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Jackpot! DIA link showing ET type tech research.

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posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 02:07 PM
Full credit to #ufotwitter group who are uncovering a lot of source documents.

This is DIA . mil foia link

Look at the tech they are studying!

All claimed UFO tech.

We hit the jackpot finding proof where they are funding tech that is most likely reverse engineered UFO tech!

If those are not damning enough look at the next page:

Here is authorization/funding for reverse engineering. Like searching other secret topics like MK-ULTRA the proof is in the slips they make classifying and deleting.

Twitter source who found this link.

The AAWSAP reports describe *exactly* the types of scientific topics and theories that a reverse engineering effort would need to grapple with to make sense of retrieved UAP materials.

(Case in point: “Antigravity for aerospace applications”)

Not only antigravity, you’ve got:

Invisibility cloaking
Wormholes in space time
Gravity wave communication

How about et tech where they don’t control it by touching, you would need biological implants and control methods:
Controlling devices without limb operated interfaces
Novel mems based Biosensors
Field effects on biological tissue

On and on.

Every aspect describing alien craft and interaction has money for research being allocated.

Possible they are doing it without reverse engineering pure based on descriptions of alien craft and interactions but given all the disclosure claims at this point I find it HIGHLY unlikely.

This is Christmas list of funding reverse engineering research. And this a decade ago.

edit on 2-12-2023 by pianopraze because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Yes, governments have been secretly researching, developing, and using a variety of advanced technology.

Possible they are doing it without reverse engineering pure based on descriptions of alien craft and interactions but given all the disclosure claims at this point I find it HIGHLY unlikely.

They could be doing it based on the descriptions of science-fiction writers, as a natural progression in the development of secret technology, or to suit their needs and desires.

For example:
If someone wants to travel to another planet that may have intelligent life and advanced technology, they would have to figure a bunch of things out.
Figuring out how they could communicate with life on another planet would be huge, (gravity wave communication)
Obviously, faster than the speed of light technology (space-time modifications for space travel, warp drives, Starfield has grav drives)
Advanced space vehicles for interstellar travel with advanced propulsion and communication technology, along with weapons and cloaking abilities.

On a side note, many of the fields listed in your OP source, can be researched with the advances being made in prosthetic limb development.

edit on 2-12-2023 by IndieA because: Added Video

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Indeed indeed.

Up until some point I’m this year I would have agreed with you that was more likely than not.

Now I believe it’s more likely than not we have and are studying these craft.

The disclosure this year helped greatly shift my beliefs, but oddly it’s the strangeness going on in Peru/Brazil/Equador (Which we are discussing in this ats thread) that has shifted my beliefs the most.

And I believe those are humans using this alien derived tech perpetuating the activity in those villages, not aliens.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 04:03 PM
I firmly believe that we have been reverse engineering tech for decades. I have no proof of it, but some of these projects listed above could have come from those. I believe Bigelow may have had something to do with it over the decades. Many others spoke about it. Some may be credible.

I think trillions of dollars have disappeared into these black projects. But that also makes me feel good. Weird to say, but in a way, I support it. Wish I knew more about it, but I think I understand why it's all a secret.

We may be decades, or a century, ahead of other nations in secret technology. And having had the highest GDP in the world for decades now, we can "disappear" more money and use it on black projects than anyone else has been able to.

That means that if we are ever attacked by anyone, we have tech no one can even dream about, in order to defend ourselves.

I sleep well at night.

edit on 2-12-2023 by Mahogani because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 05:06 PM
I wonder if any of the recovered craft are from an Exoplanet we have discovered and we could verify with the JWT. Do you think these recovery teams can command NASA or other space agencies to conduct classified research?

I guess how we design our space craft to survive in different environments, extra terrestrials would do the same. Seems extremely lucky we could touch their craft and not get sick or any kind of horror unleashed. Appears to be the opposite.

Why couldn't these craft come from a different dimension on Earth? That would make sense why we could work on their craft? David Grusch seems to hint at inter dimensional beings. What if it's much easier to travel to a different dimension on Earth than it is to travel 300 million light years in Space via wormhole?

On the other hand there's been stories of many different species/varieties of extra terrestrials visiting Earth, which makes me think Aliens from various Exoplanets.

I do think governments know, and the proof of that is their disregard for life, because they know we're not alone in the Universe. If we were truly alone I would hope we would be smart enough not to bomb one another.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

We may be decades, or a century, ahead of other nations in secret technology. And having had the highest GDP in the world for decades now, we can "disappear" more money and use it on black projects than anyone else has been able to.

My understanding is that the US, China, and Russia are racing at a similar pace. This may be explained by the fact that these countries spy on each other.

It's noteworthy that technology that is even decades ahead of what is publicly know about today, could seem so new and strange that it could be mistaken for ET tech.

That means that if we are ever attacked by anyone, we have tech no one can even dream about, in order to defend ourselves.

Except hypersonic missiles.

edit on 2-12-2023 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: Mahogani

My understanding is that the US, China, and Russia are racing at a similar pace. This may be explained by the fact that these countries spy on each other.

They would enjoy everyone believing that, but it is just not possible looking at the numbers. The money is where it's at. If you don't have the money, you can't do all these secret projects.

Look at these next three links. They are for the years 1960 through present time, yearly GDP for USA, China and Russia. Russia from 1988 to present.

USA GDP 1960-2023
China GDP 1960-2023
Russia GDP 1988-2023

It's just not feasible. Russia's GDP is less than 10% of ours. Even if they were allotting money to secret projects, they could never match the investment we potentially make. Our GDP is a monster, and look at it... it's a steady line that just keeps going up, year after year; like a clock. Russia is up and down, and even then, a fraction of ours.

And look at China. Up until around 2005, their GDP is very low, and very stagnant. Around 2005, when it starts rising, it is about 8% of ours that same year. Today it's at 70% of ours.

They could not even join the game until 40 years too late. That's a lot of catching up to do.

edit on 2-12-2023 by Mahogani because: missing word

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 06:06 PM
I've been looking at these graphs a bit more, and it's amazing to compare just how far ahead we have been, for such a long time. At the time when these alien crashes are supposed to have happened, back in the 50s and 60s, the following few decades would have been pivotal for research and advancement. And only money would have made that possible.

Check these out, from the same links above.

1965 . . . . . . Yearly GDP . . . . . . Per Capita Income
USA . . . . . . . $744 billion . . . . . . $3,838
China . . . . . . $70 billion . . . . . . .$98

1975 . . . . . . Yearly GDP . . . . . . Per Capita Income
USA . . . . . . . $1.685 trillion . . . . $7,801
China . . . . . . $163 billion . . . . . . $178

1985 . . . . . . Yearly GDP . . . . . . Per Capita Income
USA . . . . . . . $4.339 trillion . . . . $18,237
China . . . . . . $309 billion . . . . . . $294

1995 . . . . . . Yearly GDP . . . . . . Per Capita Income
USA . . . . . . . $7.640 trillion . . . . $28,691
China . . . . . . $734 billion . . . . . . $610
Russia . . . . . . $396 billion . . . . . . $2,662

Crazy just how far ahead we've been for so long. We should not believe that doesn't give an incalculable advantage. It absolutely does. We should have tech others can't even dream of yet.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 06:29 PM
I found the actual documents!

DIA foia reading room

Scroll down and click "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program"

It is below "click a tab to explore”, it is the first topic.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Brave Browser

As of 03 Dec 2023, the average wage of a Chinese worker compared to an American worker is not as compelling as it was in the past. A study by the United Auto Workers of America (UAW) at the time quoted the average wage for a Chinese auto worker at the equivalent of 59 cents an hour, a touch less than 3% of his or her American counterpart. When China entered the World Trade Organization at the beginning of this century, its average annual wage was about 9,333 yuan a year, a dollar equivalent of about $1,127. At that time, the average American worker, according to the Social Security Administration, took home some $30,846 a year, almost 30 times his or her Chinese counterpart.0 However, according to a salary survey in 2018, a factory worker's salary in China is USD 5.51 per hour. As of 2023, the annual average wage of a typical Chinese employee is around 352,000 Yuan (USD 50,629).

That's not to mention American waste, fraud, and abuse, but you are probably right in some regards. We were first to have nuclear bombs and a bunch of other technologies, just not hypersonic missiles. Oh, and we had our struggles early in the space race.

Do expenditures really matter when country X spends a $100 billion dollars researching and developing a new technology, then country Y invests $100 million into a spy program to steal that technology, then pay country Y workers 10% of the wages of workers in country X?

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Absolutely it matters, because it's not only about spying but also about production. The cost of materials is the same on the global market. Metals and minerals and other resources have standard global prices. If I want to import tons of zinc, I'll get it at the agreed price. Manipulated price, if you will. The cartels own the price, but it's the same for everyone.

If I make 30 times more than someone else, and have that advantage for 40 years, I will absolutely build more research labs, and more underground unknown bunkers, and underwater unknown facilities and other stuff.

The intellectual property they were able to steal is probably tip of the iceberg. The real secrets are miles underground, built over the decades. And no foreign national could ever get access.

We have secrets so secret, the presidents probably don't know about them. Until they have to.

edit on 2-12-2023 by Mahogani because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 08:10 PM
Watcher Tech. It appears they have been around since before mankind. I cant remember which book its in. I dont think its the Bible. more likely its in the book of Enoch. The Watchers trained Humans on all kinds of things. Thats why Humanity has advanced so quickly.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 08:54 PM
If China is capable of reverse engineering and stealing tech so can the US. NASA suddenly wants to help with UAP disclosure, but prior all these years they claim they have never seen anything or been involved in any way. I find that extremely hard to believe.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 09:14 PM
Well,I have a question:

Are humans not smart enough to invent things for themselves?

Back in the 1940s, the Manhattan Project created the atomic bomb. The Americans did that by themselves. I would think the research did not stop there. Personally, I think the atomic bomb is more than just splitting atoms.

Back in the 1970s, a New Zealand pilot and UFO investigator by the name of Bruce Cathie wrote a series of books to explain how the atomic bomb is a geometric device. The world energy grid and other similar things.

He even forecast ahead of time when French nuclear tests would take place for the New Zealand government.

Look him up on Amazon, and for free download if you do some digging.

Here is a link: Bruce Cathie - Amazon

edit on 2/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and clarity

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

"Yes, governments have been secretly researching, developing, and using a variety of advanced technology."

"Forget the hardware and new physics the ETs bring to dazzle us. The other side of the coin is more important. That is the ideologies, principles and methodologies of which they live by and undoubtedly intend to spread to newbies.

The unmistakable mind-control efforts they have openly used upon unwilling abductees is clear evidence and a warning sign that their powers, whether purely biological or augmented by technology, is something that normal humans will react to in horror. Call it hive mind or the Borg, the fear, yet unnamed or recognized is in the air. And our governments will want those powers for their own use.

As I've mentioned in another recent post, the infamous MK-Ultra program was nothing but an intense and reckless effort to discover the mind-control powers that the ETs evidently use at will. It may not have been the first attempt to understand the powers of the ETs, but definitely it would have immediately caught the attention of any intelligence service as an absolutely amazing ability inherent in the whole of the phenomena, and as equally impossible as the massless ships we were seeing. Rest-assured that part of what the ETs bring to us will forever remain hidden by governments even more so than the mere mechanical physics of contact.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Some more slow drips for the public:


posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 09:56 PM
Personally, I think for the most part the "aliens" have been framed for many things they did not do.

The current goings on in Peru is an example.

The headlines read "alien face peelers", yet that turns out to be humans. Yes they did try to peel the face off one 15 year old Peruvian girl in a failed abduction. Coincidentally the Americans, including Space Force, just happened to be not far away at the time.

Cattle mutilations are blamed on the "aliens" too. There are suggestions the American government is abducting cattle in the night is cover for tracking things like 'mad cow disease' in the food chain.

There is a book titled: The Grays Have Been Framed. The book pulls apart hypnotic regression.

And yes, abductions by the grays is a thing. I've been there myself. I also know how they do that, and even wrote a thread on that.

That said, being demonised for things you have not done by other people does not sit well with the grays, and a lot of others.

The demonisation of non humans goes back at least a thousand years when the church demonised the fairy folk as demons and devils.

Those in power love to create scapegoats. It is the easiest way to hide their own dirty laundry.

You simply commit atrocities and blame someone else. Sound familiar?

edit on 2/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness and clarity

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

The intellectual property they were able to steal is probably tip of the iceberg. The real secrets are miles underground, built over the decades. And no foreign national could ever get access.

We have secrets so secret, the presidents probably don't know about them. Until they have to.

It would be nice if there were something to show for all the trillions of dollars that have gone missing over the last few decades.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani
a reply to: IndieA


We have secrets so secret, the presidents probably don't know about them. Until they have to.


Most of them are within the Department of Energy, after it took over from the Atomic Energy Commission in 1975, which took over from the Manhattan Project in 1947. According to Dave Grush, that's where most of the UFO/UAP technical information is hidden, classified as Restricted Data (RD).

What most people don't realize is that the category of Restricted Data was set up by an act of Congress when it passed the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, not by the Executive Branch. For that reason, the POTUS does not have automatic access to all Restricted Data. The Secretary of Energy is the gate keeper of RD and is the only one who can grant access. Traditionally, the POTUS is granted a Q clearance upon taking office because he/she does have a need to know certain kinds of RD.

But the really good stuff is held at a classification level above Q.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

Interesting . . .

I have thought for a long time that logical place to store crashed UFOs is a place like the Hanford Site, rather than somewhere like "area51".

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