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Caution Worldwide travel alert for Americans

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posted on Oct, 19 2023 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I'm guessing a fair amount of terrorists got in to the US over the last three years through the Mexico border and they probably did not show up for any legal immigrant meetings after they got released.

So, I would say that people should be cautious of any air travel too within this country.

Wouldn't South Americans, moving over a border into North America, be just as American?

posted on Oct, 19 2023 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
I just read in French they close the airport to do the security risk anybody have any other information on this I don't know how to copy and paste the the news report :-) I don't even know if I can legally do it.

Hey MIM,

Just copy and paste the address bar for the website page of that article. Then you can come back here and paste it into your comment or post.

If you want to add an excerpt from the article, just copy the text directly from the page, and come here and select the cloud icon above your response, it'll open a window with a line that has the word "Text" on it. Replace the "Text" by pasting over it with the text you copied from the article.

That's pretty much it. Hope this helps!

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