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Jon Stewart Took Down CNBC and Jim Cramer - Hard Hitting - Awesome - Best

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+87 more 
posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:08 AM
Jon Stewart Took DOWN CNBC last night 3/12/09 - Jim Cramer was completely shown to be a FRAUD along with CNBC! It was literally the Best interview regarding what the network is doing during this "financial meltdown"! Jon Stewart, basically proved Cramer and CNBC is defrauding the American public, by knowing what is going on, but telling the public otherwise.

Jon Stewart did a very "real and hardhitting" interview with Jim Cramer.

If you don't know what is going on........ first last week, Stewart ran clips from CNBC as the meltdown started last year. He showed Cramer saying "buy" Bear Sterns at $60 just days before Sterns went under, then many other clips telling people to "buy" stock at various times..... and assuring people "nothing was wrong" with either companies or the market.

Here is that episode that started it all:

btw: CNN is running something about it right now........ saying Jon Stewart WON last night!

here is last night's episode:

If someone knows how to embed them here..... that would be great!

I have loved Jon Stewart before............ now....... I find he is the ONLY one who says the truth........ and he showed how CNBC commits fraud - by misleading the American Public!

If you did not see "The Daily Show" last night........... it is Well worth watching it!!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:45 AM
Damn it I dropped the ball on this ( I intended to post it last night ), glad you did, however...

This thread should get a million s+f, Jon Stewart made all other JOURNALISTS look like
a house full of moistened bints IMHO! It was fantastic and kind of uncomfortable at the same time.

s+f for you!

GO Jon Estewart!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

LOL - Last night as I was watching it.......... I was soooo happy.......... I wanted to turn on my computer and do a thread saying "Watch Right NOW" too! Funny we both had the same idea!

CNN said, since Stewarts first episode about CNBC - his ratings have gone up 20% and Cramers has gone down 24%!

Now........... with last nights "very hard hitting interview, I would say... Stewarts' will go UP even more and Cramers should DROP! I also think, people will not believe everything coming out of CNBC's mouth as before!

Loved IT!

Especially the part Stewart tells Cramer "Playing with People's Money is NOT A $@%KING GAME"!

I yelled "YES"!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:05 AM
I have never seen Jon go after anyone like that! It was incredible! Cramer was at a loss. The way I see it, he had only two choices: He could have said, "OK, you got me. I'm a sleazebag who purposely manipulates the market to make money from people who listen to my show." OR he could keep denying that he did anything wrong and try to blame it on the CEOs and his other sources, who supposedly lied to him and make the claim that he innocently brought the information to the public, making him as much a "victim" as everyone. Being a true sleazebag, he chose the latter.

What a tool!

Go Jon!

If you missed it, see it today on Comedy Central. It's on at noon here, but I don't know when it airs across the country.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:07 AM
That was definitely some of Jon's finest work. I wonder whether Cramer knew that Stewart had some more clips up his sleeve when he agreed to do the interview. He basically sat there for twenty minutes letting Jon expose his lies when he really couldn't say anything to justify his actions.
Just brilliant!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:12 AM
Jon Stewart is in a very interesting position right now.

People on ATS understand what's happening in re: the economy in varying levels. They "get it."
People who pay attention to notable financial blogs/sites "get it."
But, in reality, what portion of the population frequents sites like this, or sites like Mish's and such? It's not that great a number. Think about how many people you know in everyday life who have their head in the sand, who think this is just a small bump in the road? You know, the people who don't "get it."

Now think about how many of the people who don't "get it" watch the Daily Show. Think about how much attention the Stewart vs. CNBC battle royal is getting everywhere from CNN to Facebook.

If Jon can keep this up, he's in the unique position of giving the average American a great big boot to the side of the head worth of reality check.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:18 AM
We've been watching the exchange for a few days now. I'm wondering if Jim Cramer will have a job left. Jon Stewart KO'd him.

The funniest part - at the beginning Stewart showed a comedy clip of him preparing for the evening. And he showed a clip of Cramer 'preparing' with Martha Stewart. After watching the exchange you could tell that Stewart DID prepare and Cramer didn't.

+7 more 
posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Yes the interview was hard-hitting and excellently done.

It is almost a sad indication of where we are when a Comedy Channel show (entertainment) is giving us the REAL NEWS while CNBC (News) is giving us "entertainment" programming.

Calling the entire network out (CNBC) and saying that it should have been them doing the investigating and finding the truth was the best part of it.

While most people know that Cramer is a shill/tool, many people view CNBC as a financial news network, and expect more from them than they have been receiving.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:26 AM
Yea, I saw that last night!

That guy was about to crap his pants!

Eat your heart out Colbert!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:30 AM
That is the danger of putting yourself on TV or the Internet or radio. Your words are recorded for all time and available for anyone to use against you at any time.

What is the problem, CNBC as Stewart aptly pointed out is people "selling snake oil as vitamin tonic". All Stewart did was to expose that.

I guess I'm trying to say is all is fair in love, war, and comedic satire on basic cable. Ok maybe just basic cable.

[edit on 3/13/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:30 AM
Fantastic, absolutely an amazing stance Jon took last night.

And, it was so true. The bull cheerleaders are constant on CNBC, telling us to invest and "buy, buy, buy!." CNBC were advertising Cramer's appearance on Daily Show, but nothing at the interview.

The Daily Show pretty much silenced the financial news network.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:33 AM
I could hear the tears in the back of his throat when he talked!

Squirming like the worm he is.

So the traders were being lied too by the top that a 135 was possible and to push for it. Then the carpet was taken from under there feet! All planned and carefully orchrestrated with seemingly little risk to traders of being caught and lots of money to be made! These guys are only the puppets!!! Its extremely obvious that the owners ( bilderbergs, Rothschilds etc ) knew exactly what was going on and how easy it would be to manipulate this fact and use it for their own agenda. Its completely true!! They lined their own pockets and crippled the world economy. Now if only people could just join the dots................


posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:36 AM
with Jim's IQ, Jon must be satisfied
Snake oil...ha

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:40 AM
Jon Stewart is pure genius. I watch the daily show religiously and appreciate the humor tied into the seriousness of what is called news as portrayed by the Daily Show.

Cramer got served over and over again... and I loved it..
While his "They know nothing" rant was entertaining and revealing at the same time, I would NEVER ever buy anything based on Cramer's or any other talking head opinion.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:42 AM
It was the most impressive interview I have ever seen. Jon Stewart is the new Edward R. Murrow. Stewart exposed Cramer as a lier and a THIEF and Cramer could do nothing. The part I liked the best was when Jon Stewart asked him if he realized how he had destoyed peoples lives by his evil tactics.

Cramer could only reply that his actions were shenanigans. Stewart was pinning Cramer to the wall and Cramer tried to trivialize it.

It was the best interview, expose of all time.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:44 AM
Jim is gonna have to pick up his game and do what he promised. Jon totally ripped him a new one. Thx for the link, didn't realise that you can watch full episodes online

[edit on 13/3/2009 by PsykoOps]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:50 AM
John Stewart deserves another Peabody Award.

It is amazing to me that the Daily Show truly is the last vestige of real journalism.

John's interview last night went to the heart of the matter and in my opinion struck a huge blow to super rich of the world.

You will not be spared.

Their are no more sacred cows.

The people have found their voice in John Murrow.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I have never seen Jon go after anyone like that! It was incredible! Cramer was at a loss. The way I see it, he had only two choices: He could have said, "OK, you got me. I'm a sleazebag who purposely manipulates the market to make money from people who listen to my show." OR he could keep denying that he did anything wrong and try to blame it on the CEOs and his other sources, who supposedly lied to him and make the claim that he innocently brought the information to the public, making him as much a "victim" as everyone. Being a true sleazebag, he chose the latter.

What a tool!

Go Jon!

If you missed it, see it today on Comedy Central. It's on at noon here, but I don't know when it airs across the country.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

Comedy Central

Again, just in case you missed it.

Comedy Central

One more time.

Comedy Central

C'mon people. Its a comedy show. You can seriously believe an ounce of it as truth?
I think it is amazing that people think that Comedy shows are giving real news. It is a disturbing trend. Jon is not NEWS! He is comedy. LOL.
It is astounding that people believe News stories they see on SNL or the Daily Show or any other comedy show as being truth.

Cramer knows he is under the microscope. Are you Sure, this was not a planned interview by both parties?

+17 more 
posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by arcnaver

Three questions for you.

1. Did you watch it?

2. Do you know anything about short trading?

3. Do you even think before you type?

I think you should be on this thread...................

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:58 AM

Of course people shouldn't usually get their news from Comedy Central, you're absolutely right about that. But every once in a while Jon will talk about real issues.

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