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A REAL Cure For ALL Cancers! Capsaicin- Here's The Recipe...

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+117 more 
posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:34 AM
I have a close friend that was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, this set in motion my quest for a "natural" solution to his potentially fatal problem.

While In conversation with an old friend one day a passerby overhead the details of our discussion which at the time happened to be about my friends lung cancer.

This gentleman went on to say that he had literally just cured his wife after 4 weeks from fatal Leukemia, the doctors are baffled he continued. He suggested I do some research on Capsaicin, that's what I did and guess what I found?

A TON of scientific evidence to back up his claim, it really appears that this miracle ingredient can kill the cancer cells, disrupt their mitochondria so they literally turn on themselves without damaging the surrounding healthy cells. Do a quick Google search for yourself and you will see exactly what I'm talking about.

Needless to say, my friend will be starting his regime in the next day or two...I will keep you updated as to the results.

"Kelley Eidem, the “inventor” of a novel “recipe” to erase cancerous tumors, is the accomplished author of what I consider a very important book, The Doctor Who Cures Cancer. The physician whose outstanding achievements and lifework are thoroughly covered in this work* is Dr. Emanuel Revici who from my impression stands heads and shoulders above possibly all others who have gone before

Based upon what Kelley Eidem had learned when researching and writing his book on the life work of Dr. Revici, he devised a simple formula that (coupled with the serene conviction that he could do it) helped him heal stage 4 cancer in a matter of a few weeks. This was over a decade ago.

While he adds that "... curing deadly cancer is probably almost as easy as curing deadly scurvy, the results are still early". He does have some impressive responses from several people both with cancer and other afflictions who have tried his "recipe" with varying degrees of success.
Of course, as in many if not most cancer cures, the power of the mind as expressed in the will to live and confidence in the healing power of the human body has surely played a minor (or major) part in these improvements as well (compare stories illustrating the dramatic impact of the well-known placebo effect).

Here is Kelley Eidem's short (but anything but sweet!) recipe.

(1) Freshly grate one habaneros pepper each day and put it on bread (persons unable to tolerate peppers can substitute freshly grated ginger (never from a jar).

(2) Freshly grate two cloves of garlic each day and put them on bread (since the "potent active ingredients from the peppers and the garlic disperse quickly... they must be grated each day, and eaten immediately". The bread used by Eidem was high quality Ezekiel sprouted bread [possibly found in the freezer section of health food stores]

(3) Take 1-2 tablespoons of emulsified cod liver oil [or in certain cases evening primrose oil, see further details below] each day.

(4) Smother the grated garlic and habaneros peppers with real butter and eat it. No margarines of any type.

The use of both hot peppers (which contain capsaicin) and garlic as well as ginger is actually backed up by "mainstream" scientific research as all of these have been found to have anti-cancer activity, to wit for instance the article "How spicy foods can kill cancers" found at

"Pepper Component Hot Enough To Trigger Suicide In Prostate Cancer Cells" published at

Cod liver oil and evening primrose oil respectively are described as helping to balance an "off-balance" metabolism. Which of these oils to ingest depends on whether a person's metabolism is too anabolic or too catabolic. This is based on Dr. Revici's discovery of the "dualistic" nature of cancer.

According to Dr. Revici's observations and research results cancer is caused by an imbalance between constructive ("anabolic") and destructive ("catabolic") bodily processes and hence only able to "thrive" in a person whose metabolism is out of balance, namely either too anabolic or too catabolic.

Whether your metabolism is one or the other can be deduced and/or determined by observation of your "pain pattern" and/or by your reaction to ingesting (certain) foods as well as other factors such as urine pH as observed over the longer term.

For instance someone who has “overly alkaline” urine, fluid retention, sunken eyes, diarrhea, inability to sleep, loses weight and appetite, or has a drop in his or her blood pressure, shows typical evidence of a catabolic imbalance, while someone suffering from high blood pressure, sleepiness, frequent urination, constipation and “overly acidic” urine displays symptoms of being too anabolic.

Depending on which imbalance is present, the person with cancer will have a pH (measured from urine) which is either too high or too low in a rather consistent manner (this in contradistinction to a healthy person whose pH will markedly fluctuate in the course of the day).

To help correct a catabolic imbalance, Kelley Eidem suggests using evening primrose oil, while taking emulsified cod liver oil is indicated for those who are too anabolic.

Since most people seem to be too acidic which according to Kelley Eidem "translates into being too anabolic if they stay too acidic too long", the standard recipe listed above features taking emulsified cod liver oil.

As you can see, taking the oil indicated for you is a central part of this natural treatment approach."

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by discl0sur3

Please, please PLEASE WATCH "THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH"!! give the info to you're friend and tell him I wish him well and know that it can be beaten.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Thank you my friend, I will pass it on.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:50 AM
Iread an article in Nexus magazine about a canadian researcher that used Essaic with a great deal of positive was made from 4 herbs the main one being sheeps sorrell.apparently the canadian government closed her down and destroyed her research.I will try to locate the link

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by discl0sur3

Awesome thread, and more people need to know about this.

I have been slooowly working my tolerance of spicy food up for the past year or so. I started by eating jalapenos, then I moved on to putting Cayenne Pepper in my food in varying degrees. After eating the Cayenne Pepper for a while my tolerance has grown and I've been able to eat Habanero peppers in my meals.

I swear I will make it to the ghost pepper and make my body inhospitable to cancer.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:41 AM
The habanero would not only make the cancer cells commit suicide but the person eating it! LOL!

It sounds like an awesome thing to try. Maybe even every few months go through a whole cleansing routine using this as the only food maybe.

I've heard a lot about peppers but I've also heard that peppers can cause gastric cancers. Can anyone clarify?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:42 AM
thank you very much for sharing! i will share this information with as many as possible!

+14 more 
posted on May, 18 2010 @ 04:33 AM
CBD a cannabinoiid found in cannabis has been found to kill a protein that feeds tumors.

guy named rick simpson has a recipe for some hemp oil that will cure most cancers.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 04:37 AM
Very interesting read, thanks for posting.

Peppers and hot spices are very good for your health, but the healing properties of garlic should never be ignored. It's a very powerful healing 'tool'.

I wish your friend well and a speedy recoverey.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 05:13 AM
If nothing else, he should make sure he eats alkaline foods. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline body. Obviously not completely alkaline, but 80/20. The chart at the bottom of this page is very helpful. I don't know about the rest of the information there, I didn't read it - but that chart has a huge list of alkaline and acid foods and a bit of other information. Sady, it cant be enlarged there

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 06:29 AM
I don't doubt that there are cures for all diseases out there and they hide it from us. I have read some interesting things over the years about disease and the cures we have right in our homes or in the store. I know some people I can pass this information on to. Thanks for sharing this.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by discl0sur3
He suggested I do some research on Capsaicin, that's what I did and guess what I found?

A TON of scientific evidence to back up his claim, it really appears that this miracle ingredient can kill the cancer cells, disrupt their mitochondria so they literally turn on themselves without damaging the surrounding healthy cells. Do a quick Google search for yourself and you will see exactly what I'm talking about.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:36 AM
I make a highly, highly concentrated liquid tonic from habaneros, garlic, onion, ginger and horseradish. I use 1 pound of each. It makes enough to last me 5-6 months. Aside from the fresh veggies, ALL you need is a one gallon glass jar and a grater.

Here's the recipe:

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:37 AM
I am wondering, if these are so effective then why aren't all those that have been cured by such means come forward with their documented proof? They should have blood tests, MRIs, X-rays, etc that show the terminal cancer and then show it being completely gone. If they could compile a decent collection of these miracles I am sure that they would get much more credibility.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Bilder
Iread an article in Nexus magazine about a canadian researcher that used Essaic with a great deal of positive was made from 4 herbs the main one being sheeps sorrell.apparently the canadian government closed her down and destroyed her research.I will try to locate the link

If you are able to track this link down it would be much appreciated. Although Capsaicin looks promising, we're not ready to put all of our proverbial eggs in one basket just yet. Thanks for your post.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by DJM8507
I am wondering, if these are so effective then why aren't all those that have been cured by such means come forward with their documented proof? They should have blood tests, MRIs, X-rays, etc that show the terminal cancer and then show it being completely gone. If they could compile a decent collection of these miracles I am sure that they would get much more credibility.

I've read many testimonies although I do understand these opinions are subjective. I'm currently searching for scientifically documented success stories, I'll post my findings....

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:46 AM
I am one to believe that a healthy mind is paramount in this situation. If the mind doesn't want to fight, neither does the body. The mind and the body are not as separate from each other as some might like to believe.

I strongly believe that if your friend were to take a drug called MDMA, even just one time, it would be enough to heal his mind and give him the willpower he needs to fight this thing.

here's an article on MDMA, that I think you might find very interesting:

... and here's a little snippet:

"In one night with six hours worth of an MDMA therapeutic session, we managed to cure every emotional problem we had that was associated with the cancer," Stevens said.

PS I believe MDMA is schedule III in Canada, which means, it is possible to get it prescribed there.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by sliceNodice]

+59 more 
posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by discl0sur3

I am a long time lurker and 1st time poster. My wife has been diagnosed with a unclassified sarcoma cancer in her abdomen area. She has a 60% chance of it spreading to her lungs within 5 years. She is on treatment chemo-radiation. She just read the OP’s post and she said let’s try it. So how about we do this here online and give you real updates on the progress!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by DJM8507
I am wondering, if these are so effective then why aren't all those that have been cured by such means come forward with their documented proof? They should have blood tests, MRIs, X-rays, etc that show the terminal cancer and then show it being completely gone. If they could compile a decent collection of these miracles I am sure that they would get much more credibility.

These people are coming forward. It is just that your trusted media is not giving them the time of day to be heard. How could you be so dense about that time honored method? Or perhaps you are just being coy?

Also, I don't think that they need to come to you. But perhaps if you are truly inquisitive about cancer cures than you should go to them. Sound like a novel idea?

Here is a link to Run From the Cure on Youtube that has plenty of people swearing that their cancer vanished and the man
(Rick Simpson) who was able to bring those people forward in a court of law in order to exonerate himself as to what pure Hemp Oil does to cancer:

The more you learn about the people that the OP talked about and the man that I gave you information on being obscured by official media channels and authorities in general than the more you will understand that there are wealthy vested interests who have major stakes in keeping this subject as quiet as possible. It does not take an over abundance of intelligence to understand why. And it only takes a small amount of effort with an open mind to find these answers now.

Is your mind open?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by brianman

great idea!, I hope if you do this all goes well and your wife starts to return to good health soon, never give up hope

good luck!!

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