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Human/Cattle Mutilations. Why?

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posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:30 AM
Might add: we need to understand those things about advanced beings...even testing. Why would they?

So? HOW...if you twist these stories...knowing there's a real one hiding..then we need to look beyond what we see. And are told.

There...we'd find the real purposes..and ask why would these be happening..when they don't have to?
edit on 12235131America/ChicagoThu, 21 Dec 2023 11:31:51 -060031202300000051 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

or: it is microscopic stuff
or bugs
or animals
why are so convinced aliens want 'Uranus'?

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: ButterfliesAndPonies

That's the thing about these cases. How can you explain the specific commonalities between them with any of those?
How can you explain the targeting of those specific tissues with bugs or animals?
How can you explain the apparent surgical quality of the cuts with bugs or animals?
How can you explain the removal of tissues without the normal signs of predation by animals or bugs?
I'm not necessarily saying I think it's aliens because I have conflicting beliefs about aliens anyway. I just have a hard time believing that it can be rationally explained purely by animal or insect predation/scavenging.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: MrGashler

they (bugs?) enter through the anus that is basically the gateway inside the body. Cows can't cross water I belive I read somewhere because they just run full, from the stern.
They get attracted by having a scarcity or emergency in their population smell whatever chemical compound they are after from the cow and enter.
But like ball lighting it just doesn't happen often enough to observe it.

I mean that at least sounds plausible and has a motive, doesn't it?
edit on 21-12-2023 by ButterfliesAndPonies because: add

posted on Dec, 26 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: ButterfliesAndPonies

As a general statement, sure, it sounds plausible. I would expect that you'd be able to tell that this was the case though. I expect that you'd see tattered flesh around the anus, and you'd find insects inside the cored out anus beyond those that you'd normally expect to see in the orifices of a carcass.
The issue that I find with this explanation is the cleanliness of the wounds, the targeting of VERY specific tissues, and the lack of information about the wounds that indicates the presence of insects that could reasonably explain these things.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 12:50 PM
A linky may be relevant...

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: MrGashler

Here's something I've been wondering about quite a bit. The cattle, and sometimes human, mutilation phenomenon as it relates to UFOs/extraterrestrials.

deepstate psyops

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: BeTheGoddess2

Stars for linky!

I have only had time to read through the first part of the documents, and I find the note about foxes attacking soft tissues with their side teeth to be very interesting, but I have a hard time with the idea that farmers hadn't ever seen that before.

Side note, the part at the beginning of part 1 where they're talking about the instances in Nebraska was pretty cool. I'm from Nebraska and Hastings is only a couple of hours from me.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 04:37 PM
This is just pure speculation on my part based on a handful of cases I have reviewed.

The taking of certain organs and facial tissues and blood removal might indicate a culinary preference.

Cheek tissue is a delicacy in some practices as well as particular organs and the consumption of blood.

I am not an authority on this so please take my input with a grain of salt.

The case of the organs that were removed from cattle near a test site due to the radiation collection of those organs may have been for scientific study and analysis.

The fact that most of these cases are with surgical precision and using advanced techniques to leave a corpse in relatively good condition speaks of a degree of care and consideration for the animals remains which indicates high intelligence and respect for the dead.

I know not all cases fit this profile but that's my two cents.

Whomever or whatever is performing these mutilation would no doubt make excellent surgeons, provided they don't stop for a quick pancreatic snack while their charge is on the operating table.
edit on 12/27/23 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 05:47 AM
The Black Delia case had some similarities, but thts apparently now solved, but hey this is still a conspiracy site yeah?

This is just the wiki page so its fairly sanitized to a "nothing to see here" position, but I'm pretty sure there are a oupe of good threads about it here on ATS...

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