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95% of World's Protests are Pro-Palestinian and Anti-Israel

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posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 05:44 PM

Before I get flooded with the usual cheerleader repertoire, let me just state that the heading in the OP is a finding from an Israeli think-tank.

From the beginning of this fiasco, numerous people have been saying that Israel's over the top response will have negative outcome on its citizens.

The backlash was an instantaneous, continuous and concerted effort.

"You support Hamas".

"There are no innocent Palestinians"

"Everybody who disagrees with Bibi(PBUH), is an anti-semite."

"I support Israel by any means necessary."

"People who support Palestinians are a basket of deplorables."

"Zionist Lives Matter."

Obviously some of those quotes are used to illustrate the similarities between supporters of Zionism and progressive leftists. In fact, I could have quoted much worse but it's there for all to see in the Gaza threads until such time as ATS is no more.

That's gonna suck...

So what is the connection here?

Religious levels of belief, it seems. Progressive Marxists are just as fanatical in their beliefs as any Abrahamic religion when they are given carte blanche via MSM narrative.

Cats sleeping with dogs indeed.

Be careful of staring too deep in the mirror, or something. And stuff. There's an abyss. It's deep.

If anything, Israel has endangered innocent Jewish people worldwide through their kill 'em all approach to Gaza.

The math is simple.

Kill one anti-Zionist supporter, and you have created twenty new ones.

If you go far enough down this road, eventually there will be more anti-Zionists willing to die for their cause than there are Israelis because their ranks will swell faster than Israelis can kill them.

Who would've thunk it?

+5 more 
posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 05:49 PM
Anyone siding with the palestinians is siding with a population that wants the destruction and end to the sovereign state of Israel and death to all Jews.

I can see what side you have chosen.

I sleep well at night knowing I'm not supporting the genocide of the Jewish race, the end to Israel and the attack on Christianity.

But you do you, Poo.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 05:51 PM
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Almost there!

edit on 30-11-2023 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I got one...

95%? Oh yeah, Muslims are the total underdog with this.

I'm willing to bet 50% of those Western protesters couldn't find Gaza on a map.
edit on 30-11-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 06:13 PM
The Biden administration lots its balls too….
“According to Ch. 12 report, Blinken clashed with Israel’s war cabinet about the next phase in the Gaza operation.”
“I don’t think you have the credit for that,” Blinken reportedly told the defense minister about his stated goal to “dismantle Hamas, even if it takes months.” cbe084975ea3b01ad03ef055b8ee5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_& he-bus-in-private-meeting-netanyahu-responds-with-fire-n2167025

So what.
The Israelis are going to finish the job, regardless of who is on board with it…

PM Netanyahu:
"I have just concluded a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, shortly after Hamas murderers murdered people here in Jerusalem. I told him that it is the same Hamas.

It is the same Hamas that perpetrated the terrible massacre on October 7th and the same Hamas that is trying to murder us everywhere.

I told him: We have sworn, I have sworn, to eliminate Hamas. Nothing will stop us.

We will continue this war until we achieve the three goals: Freeing all of our hostages, completely eliminating Hamas and ensuring that no threat like this will ever come from Gaza again."

Enjoy the world wide antisemitism show while you can because Hamas and their supporters will soon be long gone and no amount of screeching will change it.
There’s only so many hostages and innocent civilians to hide behind.
Hamas doesn’t want peace, nor shall they receive it.
As for the argument that this terrorist cockroach eradication plan will only create more terrorists, there’s no shortage of boots to stomp them.
It’s a good thing Israel isn’t treating them with kid gloves as the anti Israeli crowd would like.

+36 more 
posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Anyone siding with the palestinians is siding with a population that wants the destruction and end to the sovereign state of Israel and death to all Jews.

When performing a risk assessment, just how realistic is the threat? So do you really think some handglides, a few cars and some foot soldiers is going to over run Israel? With how the fight in Gaza is going you look like someone freaking out over a mouse.

For a more realistic threat of the river to the sea, continue your psychopathic and genocidal tendencies to unite the rest of the region against a common enemy of humanity.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Hey the palestinian terrorist just killed two more Israelis at a bus top in Jerusalem, that is what the pro palestinian terrorist are supporting around the world.

Yep once a terrorist will always be a terrorist, any where in the world. 138211&ei=15

Looks like the "Entire world" wants the dead of Israel.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Did you read the latest attack on Israelis in Jerusalem?

Yep that is what the "entire world wants now as per thread starter", they want hamas to keep killing Israelis.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: DBCowboy

Anyone siding with the palestinians is siding with a population that wants the destruction and end to the sovereign state of Israel and death to all Jews.

When performing a risk assessment, just how realistic is the threat? So do you really think some handglides, a few cars and some foot soldiers is going to over run Israel? With how the fight in Gaza is going you look like someone freaking out over a mouse.

For a more realistic threat of the river to the sea, continue your psychopathic and genocidal tendencies to unite the rest of the region against a common enemy of humanity.

The fact remains.

You are siding with a population that wants to eliminate all Jews and the state of Israel.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: DBCowboy

Did you read the latest attack on Israelis in Jerusalem?

Yep that is what the "entire world wants now as per thread starter", they want hamas to keep killing Israelis.

Yeah, hamas ignores the cease-fire and wants to continue killing Jews.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: kwaka

The only genocide going on is the one wag on Israel, two more Israelis dead by hamas, how you feel about that.

Israel needs to completely clean Gaza from the terrorist.

edit on 30-11-2023 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:42 PM
Wow I never thought I will see this type of propaganda in the US, swastikas been wave in Rockefeller Plaza supporting palestinians terrorist.

Un freaking believable, that is what the palestinian terrorist align with pro Nazis that committed genocide on Israel, that is what palestinian terrorist wants for Israel another genocide.

+14 more 
posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Israel needs to completely clean Gaza from the terrorist.

If you think that approach is going to save Israel, sounds like using petrol to put out a fire. You won't have to worry about Gaza after that. Unfortunately, the world is bigger than Gaza.

The only genocide going on is the one wag on Israel, two more Israelis dead by hamas, how you feel about that.

Acceptance, bit like all the bombing going on in Gaza. I cannot change it. If war is the only answer, a lot of people on all sides are going to die.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: kwaka

Obviously hamas palestinian terrorist are doing a great job infiltrating Jerusalem and going on shooting spree.

Do you know that now the pro terrorist supporters are showing their true colors and waving swastikas while chanting dead to Israel.

Do you approve of this?

You know what nazis did to Jews do you? that is what the terrorist wants to do again, this is what protesters are doing all over, showing swastikas in support of genocide of Israel.

Rockefeller tree lit as anti-Israel protestors wave swastika 193924cda025a98ab17&ei=16
edit on 30-11-2023 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 09:30 PM
Has to be professional protestors looking for the next check after BLM finally flamed out (for the most part).

We know hamas has a ton of money to sling around since the siphoned it out of all the assistance money for gaza and west bank.

Cannot see how any educated person would consider the israel is committing genocide stupidity as valid.

Think I saw in a short that the palestinian population went from like 1.5 million to 6.7 million in the time israel has existed(something like that), worst genocide ever.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 09:45 PM
A fundamental question is this: do I wish to support any group, nation, or people whose religion (Islam) calls for its believers to convert the world to its system, by force or otherwise? The West (and increasingly, ironically, the rest of the globe) has aggressively taken Christianity and Judaism to task for misogyny, imperialism, homophobia, etc., so much so that these very religions and the people that practice them have now been put “on notice” by our media, educational institutions, and even government.

So do those standing with Palestine also stand for its religion, and if so, do they ask me to stand behind that, too? And do they also wish, once Palestine is “free” from Israel, for like-minded Arab nations to then get busy destroying Zionism/Israel and spreading Islam throughout the entire region and world? And then, in place of Israel/Judaism, to then deal politically, globally, and socially with a religion whose leaders also openly call for the erasure or oppression of entire groups of humans (homosexuals, etc. also in there with the Jews) with the goal of converting all of humanity to their religion?

What if in ideology AND practice, the oppressed are a worse overall threat to human rights and peace than the oppressors? In other words, one group of religious “fanatics” does not wish to convert, kill, or oppress me; the other does. Like every other religion that wants its institution to survive and its members to function in a fast changing, diverse world, Islam must change its outdated and oppressive ideology and practices or render itself unworkable to the rest of humanity. Simplifying this huge issue of a fanatical, bigoted, deeply conversion based religion into "Israel versus Palestine" is not going to make any of these questions go away.

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 09:52 PM
it's likely the 95% are 'woke' that OCT 7th was a prelude to a future 3 Days of Darkness melee...possibly April 2024 or later

reference source:

listen to entire presentation ... re; greater Israel, land expansion policy adopted soon by Bjn Netenyahoo as Leader...

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: DBCowboy

Anyone siding with the palestinians is siding with a population that wants the destruction and end to the sovereign state of Israel and death to all Jews.

When performing a risk assessment, just how realistic is the threat? So do you really think some handglides, a few cars and some foot soldiers is going to over run Israel? With how the fight in Gaza is going you look like someone freaking out over a mouse.

For a more realistic threat of the river to the sea, continue your psychopathic and genocidal tendencies to unite the rest of the region against a common enemy of humanity.

Israel has other active fronts to worry about not just the border with Hamas and the Palestinians.

If Hamas is incapable of beating Israel then I guess after Israel is done with them they will have one less border to to worry about.

They can utilize their military elsewhere defending their borders.

It’s like this thing is being viewed in a vacuum, no mention of October 7th, no mention that attacks from other entities ramped up on the 7th as well.

In wars civilians die.

Innocent Germans, Japanese, Italians, French, British, Russians, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqi, Afghan, and many many more have perished in war - not good, but why hold Israel to a higher standard? Because Jews live there?

posted on Nov, 30 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: Wolfff


posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Link to the revised Hamas charter (2017)

The new document also states that the group does not seek war with the Jewish people but only against Zionism which it holds responsible for "occupation of Palestine".

Hamas does in fact not seek the destruction of all Jews.

And while I unconditionally condemn the Oct 7 attack and brutal slaughter of innocent Israelis and believe that it was a war crime let me pose a question to you :

How many Korean, Vietnamese, Iraqi and Afghani civilians have been murdered by people you wouldn't hesitate to thank for their service?

Have you stood in defense of those victims?

Did you declare all Americans as complicit?

I sleep well at night knowing I'm not supporting the genocide of the Jewish race,

An oppressed people who rely on their oppressors not to cut off their water and electricity and fight like peasants against the 4th largest army in the world.

Go read the charter because the are willing to settle for pre 1967 border lines.

the end to Israel

Proven to be false.

and the attack on Christianity.

This is what I'm talking about. It is proponents of Western Christianity that overthrow Iran when it was a relaxed, modern society and installed the current theocracy.

The same as Lebanon.

Invaded Iraq under false pretenses. George Bush Jr even joked about it afterwards.

And again declared war with Afghanistan not because that nation was responsible for 911 and left that country in tatters, returned it after 20 years back to the taliban, gifted them with a billion dollars worth of modern weaponry and abandoned quite a number of your countrymen there to fend for themselves.

And the reason they abandoned that weaponry is so that the middle East will forever be destabilized.

The same reason Israel chose to support and fund Hamas to create the narratives that they are justified in their oppression and that Palestinians deserve to be oppressed.

It's all a game of profit to them, but they have managed to trigger your "Christian sensibilities" into supporting them blindly.

When was the last time a Muslim nation invaded a Christian nation under false pretexts and kept up a protracted war simply to make money?

I sleep well at night

Ignorance is bliss.

But you do you, Poo.

I choose to deny Ignorance.
edit on 1-12-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

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