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ATS website mentioned to me by FBI agent today...ON A TRAFFIC STOP![UPDATE]

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Technically there should be no federal police.

Law enforcement should be handled by the individual states and local governments.

"Even an FBI limited only to investigations was not accepted until this century. Yet today, fueled by the Federal Government's misdirected war on drugs, radical environmentalism, and the aggressive behavior of the nanny state, we have witnessed the massive buildup of a virtual army of armed regulators prowling the States where they have no legal authority. The sacrifice of individual responsibility and the concept of local government by the majority of American citizens has permitted the army of bureaucrats to thrive." -- Ron Paul (September 17, 1997)

The FBI is a gang, and criminal organization that masquerades as law enforcement, a large group of agents and operatives feed off of corruption, extortion and bribery and, when pay-off and risk are manageable they will facilitate criminal activity.

They have a public image, and they have a side few have seen, and lived to talk about.

The FBI is growing, gaining even more powers and ultimately will supersede any state and local law enforcement when and where it suites them to do so.

Are FBI agents interested in ATS members?

Depends entirely on who the ATS members are and who they have been communicating with here.

Are you on their radar?

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Fractured.Facade]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Actually it's like a powder-blue and a 94 model. And I use it as a patrol car at work. But you see--my captain also owns a body-shop on the side. And he said he'd paint it for me any color I want. I'm debating whether I should have it painted a dark titanium gray OR dark navy blue. Not sure. lol

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Marked One

Certainly the grey would be nice.

My wife always comments on how she wished my car was Graphite Grey.

If we ever get the money for that I will get the full paint job done on it.

On a side not he must be a very busy guy with a shop and his main job. Does he sleep or have robot slaves?


posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by Marked One

Certainly the grey would be nice.

My wife always comments on how she wished my car was Graphite Grey.

If we ever get the money for that I will get the full paint job done on it.

On a side not he must be a very busy guy with a shop and his main job. Does he sleep or have robot slaves?


He sleeps. But he manages. And he does have a couple guys working for him.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by thecrow001

Nice to know this site has been noticed for its educated people as much as nutters.

Don't bluff yourself. Educated people cause more hell than nutters. Nutters just walk around yelling and screaming none sense while being paranoid. Educated people use the nutters mental and emotional weakness to there advantage.

What that advantage is? I don't know, how about convincing a country to attack another country for reason nobody knows (ie the US vs Iraq)

Educated people tell you what's right to do (ie INVEST IN HOUSING IN THE US before last year)

Educated people tell you the climate is changing, while other educated people tell you it is not.

Educated people can be the greatest weasels ever. Gotta love'em though, we play the game right.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Liking your train of thought here Mr Mask...

Sadly, I seem to fit into the 'crazy' sub-division of ATS membership; however, I'm not all crackers. I will post some interesting and non-paranoid threads at some point in the future.. Star and Flag to OP.

"Interesting Times....."

PS - if the UK government are watching, please give me a sign..!

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 06:35 PM

I'm curious, have you seen the show "The Wire," and what are your thoughts on the show, it's realism and it's point of view?

If so, how realistic was the interplay between the FBI and the local cops on the series? Both where they did get along and where things got screwed up politically between them.

Originally posted by BoSock
Educated people can be the greatest weasels ever. Gotta love'em though, we play the game right.

Hey! As an educated person, I would be offended by that if I didn't have a sense of humor.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by LifeInDeath

The wire is good. I have only seen a few episodes, but having worked narcotics in a city atmosphere I can say there are many similarities. If people only knew what goes on out on these streets.

As for locals and the feds...its like anything else. Both have outstanding officers working for them, but both have complete douchbags working for them. The feds are of course made to look glamorous because of TV and Hollywood, but the truth of the matter is the local police have more interaction with criminals and do most of the feds leg work. Any true special agent from any alphabet agency will tell you that MOST of their cases are built on the backs of uniformed officers and detectives on the street at the local levels. Normally what you find is the guys on the ground get along. The agents and officers can work pretty good together and solve a lot of cases...but the issues arise when the ahole command staffs get involved. When they get involved so does politics and the penis comparisons. Everyone wants to take the credit, everyone wants their face on the news, or name in the paper as "the man" who solved the case or caught the bad guy.

Example. Last week we had to serve a warrant on a guy wanted by the ATF and FBI here in Atlanta. Our SWAT team has better equipment and we train more then the fed guys and they knew it so they let us kick in the door. There was no issues, no egos, we helped them, they helped us, bad guy in custody. Well the FBI SAC here was pissed because "HIS" HRT guys weren't mind you their assembly time, response time, and knowledge of this man and his house weren't something he wanted to was all about how HE looked....SAD! Luckily for us the agents on the ground were all good guys and we have zero hard feelings with them...just their boss!

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

You should watch the Wire all the way through from the beginning, I think you may love it. It's not the kind of show that's episodic - the story starts in episode 1 of Season 1 and doesn't really end until the final episode of Season 5. So don't expect a "case of the week" kind of show. The investigations they do sometimes span a single season, or even several seasons. The cop parts of the show are very much about the long, slow process of building a major case (as well as the internal politics of the police department). The show gets into other areas, too, like city politics, the education system and the intersect of the press with the police and politics.

The stuff in the show with the feds is not a major aspect of it (well, it sort of is in Season 2), but it seemed pretty interesting to me. There is one particular agent they deal with a lot who's great, but when they get into some politics with his higher-ups, things get more complicated.

My dad was a parole officer in Baltimore, where the show is set, and he knows many of the people several characters are based on (cops, judges AND criminals), and to him it all seemed very, very real. He dealt with a lot of the same sort of political bulls*** in the parole system that the police deal with all the time in the show.

[edit on 4/20/2010 by LifeInDeath]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 10:13 PM
Sounds like bunk to me.
Just more fabricated ATS praise.

Yay, Conspiracy Chicks!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I am not really surprised or overly concerned to know this. Anyone who is a member of ATS and thought somehow that it had slipped below the radar should probably seek help with delusions.

Seriously though I think it was always assumed that if you are going to talk about controversial things, you are going to be watched by those that are bound to try and keep you in the dark about those things.
Society overall is a big dumb herd grazing in the pasteurs of primetime television, however those that have not been totally blinded by the veil of modern society are gathered in mass here. Not that everyone on ATS is awake and aware but most are at least on their way.
I admit that when I was younger and my desire to get to the bottom of these subjects was rising far beyond what could be satisfied from the current sources of research at that time I had considered a career in one of the intelligience agencies with the mindset that being on the inside may be one of the only ways to know what was really going on. Life however had other plans in store for me and I decided to continue my research in an environment in which I controlled to some extent what I knew and did not have to report it to anyone else. That in addition to my natural distrust of the government from as early as I can remember. I am really not sure where that came from. Both my parents were brainwashed head nodders supporting everything said and done by our government for as far back as I can remember. I don't ever recall having anyone of influence in my life with that sort of disposition, and yet when I had my first UFO sighting the idea of reporting it... crossed my mind for about a split second and was promptly dismissed. I do believe that was the first time that the subject had ever come up to me and my reaction was pretty much instant.
I have to wonder if some of the feds here are not similar in that perhaps they went into their vocation for the same reasons I had considered it. If that is the case perhaps we have some friends on the inside. People who are searching for truth and fighting to make sure that it does not stay in the hands of those who would only use it as a tool to keep the rest of us under their thumb.

Might be wishful thinking. However my life experiences have led me to the understanding that anything is possible, no matter how unlikely and illogical it may seem. So I keep my mind open and don't sweat things like this that much anymore. Oh don't get me wrong. I won't be reporting UFO sightings, possible contact of paranormal activity to any official source anytime soon, ATS is as official as it gets for me in that case, but I am not worried about a few curious gov peeps peeking in on our conversations. Who knows, maybe some of them who were not awake will start to wake up just from being here.
In any case. *cheers*

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:34 AM
lol its interesting but it could just be coincidence if a officer is a member then whats to say other authority figures higher up are not if this site was that big of a issue to the gov. it would be shutdown when u try to visit u would see a page saying website has been seized by the fbi/ice or web page doesnt exist something like that

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Awesome thread. Hopefully all the paranoia cases will settle down now. & I agree with the agent.. how the hell do people dream some of this up? and likewise on the other hand that there are some sharp people with great information. I guess it's like it's always been, use our keen senses, intellect and understanding to sift through the sea of idiocy to find the true rare gems and treasures buried on this site.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by tauschen]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Sorry, but I call BS. I would have believed the story if the fella that was going to be seen by the FBI was a member of ATS. Otherwise I seriously doubt any law enforcement officer is going to bring up ATS to a total stranger.

Unless of course they are really watching YOU!

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical
well some of it for fun like , keep them out were a foil hat yes there are them that have the NEED for it, then there is the what if it does not mean it is true it is just a what if what if J. E. Hoover was a cross dresser? so what? so what if Roswell was indeed a UFO cover up. if the FEDs or the GOV came out today and said yes we did and yes there was , there would be them, thous, and us that would say, shout, tell, and yell about how it is nothing but a cover up, so what.

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