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Does anyone else get the sense that something downright miraculous might be up ahead?

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posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:20 PM

Just a short OP today with the simple question in the title: Do you feel that we may be facing something miraculous up ahead?

The reason I ask is that the corruption & disinformation, and the fallout of the depopulation plandemic is now thick like treacle, and with the whole financial CBDC system being almost ready to go after the launch of the UMU (Universal Monetary Unit - a CBDC) by the IMF, alongside the WHO Pandemic Treaty & changes to the International Health Regulations, with the threatening situation regarding wars around the world, and deception abounding everywhere - it just feels like we're poised on a knife edge - farmers protesting around Europe, Canadians increasing the number of reasons you might want to commit suicide (if you're poor, for example, or if you're a bit depressed).

I have a very strong sense that at some point something major will happen to utterly disrupt the flow of this advance of corruption & deception. Probably just before the Pandemic Treaty is rolled out by the World Health Organisation - which will give them the ability to lock down all nations at the drop of the hat, because of just about anything, even 'climate emergencies' or 'disinformation pandemics'. After the Pandemic Treaty, if they institute the CBDCs widely, alongside all the many Western nations rolling out censorship laws to control freedom of speech, then they have us all by the short & curlies, we'll be utterly constrained, freedom will be a thing of the past.

If you believe, as I do, that God won't stand idly by while these corrupt bastards lock us down in a forever state of 'Super-Control-Systems', in 15 minute neighbourhoods with no freedom of movement & no freedom to speak as we choose, with no rights to reject WHO mandated 'medicines/vaccines', with no freedom to earn real money or to own property - essentially causing us to become 'forever slaves' - then at some point soon, it seems that something miraculous will need to occur which will utterly disrupt their exceedingly clever & tightly-organised plans for world domination.

It will be the End of Days, with the appearance of angels & the work of prophets, the deconstruction of the control systems that the Elites have been busy constructing via back room meetings in Davos over the past thirty or forty years. As if the truth would never come to light, as if the Light would never do anything to quell the power of the Darkness. I've said it before elsewhere, but there is a difference between the wars of former generations & the situation today. In former times there was still freedom of action, the ability to resist, and a lot of people & groups were able to overcome the darkness & restart democratic processes after destructive wars. But currently this warfare is fifth generation, fought against the citizens by the uber-state worldwide control network of corporations & globalist NGOs, quietly chaperoning us into a sinister condition of depopulation & ultimate technological control of each one of us individually & all of us collectively.

I don't think we can get out of this without divine help, simply put.

And I believe that help is needed sooner, rather than later. I believe we will start to see miraculous & perhaps inexplicable events occurring in the not-too-distant future, before the International Health Summit of May 2024 would be my guess, when the WHO will announce its total control over the health responses of all the nations when an 'incident of concern' allegedly occurs. We need a way to resist changes like that, and humanly speaking, it's not possible for the small percentage of people who are truly awake to overcome the corruption at scale, to resist & defeat the Enemy without some serious external help & assistance - or a massive boost in the numbers of people who are aware of what is really going on.

I've been having dreams about this for years - I think it's going to come to pass soon, that we find ourselves very much living in the time of the End of Days. I'd love to be wrong - but I don't think I am. If you pray, now is the time to pray for increased numbers of people waking up, and for that external help to come rolling in to support those of us who understand & object to what is happening around the world, in nearly all nations.



posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Just a short OP today with the simple question in the title: Do you feel that we may be facing something miraculous up ahead?

The reason I ask is that the corruption & disinformation, and the fallout of the depopulation plandemic is now thick like treacle, and with the whole financial CBDC system being almost ready to go after the launch of the UMU (Universal Monetary Unit - a CBDC) by the IMF, alongside the WHO Pandemic Treaty & changes to the International Health Regulations, with the threatening situation regarding wars around the world, and deception abounding everywhere - it just feels like we're poised on a knife edge - farmers protesting around Europe, Canadians increasing the number of reasons you might want to commit suicide (if you're poor, for example, or if you're a bit depressed).

I have a very strong sense that at some point something major will happen to utterly disrupt the flow of this advance of corruption & deception. Probably just before the Pandemic Treaty is rolled out by the World Health Organisation - which will give them the ability to lock down all nations at the drop of the hat, because of just about anything, even 'climate emergencies' or 'disinformation pandemics'. After the Pandemic Treaty, if they institute the CBDCs widely, alongside all the many Western nations rolling out censorship laws to control freedom of speech, then they have us all by the short & curlies, we'll be utterly constrained, freedom will be a thing of the past.

If you believe, as I do, that God won't stand idly by while these corrupt bastards lock us down in a forever state of 'Super-Control-Systems', in 15 minute neighbourhoods with no freedom of movement & no freedom to speak as we choose, with no rights to reject WHO mandated 'medicines/vaccines', with no freedom to earn real money or to own property - essentially causing us to become 'forever slaves' - then at some point soon, it seems that something miraculous will need to occur which will utterly disrupt their exceedingly clever & tightly-organised plans for world domination.

It will be the End of Days, with the appearance of angels & the work of prophets, the deconstruction of the control systems that the Elites have been busy constructing via back room meetings in Davos over the past thirty or forty years. As if the truth would never come to light, as if the Light would never do anything to quell the power of the Darkness. I've said it before elsewhere, but there is a difference between the wars of former generations & the situation today. In former times there was still freedom of action, the ability to resist, and a lot of people & groups were able to overcome the darkness & restart democratic processes after destructive wars. But currently this warfare is fifth generation, fought against the citizens by the uber-state worldwide control network of corporations & globalist NGOs, quietly chaperoning us into a sinister condition of depopulation & ultimate technological control of each one of us individually & all of us collectively.

I don't think we can get out of this without divine help, simply put.

And I believe that help is needed sooner, rather than later. I believe we will start to see miraculous & perhaps inexplicable events occurring in the not-too-distant future, before the International Health Summit of May 2024 would be my guess, when the WHO will announce its total control over the health responses of all the nations when an 'incident of concern' allegedly occurs. We need a way to resist changes like that, and humanly speaking, it's not possible for the small percentage of people who are truly awake to overcome the corruption at scale, to resist & defeat the Enemy without some serious external help & assistance - or a massive boost in the numbers of people who are aware of what is really going on.

I've been having dreams about this for years - I think it's going to come to pass soon, that we find ourselves very much living in the time of the End of Days. I'd love to be wrong - but I don't think I am. If you pray, now is the time to pray for increased numbers of people waking up, and for that external help to come rolling in to support those of us who understand & object to what is happening around the world, in nearly all nations.




The end of days will not happen.
Angels don't exist.
Demons don't exist.
No evidence for the existence of any type of God either.

No second coming of Jesus (doubt he existed at all) and no apocalypse...
edit on 11-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:37 PM
That’s a long read for a short OP dude

We are all emanations of the creator, be the change you are ardently wishing for.

The plandemic showed that mob mentality is alive and well and like currency it has no moral bias whatsoever, a tool for good or evil if you will.

Go forth and miss the mark no more.

Prayers and blessings.

a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
That’s a long read for a short OP dude

We are all emanations of the creator, be the change you are ardently wishing for.

The plandemic showed that mob mentality is alive and well and like currency it has no moral bias whatsoever, a tool for good or evil if you will.

Go forth and miss the mark no more.

Prayers and blessings.

a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

What creator?

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:41 PM
I wish I could share your faith but I don't think anything miraculous is up ahead.
Sadly, there will be further decline to democracy, free speech and our freedoms.

Only two things can save us now; political revolution or ironically, a natural disaster

edit on 11-2-2024 by SoreFeet because: typo

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

A popular leader will emerge, and things will go great until the usual power struggles disrupt it again.

As usual you'll get it all, from Messiah to anticrist, and from populist to dictator, depending on whatever movie you have playing in your head.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

A popular leader will emerge, and things will go great until the usual power struggles disrupt it again.

As usual you'll get it all, from Messiah to anticrist, and from populist to dictator, depending on whatever movie you have playing in your head.

By popular leader you mean?
Did you want to say a populist?

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

That's "short"?!!

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1

Nah, I didn't predict the reaction of those thoroughly immersed in their echo chamber in my second paragraph, and got it validated right after.

That's just my immaginaton...

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Just a short OP today with the simple question in the title: Do you feel that we may be facing something miraculous up ahead?

The reason I ask is that the corruption & disinformation, and the fallout of the depopulation plandemic is now thick like treacle, and with the whole financial CBDC system being almost ready to go after the launch of the UMU (Universal Monetary Unit - a CBDC) by the IMF, alongside the WHO Pandemic Treaty & changes to the International Health Regulations, with the threatening situation regarding wars around the world, and deception abounding everywhere - it just feels like we're poised on a knife edge - farmers protesting around Europe, Canadians increasing the number of reasons you might want to commit suicide (if you're poor, for example, or if you're a bit depressed).

I have a very strong sense that at some point something major will happen to utterly disrupt the flow of this advance of corruption & deception. Probably just before the Pandemic Treaty is rolled out by the World Health Organisation - which will give them the ability to lock down all nations at the drop of the hat, because of just about anything, even 'climate emergencies' or 'disinformation pandemics'. After the Pandemic Treaty, if they institute the CBDCs widely, alongside all the many Western nations rolling out censorship laws to control freedom of speech, then they have us all by the short & curlies, we'll be utterly constrained, freedom will be a thing of the past.

If you believe, as I do, that God won't stand idly by while these corrupt bastards lock us down in a forever state of 'Super-Control-Systems', in 15 minute neighbourhoods with no freedom of movement & no freedom to speak as we choose, with no rights to reject WHO mandated 'medicines/vaccines', with no freedom to earn real money or to own property - essentially causing us to become 'forever slaves' - then at some point soon, it seems that something miraculous will need to occur which will utterly disrupt their exceedingly clever & tightly-organised plans for world domination.

It will be the End of Days, with the appearance of angels & the work of prophets, the deconstruction of the control systems that the Elites have been busy constructing via back room meetings in Davos over the past thirty or forty years. As if the truth would never come to light, as if the Light would never do anything to quell the power of the Darkness. I've said it before elsewhere, but there is a difference between the wars of former generations & the situation today. In former times there was still freedom of action, the ability to resist, and a lot of people & groups were able to overcome the darkness & restart democratic processes after destructive wars. But currently this warfare is fifth generation, fought against the citizens by the uber-state worldwide control network of corporations & globalist NGOs, quietly chaperoning us into a sinister condition of depopulation & ultimate technological control of each one of us individually & all of us collectively.

I don't think we can get out of this without divine help, simply put.

And I believe that help is needed sooner, rather than later. I believe we will start to see miraculous & perhaps inexplicable events occurring in the not-too-distant future, before the International Health Summit of May 2024 would be my guess, when the WHO will announce its total control over the health responses of all the nations when an 'incident of concern' allegedly occurs. We need a way to resist changes like that, and humanly speaking, it's not possible for the small percentage of people who are truly awake to overcome the corruption at scale, to resist & defeat the Enemy without some serious external help & assistance - or a massive boost in the numbers of people who are aware of what is really going on.

I've been having dreams about this for years - I think it's going to come to pass soon, that we find ourselves very much living in the time of the End of Days. I'd love to be wrong - but I don't think I am. If you pray, now is the time to pray for increased numbers of people waking up, and for that external help to come rolling in to support those of us who understand & object to what is happening around the world, in nearly all nations.




The end of days will not happen.
Angels don't exist.
Demons don't exist.
No evidence for the existence of any type of God either.

No second coming of Jesus (doubt he existed at all) and no apocalypse...

Well aren’t you a barrel of joy.

To the OP, short of TPTB’s and their minions heads simultaneously exploding - I’ll be disappointed.

We need a Great Reset from those bastards.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

short of TPTB’s and their minions heads simultaneously exploding - I’ll be disappointed.

We need a Great Reset from those bastards.

It's a hydra

Without a true alternative this only means more chaos...

There are plans for that scenario amongst all contenders that could fill the voids...

If you want to go the destructive way you'll have to kill the vital organs and they are us...

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

If we cannot find a way to save ourselves, from ourselves,

Are we even Worth salvation?

And if we can save ourselves,

What purpose does a "God" serve?

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1
What is it you hope to achieve coming here to a site like this if you have it all figured out!?

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: KKLOCO

short of TPTB’s and their minions heads simultaneously exploding - I’ll be disappointed.

We need a Great Reset from those bastards.

It's a hydra

Without a true alternative this only means more chaos...

There are plans for that scenario amongst all contenders that could fill the voids...

If you want to go the destructive way you'll have to kill the vital organs and they are us...

Alright, then just Younger Dryas 2.0 the whole FU##ING thing!

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1

Thank you for sharing your opinion, of course you are more than entitled to an opinion.

However, I believe that there is significant evidence for the existence of an afterlife, a God, angels & demons, and most of it can be corroborated by the hundreds of thousands of Near Death Experiences that people have when their hearts stop & their brains cease all activity, sometimes for many minutes, before being revived by medics, then eventually coming out with an explanation of what happened to them - their consciousness - in those moments when the physical body had literally ceased all life-necessary operations. They tell of being in a bright place outside of time & space, meeting dead relatives, speaking with angels, meeting the Lord Jesus, being given a choice of whether to remain in Paradise or return to the Earth to continue with the responsibilities they have here (such as children, or a ministry in the church, or charitable work & so on).

When you really research it, this evidence stacks up - from all cultures all around the world, from all people of varied socio-economic backgrounds & religious faiths. They describe a remarkably unified experience, which features myriads of commonalities, and all this can be confirmed by doctors who have signed affidavits concerning the fact that people had died for over ninety minutes in some cases, before miraculously reviving. These things really happen.

Not to mention that religious faith is a near-universal experience of humanity. Only a very small percentage of people do not believe in a God or a spiritual reality of some sort. Sorry to say, but you are most definitely in the minority, when you consider all peoples all around the world. The fact that you simply state your beliefs without any qualification could be seen as immature by some, and indeed that is how I view your comments. You are stating what you WANT to believe, and that is not based on any sort of evidence, it is based on your feelings, your desires about what reality must conform to, in order to satisfy your own life philosophy.

Simply put, I feel very confident in refuting your assertions - I've had numerous experiences which prove to me that there is a God, that angels exist, that demons exist. Again, you are in the minority, and if you want to be taken seriously, you should explain yourself a little better, rather than just shouting out your beliefs & walking away.

(post by FlyInTheOintment removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Yeah it evolved rather quickly as I typed it out, apologies!

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: AlexandrosOMegas
What is it you hope to achieve coming here to a site like this if you have it all figured out!?

A site like this? A conspiracy site?

Religion is probably the oldest conspiracy ever.

I have to ask what religious people hope to achieve coming here to a site like this if they have it all figured out?

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Nah, i think that contingency plan is called diffrent, and it's actually 4.0 already...

Short of everyone suddenly only seeking answers inside, and dropping it all and taking it from zero, there is a contingency plan for everything we could possibly come up with that poses a thread to the hydra...

Some might rather kill it and clone a steril miniature copy, than to loose dominance over the whole beast...

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I see where you're going with those thoughts, but one thing to remember is that DECEPTION is at the core of what the powers that should not be have been constructing over the past forty years or so. People have been so systematically brainwashed over the preceding decades that coming out of the collective psychosis is a bit like trying to deprogram people who have been immersed in a cult.

The 'normies' are so invested in the apparent 'march of progress' that they see every step these leaders are pushing us into & they believe that somehow, just one more step will lead to a paradisical state of utopian joy forevermore! This means that those who are awake & aware regarding the deception & the diabolical things that have been done to us in the plandemic & beyond, are most assuredly in the minority. But because it is all down to deception, I do believe we are 'worth saving', and furthermore I'm convinced that God will make a way for us to take this world back, out of the hands of the tyrannical 'elite', ready to start again - the precursor to a 'new heaven & a new earth' so to speak.

I used to think that the world would end in total destruction very suddenly, and that everyone would be raptured into paradise once the demolition was done, but after reading from Michael S. Heiser (a very good author of slightly unconventional yet solid perspectives on Biblical interpretation) I've come to the conclusion that God will actually institute a revolution here on Earth, that we will have to 'fix' this world, taking it out of the hands of the tyrannical leaders, so that it will be transferred into the hands of the meek (the humble) who will govern it with wisdom & justice for the thousand year reign of Christ. Then we may see some further crazy apocalyptic stuff, according to the Book of Revelation, but then we truly will see a new earth & a new heaven.

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