob Beck later went on to develop a non-invasive use of this technology using a simple $50 build-it-yourself 'zapper'.

Beck claims to have cured hundreds of people at his own expense via local hospital co-operation whilst collecting copious amounts of confirmatory data.

Before the die-hard allopath zealots begin crying bogus, do a bit of background checking on Beck (and for that matter, Kaali and Becker too who both played for the home-team not the hippies lol ).

Beck was no slouch, having won many prestigious prizes for his work on neuro-entrainment devices (he developed the 'black box' that got Pete Townsend and many others off Heroine).

PhD in physics from the University of Southern California, Dr. Beck is better known as a researcher and inventor improving upon other's inventions.

For what it's worth, Beck was nominated for the Nobel Prize by a Mexican hospital for his work developing an AIDS cure.

Here's one of Beck's papers: Dr. Bob Beck on Blood Electrification for cleansing, parasite zapping, neutralization of HIV, etc. []

This is a rare video, taken in 1996 at Ventura College. The video quality is awful, but the content makes up for it (2 hrs):

"You can have a 100% cure for AIDS ... You can do it yourself, and it is cheap ... You will never have a cold again ... This is the best investment that you can make in your health ... And we guarantee it ... We have stacks of testimonials, hundreds of astounding spontaneous remissions, and we have medical records to prove it ... It will work. Not maybe ... It is the most valuable information that I have ever seen. It is the best that our science can offer today in the hospitals and clinics of America. [Interview with Dr. Beck, 1997]."

I was originally alerted to Beck on ATS by a poster on my DIY Cancer Treatment thread who claimed to have cured his own AIDS. I clicked the link he gave and then promptly forgot about it for a week or two, as I was inundated with alternative health info.

A week or two later, I took the time out to begin watching the video, then immediately found a source for Beck's instruments (I just don't have the luxury of time to build them myself).

Since then, I've read much more on Beck and listened to audio interviews with him. He never had a website (Beck claims he avoided the net in order to minimize the targetting of FDA, who arrived at his house one morning at 3am, guns drawn!), so all info must be dug out from alternative type websites.

I'm also half way through Robert O Becker's book 'The Body Electric', which is absolutely fascinating work on electricity and cell regeneration. You can find this for free on Scribd.

A nice page on Beck here with more reports:

Beck dedicated the last decade of his life to working in the electo-medicine field. He kept all his discoveries OPEN-SOURCE, publishing detailed and complete plans on how to reproduce his results affordably at home. A true humanitarian?

Preferred electrifiers must generate a 3.9 Hz (not critical) biphasic sharp-rise-time square wave, +/- 27 volt peak adjustable output, 50% duty cycle, capable of delivering several milliamperes into a low resistance load at skin surface (+/- 2000 ohm impedance) which after losses in tissue resistance delivers the necessary 50 to 100 microamperes through flowing blood.

This suppressed medical discovery is proving to neutralize or eliminate all parasites and their mycotoxins, fungi, viruses, microbes, germs, pathogens, bacteria, or any other foreign invaders in blood without drugs.

There are no known side effects to healthy cells, tissue, or fluids. Elimination of blood pathogens can be verified by examining blood under dark field/phase contrast microscopy.

I am shocked that ATS has very little discussion about this man, who appears to have made one of the greatest contributions to human health. There's also a mouth-watering conspiracy issue in it too: plenty of documented data and fairly obvious mainstream suppression.(See Science News, March 30, 1991, page 207; and Longevity, December 1992 page 14.)

I am currently now using the 'Beck Protocol' on myself (I'm fairly healthy, but a few niggling issues that I'd like to handle) and feel after a week already far more energy and have lost about 3kg in weight (Beck himself claims to have lost 130 pounds without changing his diet or exercise routine, and postulates the reason for this in the above linked video). I've experienced the odd Herxheimer reaction (detox) so am convinced something is going on. The issues I wanted to deal with are already abating.

My mum began the protocol a few days ago, as we had to first finish our herbal cleansing of liver and kidneys. Beck advises against using any herbal or allopathic medication whilst on the protocol, due to the effect of 'electroporation' enhancing the 'accessability' of the cells by up to 30x. He did find, however, that drinking ozonated water and colloidal/ionic silver massively increased the effectiveness of the protocol.

Obviously, we will not be able to draw conclusions about the Beck Protocol on my mum's cancer, as we are using several alternative cure methodologies, so who knows which one will have made the most difference at the end of the day. Mum (who already looks 100x better by the way) is booked in for a sigmoidoscopy at the end of July, so I will post the results of the current state of her bowel tumor on the DIY Cancer thread at the appropriate time.

Whatever the case, I am fully confident Beck's contribution to the health of humanity is deserved of much more attention than it is getting. If you are currently suffering from ANY form of pathogen caused disease or illness, from the common cold to Epstein Bar, from Hepititis B or C to AIDS, I highly recommend you check out Bob Beck's work.

Now, over to the peanut gallery

[edit on 20/6/10 by RogerT]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by RogerT

Cheers RogerT,

I'll have a look at the video.

If it works as described, this will be the 2nd or 3rd biggest conspiracy news of all time.

Thanks S&F.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:12 AM
because people don't want people to get cured that's why, the government would rather charge you to die and keep the population down.

great find s & f

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Absolutely brilliant find - I've been lurking here a while but have never felt compelled to register here until now. This is potentially the biggest cover-up in medical history, and one which desperately needs bringing to everyone's attention. The implications of this getting out to the masses are HUGE, and I sincerely hope it does. I'm watching the video now, and will be passing the link on to anyone I can think of.

Be sure to let us know how things go with your mum, too.

My first S&F.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:28 AM
Thanks for the early responses.

Regardless of the conspiracies behind any sort of cover-up or suppression, there is ample evidence and information in the field of electro-medicine to make a strong case.

I invite the pro-allopath 'science' dudes of ATS to come debunk Bob Beck and blood electrification as a valid CURE for diseases that allopathy labels incurable (or has a miserable record of success with).

If there is fraud or trickery going on here, please help expose it, and if you fail to find any, here is a test of scientific integrity - will you continue to recommend and defend the barbaric procedures and dismal failure record of conventional allopathic treatments for such diseases?

[edit on 20/6/10 by RogerT]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:29 AM
hm. It's great that it zaps all those pathogens and viruses!

Problem is, what else does it zap?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
hm. It's great that it zaps all those pathogens and viruses!

Problem is, what else does it zap?

You can bet I think the same thoughts as the thing sits on my wrist

That's why I did more reading. The original research of Kaali is one place to start. The Body Electric is another (but it's a 300 page book, written by a research medical doctor, so needs a wee bit of commitment).

If you're happy to take their word for it, then I'll sum it up for you:

... as far as anyone knows so far, healthy cells are not impacted in any negative way ...

How's that?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:34 AM
This will be an incredible project for ATS members to validate. I'll do my part.

This is comparable to that other thread I read a few weeks ago about the dangers of Mercury and hidden cures (some dude lived in alaska, or something) - can't even remember, now.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:34 AM
Sounds interesting, is he selling a book ?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by mazzroth

He's dead, so not selling anything

Watch the Beck video, he xerox's his papers and charges people only for the kinko cost. If they say they can't afford 3 bucks, he gives it to them for free.

I don't think he was doing any of this for money

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by RogerT

Great thread, cheers.

First of all, I wish you and your mother all the best. I hope she pulls through.

Secondly, did you build the box yourself, and if you did can you tell us how you did that?

If not did you buy one and what did it cost?

Thanks again for the great post.

[edit on 20/6/10 by atlasastro]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:47 AM
Now you aren't talking about a TENS machine or an Interferential Unit are you? I had one of these for years as a teenager (it was my parents) It sent a pretty darn strong electrical current through the muscles (enough to visibly see the muscles draw up) when the electrodes were applied to different muscles.

Being the typical lazy teen who wanted more muscles but didn't want to exercise I'd strap those 12 pads all over me and watch tv for a couple of hours.

Same concept or different? I know I still had Mono and Scarlett Fever during that same year

edit for typos as usual

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Bachrk]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:47 AM
This is one thing i would definately try if i could get my hands on such a machine. If you find someone who sells these kind of machines (or even DIY kits) please post info here

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by RogerT

Sounds fantastic, but it's the "as far as anyone knows so far..... it doesn't damage......."
That I'm apprehensive about.

But it's an intriguing prospect, and I hope you will keep us informed of what is going on with it.

It does seem rational that whatever else it damaged would be known right away.....and could be easily determined with simple tests. Now about those things that might somehow...shall we say...mutate later later.

I think studies have been done on people who have been accidentally electrocuted, and lived of course. There might be some revealing information on those, concerning any internal changes. I know those folks sometimes have damaged nerve endings which can be painful, of course those occurrences would have been uncontrolled and undirected.

Anyway, good subject matter. It certainly bears looking into.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

This will be an incredible project for ATS members to validate. I'll do my part.

This is comparable to that other thread I read a few weeks ago about the dangers of Mercury and hidden cures (some dude lived in alaska, or something) - can't even remember, now.

Holy crap, I found it! check this out....

While reading THIS thread, The Monsanto Created 2010 Food Crisis Brings All Other NWO Agenda Items to Completion, which highlights the supposed manufactured shortage of food around the world by this company (Monsanto) by controlling the pricing, availability, and effectiveness (regenerative capabilities) of the seeds of the world...

...I apparently came across another subject (since I see it mentioned nowhere else in the thread) that I guess was linked to other sites within and eventually came across...

A Movie called "The Beautiful Truth"**, which you can probably wiki, Google, ATS, or find other information about "Gerson Therapy", that although controversial itself, did reveal tons of interesting information regarding the FDA, nutrition, health, medicine, and astonishingly flouride and mercury concerns. I highly recommend watching the whole series.

Oh, S&F.


posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by RogerT
Firstly, let me thank you for taking the time to share this with us.
I may have missed it in your posts but where does one buy one of these zappers?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
hm. It's great that it zaps all those pathogens and viruses!

Problem is, what else does it zap?

How about 'snakebite'! I did a small modification on the contact points on one of those cheap handheld stun guns. Also works for

I had talked about this in another thread sometime ago about alternative medicines and posted the findings. Let me go back in 'my account' and see if I can find it.

EDIT-Here's one about ozone therapy

2nd edit- Here's the one about snake bite

[edit on 20-6-2010 by geo1066]

[edit on 20-6-2010 by geo1066]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by geo1066

Yes geo, but the trick there is to zap the bee, wasp, mosquito,or snake actually WITH the apparatus, causing it's demise BEFORE it bites you.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by RogerT

Can you give a direct link to this I cant seem to bring it up on scrib.

I'm also half way through Robert O Becker's book 'The Body Electric', which is absolutely fascinating work on electricity and cell regeneration. You can find this for free on Scribd.

I keep getting manuals on the wrong thing.
Thanks stacie

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:04 AM
thank you for that.
have an acquaintance who is a state-employed cancer researcher (he is of like mind!) and every ounce of solid information i can get to him is worth alot. so yeh, thanks, shall look further into it.

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