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Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere

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posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:05 AM
Scientific American

The nation's first outdoor test to limit global warming by increasing cloud cover launched Tuesday from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay.

The experiment, which organizers didn't widely announce to avoid public backlash, marks the acceleration of a contentious field of research known as solar radiation modification. The concept involves shooting substances such as aerosols into the sky to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.

I’m too black pilled.

We’re going to kill ourselves off with our own stupidity.

Screw these bung holes. Screw anyone who thinks this is a good idea.

*walks away mumbling obscenities*

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:43 AM
Al "listen to the science" Gore said there wouldn't be any ice at the north pole, the polar bears would die out, there wouldn't be any snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro, by 2014. Last time I checked, none of those predictions even remotely came true.
But they scared the S out of those that are easily manipulated.
These actions are those of the type of person that would jump out of an airplane in flight because they were terrified of flying.

Thinkers can foresee the consequences of their actions. Feelers have to make the mistake first, before they learn from it.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:46 AM
Why is it that people believe that air and water on planet Earth are limitless and capable of infinite pollution dispersal?

Wait, oh, I get it, it isn't carbon dioxide, so it isn't a threat to the planet or our health. We have no other pollution "footprint" where the atmosphere or oceans are concerned apparently.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 07:59 AM
Pretty suprised/skeptical of the claim it's the first - the cloud seeding tech has been around for a long time and ex-Beatle, Paul McCartney used it to ensure sunny weather for a gig in Russia.

Scientific American usually have decent content but a five minute search shows it was first used in the US in 1948 to clear fog and reduce hail at Alexandria Airport and is used at all major US ski resorts to ensure snowfall.

US cloud seeding/weather mod company

Wyoming Cloud Seeding Experiment begins this month
edit on 7-4-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 08:03 AM
We learned this from the Anunnaki.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 08:04 AM
I said it before I’ll say it again.

The climate is changing! Man made climate change is bad therefore man must change climate using man made climate change….its retarded.

The source of the climate is energy exchange, the energy that’s being exchanged comes from the sun, almost all of it the vast overwhelming amount of energy applied to the earth arrives from the sun like 99.99% the energy comes in the form of various forms of radiation as well as gravitational waves.

The only way one could even discern that any change at all is man made is to have control conditions and compare. Control conditions would be planets in our system that don’t have humans whose climate is also changing. Then compare the rates of change to our own while factoring in the atmosphere or lack their of on other planets.

So if the other planets are warming at similar rates to earth based of distance,size absorption rates ect then we don’t have much that we can do other then what they are actually doing which would be stop the excess radiation from hitting us.

It’s possible they know climate change isn’t human based but solar based and they are trying to mitigate that to maintain the current global climate status quo for right or wrong who can say.

The earth has had many times the current levels of all “green house” gases and supported increased amounts of life.

All the carbon we get taxed for releasing was at one point very much part of the atmosphere until a plant bound it to its body, then an animal ate that plants and the carbon be some part of the earth when the animal died. Releasing it back would just allow another plant to bind it. Another animal to eat it and so on and so forth.

The carbon cycle is quite different from pollution but the government would have you believe they are one and the same and inseparable.

Real pollution in which no natural systems exist to breakdown the manmade compounds found nowhere in nature is a very big problem. Hormones posioning water, microscopic plastic beads invading every speck of water. Garbage, face masks ect. Brutal and a huge problem.

Burning some wood or fuel on the other hand no big deal.

a reply to: pianopraze

edit on 7-4-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 08:05 AM
It is the definition of insanity...

Haven't we learned our lesson yet?

What will the unintended consequences be? Probably worse than what is happening now.

We have lied to ourselves and decided we are God.

We are so screwed.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:02 AM
I wonder what delivery method they are using. The article doesn't say anything about it. It sounds like they are spraying sea water into the air. The oceans do that at the coastas all the time. A balloon launch or rocket launch would be too noticable to do without many questions and have a tiny payload. Also, all these methods will be like putting a glass of water in the ocean to reduce the salt level then having a drink of the seawater to see if it workedl. Inefective and stupid to expect results.

It might promote rust locally though.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

This article gives a good run down of potential delivery mechanisms, the company Silver Lining have also recieved funding for developing robotic autonamous boats to carry out the process.

Warning PDF - Geo-engineering Monitor: Cloud brightening factsheet

This old Guardian article shows how controversial the company have been in the past and calls for countries to have to apply for UN approval before such experiments due to the high risks involved.

Bill Gates' cloud whitening trials 'A dangerous experiment'

The albedo effect is well understood and would work on that front but water vapour is a potent greenhouse gas so would negate any benefit before the major risks of weather modification are taken into account (storms, poisoning land with high salt levels, chaos maths).

It doesn't make any sense to undertake the risks given laying out white sheeting on the sea or land would cause a better cooling via the aldedo effect with non of the associated risks and innability to develop models/simulations of such releases until computers become a lot more powerful.

edit on 7-4-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: bastion

Like I said, this occures all the time at the ocean shores. Waves lap the shore and seawater splashes into the air. The air is salty from this.

The effectiveness of those boats are like a squirt gun full of salt water.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:45 AM
I've heard the biggest greenhouse gas by far is H2O.

So if that's the case then how does more clouds (water) help?

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
I've heard the biggest greenhouse gas by far is H2O.

So if that's the case then how does more clouds (water) help?

Don't say things like that. You are using logic and reasoning. The climet change cult won't like that.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: bastion
Pretty suprised/skeptical of the claim it's the first -

I love to find things I can agree on.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:19 AM
I see signs of geoengineering often, and always in clumps (lots of trials at a time, or none at all). The skies never used to be like this.
It doesn't matter wether it's sunny or a storm coming, I still see the same coverage .

Video of what I see often

The video will only last 2 days , can't be bothered to create an account as people will dismiss this anyway (they did the last time I posted a topic about this using this video).
edit on 7-4-2024 by ScarletDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 11:50 AM
I live in Traverse city MI and we have the blue angles here at the cherry festival every other year. In I998 a day before the festival the sky's were covered with trails and that night we had heat lightning all night long. AM radio would not receive and the whole band was static. The next day the sky was cloudless and the blue angles flew. Who was that said we will bring the weather?

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

I agree with you.

So, the argument against "chemtrails" is the whole thing about too many people being in on the conspiracy for it to be real.

But that just simply isn't so.

It only takes a few here and there to add a little chemical or two in the manufacture, delivery or even filling of the fuel. Most people don't even know what they are doing at work, much less guys in factories following the formula on a computer. They are just onnocent tools. Right down to denying that they are doing chemtrails, because they were told they aren't.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 12:15 PM
This fits the bill for geo-engineering.

There is a guy called Dame Wiggington who waxes exctstic about this. According to his research (and feature film the 'dimming'), geo-engineering is a very real phenomena and has been happening for a very long time. He says most of our weather is engineered.

Dame also claims that chemical ice nueclestion is responsible for most weather 'whiplash' events, causing mass flooding and freak ice storms. Earthquakes too.

Makes sense I guess. Dame also talks about microplastics being so prevalent that it's now simply a depopulation tool.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Since when do the Few have some Odd Right to Tinker with Earth's Natural Climate without the Consent of the other 8 Billion People who reside here to ? Where do We go to Complain about that ?

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

Dane Wiggington has been done to death on here.

He's full of #.

posted on Apr, 7 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

2020: of course geoengineering is not happening.
2024: a few small tests have been done, but nothing to worry about
2030: why geoingineering helps you
2034: famine and pestilence caused by geoingineering is a conspiracy theory
2040: love one died? call now to get in on the class action lawsuit

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