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jesus was half alien

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posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:20 PM
One linking thought before I hit my crash pad, Jesus did say he would be back around to help sort the good from the bad and he even specifies
the return date. Now how would he know something so accurately before hand unless
he was familiar with the cosmic constellations and who knows why he left us more or less to our own devices, just because we nailed him to the cross, I mean come on, perhaps it just wasn't that attractive spending a couple of thousand earth years hanging out here with us whilst waiting for the next opportunity to go somewhere far, far, away....a place where he would be welcome, his fathers home.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Now did Jesus tell you that or did a book written by man that has been reinterpreted over and over again tell you that? It's hard for me to just believe what is written by humans after all the mistakes we have made in our history. I'm not saying Jesus was fake or real. I leave my mind open for that, but the bibles are not consistent with it's stories.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:17 AM
No, Lord Jesheva (Jesus Christ) the Supreme Elohim Lord is not an Anunnuki or half-alien. However, when he left the earth he did goto some other star system, so I'm told by others.

Actually, the annunuki (Nephilim - Genesis 6) are rebel angels, never trust them; they are evil. They have a historical relationship with Iraq; watch out for them in the future.

They got their planet called Niburi blown up around 30 million years ago by Siriusians; and of course Mars and Venus died around 500k-1 million years ago.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

In an age where there were no man made flying vehicles, how was there so many claims of people coming from the heavens and landing on earth? You have to realize that when the bible was written heaven didn't mean a beautiful white fluffy place with pearly gates, heaven simply met 'the sky above'. Chariots of fire, didn't mean there was a horse drawn carriage coming from the clouds. Chariot meant in modern terms a vehicle. So, that being said a chariot of fire coming forth from the heavens, probably meant a bright shiny ufo coming down from the sky.

IMO, Jesus probably was an alien, moses was contacted and protected by aliens while he was escorting the Israelites, and the gods of antiquity were all beings from another world.

Believe it or not, I find this just as plausible as saying that aliens are actually angels and demons, rather angels and demons are actually aliens, IMO.

When I say the Universe, this planet Earth, this solar system, this galaxy, and this race of Humans were all intelligently designed, it does not mean persay that an old man with a long white beard named "God" starting waving his magic wand and creating stuff. No, thats not it at all.

I'm not suggesting aliens created the Universe, but rather, alien(s) could have directly interfered with the ecology of our planet numerous times, going so far as to genetically modify humans and pre-humans, and do other expirements. This is where the "Giants" from the bible fit in. But let it be known that these Giants were not 20 feet tall, rather, they were just slightly bigger than what we'd call a big ass dude today. Take Shaquille O'neil, make him 8 foot 5 inches to 10 feet tall, and you have a biblical "giant". They also often had an extra finger(s) and/or toe(s). This if anything is ancient documentation of genetic mutation / modification, resulting in "Giants".

And ho hum', wouldn't you know, the entire planet has a Great Deluge or Flood event in the mythos of each and every culture that is present. Is it so hard to imagine that these alien(s) created an artificial flood or artificial conditions for a flood to kill these things they had created and tampered with? Especially after receiving an order by the highest up being to do so?

And here lies human compassion. It says in Genesis "let us create them in our likeness" so, it only makes sense that one or more of these "aliens" tipped off "Noah" and his family to build a boat to survive the flood. Is it not also too much of a stretch to say there were multiple Noahs, and multiple Arks, across the globe? Surely these beings wouldn't take the time to explain that they were only saving a few of each genetic stock, and would tell the person they're warning ahead of time to build a boat for that person and their family alone. This way, multiple cultures are saved, and more importantly, diverse genetics are saved that will one day become the basis for our current gene pool. And Scientists themselves will tell you there was an era or time period within the past 10,000-100,000 years that almost saw the extinction of the Human race. We had been shrunken down to only a few thousand left on the planet, or was it a few hundred? Anyways, all of our genes come from this small group.

[edit on 12/22/2007 by runetang]

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 07:46 AM
Maybe he was, I don't think so at all - recently becoming Christian 'n all.

Also, maybe the 'Love your neighbour' stuff was a threat, and bibles don't continue with Jesus saying, '...Or we'll come back and kick your @$$'

Anyways, happy arguing. and Merry Christmas (or whatever you might be celebrating recently)!

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 07:57 AM
Thanks, that explains everything..., it's the aliens that do it, we know nothing and are not responsible for the consequences...,
I think ET's are subject to the same universal laws as those that have been
passed on to us, I don't think anybody released the flood per say, I suspect this is truly the work of God and his orchestration of our cosmos, its kind of an automatic slate cleaner for experiments that have lost their validity.
allowing new cultures to evolve in the fertile medium,in our case the earth.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 08:05 AM
...not that I am saying we have lost our validity but maybe its about time that we demonstrated it.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 08:27 AM
I find this topic fastinating. The many religions of this Earth, are, I think,
all worshipping *The same God. The Bible, it has , so many references that I have taken as Extraterrestrial since my young teens(i Must Have read*VonDanikenLOL).
In the start, the words, "Let us make man in our own image"; these indicate a plural, many GODs. Then, throughout the Bible,
we have, Noah's Flood cleaning up the gene pool, yes, I think, from mixing with fallen angels,or The Nephilim. We have "Moses going up onto mount, to obtain the TEN Commandments; Moses comes down with his hair turned white, and The Bible say's "He Glowed", as well...Moses Got Those Commandments (in My beliefs), from "The good, or enlightened, ETs"! They are ten guideposts for our Moral-Evolution...Just as The Bible
(Divinely-Inspired of course), is a book that among many other things,
teaches us good health practices, as do*Other "Divine-Books, The Koran,
The Hindo Book (i can't spell it), the teachings are guide-books from
the "Good ETs". Those who Sped Up And/Or Changed our Evolution,
by giving us Darwin's missing Link.
THIS IS *The Only way, to me, that Both Science + Religion, can both
logically co-exist, with the "Truth of it ALL",being somewhere between
the long+short of this argument, the black +white of it>>>The "Truth is in between, I think...In that Grey Area in The Middle. thanx 4 reading.
You read about The Exodus, where God led the Hebrews, fed the
Hebrews "Manna",and at night they followed a light in the sky.. from the sky. Just like The3-Wise Men followed a Star...Yes, I think Jesus was
"genetically, *More than human".

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 08:49 AM
I think we ''humans'' per say are an evolutionary species that have both
local and cosmic origins. We are a bit of everything, some good and some bad,some mammal and some reptile, if you ask me, God is a gambler, it would be rather boring to be anything else in his position.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by starstuck

LOL Wow what a whopper- When you think Jesus is half a alien then you have been on ATS waaaay too long there buddy. Step away from the computer slowly with your hands in the air.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:41 PM
Oh, Hello Leyla,(i remember i added you as my 1st*friend on ATS)!
I don't think one can "read ATS too long, or too much"; it is such an enlightening + informative source of so many types of Information, thought, hypothises,ect...The theory regarding Jesus having been "genectically part ET,"Born of a Virgin"; in how that was *accomplished; is the 'virgin-birth-Artificial insemination theory ;or,at the Very Least, Did have "Abilities No other Human Being/s ever have had". As well as Jesus's Beliefs,(Radical in his times),his Ideas, Intellect, and spiritually,All were 'more than Human'!
Were it that he, "born of a Virgin, The Son of GOD", or was Entirely, GENETICALLY just HUMAN! But Possibly he was implanted with this "more than Human Transcendance + learnedness, spirituality and His
Miraculous abilities...Did come from GOD,The Father, But, GOD The "PLURAL",as well(*We Will Create Man, In*Our Own Image"), was the Civilization, Interdimensional, or, Extraterrestials, who From The BEGINNING, "have Had OUR Best Interests in their Agenda".Teaching+helping us to begin transcending our 'human-frailties+darknesses',(The attempts To*STOP Humankind's Inhumanity Unto itself;Good-VS-Evil), their Attempts to enlighten Us.
I believe are done by These "Good, benevolent Ets/Interdimensionals".
Just as I know;There can be NO light without darkness;So logically,
I know the Cruel,
Darker, and Malicious "ETs or Interdimensionals", MUST also EXIST as Well!
I believe these are the fallen angels, and demons the many different religions of the world, refer to that are here to try to influence us towards
Evil&ignorance,ect...The GODLY, or
"The Jesus, Buddah, Muhammed, Krishna,and Great Teachers of such, throughout history, have been"MORE THAN HUMAN".Just Like Jesus.
Once more I wish to say; logically, this is The Only Way, that Pure Histoy, Science, and Spirituality, or Religion, Can "have a Meeting on That "TRUTH-SCALE,these Truths, are somewhere between Each of
The Radical ends of this Very Important debate. I know my truths & beliefs.
Please repect them. I would respect anyone's that differs; as I DO believe in FREEDOM of THOUGHT, WORD, Religious expression. I might NOT agree with you, nor you me, But I'd fight for your RIGHT to disagree! Do keep that in Mind.
We were intelligently designed to live on this Earth and do good deeds, and be caring of Each Other. At this time of The Year especially, try to let's ALL remember that...OK?
Peace2ALL, ^LibBLVRdoc^Shelly

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 12:48 PM
One Qick question, Leyla; Does that say (on your Avitar);
"ACLU member, ACLJ, or ACU?
Would you tellme which, and if not ACLU, what does it represent?

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Stockburn

Originally posted by jainatorres
Its offensive because of the time of year, believe it or not Christmas is'nt about buying "stuff" And bringing up the name of Jesus and connecting it to Aliens in my opinion is just inflammatory comment to start trouble..

Remind me NOT to claim that Prophet Muhammad is a Reptilian in the month of Ramadan. I might offend someone.

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by Stockburn

Originally posted by jainatorres
Its offensive because of the time of year, believe it or not Christmas is'nt about buying "stuff" And bringing up the name of Jesus and connecting it to Aliens in my opinion is just inflammatory comment to start trouble..

Remind me NOT to claim that Prophet Muhammad is a Reptilian in the month of Ramadan. I might offend someone.

That's one of the reasons artistic representations of Muhammad are not allowed. They would obviously show his forked tongue and lizard eyes.

There is nothing useful or funny about your statements, but rather ignorant and offensive in many ways. First off, you guys don't even know how spell his name correctly, second off you shouldn't speak of the Prophet of Islam, one of the great figures of history without knowing anything about it.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by LibBLVRdoc
We were intelligently designed to live on this Earth and do good deeds, and be caring of Each Other.

Too bad this doesnt make any sense whatsoever. If the Gods intelligently designed us in their image to "do good deeds", why are we capable of doing "bad" things?

IF we where "designed", I dont think good or bad has anything to do with it. The Bible is just the simple mans law book.

Besides, man has always decided himself what is "good" and what is "bad". Sacrificing children is bad? Well it worked for Carthage... Apparently THEIR God listened. Slavery? Commonly accepted in the ancient world, not considered "bad" at all. Prostitution? Same thing. A prime example is the honorable side of warfare that existed for millenia, including among Christians (guess thou shalt not kill isnt so bad after all).

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Armin

Originally posted by Stockburn
Remind me NOT to claim that Prophet Muhammad is a Reptilian in the month of Ramadan. I might offend someone.

There is nothing useful or funny about your statements, but rather ignorant and offensive in many ways. First off, you guys don't even know how spell his name correctly, second off you shouldn't speak of the Prophet of Islam, one of the great figures of history without knowing anything about it.

Trust me. It is quite hilarious. and that in of itself is useful. I guess some yahoo updated Wikipedia with the wrong information. Seems that same fool has multiple spellings in wikipedia. You can view it here. I urge you do do the correct thing and go update it in the name Allah.

I don't think you will find a convert in me, of ANY religion. Period. I guess I did offend someone.

[edit on 12/22/2007 by Stockburn]

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 04:32 AM
If you're getting your source from Wikipedia, then you got more problems than you know. Any case, I'm sure you're happy and also proud by offending people, you must get a kick out of it. Ignorant childish behavior won't get you far in life, especially in God's good will. Also, your smiley faces doesn't make your post any more interesting, you immature low life.

removed BIG quote of post directly above

please read ABOUT ATS: Warnings for excessive quoting, and how to quote

[edit on 23/12/07 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 06:55 AM

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by LibBLVRdoc
One Qick question, Leyla; Does that say (on your Avitar);
"ACLU member, ACLJ, or ACU?
Would you tellme which, and if not ACLU, what does it represent?

A.C.L.U.? GAH!! I wouldn't assist those commies for anything.
They fight for taking away rights.

A.C.L.J. Stands for American Center for Law and Justice. These are the good guys.
They support the US Consitiuton, peoples rights etc.

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 07:47 AM
Anyone who's not from earth is alien. So, from a certain point of view, jesus was an alien. So I don't think that's offensive to anyone in any way. Including a christian like myself. I do believe jesus was god and god is not from earth.

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

HOWEVER when going with the argument that Jesus is God, even if the "soul" of Jesus was not from this earth, his body clearly was since he was born here as a regular child. So from the same point of view, he's not an alien

[edit on 23-12-2007 by merka]

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