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Canadian Police Urge Citizens To Avoid Conflict With Armed Robbers By Leaving Keys At Front Door

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posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Yes, that's right. Safer for the homeowner that way. Even in the case of an intruding rapist. Rather a raped human being than a dead one – whether victim or rapist.

Non-violence is not a thing Americans are able to comprehend. The culture is blind to the essent pardox: people living in a closely integrated modern society but idolizing psychopathic individualism and gun violence.

Almost 250 years old! Time to grow up, America. Before you kill yourself playing with those lethal toys of yours.

But this, too, shall pass.

the peak into your mind is a frightening one. I can't unsee it, and I wish I could.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

And what exactly is stopping them from killing you after they've raped you? You think just laying down and saying "here I am, do what you want" is going to tug on their heartstrings or something?
You remind me of the way Feinstein used to talk. "When a gunman sees that no one else is armed they'll lay down their weapons. It's just human nature". Absolute nonsense and total insanity. My 45 1911 and my 12 gauge shotgun make damn sure that they don't harm my family or steal my sh!t, and yes I absolutely value my sh!t and my family more than their life. Their life is forfeit and I will not mourn the waste of meat they were.

You should really get the prescription in your rose colored glasses fixed before you're on the wrong end of someone who wants to hurt you or steal your sh!t.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: MrGashler

And what exactly is stopping them from killing you after they've raped you?

What's stopping them in the rest of the world? Most countries have far lower murder rates than the US. No country except Brazil has more gun deaths. Nobody needs to own a gun to be safe.

People who need a gun to feel safe are fools, because every study ever conducted shows that in modern society, having a gun makes you less safe, not more.

People who need a gun to feel safe are also, in my opinion, cowards, going in constant fear of muggers, thieves, rapists, immigrants, the government, secret blood-drinking elites and who knows what else.


a reply to: network dude

the peak into your mind is a frightening one. I can't unsee it, and I wish I could.

Some people are afraid of everything. I pity them. How dreadful to live in constant terror all the time.

edit on 10/4/24 by Astyanax because:

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So, what you are saying is we need to treat people like children.

No, I'm telling you it's time Americans grew up. Cowboys and Indians is a game for children. And playing it with lethal weapons is a game for idiots.

I'm not sure what your essent pardox means

It means 'typo'. Read 'essential paradox'.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Put your wallet, PlayStation and television next to the keys and they won't need to break in. Add a 12 pack and a carton of Newports while you're at it. Because it's important to exhibit benevolent neighborly qualities to the pitiful canadian thug muffins who clearly deserve your charity.


When I do that and then shoot them, I'm told it's "no fair baiting them".

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's a sad, pathetic man who hires security because he is not personally qualified to defend himself using the same weapons they carry, while trying to take away those same weapons from people who are in fact qualified.

My family motto is "We Are Our Own Police".

True story.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's a sad, pathetic man who hires security because he is not personally qualified to defend himself using the same weapons they carry, while trying to take away those same weapons from people who are in fact qualified.

This is exactly the kind of unthinking adolescent machismo that gets so many Americans killed in their homes and communities.

edit on 10/4/24 by Astyanax because:

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: Annee

My intruder alarm is a Mossberg 500. It's really loud and intruders just go to pieces when it goes off.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax

No, I'm telling you it's time Americans grew up. Cowboys and Indians is a game for children. And playing it with lethal weapons is a game for idiots.

I agree some play stupid games like gang members but the other 99% don't. I have 3 decades in the military, and I have a lot of gins, what games am I playing, or do you assume I'm playing? If I need to shoot someone it is not a game, but a life-threatening event. At the end of the day, I will use a rock if I need to, so I think there are people out there who are dangerous no matter what they have.

It means 'typo'. Read 'essential paradox'.

I still didn't find anything on it, I looked for that too.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax

This is exactly the kind of unthinking adolescent machismo that gets so many Americans killed in their homes and communities.

Then we have facts and not just emotional intelligence.

Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. ...
Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. ...
Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: Annee

No kidding.

In conjunction with alarms.

Point: if all homes in a neighborhood had cameras and alarms — it might be a deterrent.

It does help some, but when people are home it is easier to get in and not trigger the alarm unless people treat every moment like they need to live in a highly secure place.

Some fun facts that we know is the more gun restrictive state the higher the crime rate is.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax

Yes, that's right. Safer for the homeowner that way. Even in the case of an intruding rapist. Rather a raped human being than a dead one – whether victim or rapist.

What if the rape victim is your 6-year-old daughter? I get your point but what you suggest is to create a society of sheep while we have wolves all around us.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

You think people aren't raped and murdered in the rest of the world? Most countries also have far more homogenized populations than the US, and whether you like it or not that DOES matter.
Also, you're aware that "gun deaths" count suicides right? You're either being extremely dishonest in your arguments, or you're extremely misinformed. I hope for the latter, but based on the arrogance in your statements I suspect it's the former.

I would be absolutely fascinated to see every study ever conducted that shows this. Hell, I'd be fascinated to see just a couple of studies that showed this.

I think it's cute that you think people who own guns are cowards. I hope you keep that same energy for people who wear seatbelts, go through airport security, or have fire extinguishers in their homes.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

What if the rape victim is your 6-year-old daughter?

Good question. So, how much less likely do you think such a terrible thing is to happen, due to your having a gun?

Number of forcible rape and sexual assault cases in the United States in 2022, by weapon presence

Of the 531,806 US rape or sexual assault cases recorded in 2022, a firearm was present in only 8,102 incidents (not necessarily carried by the perpetrator but at times by the victim, bystanders, law enforcement, etc, instead). If you assume that in all cases it was the perpetrator who bore the gun, that means guns facilitated a mere 1.5% of all rapes and sexual assaults. If you assume the gun was held by someone else, that means the presence of a gun failed to prevent an assault in every such case.

And if you think the foregoing statistics leave out cases in which rape was prevented by someone with a gun, read this and learn better.

Your fears are clearly imaginary and do not reflect the situation that prevails in real life. You say ‘we have wolves all around us’; actually, we do not. We live in largely law-abiding communities in which people do not prey upon each other so much as they cooperate and collaborate to preserve the things they value.

True, American society is not nearly as safe and law-abiding as other rich societies are. That is a shame as well as tragedy, and we all know why it is the case. Even so, for most Americans, most of the time, life is not a struggle to survive under constant threat from violence, theft or poverty, the way it is in places like (say) Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, Haiti, Grenada, Myanmar, Niger or Syria. Things are not even so bad as they are in Latin America; if it was, you wouldn’t have hordes of migrants from that region pouring over your southern border.

It is irrational fear, not the facts of real life, that you are putting forward as your excuse for owning a gun.


a reply to: MrGashler

You're either being extremely dishonest in your arguments, or you're extremely misinformed... I'd be fascinated to see just a couple of studies that showed this.

You like making up your own facts, don’t you? How I laughed to see you owned by Therealbeverage in that eclipse thread.

Anyway, the study results you want to see are presented below.

You think people aren't raped and murdered in the rest of the world?

Here is a list of rapes reported worldwide in 2021. The difficulty of acquiring and collating such statistics is admitted and discussed on the page. Nevertheless, the United States is, in absolute numbers, far and away the world leader in rape. And in terms of rapes per capita, it’s at about #17 (out of 118 countries surveyed).

Most countries also have far more homogenized populations than the US.

On a ranking of countries by ethnic diversity, the USA stands at #90 out of 215 − a bit less than halfway down from the top.

Ranked by linguistic diversity, the USA comes in at 64 out of 215. More diverse than average but not especially so. Many more diverse countries − such as, for instance, Canada, the ostensible subject of this thread − have far lower crime rates than the USA.

The USA is a world leader only in religious diversity, where its position on the chart is an impressive #2 out of 215. Only the Rainbow Nation, South Africa, is more multi-confessional than America.

Source for the above statistics

As for ‘racial’ (that is, genetic) diversity, the US is #52 on this list of 154 countries. So there’s that; but it is also 75.5% White. Again, Canada is far more diverse than the USA yet has far less crime, violence and gun violence than the USA. So much for your ‘ethnic diversity does matter.’

Also, you're aware that "gun deaths" count suicides right?

Not in the statistics on which I based my earlier statement.


I think it's cute that you think people who own guns are cowards.

Reactionary conservatism is essentially fear of change and loss of status given expression in politics; see my response to Xtrozero above. Not that I’m particularly liberal, you understand; I fully appreciate and endorse the conservative saying, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ But that is intelligent conservatism, the conservatism of Burke and Buckley, not the hormonal, spit-flying ‘conservatism’ (shading into fascism) of the American gun cult and the bulk of the ATS membership.


Allow me to make something clear to you and some of the other truth-dodging newcomers here: I do not lie, I do not exaggerate and I always make sure I know what I am talking about before I open my mouth or reach for my keyboard. These are my principles in real life as well as on Above Top Secret. Make very sure of your facts and your arguments before you venture to call me a liar, or I will wipe the floor with you. Depend upon it.

edit on 12/4/24 by Astyanax because:

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Statistics are a very poor comfort to victims.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax

What if the rape victim is your 6-year-old daughter?

My point wasn't statistics related. I think we can both agree there are bad people out there, and it seems that there are more than we even though as the curtains are pulled aside with social media to see better numbers, and what you suggest is just let them rule as they feel like. There is a good chance all this is more evolutionary related to different hormones, so maybe stop looking at it as children and see it for what it is. Men protect and hunt and women nurture.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax

Reactionary conservatism is essentially fear of change and loss of status given expression in politics; see my response to Xtrozero above. Not that I’m particularly liberal, you understand; I fully appreciate and endorse the conservative saying, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ But that is intelligent conservatism, the conservatism of Burke and Buckley, not the hormonal, spit-flying ‘conservatism’ (shading into fascism) of the American gun cult and the bulk of the ATS membership.

I'm not particularly conservative... I just don't like people who want to harm me, my family, friends, and innocent people. I'm a really nice guy if you ever met me, but I'm also very good, if need be, to deal with this type of person. It seems you put the value of life above all else no matter what, and that is very Gandhi of you, but I don't. The bottom-line is just don't F with me and find out. I worked too hard in my life for what I have, and I love the people around me too much to let bad people just do what they want.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Yes, that's right. Safer for the homeowner that way. Even in the case of an intruding rapist. Rather a raped human being than a dead one – whether victim or rapist.

You think women should be willing to get raped rather than be able to harm their attacker in self defense.

You are a disgusting, pathetic excuse for a human being. Among the lowest scum on Earth.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

You think women should be willing to get raped rather than be able to harm their attacker in self defense.

Where did I say that, or anything like it? It would take an idiot to construe what I have posted here in that way.

You are a disgusting, pathetic excuse for a human being. Among the lowest scum on Earth.

You are an idiot.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

My point wasn't statistics related.

It wasn’t based on facts, let alone statistics.

I think we can both agree there are bad people out there

Yes, and when you go waving a gun about the place, you become one of them.

It seems that there are more than we

That is what people who get their ‘information’ about the world from a screen or a speaker always think. In fact, it’s not the case at all; criminals and antisocial elements are a tiny minority in society.

You suggest is just let them rule as they feel like.

Not at all. I suggest leaving them to the professionals, as in every other civiliized country on Earth.

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