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Canadas health system collapsing

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posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 04:39 PM
It seems that the state of the health system in Canada is getting Terminal, no doubt it will be the same for all those other countries that are experiencing the rise in Cancer rates. The Doctors are advising patients to leave and get private care outside of the borders if they want to live, some are offering patients MAIDS and it seems that to end the suffering many are taking up the offer.No doubt depending on the amount of existing resources, Canada will not be the only country suffering this state of decline. I would imagine having the funds to go private would be an advantage at this time. If the health systems of these countries are in such a run-down state, then it is no stretch of the imagination to conclude that other essential services may have reached the same degree of decline. The reason too many might be obvious as the elephant in the room will no doubt get ignored until a tipping point is reached where it can't be ignored anymore. I think that as we are seeing major players selling shares it might be a good indication that the tipping point can't be that far off.Or the glaring fact that no Government agency seems to be doing anything about the state of collapse.The reason might be because they can't.

edit on 28-1-2024 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: annonentity

They don't try to fix anything because IMO this is going exactly according to plan : to collapse the 1st world countries.
They know that an overburdened 'socialised' health system can't work long term, the few are made to pay for too many and then there's the corruption at the top .
Don't worry their NWO dystopian visioned plan will 'come to the rescue'.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 05:49 PM
What a surprise!Socialised health care not working.
Nothing in socialist countries works.
The USSR learned this,Canada and the UK too seem determined to repeat history.
edit on 28/1/2024 by glen200376 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

No wonder they pulled the Deagle figures because as bad as Cancer is, the main killer will be Myocarditis, which will eventually completely wreck many of the institutions. Pre-vax it was one in a it is twenty percent of the vaxed it is a medical fact of life that once the diagnosis is made fifty percent will die in five years. That is an immense number of people. Notwithstanding the jump in other life-threatening medical conditions perhaps Deagle estimates were

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Seeing this in the UK where everything seems to be at breaking point in Government and health care facilities country wide .

During covid lockdowns the hospital was a ghost town and I could see a doctor in days, 4
of the hospital wards were closed .

But since this safe and effective injection was pushed on the public , it now takes 6 weeks to get a doctor appointment , the hospital is full to bursting and the helicopter is running like a taxi where it used to be heard once or twice a week .

And all the immigration numbers are clogging up every service and many councils are reporting massive budget defecits and slashing services .

I wonder what changed

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Do immigrants have free healthcare in the UK? How about illegal immigrants?

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Do immigrants have free healthcare in the UK? How about illegal immigrants?

Treated like royalty
minimum of a 3 to 4 star hotel by law , free clothing grants etc etc etc .

And they are kicking tenants out of houses because they pay better for illegal migrants ikyn

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

As a bit of a side note with regards to what you get told in the UK through the media. I noticed that The royals Kate and William were telling everyone to get vaxed in an ad......but there seems to have been a development which I find suspicious, The royal watchers in Spain claim ..and they have been right in the past, that Catherine's illness is worse than is being made out in public they claim this has come from a source in the Palace and that she is in a coma cancer was mentioned, is this a case of Turbo cancer?

So it is strange that the Queen Prince Phillip is now dead when they should have lasted at least a bit longer. Mabey not but watch this space.

edit on 28-1-2024 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: annonentity

The royals all seem to be ill and in hospital just now and Catherine was looking thin and washed up , but that might have been her alleged coke habit ! .

edit on 28/1/2024 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 09:16 PM
Wait what? That's impossible. We in the US have been told socialized medicine is fantastic and Canada is way better than us....

But seriously, the us system isn't working either. Good luck neighbors.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

If the NWO has to get going, I doubt whether the Royals would have much of a place in it. They are too dangerous as a fallback Government.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: stonerwilliam

If the NWO has to get going, I doubt whether the Royals would have much of a place in it. They are too dangerous as a fallback Government.

Something seems to be going on with them and for her to be In hospital so long when she could be out and looked after at home !!! .

A few football managers are also splitting from their well paid jobs as In 8 to 15 million £ per year come April Liverpool and Barcelona?

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
It seems that the state of the health system in Canada is getting Terminal, no doubt it will be the same for all those other countries that are experiencing the rise in Cancer rates. `

The problem with socialized medicine is that to make it work you need a large healthy working population. Some countries with small populations can make due because when the population of the whole country is under 6 million or so then the State can offset a good deal and not go bankrupt.

What is happening is the boomers and Gen X are getting old and retiring the younger workers are just not in the numbers needed and many younger people want to silently quit too. This creates an upside-down system and it goes broke as we have been seeing.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I guess the reality is that the work that you do ie. the time spent, has to be worth the effort. A lot of people's expectations come from an ideal that does not exist on TV soap operas. Where the real fallback situation is a few acres of land and hard work to get a living from it.Unless it was already broken in and then you were in tick-over mode. There are so many variables but one thing being evident is the size of the cities and the people living in them have no fallback position if things go wrong they would be a dangerous trap. The self-sufficient fallback also means that looking after your health becomes your responsibility, and there again people haven't a clue on how to pop a boil or do basic first aid, simply because they have never been taught so leave it up to the doctor. when in the past they would have done it themselves. Plus knowing how to live a healthy life so you don't get sick in the first place seems to have been forgotten.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 10:31 PM
As I've stated on ATS a few times over the past 8 years, people from Canada come to America, get health insurance, then obtain life-saving treatment here. They (some) literally cry with gratitude. In general, Canada medicine places no priority on making you healthy ASAP, or even keeping you alive. It probably works better for VIPs and very Wealthy.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 11:13 PM
The problem is not so much with the health systems around the world as it is with environmental factor changes that cause metabolism and the immune system to malfunction. Cancer deaths may not be up much, but incidents of cancer are skyrocketing. Environmental factors include dietary changes and also chemicals used in clothing and other things in our environment including soaps and cosmetics. PFOE and PFOA chemistry is all over the place, not just in a few things like frying pans. Our bodies can take care of a little but too much causes cancers and other diseases.

The body and diet also adjust frequencies and the frequencies of different cells in the bodies is slightly different, which causes skin to be skin, bone to be bone, and the brain to function properly. We live in an electromagnetic bubble we have not yet adapted properly to, diet can alter it somewhat, but it takes generations of learning by our brains and organs to adapt...too much change too fast is causing a problem.

Look at all the changes in the chemicals used to process and protect our foods, it takes many generations for our metabolism to adapt to a few changes, yet we have altered all of this in the last thirty years a lot. Even what our ancestors age fifty years ago is not the same as it is today, fertilizers and pesticides reduce the plant defense system chemicals a plant makes that actually can be used to help protect us if used in proper moderation. Now these protective chemicals in food are way less...our food has changed way too much in recent decades, we cannot adapt in one or two generations.

Health people push foods and meds to protect one thing such as the heart, they focus on just that...but that change can alter the metabolism and neurotransmitters which means we might not be able to detox things properly or fight off diseases properly. Everyone seems to grab for the anti-mucosal meds as soon as they sneeze or cough, mucous is our first line of defense against viruses and bacteria. So we are sick more now than ever.

Improperly interpreted and irrelevant medical research is making us more susceptible to things. Changes in environmental factors including food chemistry is messing things up too. Improper frequencies in our environment is also contributing to problems, so are the soaps and chemicals we have concentrated in our environment. It is a combination of multiple factors that is overloading our medical system and raising costs...don't expect this to be fixed quickly, people are so used to getting what they desire that they will resist change and they will not believe something that directly impacts their desires.

I see all of this because I research a lot but still can't tell someone what to eat unless I know their symptoms and have a record of everything they ate over a month....people eat differently when their consumption is being observed, so during that time, their diet is not usual, hopefully they discover what caused their health problems that they changed...which people won't even realize until you make them aware of what they actually did...they can find out what they changed that helped them feel better if they accept and pay attention to what actually they changed in their diet. Even too much of a good thing changed too fast can cause symptoms and people might not comprehend that and say that they had problems with something. If you are allergic a little to strawberries, then boost strawberries while eating avacados to be healthier, avacados have chemistry that destroys hisaminase in the gut and histamines can get too high and cause you problems. The normal histaminase levels could detox histamine caused by the strawberries you were a tiny bit allergic too but not if avacados are eaten. Strawberries are just one food that can do this, everyone is different, everyone has different intolerances. Histaminases are enzymes that break down histamines. The enzyme I am referring to is the DAO enzyme. It also breaks down aged food chemistries, histamine is a tyramine chemistry.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Just before Christmas, I noticed one of Kate's eyes had suddenly become smaller than the other. Normally this is ptosis and is an issue with the eye and can have several different reason's why it happens.
However, it can also be an indication that something drastic is going on/has gone on in the gut. I wondered at Christmas what was going on with her as she seemed to have suddenly aged too. As we have now been told, she has undergone abdominal surgery.
We could speculate that she has had a hysterectomy, which would explain why we wont see her back on Royal duties until after the earliest, which is still a longer recovery period than the average 12 weeks for a hysterectomy.
Something I hadn't thought of, which your video pointed out, was the lack of visits from William/children/her family.
Cancer has only been mentioned in relation to Charles' prostate operation IIRC.
But the bit I find really interesting is that it was suddenly announced that she'd HAD abdominal surgery AFTER it had happened, whereas we were told Charles WOULD be going in for surgery BEFORE it happened.
Time will tell I guess.

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: annonentity
it is a medical fact of life that once the diagnosis is made fifty percent will die in five years.

No, it absolutely is not.

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 04:34 AM
edit on 29/1/2024 by ArMaP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2024 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: glen200376

Canada isn't a socialist country by any stretch of the imagination. Nor is their health system.

Canada has the dubious distinction of having the worst health system in the entire developed world. The reason for this is they took all the scummy practices of the US health system, all the bureaucratic dysfunctional parts of a state health system, and under Trudeau sprinkled in just enough "woke" talking points so that what came out the end was a steaming pile of crap.

The second worst is the US. Because their system is an outright scam.

Notably the best health systems in the developed world are those of Japan and South Korea. Both countries have state healthcare and if you want to claim that Japan and South Korea are "Socialist" then I don't know what to tell you. They do also have the benefit of illiterate immigrants not clogging up the public services, which I hear is particularly bad in Canada under Trudeau.

The decline of the NHS in the UK seems to almost directly correlate with increasing privatisation and business involvement in it that started under Blair and accelerated under various Tory incompetents.

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