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Has SETI ever received a possible signal from an alien race?

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posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 01:20 AM
I have heard all sorts of stories about possible signals from different planets or alien races. I was wondering whether there have ever been any signals that have been received by SETI or any other research groups that have been "probable" or "very possible" signals from other worlds and intelligent beings?

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 07:49 AM
if so it will not be released because of national security reasons and all contact and all related will be sieged by the nsa and other governement agencies. the usa will never cooperate will disclosure if it is not in there interest. even if signal is picked up some were else on the globe they will see it as a threath to there security and they will dispatch a group of agent to the facility.

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:01 AM
I'm not sure about SETI@home, but the actual SETI program did get at least one "WOW" signal, but it could never be duplicated and I think is assumed therefore to be from some type of man-made interference.

posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 01:11 AM
i do remember seeing a program on Discovery about SETi and there was one signal on the 15th of august 1977 ths signal is now known as either The WOW signal or 6EQUJ5 it was a signal that only ever appeared once and has not ever been replicated, at first many people claimed that it was a piece of man made interference but newer studies have shown it comes from an area os space crowded with planets and stars which could contain life bearing systems

the problem of course is noone has heard it since so the chances are it was not deliberate and the chances are if it was aliens they do not know we heard them

if you look here there is some info and some links about it

As to what mark said about it being undercover this is ludicrous! SETI is NOT government controlled and if the signal appeared whoever was on duty at the time would spread it like wildfire, The government may try to cover it up but it would already in be in the public domain and hard to deny

i suggest everyone downloads Boinc and gets decoding my PC does around 3 Data blocks a day whihc isnt much but its something so many people i know claim to believe in life in space but dont bother downloading it which i find really strange!

posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 01:34 AM
thanks for the link. I found the WOW signal information extremely interesting. But it also raises even more questions. The most obvious question is would we even recognize a signal as being from an intelligent extraterrestrial source? Are we listening for signals with a distinctly human criteria? Or are we just, to put it simply, tuning across a radio dial hoping to catch something that we, as humans, would recognize much like tuning an am radio late at night hoping to catch a radio program from some distant city?

posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 12:22 PM
its a lot more in depth than that i dont claim to fully understand it but what SETI does in simple terms is it cleans out background noise, we have had radio telescopes for 40+ years so scientists know almost all the noise that can be heard in space not neccesarilly EVERY noise but they know what is natural SETI searches for signals that have certain key things such as repeating frequencies and sounds that happen several times in certain time frame, mind you i do think that limits us somewhat as we dont know how these aliens are communicating and how there technology works for instance a race living 200 years away could of developed technology that uses something we dont understand to transmit data without giving off radio waves(pyshic or bio techniology) 50 years ago meaning if they had a signal beaming out it has already passed us and mixed in with the background noise of space so for all we know there signals there its just faded to static

Im a keen user of the Seti@home program but its wierd how most people dont understand what a signal would be, it wouldnt be a video or sound it would show up as a blip on a sine waveand would sound like white noise to us but the fact it repeats etc makes it inteligent

hope none of that sounds too condecending i didnt mean it to!


posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 02:16 PM
I'm an artist, not an astronomer. And I'm not very technologically versed in electronics or radio so I am pleased to receive an answer "written in English". I would never take an answer to any question as being "condescending". Like the old adage goes; "the worst question is the one never asked. Ask a question and you are only perceived a fool once. Never ask a question and you are a fool forever". Thanks for your reply and succinct answer.

posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 06:02 PM
I belive that secrets have been hidden from the public for a very long time and becouse of greed and power to control. they act with out thinking.
and wont get out of the playground and act like responsable adults.. pfft i feal sick having being born on a plannet ridiculed in hate and destruction of mankind. all its wonderfull things it has to offer.. but no.... they would rather keep it from us for 90 yrs + and have it for them selfs. does this prove there trying to keep us in the past? and they wont let us evolve?
or what about zpe? its free?!? why not use it to solve the oil chrisis that there babbling on about 24/7.. its like there causing problem after problem to cover up the last problems :S. its sick reverse-psychology.

thats my thought.....

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by popek
As to what mark said about it being undercover this is ludicrous! SETI is NOT government controlled and if the signal appeared whoever was on duty at the time would spread it like wildfire, The government may try to cover it up but it would already in be in the public domain and hard to deny

first off SETI is government controlled.....most of the data that is crunched by SETI comes from gov controlled receiving stations so let Seti get a real signal from another world and my bottom dollar is that you would never hear of it period !!

the only reason the WOW signal was reported was it came only once.......if it was from another world with gobs of info attached to it and it came more than once then it would not have been the "WOW" signal but the "we received no signal" signal.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 12:26 AM
I personally dont see a signal being picked up by SETI. If other races do exist they are most likely far less advanced than us or developed so differently and posibly more intelligently that there is no way for them to pick up our signals....they may be so different from us that radio waves and such are "non-existant" maybe they are telepathic....maybe they dont care about space and what is out there. I truly believe it will be a huge long shot for any type of message to be recieved. But, no one is ever completely right or completely wrong, so it is best to keep an open mind.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 06:10 AM

Intelligent signals picked up by Dr Hymans, Very Large Array telescope at Socorro, New Mexico in 2002.

"Dr. Hyman and his his fellow researchers detected an intermittent signal that seemed intelligently directed. The signal consisted of five highly energetic radio emissions of equal brightness that lasted 10 minutes each and appeared every 77 minutes over a 7-hour period from September 30 to October 1. The discovery has left Professor Scott Hyman and the entire astronomy community "scratching their heads"


posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 02:56 PM
I personaly think that the WOW signal was released to give hope to all of continue cruching.

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 03:28 PM
do you even know what you're processing? i mean what if it were a nuke simulation? how would you know?

wrt SETI signals, it's gov't controlled, why selectively trust it?

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance
do you even know what you're processing? i mean what if it were a nuke simulation? how would you know?

wrt SETI signals, it's gov't controlled, why selectively trust it?

I use it because i am curious about it, and a im trying to gain more knoledge about it also.
As for me, i never sayed i trust it, your hipotesis is a genuine one, but i don't beliave they will send us nuke computtions to our risky maybe. but about that hipotesis, i think the best candidate for what we are "analising" is ECHELON. maybe echelon data is what we are crushing in this kind of projects, analising fone talks, mails, cell messages etc from all the world. that amount of data would justify this "home projects"...but who knows...just a theory for now.

[edit on 21-10-2006 by Umbra Sideralis]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:29 AM

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:31 PM
there was a few reports back in 2000 that ther was actual live recordings
os sompthing in space. they keep it lock up in a vault in the nasa vault.
nobody talks about it and if you ask they deny it.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
I'm an artist, not an astronomer. And I'm not very technologically versed in electronics or radio so I am pleased to receive an answer "written in English". I would never take an answer to any question as being "condescending". Like the old adage goes; "the worst question is the one never asked. Ask a question and you are only perceived a fool once. Never ask a question and you are a fool forever".

Please remember that this is a forum, where each post is meant to instigate challenge and discussion. Don't expect to post an inquiry and get a definite answer. This question is highly complex, anyway.

Thanks for your reply and succinct answer

Was such immense sarcasm intended?

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by djohnsto77

Actaully scientists eliminated most if not all of the so-called 'earthly' sources that could have created the 'WOW Signal' back in 1977. The signal itself came from the direction of Sagittarius at some 12,000 light distance and was only picked up once by the now defunct Ohio State radio telescope. After repeated attempts, the signal was never retrieved again. Whatever or whoever created the WOW Signal, it certainly will remain an enigma for science to try and solve unless the same source that created it decides to send it again. As for myself (based on the preponderance of the scientific evidence) prefer to think of the 'WOW Signal' as a beacon-like alien signal that somehow originated from another part of our Milky Way galaxy.


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:12 PM
as far as i kno wthe closest they got is this:

and this is disputable....

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:31 PM
Here is a little something you might find enteresting.

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