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Window of Opportunity

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posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:00 AM

How do you choose a Service to others path?

Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine Love for Life, and for Being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day, for bringing you into Being, and for his bountiful provision. You have "survived" this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need, in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Show acknowledgment and gratitude to the Infinite Creator, for all that It has done, and is doing for you. It has given you the gift of Life Experience, and offered you the Free Will to decide what you will Create with it. Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. When you are coming from a place of Love for, and Service to your Creator, a life of Service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow Beings. Being of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light, in a dark world.
Does that old lady need a hand with her shopping bags? How do you treat the homeless man who asks you for some spare change for the shelter? Ever heard about "Angels in disguise"? Look and see the Divine Spark in the Heart of all Beings. Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, and as you would your Creator if he was speaking directly with you. "For even as you are doing it to the least of these, you are doing it unto me". The Law of Radiation and Attraction. Your thoughts, words, and actions return to you. Ultimately, cultivate a spirit of humble Gratitude. You won't go far wrong with that. Desire to Serve flows naturally from a grateful heart.

If we live with a "service to others" philosophy in order to achieve oneness with the infinite source, isn't that really "service to self"? How is the distinction of negative and positive polarity made?

You do not Serve others to achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source, you Serve others, because you love them, as yourself. Others, are an extension of yourself. That's why the Law of Attraction works the way it does. Truly, whatever you are doing to me, you are doing to yourself. We are All One, in the Infinite Creation. Separation is an illusion, because you only see what is in the 3rd Density. You do not see the whole picture.

We achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source of All, as a result of our upward spiral of progression. We are all on the path back to where we came from. We are All on our way back Home.

It is my understanding that all souls must eventually choose the positive path to unite with the infinite creator. If this is true, what is the justification of choosing the negative path now, for your people and us?

An astute question. Yes, all Souls eventually learn that Positive is the pathway which leads Home. But whilst incarnating in the 3rd Density, Negativity is still an important tool in your learning process. It teaches you "other than". As I said earlier, it is up to you how you use the tools we have given you. Do you respond to Negativity with more Negativity? Has fighting fire with fire ever worked for you? Or do you choose to see the Negativity as the tool that it is, and recognize that it is offering you an opportunity? I will honour your Free Will to think and discover for yourself what that opportunity is.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:04 AM

Or if the one infinite creator is "Love", does that mean it doesn't matter if we choose love of others or love of ourselves? Will either path will lead to the source?

In a sense, you are correct, to a certain point. But there is a big difference between loving yourself, and being selfish. A big difference. When you truly understand what it is to Know and Love 'yourself', you cannot help but to Love and Serve others. There are no 'others'. When you understand this, at the Core level of your Being, you will be on the path Home, to the Infinite Creator, and ultimately, submergence back into The Infinite Oneness.

I agree with many others that your answers are very much in line with several sources I have read in the past, including the channellings of Ra, the Cassiopians and several others.

Can you explain your interpretation of such "channellings" and if they are another source of disclosure from your people?

I have spoken on Ra in my previous answers today. I have not heard of Cassiopians. There are no other communications from my Family at this time, than this one, though there is a possibility of another soon, depending upon certain events.

My general view of "channellings" is that the majority of them are of very poor quality. That is not necessarily a slight against those bringing them through, but more a matter of their lack of receptivity and subsequent distortions. It is very rare, to find a good, stable, clear, and impartial channel. The key element in channeling, is the ability to temporarily withdraw the "filters" of your own personal beliefs and be a clear channel. To bring through what is actually given, not your slant on what you think it might mean. When I am saying 'you', I mean this in a general term of course here, not 'you' personally. Always remember that it's meant to be about the Message, not the messenger. The Ra channellings are very accurate indeed. They are the only ones I know of that I would be happy to classify as a "Clear" message. Though as I say, even then it's not 100%. More like 85-90%.

Another difficult issue with channeling, is that you can start off recieving a Positive entity, and if you are not very perceptive in your discerment and careful in your protection when identifying an incoming channel, you can get a Negative one that pretends to be positive, but gradually slips in more and more misinformation, having gained your trust. The ones that give you precise dates and times are nearly always ones to avoid. Positive entities will not give a date and time. Negative ones will do, so they can set you up for a fall. Once you're tricked into predicting dates and times, and they don't happen, they've succeeded in putting out the Light of your message, as no one will see any credibility in you.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:08 AM

Well, now we know the point of this thread, someone just discovered new age theology and wanted to take the time to type out his discovery.

OP, still waiting for you to provide a prediction with a time line. So far all you've offered is general doom, which is what everyone on ATS predicts every year. Need something SPECIFIC in the NEXT WEEK.

Of course I know you won't provide anything. This is a hoax.

This will be the only time that I reply to you.

At the outset of our discourse here, I made it expressly clear the way I am choosing to operate. If you do not like my choices, you have the Free Will to not read this disclosure. I would kindly suggest that you use it, as your energy is feeling very frustrated and angry. That's not really an advisable direction to want to be heading, under the circumstances.

As I took the time to explain to you before, I have nothing to prove to you. That is not why I came. Believe, or do not believe, I am Divinely indifferent. If my presence here ends up benefiting just one Soul during the process, it will have been worth the effort. I have not asked you to believe, the only thing I have respectfully asked, was that you 'suspend judgment' or hold a 'provisional faith' until the discourse is complete, so that the flow of questions / information remains uninterrupted. You have shown me nothing but discourtesy and bad manners from the outset, and then wonder why I do not respond. If you do not like the topic, simply choose not to read or reply, and let those that do wish to participate with insightful questions do so uninterrupted.

Your points:

1) New age theology? That is amusing. You clearly have not the faintest comprehension of just how ancient and timeless these "mysteries" are. I find it ironic "LowLevelMason", that if you ever make it to the 32nd Degree, you're going to find yourself hearing these Truths all over again. I hope that you will find it easier to integrate these Truths then, and I ask our Infinite Creator to guide your path.

2) You will not be receiving any times or dates from me. I am not here to "Prove" anything, and I have no need to do so. Your disbelief is of no consequence to me. Only to you.
I am here to diligently discharge the duty given to me, of delivering a message. And I will complete that duty regardless of you feelings about it.

3) As to your point regarding "doom and gloom", that just serves to reveal your mindset. Where you see "doom and gloom" I see opportunity. Life conforms to your ideas about the way it is for you. If you see "doom and gloom", then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection Life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.

You see, if this really existed there would be countless thousands of people involved, and any one person could leak

Thousands? Try Millions. And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age. No one dares to go against the Family. We know what would happen if we did. But that is not the prime motivator. The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to the Family, and our Creator. We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:12 AM

Oopsie, OP. You just shot yourself in the foot. For someone who only deals with manipulating the spiritual side of life you sure do know A LOT about things that have nothing to do with it. You just exposed yourself.

Do you not sit down with your family, and keep one another abreast of your plans?
As to your remarks about my "Spiritual" role, the ignorance you demonstrated is most humorous to us. If you think I 'only' deal in the Spiritual, you have either not read, or misread my posts. You also make the assumption that my role is about "manipulating" the "spiritual side of life". Again, you lack understanding, and then make false judgments about that which you have no comprehension of. You would do well to stop trying to be "clever", and instead channel all this misplaced aggressive energy of yours into something more productive and nourishing for your Soul. But don't let me stop you, you're contributing nicely to the overall Negative Polarity of the coming Harvest. We are Grateful to you.

I will be spending the last few days of my time here (our discourse ends on Friday) focusing on responding to insightful questions with depth, which make the most of this opportunity for sharing information and making connections on a Soul level of Being, so please do not expect any further responses to your verbal jousting, I neither have sufficient time or inclination for engaging in insignificant banter.

To those who's questions I have not yet had time to reply to, I will do so tomorrow. In the meantime while I catch up, I respectfully ask if you will please hold off on further questions until I am up to date with the current ones.

Thank you to those who have contributed to this discourse so far with meaningful questions. For those with an open mind, it is my hope that you get something out of this information.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Hidden_Hand

Im wondering if you can help me. My name is Shelby David, and I am here for the coming trials and tribulations. I am a part of Quetzalcoatl, or the rebirth of it, as far as I know. I know many of your words to be true because I had already re-discovered these truths through finding that which resonated most with me through the various belief structures of this planet. This is my first time on earth in a long time, possibly ever. I have known for quite some time and been told by another from one of the bloodlines in your group that I do not truly exist here. I was not expected to show up, I originally had other previous engagements but I managed to get here at the last minute. One of the things I have remembered is that I am too under contract. I am a walk-in, if that makes sense to you, so my human family is not like me. I have spent a long time traveling to various densities and helping in the various revolutions there. My problem is that my memory has malfunctioned, and some of the things that I have remembered from my previous existences do not correspond with your words. I have met Lucifer and his generals, on more than one occasion. I would appreciate any information you may know of that could clear up my confusion as to why my thoughts are so jumbled, because I know what my path is clearly and I am awaiting the starting point, but I am not completely clear on what truly is happening here. Thank you for your time.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Hidden_Hand

Im wondering if you can help me. My name is Shelby David, and I am here for the coming trials and tribulations. I am a part of Quetzalcoatl, or the rebirth of it, as far as I know. I know many of your words to be true because I had already re-discovered these truths through finding that which resonated most with me through the various belief structures of this planet. This is my first time on earth in a long time, possibly ever. I have known for quite some time and been told by another from one of the bloodlines in your group that I do not truly exist here. I was not expected to show up, I originally had other previous engagements but I managed to get here at the last minute. One of the things I have remembered is that I am too under contract. I am a walk-in, if that makes sense to you, so my human family is not like me. I have spent a long time traveling to various densities and helping in the various revolutions there. My problem is that my memory has malfunctioned, and some of the things that I have remembered from my previous existences do not correspond with your words. I have met Lucifer and his generals, on more than one occasion. I would appreciate any information you may know of that could clear up my confusion as to why my thoughts are so jumbled, because I know what my path is clearly and I am awaiting the starting point, but I am not completely clear on what truly is happening here. Thank you for your time.

(I reposted this after creating an account because I did not think when I posted it anonymously it would go through. If it did mods please remove my previous anon post.)

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
The Maya use an astrological cycle called the "Precession of the Equinoxes". This is a 26,000 year cycle in which Earth transits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for about 2,152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand Cosmic Year. This "Mayan" cycle also corresponds to a 26,000 year relationship of the Sun (Solar Logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.

You mention Alcyone ... it's interesting there's a celestial map of it at Hoover Dam. There's also a compass, framed by signs of the zodiac. What do the winged statues, commissioned by the U.S govt, guarding the entrance at the dam really represent? Is any of this collection of celestial symbolism found there connected to your luciferian/alien/equinox/transformation agenda?

Other questions I have, and sorry if you explained this. Are these bloodlines the wealthy, as most assume, or seemingly ordinary people (including celebrities and politicians, etc), blending in with society, going relatively unnoticed, but yet contributing to your cause in the grander scheme of things? So part of this question could also be, are all of them aware they are part of this bloodline, or are some members oblivious to this connection they have? Are they informed of this at a particular age? For example, how and at what age were you told you belonged?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
Do you respond to Negativity with more Negativity? Has fighting fire with fire ever worked for you? Or do you choose to see the Negativity as the tool that it is, and recognize that it is offering you an opportunity? I will honour your Free Will to think and discover for yourself what that opportunity is.

I have probably found this the single most insightful thing so far. It helps me to understand the answers to some of the questions I've asked. Unfortunately, its connotations also alleviate the 'NWO' of most accusations. You are essentially saying that a soul can only choose positivity in a world where negativity also exists. If there were no protagonist in this world, there'd be no opportunity for a human soul to choose 'good' or 'evil' and thus prove on a spiritual level that they deserve one afterlife fate over another. If we only had positivity to choose from, we'd learn nothing and our souls would manage to prove nothing. An extremely basic concept but one I'd so far managed to overlook. Unfortunately, for those of us who love our Earthly existence (or rather, the potential it has), it's rather difficult to come to terms with a concept whereby suffering and slavery are as natural as love and happiness and that only after this Earthly existence can we ever be free.

Thank you Hidden_Hand. Whether you're genuine or not, you've certainly got me thinking and learning. I have a couple of follow-up questions but I'll respect your wishes and post them up at a later date.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:55 AM
Hey Hidden_hand, thanks for stopping by and sharing this with us.

Then there is the Orion Empire Group. Their purposes in visiting you are more along the Negative lines. They mainly target the ones you have called "Lightworkers". They try to put them off their assignments and try to spread fear. They will not actually 'harm' you physically. Mainly their modus operandi is to restrict you, and deflect you from your path. They often engage in psychic attacks that the 'Lightworker' is unaware of, but it does often drain away much of their energy, and make them lack motivation.

Is there any way to cancel this restriction? Because i could be just very lazy or under this kind of spell and want to know wich one it is. Does sleep paralysis have anything to do with it because i get that from time to time with or without shadow figures. And another question. Is it possible that our essence can be destroyed in the coming times or is that just another scare-tactic?

Thanks for the nice read and if you are for real thanks for the information given.

[edit: apologies, did not read your request to hold off the questions]

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Harman]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand

In the meantime while I catch up, I respectfully ask if you will please hold off on further questions until I am up to date with the current ones.

Thank you to those who have contributed to this discourse so far with meaningful questions. For those with an open mind, it is my hope that you get something out of this information.

Please re-read this request.

I just want to add that there are a plethora of topics that some can serve distractions on . Some people are rather enjoying this conversation. Whether the information is real or fictitious the poster has been polite and informative. Wouldn't you want the offer him/her the same?

Spirituality should be the single most important topic in discussion today if you believe the negative issues that are presented on this messageboard. So please go become a distraction on some Reptilian/Bilderburg or Zionist discussions.


[edit on 21-10-2008 by arc de triumphe]

[edit on 21-10-2008 by arc de triumphe]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:00 AM
I go to work to pay my bills, I live a good life with friends, loved ones, people I care about. I am essentially a good person but I do have the full range of emotions as a 'real' human, ie, jealousy, hate etc. I guess I would describe myself as 'luke-warm' to use your phrase.

How can I as an individual take what you say as the 'truth'? I also read through the above link from one calling themselves 'The Insider', although his / her posts were less sophisticated than yours. Was he your predecessor? One of your ilk charged with this 'disclosure'?

So when the Harvest comes, my time here is over and this conscious shell I live in is no more, what then? What happens to me? What happens to my friends and loved ones?

Are we, and by we, I mean the vast vast majority of us who possess this planet, this dimension, this density, by and large going to be ignorant of the events you foretell?

I find you difficult to believe and yet you respond and inform in a very sophisticated manner, it is quite intriguing.....

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by arc de triumphe

Not sure if your reply was for me but if so i would say that counteracting some negative aspects of these tactics could be pretty spiritually liberating as such. I'm not scared for the future, just anxious. It doesn't really matter for me where i go next time or come 2012 as long as my essence/soul keeps intact. I've got time and every experience is just that, an experience. How horrible a material life can be, it is finite and after that we will be free and able to 'rest up' for another go.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
This will be the only time that I reply to you.

Smart hoaxer. You know that by continuing to reply to me its going to become increasingly clear your hoaxing and just here to opine on your newfound discovery of the new thought cult movement theology. I, however, will continue offering my commentary regardless of what you think

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
At the outset of our discourse here, I made it expressly clear the way I am choosing to operate. If you do not like my choices, you have the Free Will to not read this disclosure. I would kindly suggest that you use it, as your energy is feeling very frustrated and angry. That's not really an advisable direction to want to be heading, under the circumstances.

You have made it expressly clear that you enjoy believing you are in a position of power, but you forget that almost no one else believes it. This is ATS, so there is always a few, but I think its safe to say most know your hoaxing and just using this to tell us your love for new age theology.

I have the Free Will to read your hoax and comment on it. You'll get over it, and don't advise me on my posting when your here to fool so many people. Your not in a position to give such advice. You can't provide 1 shred of proof that this isn't a hoax even though it would be incredibly easy to do so, were you who you claim you were.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
As I took the time to explain to you before, I have nothing to prove to you. That is not why I came. Believe, or do not believe, I am Divinely indifferent. If my presence here ends up benefiting just one Soul during the process, it will have been worth the effort. I have not asked you to believe, the only thing I have respectfully asked, was that you 'suspend judgment' or hold a 'provisional faith' until the discourse is complete, so that the flow of questions / information remains uninterrupted. You have shown me nothing but discourtesy and bad manners from the outset, and then wonder why I do not respond. If you do not like the topic, simply choose not to read or reply, and let those that do wish to participate with insightful questions do so uninterrupted.

You actually do have something to prove, or you wouldn't be posting. Furthermore, it is you who has offered a fantastical theory that you can't provide evidence of, and the burden of proof is on you. I'm sure you get excited when you fool even just one ATS member, but really, with a board this large you guaranteed to get just one.

It is a fool and those most gullible who "suspend judgement" when someone offers something they cannot prove and have done nothing to provide any evidence for their claims. Of course, that IS what your relying on, but your not going to get it.

I think its very discourteous and bad manners of you to perpetuate such a hoax, so I really don't care about your opinion that I'm not treating your hoax with reverence. I will continue to reply and point out what your doing.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
1) New age theology? That is amusing. You clearly have not the faintest comprehension of just how ancient and timeless these "mysteries" are. I find it ironic "LowLevelMason", that if you ever make it to the 32nd Degree, you're going to find yourself hearing these Truths all over again. I hope that you will find it easier to integrate these Truths then, and I ask our Infinite Creator to guide your path.

I love it when people shoot themselves in the foot like this. You clearly are not who you say you are nor are you capable of apparently making sure you search peoples posts before making assumptions. I am a 32nd degree Mason, although if you were really a royal bloodline person you would know that it means nothing. That your repeating debunked conspiracy theory shows your just here to hoax. As a 32nd degree freemason, not only have I never heard any of this in that context but I studied it as a student of religion and have been familiar with the lies of the new thought cult movement for a while.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
2) You will not be receiving any times or dates from me. I am not here to "Prove" anything, and I have no need to do so. Your disbelief is of no consequence to me. Only to you.
I am here to diligently discharge the duty given to me, of delivering a message. And I will complete that duty regardless of you feelings about it.

Of course not. Like a good hoaxer you like to keep things vague to string along the handful of people who believe you. Really, you have no duty here, your making it all up. Unfortunately is so obvious what your doing - you tried to create a non-falsifiable mythology for yourself but didn't think about it hard enough.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
3) As to your point regarding "doom and gloom", that just serves to reveal your mindset. Where you see "doom and gloom" I see opportunity. Life conforms to your ideas about the way it is for you. If you see "doom and gloom", then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection Life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.

Uh-huh. Typical new thought cult lines here. Your trying to feed off the ATS proclivity to do nothing but predict utter doom and gloom in order to give yourself the illusion of credibility, but your lack of specifics shows thats all your doing. You've failed.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
Thousands? Try Millions. And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age. No one dares to go against the Family. We know what would happen if we did. But that is not the prime motivator. The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to the Family, and our Creator. We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not.

I appreciate you demonstrating beyond a reasonable doubt while this mythology you have created is not true. Millions of people, and none of them ever screw up or expose the scheme. The law of probability shows that this is wrong, and your just here to hoax. Your not some elite bloodline family member, just someone trying to fool the gullible. I've got news for you, the bulk of ATS knows better.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
Do you not sit down with your family, and keep one another abreast of your plans?

The problem is that, were this real, the more appropriate analogy would be "does the military go around and reveal top secret plans to every member of the military?" No, it does not. Which is why your hoaxing.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
As to your remarks about my "Spiritual" role, the ignorance you demonstrated is most humorous to us. If you think I 'only' deal in the Spiritual, you have either not read, or misread my posts. You also make the assumption that my role is about "manipulating" the "spiritual side of life". Again, you lack understanding, and then make false judgments about that which you have no comprehension of. You would do well to stop trying to be "clever", and instead channel all this misplaced aggressive energy of yours into something more productive and nourishing for your Soul. But don't let me stop you, you're contributing nicely to the overall Negative Polarity of the coming Harvest. We are Grateful to you.

Frankly, your not the first person who thinks that because they believe in the new thought cult that they are somehow enlightened and above everyone else. That is of course the irony and downfall of the cult - that people believe it makes them so enlightened. You see, you thought that if you gave yourself this mythology that you could construct something that is not falsifiable. But you were wrong, which is why your so upset. You would do well to see that your hoax has failed. I do, however, appreciate the entertaining read. But you need to work on it if your going to use this for a creative writing class, its just not original enough.

I will be spending the last few days of my time here (our discourse ends on Friday) focusing on responding to insightful questions with depth, which make the most of this opportunity for sharing information and making connections on a Soul level of Being, so please do not expect any further responses to your verbal jousting, I neither have sufficient time or inclination for engaging in insignificant banter.

Originally posted by Hidden_Hand
Thank you to those who have contributed to this discourse so far with meaningful questions. For those with an open mind, it is my hope that you get something out of this information.

The hoaxer appreciates those who fell for this. He enjoys acting like hes knowledgeable with his readings of new age theology.
Unfortunately, even the most open mind wouldn't fall for this one. There is a difference between an open mind and being gullible.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Allright I've read all four pages and I have to say that you are very thorough and your responses are apropos of the time. Let me throw out a few books and catch phrases I'm hearing these days......And forgive me if I don't accredit as I should...

Who moved my cheese
The secret
The Energy Bus
Energy Addict: 101 ways to Energize your life
The power of positive thinking
The one minute manager

Positive Energy,
The law of attraction,
Chief Energy Officer (CEO),
You're the Driver,
The Enemy is Negativity,
Better today than yesterday,
Lead with the heart,
Love Rules,
(EI) Emotional Intellect,

Every time there is a downward trend in the world a plethora of self-help gurus rise up with catchy litte books and seminars to grab us and pull us out of the doldrums and back on the path of richousness.

In the 80's we had to "think outside the box" or "shift our paradigm"

So basically, I can sumarize the previous four pages in a nutshell....

1. Positive thinking and actions bring positive reasults. Negative thinking brings negative results.

2. Think from the end to obtain your goals.

3. Remember the Golden Rule.

Anyway, it's a great way to think and I recommend it highly but it's not ancient's simply common sense. Apparently we just need to be reminded from time to time.

Oh, here is a good one from Jon Gordon's book The Energy Bus"

"When you find the value in the rock, you will find the treasure in yourself and in others"

Carry on......

[edit on 21-10-2008 by GeneralLee]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:05 PM
Hi, I call myself plainmike; rearrange the letters & you can get Mike Palin, but that's neither here nor there, just a sudden flash of INSIGHT. Over the course of my life I have occasionally resorted to prayer, some formal & some not with truely astounding & nearly instant physical results. I've taken these results to heart as personal evidence that some higher force or forces can respond in a meaningful manner to at least me & perhaps to anyone; Still, I don't rule out the possibility of coinsidence. From your vantage point, would you please be gracious enough to shed light on this phenomena before friday? I was an ATS member before under the username of emanresui which is simply Iusername spelled backwards if it helps to gather insight as to who's making this inquiry. I lost contact with ATSers for awhile & simply came back with a fresh slate; I no longer log on as emanresui. Thanks for your consideration; the lack of a response'll be something to factor in to the mix...there is more that I haven't divulged publicly but that you may or may not be aware of. P.S., If this is just newage stuff take heart, I intuited alot of this independantly at an early age...more is still coming, also in meditation & independantly. Respectfully, Mike

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Harman
reply to post by arc de triumphe

Not sure if your reply was for me but if so i would say that counteracting some negative aspects of these tactics could be pretty spiritually liberating as such.

No not just directed to you I was refering to the folks that are redirecting the conversation. And to the people who didn't read this statement...

"In the meantime while I catch up, I respectfully ask if you will please hold off on further questions until I am up to date with the current ones. "

[edit on 21-10-2008 by arc de triumphe]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by arc de triumphe

And this one would be the hoaxer's sock puppet (new name, all posts in this thread, acting as the coach for the OP), created to give him/her the aura of credibility.

This is like a case study in ATS hoaxes!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Hidden-Hand
I am a generational member . . .

Where I grew up, "generational member" referred to a part of the male anatomy.
Does it also mean that in your society?

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Wow LowLevelMason, you're really adamant about being the one to prove this guy a hoaxer. Too bad your "well thought out replies" are emptier than a McCain speech.

You're going to feel like quite the donkey's rear if you ever do move up in that 33+ tier ladder. Just remember if you make it to the 33rd degree, it doesn't matter if you spit on the bible or kiss it, either way you've "made the right choice."

BTW I find it highly unlikely that you are a 32nd degree mason. Your reply to his "if you ever make it to the 32nd degree" line reminded me of what a child would say to another child as a defense strategy.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Itscooltodisinform]

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