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posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: glend

I used to do a bright light at the head and then move down and imagine that light pervading and the big toes as a sort of faucet that the darkness or negative energies run out of... When laying down.

Last night I grabbed a chinny chin chin focusing on the Anatta sound(s) and right betwixt wake and sleep; I heard as if it issued from my mouth a woman yell really loud: "He doesn't think!" lol it was like I was laying under my mattress instead of on it and everything dead quiet. I investigated all around with a flash light and didn't find anyone.

It kinda makes me wonder... If you feel you have an empty or broken heart; That someone is dwelling in there trying to fill it.

Happy Holidays!

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: AwakenWithMe

Brilliant, thank you.

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