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AATIP Slide 9, 6th Observable, human cognition and the brain.

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posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 09:21 AM
Welcome to the rabbit hole. Go down this one and the world will never be the same.

I recently came across Slide 9. It was Tom Mellon AATIP that was hacked off his website, never publicly released.

But let’s start with the 5 observables you’ve already heard of. And add the 6th that they are aware of but don’t put on any slide show. The 6th observable has to do with the affects of being around the phenomenon: Link

So something about these phenomenon affects human consciousness which leads us back to Slide 9.

Slide 9 addresses this.

Now before we delve to deep down the rabbit hole let’s pause and acknowledge we know both microwaves and infra sound produce some of these affects. Both the Soviet Union and the US use the tech. The first publicity about came from the "Havana Syndrome" where the USSR was bombarding our embassy with microwaves: Link

Injuries suffered by several dozen diplomats and spies were consistent with directed energy, the panel said. About 1,000 people have reported symptoms. The mysterious and sudden brain injuries suffered by a small group of American diplomats and spies overseas were most likely caused by pulsed electromagnetic energy delivered by an external device, a panel of scientific experts working for U.S. intelligence agencies has concluded.

The panel’s findings, while full of caveats, are consistent with what has been a longstanding hypothesis by intelligence officials — that a foreign adversary, most likely Russia, is responsible for at least some of the symptoms suffered by those who have fallen victim to what is commonly known as Havana Syndrome. The panel’s conclusions also are consistent with a recent CIA interim assessment, which found that most of the 1,000 people who have come forward with possible injuries have symptoms that can be explained by other factors.

You will see that this partially is covered on slide 9. Also known tech producing these effects, both EM and infrasound which we have deployed on the battlefield. I have An ATS Thread delving much deeper but I will cover a light version here.

When you bombard the brain with electromagnetic waves you can induce all sorts of states in the human consciousness. From a visitation from God - to a demonic encounter. From euphoria to desolation. It all depends on how and where the EM waves are directed.

Infrasound (ELF - extreemly low frequencies) can also be used to effect human consciousness.

"Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well." See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-140.


So Lou, in the video below is blindsided with questions about slide 9; he is probably aware of Infrasound/ELF, And EM/microwave radiation producing this "6th observable" in people. With the extent of research and weaponization of these technologies for the greater part of the last century, I would postulate it is possible we are using these in black ops and might be the source of some "alien abduction" situation where the government, not aliens are abducting people for various reasons. He is very careful to not comment on these things, and I think the above information would at least partially explain why.

He does reference, and refer the podcaster to Hal Puthoff.

These techs were also used in the MK-ULTRA research program into psychic research and Hal Puthoff’s research into remote viewing (Stargate, grill flame and many others) - also asked about in this video.

There are letters disclosed under the STARGATE declassification, which indicated that the CIA had covert programs to manipulate the brain function interacted with the external electromagnetic stimuli, which is still hidden to the public eyes. The CIA has had an intention to read and activate the human being from the outside and paid attention to the related studies and developments since MKULTRA Subproject 119 in the early 1960s. They naturally supported the earlier experiments on the remote electromagnetic sensing conducted by SRI, Stanford Research Institute, though halting their subsidies within several years. The problem was SRI’s focus on the remote viewing, which was not necessarily the primary goal for the agency that would like to deploy the electromagnetic technologies into their information gathering to interrogate or manipulate their subjects. It is more or less the fact that the brain is synchronized to the external electromagnetic stimuli and the issue was to what extent the intelligence community has developed these methodologies. The CIA already acquired the basic technological foundation to manipulate the human brain electromagnetically in the 1970s, which has progressed to the critical level from then to now, considering the tremendous technological development of the overall society.


The rabbit hole gets deep fast.

Turkey farm
CIA cults contacting aliens
EM affects on consciousness/psychic ability
Black projects in weaponizing psychic research
Human trafficking

Too much to cover but related.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 10:28 AM
Yeah ….it’s getting crazy.

Perhaps a UFO Encounter Kit to counteract the 6th observable is warranted in this day and age 😉

For example…..


posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 01:00 PM
Tons of UAP encounters have been associated with various doses and forms of powerful RF and infrasound elements. I have little doubt that there are aircraft and other technologies which employ devices capable of producing biological and psychological side-effects in both aware and unaware bystanders.

Intense bursts of energy causing fires:


Synthetic telepathy:


The bottom line is that the technology is there. That's not conspiracy, it's fact. The human body and mind is susceptible to a plethora of various techniques which can be employed to produce a number of effects, deliberately or accidentally.

That said, keep in mind, your wireless router won't harm you. These incidents and devices discussed in association with serious biological effects/UFO encounters are likely engineered using specific frequencies and power levels fine-tuned to do these specific jobs.

People often view electromagnetic energy as a form of black magic, when in reality, it has to be designed, guided, and engineered for each intended use. It's not magic at all. There are tons and tons of ways to manipulate electromagnetic energy to do an unimaginable number of different jobs.

As these jobs and devices get discovered, over time, certain side-effects which were originally unintended and unknown become common knowledge in the industry (for example, Microwave Auditory Effect was discovered by radar technicians in the 1940s who found themselves curious as to why and how they were hearing odd noises inside of their heads while working with the equipment!), to be studied further and developed into deliberate technology.

It's just unfortunate that everything seems to be weaponized at some point.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: wavelength

People often view electromagnetic energy as a form of black magic, when in reality, it has to be designed, guided, and engineered for each intended use. It's not magic at all. There are tons and tons of ways to manipulate electromagnetic energy to do an unimaginable number of different jobs..

It's just unfortunate that everything seems to be weaponized at some point.


Light, which is em, can provide illumination, in fiber optics Cary data and communication…

… formed into a laser destroy planes.

And light is only a Small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 02:05 PM
LTA craft. Otherwise "sleep paralysis" having been given a gainful form of employment.

The transmittal of microwave power is also considered as a near term technology.

This system involves generation of microwave frequency energy on the ground, beaming this energy to the aircraft using a suitable transmitting antenna, receiving the microwaves on the airship and converting them to DC electric power.

A rectifying antenna on the airship accomplishes this latter function. The power density in the microwave transmission can be selected to enable prac- tical size of antennas and rectennas to be used.



posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 06:04 PM
Dr.Garry Nolan has been talking about this in his interviews for I think over a year now. After working with the Havana Syndrome cases he was asked to look at Military Pilots who'd been in close proximity to UAP's. Turns out it's how he discovered the changes to the Basal Ganglia an the Caudal whatever it is.

In all fairness some case's suffered death, not immediately but later.
The current working theory is "If the UAP is ours you risk physical harm, If it's not you don't. Theory based on issues with the shielding on ours".

Another point of fact is Robert Henlein wrote of brain changes & heightened Para-abilities in the brain with his characters involvement of NIH back in 1953. Henlein had access to many involved in Military Sciences making sure his writings that contained "hard science fact" indeed did. Dr Garry Nolan has made a few references to works of Henlein & is a fan of classic Science Fiction.

Christopher Bledsoe is currently the "Lab Rat D'Jour" for not only the Monroe Institute but other prepherial programs. John Ramirez made mention of this at min 50:00 in a interview with the Canadian podcast "UAP Studies Podcast". No hard feelings but I'll put creedence of information from John Ramirez WAAAAAY before Delonge or Elizondo.

I get that some of the OP was boosted from Chris Mellons webpage. You also have to ask "and just how exactly easy was this feat?" Either being able to say it was a hack-job and Mellon decided to up the UAP information game but needed his 6 covered. Plausable Denial. Or Mellon was aware and "accidentally" let it get public" (wink wink, nudge nudge)
The thing is Mellons been in this butt-deep for years.
Scrutiny & some caution required.

Thank's for sharing the rabbit-hole pianopraze !!!
I'm in no way disparaging your effort or the topic.
You have a impending PM

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Caver78

So many right tracks.

Monroe institute - hemisync - remote viewing - Army, maybe Atwater? Went to Monroe - astral - mk-ultra - psychic assasinations - Russel Targ "do you see what I see memoirs of a blind biker".

Affects to pineal gland.

Answer to some of your pm:

Yes I knew about ouija experiments, ties in gets weirder - the nine, cia cult - ufo channeling - Andrija puharich - Gellor - SRI - turkey farm - children - mk-ultra - psychic warriors.

The strange history of The Nine began in a private research laboratory in Maine, a secret government program called “Project Penguin,” established in 1943 to investigate the paranormal and directed by Dr. Andrija Puharich, who the CIA hired to carry out this series of tests. He carried out multiple investigations and was in charge of terrifying experiments to some extent because of what he later proved. Puharich had to perform a series of non-specific tests on human beings, including exploring unconscious states of the human mind, altered consciousness, astral travel, and inter-dimensional communication. In this series of tests, he proved that the Council of Nine was true and that each of us was directly engaged with them.

"In the summer of 1975, Puharich assembled around twenty children from the ages of nine to late teens called the "Gellerlings" or "space kids." The material you will find on opening the various sites seems to all lead back to one short biographical entry on Puharich. I set out to see if I could try down some more original source. My search for better material on Puharich's "space kids" started with Uri Geller's book "My Story" published by Corgi books in London in 1977. ISBN 0552-10391-8. It is Uri Geller's own account of his life. Puharich played a part in Geller's story. "August 17th 1971, was an important day in my life. Dr Andrija Puharich arrived from the United States." (p.205.) Puharich later rented an apartment in Israel in November 1971, in order to study Uri Geller. "Andrija told me he planned to take the results of these preliminary tests back to America, and also to England, to see what support and interest he could find for deeper research." (p.208.) Puharich hypnotised Geller, and the taped session revealed that "the energies" were coming from a spacecraft, which it even gave a name 'spectra.'" (p.213.) Puharich got "...the Stanford Research Institute interested in setting up a program to test the powers under strict laboratory conditions." (p.226.) Geller went to the USA in August 1972 for some tests with Edgar Mitchell, Professsor Gerald Feinberg, and Dr Wilbur Franklin. He then returned in November, 1972 to stay at Puharich's in Ossining, in New York state; then went for testing at SRI in California. Geller rejoined Puharich in Ossining in December 1972. Later Geller wrote: "I was getting restless living at Puharich's place out in Ossining, even though it was beautiful." (p.249.) He moved to New York. So, despite involvement with Puharich between August 1971 and early 1973, Geller's book has no hint of any "space kids." I then turned to my copy of Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science-volume two" as it documents the era 1970-1979, and Vallee knew Puharich. The first mention of Puharich was on page 164. On 12 November 1972, Vallee went to SRI and while there saw "Hal and Russell arrive in the company of Geller, new age researcher Andrija Puharich and their entourage..." (p.164.) The nest firsthand mention was on 26 January 1974. "I had dinner with Puharich, Arthur Young, Tom Bearden and Ira Einhorn..." (p.231.) Vallee relates Puharich's account of Uri Geller. Also, in 1974, on 24 July 1974 "John Whitmore ("Sir John") also called today. He's working with Puharich in his post-Uri period. (p.260.) I couldn't find any more entries re Puharich until 2 April 1976. "Lunch in Woodside with Puharich and Hurtak. Andrija, more excited than ever, claimed he was getting coded extraterrestrial messages on his watch..." (p.330.) On 22 July 1976. "On Monday I had lunch with Sir John Whitmore who spoke of his adventures with Andrija Puharich and medium Phyllis Schlemmer..." (p.345.) 25 January 1978. "We went on to discuss Puharich. Bill, who'd published his book Uri, asked me what I frankly thought of him. "Andrija puzzles me," I said, telling of the bizzare episode when he was receiving coded messages in Hebrew on his wrist watch. "Well, his latest manuscript is a disaster, long extracts of wishy-washy messages from Hoova and Spectra, a total mess." (p.415.) 26 January 1978. Talking to Ira Einhorn "Puharich's name came up." "We haven't spoken to each other in a while", Ira said. "We had a falling out. Andrija's gone nuts, but the phenomena around him are real."" (p.415.) 19 May 1978. "...I met with Ira Einhorn...We spent several hours discussing Bob Beck, Puharich and Valerie Ransone...Ira told me that Valerie and Puharich had gone over to see Beck in March or April 1977..." (p.428.)

2010 ats thread on this
Another link

CIA dot gov

Mk-ultra central to all this.

Where did the kids come from?

Kids = fish? - Russel Targ.

Swan mentioned black project - kids - then he dies soon after.

Too much to cover, too little space.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: pianopraze
Here are my observations on the 6 observables of UAPs.
The Pentagon released 3 UAP videos.
How many of the 6 observables of UAPs do we see on those 3 videos? The answer is none. OK we wouldn't be able to see biological effects on video so let's talk about the original 5, none of those "observables" are observed in the pentagon videos, right? Unless they are misinterpreted somehow. As for the 6th "observable", documentation on this is scarce but I've studied hundreds and hundreds of UFO reports and most don't mention that. Rendlesham forest has been claimed to be a possible case of the 6th, and it might be, or at least I don't see how to rule it out, but cases like that are not common, so that 6th observable claim seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

That doesn't mean there aren't some interesting technologies. I'm sure there are, and I'm sure a lot of them are classified.
But I really think this 5 or 6 observables is a big misdirection which is not really supported in general by the available video evidence.

Didn't Lue Elizondo come up with those? The guy with a 20 year career in counter-intelligence? Who then allegedly retired and punked us with a story about being the director of AATIP, when the pentagon spokesman said he had no assigned responsibilities for that, and it had zero funding. If it existed, it was not an official program. I mean it sounds like you're taking Elizondo seriously, but I don't understand why anybody does that now that the truth is out:

The UFO Lie: Shocking truth of Pentagon AAWSAP program | The Basement Office

Everything you were told is wrong. In 2017, the New York Times released a bombshell story revealing AATIP, the Pentagon's "UFO program" and Lue Elizondo, the director of that program. It proclaimed a shocking truth: UFOs are real. Since then, that story has been reprinted hundreds and thousands of times across the world and Mr. Elizondo has reached the status of cultural icon. But we've since learned that the whole story... was wrong.

36:46 an annual pentagon evaluation of Elizondo from the year 2016...outlines all his officially assigned responsibilities at the pentagon, none of which have to do with ufos, or anything called AATIP

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

That is dis-info.

Yeah, the Pentagon did a smear campaign about him.

But admitted before this campaign and recently again after it that Lou did work there and head the program.

Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White confirmed to POLITICO that the program existed and was run by Elizondo. But she could not say how long he was in charge of it and declined to answer detailed questions about the office or its work, citing concerns about the closely held nature of the program.


The recent one admitting he ran AATIP, was by a high ranking official, I saw it in twitter recently but can’t find it right now.

Lou has opened an IG complaint against them.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 11:10 PM
As far as I am concerned (and I aint budging) the most significant thing about all this "UAP" related stuff is that we all just sort of capitulated to calling them all "UAP".

You all realize there's a reason for that right? Getting in the same room with the "reason" would require a giant rewind on 8 years of ATSthreads. It's all here, though. I'm just about too nauseated by it to revisit it all like that, but some of you may be brave enough.

Zosimov asked (again) what anyone's favorite ATS thread might be. I know reading sucks now because screens and not touching grass, but ATS is the best ATS thread ever. Good luck. Yer lookin fer trouble. Have fun storming the castle.

edit on 3-1-2024 by TheDiscoKing because: won't be the last

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: pianopraze

The recent one admitting he ran AATIP, was by a high ranking official, I saw it in twitter recently but can’t find it right now.

Lou has opened an IG complaint against them.
You cited an old source from 2017, but a lot has happened since then. One of the most significant things was the book written by Lacatski copyright 2021 called "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insider's Account of the Secret Government UFO Program" which confirms Lacatski directed AAWSAP and Elizondo never did (which Elizondo confirms, he never directed AAWSAP).

To my knowledge, nobody has ever found anything official about an official AATIP program because there wasn't one that would even explain what AATIP stands for. Your link calls it

Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program
, but other sources say AATIP stands for Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, so which is it? Why do FOIA searches for both turn up nothing? How can you believe there was a program if you can't find any official source stating the name of the program? Because there was no program. Yes Elizondo worked at the pentagon, but whatever "AATIP" he did must have been a hobby in his spare time when he wasn't working on his assigned responsibilities.

Then Puthoff explains the reason AATIP never materializes in FOIA searches as the program name is that it wasn't a program name, it was only a nickname, the real program was named AAWSAP, was funded with $22 million, and ended in 2012. But Elizondo is on record saying he never, ever worked for AAWSAP, that was the real program which was more looking for ghosts and goblins on skinwalker ranch, than UFOs, though it did include some papers about things like wormholes. We now know that the real AAWSAP program was directed by Lacatski because he wrote a book about it, which confirms Elizondo's claim that he never directed AAWSAP. Lacatski said that he tried to get funding to continue AAWSAP after that, but couldn't.

But sure, you keep looking for your official sources for AATIP, and if you find any that say what that stands for, let me know, because it's still unclear whether the second A is supposed to stand for Aviation or Aerospace. We wouldn't have that kind of uncertainty if AATIP was a real program.

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

They admitted before and after he headed AATIP.

I gave you Pentagon official admission from before smear campaign.

The video with Lou in OP the podcaster reference the Pentagon person admitting after.


I don’t trust most of the people in UFOlogy. Understand if you don’t trust Lou. But it’s disinfo he didn’t work at AATIP. He did. He had the videos leaked. His subject info relevant to this thread is getting grilled about affects on human consciousness and slide 9. That is what this thread is about. Not Lou. Not how much anyone trusts him. Best to not trust anyone and let preponderance and best evidence rule the day. If you want to say Lou is suspect. Fine. I agree with you. So is melon, so is Delong. So is putholf so is Puharich. So are most of the names people know. You want to make a thread about that please do and I’ll contribute agreeing with you. That is not this thread.

Edit to add.Here is a FOIA with AATIP info, admitting it was part of DIA, and giving list of publications

edit on 4-1-2024 by pianopraze because: Eta

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 01:36 PM
Just found new supporting info.

I stated on my OP:

And EM/microwave radiation producing this "6th observable" in people. With the extent of research and weaponization of these technologies for the greater part of the last century, I would postulate it is possible we are using these in black ops and might be the source of some "alien abduction" situation where the government, not aliens are abducting people for various reasons

Here is Greer (who I don’t trust) and Valley (who I mostly trust) talking ing about CIA doing exactly this. Using an Electromagnetic tech to simulate alien abductions and doing psychological tests in Brazil/Argentina. Titter video link

I would like to introduce at this point My ATS thread on current day attacks in Brazil, Peru, and Equador. Tall black armored individuals attacking villagers with high technology. I believe this is the same crap modern day. It is humans not aliens.
edit on 4-1-2024 by pianopraze because: Typo

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 07:59 PM
OK the sixth observable.

It's been proven that in "instances" with the phenom a human goes into Theta mode where implanting false memories, or tricking your brain into believing what's seen is real, despite its obviously not.

Theta isn't not-undertandable technology.
Just because everyone is currently spinning their own UAP narratives saying "Hey there's a Sixth Observable" serving to engage people who are not informed in brain wave types. So pretty much a con.

Theta brain waves occur when you’re sleeping or dreaming, but they don’t occur during the deepest phases of sleep. They may occur when you’re drifting off to sleep or suspended in that light phase of sleep, just before you wake up.

Theta brain waves can also occur when you’re awake, but in a very deeply relaxed state of mind; a state that some may describe as “autopilot.” However, if you experience high levels of theta waves while you’re awake, you might feel a little sluggish or scattered.

Experts believe that theta waves are important for processing information and making memories. And, as researchers learn more about how they work and how they’re linked to different types of learning, this knowledge may come in handy when determining the best way to help people learn.

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 07:59 PM
OK the sixth observable.

It's been proven that in "instances" with the phenom a human goes into Theta mode where implanting false memories, or tricking your brain into believing what's seen is real, despite its obviously not.

Theta isn't not-undertandable technology.
Just because everyone is currently spinning their own UAP narratives saying "Hey there's a Sixth Observable" serving to engage people who are not informed in brain wave types. So pretty much a con.

Theta brain waves occur when you’re sleeping or dreaming, but they don’t occur during the deepest phases of sleep. They may occur when you’re drifting off to sleep or suspended in that light phase of sleep, just before you wake up.

Theta brain waves can also occur when you’re awake, but in a very deeply relaxed state of mind; a state that some may describe as “autopilot.” However, if you experience high levels of theta waves while you’re awake, you might feel a little sluggish or scattered.

Experts believe that theta waves are important for processing information and making memories. And, as researchers learn more about how they work and how they’re linked to different types of learning, this knowledge may come in handy when determining the best way to help people learn.
edit on 4-1-2024 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: Caver78

It's been proven that in "instances" with the phenom a human goes into Theta mode where implanting false memories, or tricking your brain into believing what's seen is real, despite its obviously


From my OP:

Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. - The Cycles of Heaven pp 130-140

posted on Jan, 6 2024 @ 06:46 AM
More from vallee:


So these affects on consciousness, the 6th observable, are not new.
edit on 6-1-2024 by pianopraze because: Fixing pic

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