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a look at the other side: My Near Death Experience...

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:30 PM
I too have loved reading NDE accounts for years. A very famous one that brought tears to my eyes and gave me a high that lasted for days(yours got tears welling up for me too--God and life are indeed so beautiful; death is a mystical and glorious secret!) is the NDE of Howard Storm. You can probably find it by googling it.

Seeker, thank you so much for sharing.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
a very umbling experience, for every bad deed I had committed I re-lived not just from my part, but also experienced what it had done to anyone else involved.

Fascinating. The thought of this is actually making me rethink my outlook on things. I want to be a good person but my whole life I've come off as pessimistic towards my parents and grandparents, but outside of them people know me as optimistic and friendly. Time to rethink!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:54 PM
You mean your near death drug trip, whatever you see close to death is brought on by a chemical released from your pineal gland.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
This particular part of my sojourn here began in 1980 when I was severly injured in a fall; I busted 3 discs in my back, tore the ulna nerve loose in my left arm,cracked my left hip, and broke my left shoulder blade; needless to say I spent a lot of time in the hospital being put back together.

During a test on my spinal cord commonly called a mylegram, I had a severe reaction to the iodine the Drs. injected into my spinal cord, my blood pressure hit 280/270 and I went into cardiac arrest; I was clinically dead for 33 minutes, no heart beat, zero brainwave activity; when my heart decided to restart on it's own (the drs. had already given up and were sending me to the morgue) I was put in icu, for they expected me to have massive brain damage and to basically to be a veggie from then on; needless to say they got excited when I woke up the next day and had all my senses and mental faculties working as good as they ever had.

When my hear stopped I suddenly felt a yanking sensation and then I was looking down at my body on the table and at all the drs and nurses as they tried to revive me, the realisation that,hey, I must be dead hitting me and the feeling was actually one of relief as a brilliant white light started to grow arond me, yet a tube-like tunnel appeared directly in front of me and I was drawn into it and travelled some distance to suddenly be in the most beautiful land I have ever seen, green grass, babbling brooks of pristine water, a sky so blue it dazzled the eyes;

as I looked around at all the beauty before me I was approached by this glowing ball of pure energy that proceeded to surround me and engulf me with a feeling I can only describe as pure love; the next little while I relived every event of my life up until the moment of my death, and it was a very umbling experience, for every bad deed I had committed I re-lived not just from my part, but also experienced what it had done to anyone else involved.

I was also shown a list of things that I had chosen to experience in that lifetime,what I had accomplished, and how many were left undone, and had to judge myself on how well I had done each thing.

Afer the being released me, I was approached by a group of what I will call elders, for they were dressed in long robes and all had long flowing hair and beards, and i was lead to a room where i was seated before them and we talked of many things, I was shown many things on a large screen on one wall, scenes from my life, and from many previous life cycles, both here on earth and stretching far into the past to other worlds and other galaxys.

to sum it up and not make this too boring, I was given a lot of information, about me, about why things are as they are, and what to expect and what needs to be changed in order for us the people to move upward and onward on our journey home.

Any here that have had an nde are most welcome to share it with us, it is looked forward to and anticipated with a smile; to me it is just much needed assurance and many questions answerd that have made my journey easier.

thanks for stopping by.


that is NUTS. cant imagine how i would feel about it. (nuts as in mind boggling not fiction ha)

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:00 PM
What are some of things you talked about with the elders?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Hard to fathom this being a drug trip as he had told me he was dead for 33 minutes, watched them try to revive him, and write out the death certificate. That he was on the way to the morgue when he woke up, and that it is impossible to not be severely brain damaged after 33 minutes, yet, he has none.
There is a lot of stories that go beyond the pineal gland explanation, such as people being born blind seeing and describing sight and numerous others. These are just straws materialists clutch at, but unless they can explain ALL the cases, and do it in a qualitative way that represents nde's who are experiencing super consciousness and clarity, unlike some of the studies of induced states where the subject was aware of distortion and a drugged feel. So not only do they need to match it all, but also match the qualitative, subjective differences that separate true nde's form their test subjects. And only when they've done all that, which they have not even come close to, it will be one theory amongst many, not a fact.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:06 PM
Did the elders tell you what breaks the chain of reincarnating on such and such a place because i would rather not end up on earth again.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:14 PM
amazing. I have read a couple nde(obes) while trying to do my own soulsearching and your nde was almost exactly like this one
it's great to see people "awakening" and spreading love and insight around instead of fear and hate.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:17 PM


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
to sum it up and not make this too boring, I was given a lot of information, about me, about why things are as they are, and what to expect and what needs to be changed in order for us the people to move upward and onward on our journey home.

Ok, now, you know what is next, I need to hear more, in particular what has to be changed.

Oh, and I believe you 100%.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by SoulOrb]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

Thanks brother,

I have to check into the hospital at 7am tomorrow for a heart procedure and you have just done a great deal to ease my mind. It may seem as nothing to you, but to me, you have basically made most of my worries disappear.
By the way, I will be injected with the iodine as well and that was basically my big fear. They asked me if I was allergic to shell fish and to the best of my knowledge I am not as I have eaten crab, lobster, and shrimp on numerous occasions as well I use iodized salt; however, this does little to sooth your mind. Your words were of far more comfort than anything the doctor could have told me.

Thank you

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:31 PM
I have read lots and lots of NDEs and I am always amazed at how similar they are no matter where the person comes from or whatever their personal beliefs are. I'm not sure if I am a fan of life review and judging yourself, kind of makes me feel like there is no justice, but that seems to be the what every single NDE I have read agrees on.

These are always a good read thanks for sharing.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:31 PM
One of my close relatives, loved very much, had an nde, that didn't go as far as yours did, for he did not cross over. But he was having a bad flu, that affected his heart. He was feeling terrible when he went to bed, with a pounding headache and waves of nausea. He didn't lay down, he collapsed and found himself outside his body. He was unable to move his feet, nor could he look down, but he could look all around and hear for miles. Though he'd awoken got up from a nap on the couch just a while ago, and was heading for bed late night, he said the room was light filled as if a sunny brilliant day. A light being was outlined on the wall.

He was aware that his heart had failed. He was made to understand that he had to make a choice between returning to this life or passing over. Though he thought more happiness awaited him on the other side than was possible in this world, he loved his family greatly and wished to stay. But he couldn't move his feet to get to his body, and said he believed his Higher Self, or guardian moved him and then he could look down. There was a huge vortex on the mattrex, floor area, near his body. He went through and returned instantly, was shocked in the chest as he woke up. No more headach or nausea and his flu started to instantly leave him.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

Hey Seeker,
Thanks for sharing your story.
I have a few questions for you if you wouldnt mind answering.

What "religion," if any, were you before the experience and did the experience change that?

Was religion of any kind mentioned while you were in this "heaven"?

Why did these people show you your bad deeds? Were they judging you?

Look forward to your answers

Thanks again

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Easy Tiger

I have never had an nde but I offer you a somewhat academic explanation of time. The short version is thing of it as length, height, or width: the first three dimensions. You put those together and you have all the physical things you see around you. Time is the 4th dimension.
The writer Kurt Vonnegut had a race of alien beings in one oh his books who could perceive not only the first three dimensions normally but the 4th as well. When they looked at a human they would see him almost like a worm: the tail would be the person as a newborn and the head, the person at his/her oldest. I don't know if that is what things would look like if you could see the 4th dimension but it helps to explain.
Anyway, the dimensions act somewhat like a cage and we are trapped in that cage. I'm guessing that's why Seeker did not feel the passage of time while experiencing his nde, he was outside of the cage.
I hope that helps at least a little.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Easy Tiger
I am fascinated with NDEs and just love hearing them, thanks so much for sharing this.

I have read often about the feeling of 'timelessness' that you described, as if time doesn't exist and is somewhat of an 'illusion'. Is there anyway you could explain this absence of time... it seems like such a foreign concept, how did you know time didn't exist?

Also, during the event were you still 'you', as in were you changed in anyway? or did you retain your earthly personality, your identity.


Thanks for stopping by,Easy Tiger;
the feeling of timelessness is hard to describe, other than it seemed like I was there for at least a half a day or longer, but only 33 minutes here; also simply by thinking of a question to ask, the information was there, in my mind, and I was told that all information and knowledge is stored in the Akashic Records and available at any need; also I discovered that I could grasp and experience everything from the beginning of my journey to the end at the same time; it was very dis-orienting and was a bit of a shock.
As to the other question, yes, I was still me, but also very aware that not the entire me; I was allowed to experience the energy and mentality of my Higher self momentarily, and even now I can feel the connection to my HS.



posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by miraclerock
I have read lots and lots of NDEs and I am always amazed at how similar they are no matter where the person comes from or whatever their personal beliefs are. I'm not sure if I am a fan of life review and judging yourself, kind of makes me feel like there is no justice, but that seems to be the what every single NDE I have read agrees on.

These are always a good read thanks for sharing.

Well if you think about it miracle the best person to judge you would be yourself, since you can hide your true self from others but you can't hide it from yourself

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:06 PM

no reason other than greed and the darkness in people's hearts
reply to post by the seeker_713g

Again, tks for taking the time and having the courage to work on this thread!

You mentioned the need to balance the soul by experiencing everything. I wonder if that means we all must experience the dark side also. We must have the experiences of the killer, the thief, the villain, the scoundrel??

I have a feeling that we must experience the bad and feel the pain it causes (as you mentioned in your "review") so we know the importance of good.

Your thoughts?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by isa75

Part of what must change is attitude,Isa, for we are all the same in the eyes of the Creator, all sprang from the energy release of the soul creation at the same time; we choose to come here, to learn, to experience, to grow, to help each other grow and evolve our way up the ladder to each level; the negativity has been greatly enhanced by those that have chosen negativity as their path, and this is one of the changes we face, and it begins within each of us, a simple choice between service to self(negative) or service to others;
start with yourself, and learn to love yourself; it quickly spreads to doing all things from love.

peace and love to all.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

Hi thanks for sharing your experience, one question if I may? You have been a member of ATS for some time, what made you decide to share this experience with us at this moment?

Just curious really, a growing number of people are saying that they feel something is building up and there is a sense of expectation, this of course could be a symptom of modern living and the daily bombardment of doom and gloom via the media but I myself feel that there is something heading our way.. Did you feel compelled to share this now?

As an additional point, my next door neighbour died of a heart attack on the operating table for roughly 30mins also and like you they weren't sure how he would be when regained life/consciousness but he is pretty much fine no motor or brain damage. I asked if he had an NDE and he said no that he had no recollection of anything at all. Why do you think that some experience this and not others? There can't be to many people who survive being dead for that length of time, is there?

Anyway I'm glad that you survived to tell the tale it's a lovely light of hope for those of us who are worried about death..

Kind regards


[edit on 3-6-2009 by badBERTHA]

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