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Strange Symbol I Found

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:50 PM
Today, while walking down the street with friends, I discovered a sheet of paper with a strange symbol on it taped to the side of a small billboard.

For whatever reason it striked me as extremely weird so I pocketed it with the hopes of discovering what it meant.

Is it a riddle? Just a symbol? I have no idea but hopefully someone here will recognize something from it.

Here is a picture of the symbol:

On the bottom of the hexagon is a cobra inside a circle:

In the center of the pentagon maze is an eye:

Around the outside of the hexagon are the letters: H, Q, L, H, and O (in that order)

Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I guess what strikes me most (beyond the fact that it is wierd as hell) is the creepy eye in the center...reminds me of the Illuminati eye.

On a semi-related note, I live in Milwaukee, WI.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:59 PM
Oops I forgot to read the rest of your post.. hehe.. sorry. Ill take a look and get back to you.

[edit on 6/12/2007 by ViolatoR]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:03 PM
The bottom image is a cobra. One of the links above is a closeup of it.

And yeah, it appears to be an eyebrow above the eye.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:27 PM
Hmm Eye, Cobra, Hexagram..

Well after a couple of minutes I found myself reading G.I Joe myhtology on wikipedia..

Apparently Snake-Eyes had a famous battle with Cobra Commander in comic issue 150. Also Snake has an i-ching Hexagram (number 63) tattooed on his arm.. does that help?

Anyways I couldnt find any english words from those letters. hmmm..

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:03 AM
its a secret society for those that love GI Joe

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:39 AM
And "cobras" are reptiles,clearly the work of our Anukai reptilian overlords trying to mind control the 80's youth with GI Joe.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:33 AM
I agree there have been strange subliminal messages in tv commercials and shows but the thing with Gi Joe is Cobra was the bad guy so if anything that would go againts the grain of thought.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:11 PM
My GI Joe post was a joke, not meant to be taken seriously.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:51 PM
Wow, interesting stuff.

Just to add something that no one else mentioned, although it's fairly obvious. The Cobra could be another L, simply a cryptic way of writing another L into the Initials. Dual symbolism I'd imagine.

Likely a practical joke or an "esoteric advertisement", never the less the people demand to know!

Thanks for sharing, hope some others can enlighten us.

Edit: One other thing to consider

There was a mockery done of the Mona Lisa entitled L H O O Q, which was "called" Look if you pronounce it phonetically. L H O H Q, using the same idea could be pronounced "Lock". It's a long shot, but just a thought.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by Baphomet79]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:16 AM
Just a little theory here, but the Pentagon is made up of what looks like a maze, and with the eye in the middle it highly resembles the eye on the fron of the US dollar bill, I would suggest that the Pentagon can represent the US government (With the physicall "Pentagon" which serves as the headquarters almost) the fact that its a maze could be a joke saying that the US government is so secretive and deceptive like a maze, the cobra at the bottom could represent again the corruptness/deceptiveness of the US government (The stereotypicall deceptor is usually a Snake or Reptile of some sort) The thing that gets me is the Letters, Lhohq, to take a spin at what Baphomet79 said it could simply mean "Lock" which would make a degree of sense, seeing as the U.S. keep there citizens in a state of ignorance or "Under Lock and Key", but the end to my theory is that it could be the symbol of an Anti-American orginization, and LHOHQ could be there name or the abbreviation of their motto or some such, thats my idea, hope it could shed some light on the matter.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 06:33 AM
brotherforchrist your forgetting the dredknocks from Gi joe they were always playing both sides so if anything they were up to something, i'm joking, but i did bag out loud laughing after you told me it was a joke and i answered it seriously.

As far as the symbol what we do know from the naked eye(pardon the pun)is its a maze leading to the eye maybe as a way of saying that in order to find the truth it will take a maze like journy???

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
brotherforchrist your forgetting the dredknocks from Gi joe they were always playing both sides so if anything they were up to something, i'm joking, but i did bag out loud laughing after you told me it was a joke and i answered it seriously.

As far as the symbol what we do know from the naked eye(pardon the pun)is its a maze leading to the eye maybe as a way of saying that in order to find the truth it will take a maze like journy???

Sorry, on these boards its hard to know sometimes, due to the strangeness that gets posted (Icke,etc),The only thing that I would accuse GI Joe of is glamorizing war but it is hardly the first show to do that.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:17 AM
Off topic for a moment brotherforchrist what is your opinion on David Icke, in my life time i'v seen a few strange things and i'v listened to a few of his speeches and in my opinion some of the stuff he says is spot on others some what out there, but i'v learned anythings possible to a certain extent.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:18 PM
I think I found your answer:
In Milwaukee there is an org called Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters
LHOHQ - starting from L at the top. Not sure what they're into, but seem kinda out there...
Found a couple of websites and you can search and find some myspace pages as well.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by ZhenShanRen
I think I found your answer:
In Milwaukee there is an org called Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters
LHOHQ - starting from L at the top. Not sure what they're into, but seem kinda out there...
Found a couple of websites and you can search and find some myspace pages as well.

Hardly an answer, but, I'd say a step in the right direction. Did ya peruse those links at all? Trippy stuff the LHOHQ has floating around in their imagination.
The blogspot link was odd in that there was a list of words...just words, and it went down farther than I ventured.
Being a FIBber myself, I always thought there was something about Cheesers that was strange


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Hardly an answer, but, I'd say a step in the right direction. Did ya peruse those links at all? Trippy stuff the LHOHQ has floating around in their imagination.
The blogspot link was odd in that there was a list of words...just words, and it went down farther than I ventured.
Being a FIBber myself, I always thought there was something about Cheesers that was strange


I started losing brain cells when looking at and trying to figure out their websites and myspace pages. Didn't want to waste any more [brain cells] than was necessary, so I just posted what I found. Someone can send an email to one of their myspace pages and ask "WTF".

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:36 PM
I think that David Icke lost his football/soccer career, and found a niche making speeches and doing lectures where he can make money.I also find it ironic that he feels that societies are doing evil occult magickal rituals, and he stated that a spirit told him that he was to heal the earth.It is pretty hard to look like you are taking a moral highground against people channeling spirits and doing rituals when you yourself do them.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:47 PM
I think it's just a group of design school/artist/performance/cyberpunks having some fun with the more gullible among us.

Creativity is sometimes expressed in the most bizarre fashion.

I think the purpose was to try and help folks think outside the corporate/constipated mindset/TV box.

Did it Work?

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 11:12 AM
@ the cobra commander comments

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 09:29 PM
Lets talk about LHOHQ and my necromancy skills

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