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My Story 1994

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:22 AM
Hi, my name is Scott. I have been reading posts on ATS since it's beginning but have never joined. I will tell a story that happened to me and I hope someone can help me understand it.

In 1994, my best friend and I moved to Columbia Missouri because its a University town and we thought it would be fun. We moved in with my sister and 3 of her sorority sisters at "College Park Apartments" and just carried on like normal 22 year olds. Partying and so forth.
Well, the details are vague in my mind but I remember the important parts. Let me begin....

One of the girls who lived with my sister was a quiet blonde haired girl. Muscular build, very blonde hair and blue eyes but not tall. Average height and not beautiful but cute. Nothing strange about that. But one weekend she told us her sister was coming to visit her for the weekend. So that was cool. Now I never dated this girl but I did have sex with her once. Just once.
So.... the sister shows up and its normal except for shes a bit taller but not tall like Ive read about. Everyone must have been out partying because it was just my friend and I on the couch drinking a beer getting ready to go out for the night.
The two girls were behind us talking at the dining table and began to argue a bit. No big deal and dont remember what it was about.
Anyway, the argument got a bit louder and more intense so the girls moved it into the other room where it continued to get louder. Thats when we started looking at each other like "OK, THIS IS GETTING GOOD". And laughing a bit. Then they began to really get livid and it turned into almost uncontrollable anger and yelling. ALL OF A SUDDEN their language switched over to something unhuman like and all I remember was going into shock. I don't know how long I was sitting there on the couch unable to move but I managed after I guess a few minutes to make my way out the door to the balcony, not even thinking about my friend. A few minutes later he came out and I was able to slowly look at him and see that he was having the same reaction to this which was shock and a raised heart rate. At this point I said "what was that!?" He seemed to be able to handle what was happening a bit better than I and said "Lets go for a walk" where we went down by a sand volleyball pit and were trying to gather our senses. We were still both totally freaked out and my friend said to me "whoever those girls are, they aren't from this planet and I agreed and we both tried to understand how a human could create such sounds with their vocal cords and couldn't come up with an answer. To this day he will deny the event as he is scared to death. He's always been interested in this kind of thing and probably had a better grip on what was really going on than I did.
Anyway, thats my story. I hope someone can help me to put the puzzle together. It feels so good after all these years to write this down and especially on the best UFO site on planet earth.



posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:40 AM

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:51 AM
Well, its a shame that my very first post, I was asked if i was gay and interrogated like a liar. There should be rules in here about acting like mature adults.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by verylowfrequencyCan you tell me why as a 22 year old male who's hormones were raging why you didn't have sex with that non-earth-human again? Are you gay? Are you very picky with woman? ...Answer that and we will continue.

So because he didn't indulge her in the mattress mambo, he is lying! I'm not quite sure I follow your logic, would not discovering a young lady to be an alien be reason enough not to crash the yoghurt truck with her?


I must say I don't believe you, but that is because I am very sceptical about ETs in general. It has been known for siblings to develop their own language, could this be possible? Are you sure they aren't second generation immigrants and were speaking a foreign language? Can you remember what the argument was about?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:54 AM
But to answer your question, I don't remember where they were from but they had American accents. And, I'm not here for attention. If I was I would of joined and posted a long long time ago.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by slatsmandu

Slats I am not suggesting you are here for any reason other than to tell a story, whether the story is true or not is open to debate. My reaction on reading the story was that a particularly heated argument resulted in two sisters speaking in a different language to disguise their words and ensure privacy. I know plenty of second/third generation immigrants who revert to their parent's/grandparent's language when they want to discuss something personal and this seems like the most likely explanation based on your information. Can you remember what the argument was about?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:12 AM
I wasn't making accusations that you were gay & just trying to get the answer as to why you only had sex once? I could personally care less what your sexual orientation is and I would judge you not either way - I was just trying to get a picture of the situation. Most 22 year olds will have sex 4 times a day if they get the opportunity, so there must have been a reason why you didn't have sex again unless you tried & tried and were rejected or she no longer turned you on for some reason. Identifying that trait in non-humans could allow us to pinpoint more of them - if they exist.- Jeez - do I have to spoon feed everyone as to my intentions.

Are we here to tell stories or are we here to find the truth? If your not interested that's okay - I'll move on no harm done. I'm here for entertainment as well as study. You have been a bit of both - thank you.

I'm not accusing you of being a liar either.

Let's just say I'm aware of a similar case and if you were to answer those questions correctly. I would continue the dialog and perhaps, you could learn somthing as well.

I would not waste my time asking questions, if I thought you were FOS from the begining. I gave you enough information to jog your memory - If I told you all that I know there would be no way for me to verify your story.

That's fine if you want to be evasive - then if real nothing new will be learned, and we can chalk it up to a tale that only you will ever know the truth too.

[edit on 15-2-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:15 AM
Ya think they may have been arguing over which one was going to drain the mojo from 2 tanked and giggling earth creatures huddled on the couch? I see nothing spectacular in the story other than 2 blonde's talking a foreign language and 2 paranoid guys drinking. Is there something your not telling us?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:07 AM
Ok, I respect your skepticism. The girls were speaking in such a strange sounding dialect or language that it put 2 strong boys in shock. It wasn't a language that any human could have spoken, it was too dynamic and sounded like something off a starwars flick.
My guess is that they were in such a heated arguement that they didn't realize they had switched over until it was too late.
hmmmm...... dont know Just don't know guys! (shrugs)

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:22 AM
not sure what to make of it myself. i'll at least consider the possibility that your story is true. there may be a more earthly explanation, but there are things out there that your average person couldn't begin to imagine. even if your story is a fabrication it's at least interesting. any more details you can provide would be appreciated - at least by some. =)

[edit on 15-2-2008 by an0maly33]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:01 AM
To begin with, there is a long history of what they call Constructed Languages.

These can be 'slang' or even a personal language that is created and understood only by siblings.

Most of us are aware of British slang that is almost incomprehensible to outsiders. There's Cockney Rhyming Slang, (as seen in Austin Powers between Austin and his father Nigel), underground and Victorian slang, among others.

So while it could be that they reverted to a secret language made up during their childhood, it seems to me that there's something else going on here.

I'm not clear why or what caused you to go into 'shock'. Can you elaborate on that?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by slatsmandu

Welcome to ATS Scott!! I'm glad you finally decided to share your story! I have a question I'm surprised no one else has asked you yet! Was that the last time you saw these girls? If they were you sister's roommates I'm sure they just didn't disappear that night. How were they around you after that? Did you ever ask them any questions about what they were arguing about especially of the girl you were intimate with??? And I don't think it's odd you only had sex with her once, I guess some people aren't familiar with one night stands? booty call? or friends with benefits! That doesn't disprove your story. But I'm mostly interested in what happened...after.... you and your friend over heard these ladies arguing.... Thanks!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:04 PM
Hi there and welcome to ATS

Did you ever ask your sister about her roommate?... How much she knew about her?... What the background story was?... How long she'd known her?

Did you ever try and find a bit more about her background?... I know that in 1994 you couldn't exactly go online and do a 'Google'... but if you had got an idea of where she is supposed to be from you could have made a few phonecalls, directory enquiries, that sort of thing... or even paid a couple of hundred bucks to a PI to try get some background info.

I was also going to ask what happened after... but the previous poster beat me to it

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by slatsmandu
ALL OF A SUDDEN their language switched over to something unhuman like and all I remember was going into shock. I don't know how long I was sitting there on the couch unable to move but I managed after I guess a few minutes to make my way out the door to the balcony, not even thinking about my friend

Was this moment like a switching off of time, like you stepped out of reality into a over lapping dimensinal fold with your body there but not there and all you have is a slight conscious feeling of something happening like not in this realm but you know of it and can't just rationalize it as really happening.

I've had these where I just can't believe what just happened because it was to surreal for this reality as time slowed and perception became warped.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by diana

And I don't think it's odd you only had sex with her once, I guess some people aren't familiar with one night stands? booty call?

Well maybe I haven't had enough one night stands
,I can't help it that I usually like it more than once, but that's not what I was getting at.

As it seemed there was at least a semester in time for him to have that option again and he had easy access. Was he repulsed by her or was it as you say like any other one night stand.

I've heard some supposed Alien/Angel types don't have the ability to draw you in or seduce you more than once - or maybe once they have what they wanted they're done with you. While he may have been at first partially turned on by her being female, pleasant looking etc. there may have been no chemistry and I've heard that not only do they not posses that chemistry it may actually be more the opposite such as a repelling chemistry, even if they appear to be very beautiful physically. Now you know why I asked that question.

I am interested in his story whether real or made up, because it would be a likely way alien tourist would interact with us. If they were visiting for a short period of time - they would travel amongst human tourist or mingle with students as they would fit in either environment well without standing out too much. As there is a large turnover of people in those two environments & what better way to learn from us than at a university, or on holiday tour groups etc.

There is a method to my madness - even though some see my questions as attacks somehow - that was not my intention.

[edit on 15-2-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 12:13 AM
kinda creepy story!

I wish you could go into more description of what the voices sounded like. other than big change in voice? lower octave? which star wars character?? even if it were just a foreign dialect, curiosity would have gotten to me, and I would have marched in to find out..

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by WorldShadow

Originally posted by slatsmandu
ALL OF A SUDDEN their language switched over to something unhuman like and all I remember was going into shock. I don't know how long I was sitting there on the couch unable to move but I managed after I guess a few minutes to make my way out the door to the balcony, not even thinking about my friend

Was this moment like a switching off of time, like you stepped out of reality into a over lapping dimensinal fold with your body there but not there and all you have is a slight conscious feeling of something happening like not in this realm but you know of it and can't just rationalize it as really happening.

I've had these where I just can't believe what just happened because it was to surreal for this reality as time slowed and perception became warped.

YES, I guess thats sounds close to maybe how I felt. Most of the feeling I felt was fear and disbelief in what I was hearing. I guess that is why I couldn't move for a few min after it happened. Jeez guys, I appreciate not being butchered for this post. Thank you for hearing me out.

To answer a few questions
I will say that after we talked about what happened by the volleyball pit, my friend said "you know, we have to go back in there or they will think we overheard them." So we went in. I was scared to death. When we arrived they were both sitting calmly in the main room and asked where we went. We replied we went a few doors down to see if there was anything going on "party". They just said "ok" and i dont remember much after that accept for the fact that we decided not too ask questions or look into this as my friend convinced me that our lives could be in danger. I was so totally confused that I just hung on to his advice.

The first time I told this story was last year around April and I told it to my sister and unbelievably she said "hmm, I thought they were strange". And that was it. She's not interested in talking about Aliens HAHA, so I just never discussed it further with her. She is a bit narrow minded about this stuff. And no I never tried to find out anything about these girls.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:59 AM
Ok, here is MY view of what happened

The girls were here from some other planet and a part of a project to
study us.
I also feel that the reason their language switched over was because they were in such a heated arguement that they didn't realize they had done so.

As to answer a few members questions: The language I heard was from a character in star wars. I had to really think about the closest thing to compare it to. I thought about it all day and I would say it sounded like the part in Star Wars A New Hope where they are in the bar and Luke tugs onto the bartenders sleeve and he hands him a drink. After that you see a big and small creature talking and the next shot is two creatures, one wearing a white space suit standing in front of a square light on the wall. If yo listen to them, it sounded like that. Just a 2 second shot. Jeez, I had to download StarWars just to hear that again because I remember hearing it years ago and remembering that that is what it sounded like. Hope you guys can figure it out.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by slatsmandu

Any chance you could answer some of the other questions?

Like what happened after?... and did you get any background on them from your sister?... Did you speak to them again?... Any other strange stuff happened?

See the posts above from diana and from myself

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:10 AM
oops, i accidently clicked on the ignore button. hope that didnt block you. it was an accident.

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