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Who is the 8th king in Revelation?

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posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 08:38 PM

edit on 25-9-2023 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 08:42 PM
Accept Jesus into your life. Repent and save your soul.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: neoholographic

Have you ever studied any form of music? Sine waves? The colour spectrum? Or anything which uses octaves of frequency?

"Octave" means "A set of 8"

This verse it talking about octaves of tonal frequency, which are the basis for all creation

A base structure which is found in all forms of light and sound, such as music. As well as the composition of all physical matter. Air, liquid or solid

If we are to use music as an example, mathematically, what we refer to as an octave actually only has 7 "full" tones. Not 8

In between the 7 "full" tones of frequency, there are 5 "sharp or flat" (fallen) semi-tone notes, as can be seen with the keys of a piano

The reason there is technically 7 tones, instead of 8, is because the 8th tone is a return of the 1st. "The 1st that is, and is yet to come, to start the next octave"

Revelation 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

The 8th note, is considered both the last note of the octave which came before, and the 1st note of the octave which will come after

Revelation 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

*Pic below*
7 tones of a Piano, with 5 semi-tones
7 modes of a scale

When considering the octave, you either count the 1st original note as part of the 7, with an empty 8th destination note

Or the the octave ascends from a "bottomless" root note (no 1st) note, if you are counting the 8th note as one of the seven

In modern music, we count both the root note, and the 8th octave "return", which is the same note as the root note

A closed loop, which is intimately connected with everything within manifested creation. Things such as physics, and the Oxygen "8" of the planet





*Pic below*
Freemason "G" (symbolising balance of internal and external forces) surrounded by instruments for measuring "cycles" and "timing" (position within cycles)
Musical "G" with 4/4 measure given, for beats (timing) per bar (cycles)

The combination of these internal and external forces, are found throughout all religion and mythology, when you recognise the meaning of their symbols, and simple misunderstandings within the translation of texts

*Pic below*
Symbols, all representing the meeting of internal and external forces, forming balance and/or equilibrium between

Which ties in to the formation of all cells, spheres and torus (Torah) within equilibrium (El'ohim) of creation

It also ties into our number system, which tells of the process of the formation of a cell
Which in-turn also aligns to our lettering system
Which in-turn also aligns to the system of planets
Which in-turn also aligns to the physical organs in our body
Which in-turn also aligns to the lands of the planet itself

All of it aligns very precisely, when you understand the basis of the primary universal constant (numbers)

Numbers, or "the primary sequence" are something which aligns you directly with the source of creation, by aligning you with everything within creation

An alignment which supersedes religion, science, everything

Understanding of numbers as the primary sequence of creation, which aligns with literally everything in creation, is the "Universal religion" which many Christians fear will come

The meaning of the individual stages (or "degrees" if you are a Freemason) of the primary sequence as it is applied to Perception (Peter, P'tah, Persephone) is mirrored exactly within the lines of things such as the Nicene creed

The only difference is that the Nicene creed has been reversed, to apply the sequence to an external entity, rather than an understanding of our personal connection to the source of creation

And they replace the Earth, with the Church

Christians only fear the numerical primary sequence, because it is not something which can be divided from creation

They do not really need to fear it, as it aligns perfectly with all their teachings and understanding

The problem is, that is also aligns all other religions and mythology. As well as science, physics, mathematics, geometry, psychology, astronomy, astrology, geology

Literally everything you can think of, aligns with the primary sequence of numbers

It also proves that it is impossible for the perception of any form of God, to come before Gnostic principles

Because without the perceiver to interpret creation, there would be no perception, with which to attribute to God

The original authors of the Torah (before it was translated into the versions found in the canonical Bible) understood all this well

That is why you have:

1. Genesis - Biology - Internal physics
2. Exodus - Geometry - External physics
3. Leviticus - Vectoring - Exchange and non-linear dynamics (In-between physics)

After which you have:

4. Numbers - The primary sequence / Primary law - Numerals
5. Deuteronomy - The secondary sequence / Secondary law- Letters

The book of numbers goes into detail about the meaning of the symbols we use for the numbers

From 1 (Internalised self) to 13 (Externalised secondary individual or entity)

When you understand this, these texts align perfectly with knowledge taught within cultures and mythologies which predate the Bible by thousands of years such as the Sumerians

Sumerian 7 Sages of Apkallu
Biblical 7 Seals of Apocalypse

Are exactly the same. People just do not understand that they both refer to the layers of perspective within personal dimension (Demeter)

The problem with the modern translation appear to have been translated by those who did not understand the concepts they were trying to translate

Like trying to translate a book on physics, when you have no understanding of science

There is no point trying to apply a book which was written, aligning with the numeric principles of creation (numbers do not end, they only exponentially larger and more complex with each increment), using the limited character set and algorithm of the secondary sequence "letters"

You are trying to apply writings of external "expanding" structure ,to internal "limited" concepts

Within texts that are horribly mistranslated

The problem with trying to apply mistranslation of primary sequence, to secondary sequence algorithm, is that there are a million possibilities

All of which could be argued to be somewhat correct, in their relation to the primary structure

You need to stop looking at the layers of veil, and start concentrating on trying to understand the source beneath

You can spend your entire life, doing revision after revision of algorithmic possibilities, relevant to particular times and people

But none of them will ever be correct

Because these types of translations and alignments, are simply not important enough to be written and passed down in a book which forms a D.N.A like structure of the collective

Only information about the very structure of our world, is this important

You are playing with the wrapper, without opening the present

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Same as Revelation. It doesn't provide a conclusion, just a road map on what to watch for on the way.

Revelations by it's "revelatory"...revealing. Not confirming.

I disagree. The first 5 words of the book of Revelation tells us EXACTLY what it reveals AND confirms...

Revelation 1:1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ...

The book of Revelation absolutely provides a conclusion...

Revelation 22:13 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

The rest of the book tells us a list of what must happen for more people to finally come to this conclusion.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

But ..we have always seen these things...every generation. Thats the point and the beauty of applies from the 1st spoken word to everyone, everywhere, all the time.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: jarsue97

Done. Did that...😎👋✝️

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: neoholographic

My advised...The walls of your quoted scripture text here helps no one but you refer to your beliefs.

Can you go volunteer at least 1/2 of the time you spent quoting scripture w highlights?

Your community could use help I'm sure? And, has to "do" to "get".

Put your Scripture to work in a more positive way that promotes your beliefs. We need committed people like yourself.

Writing, talking, quoting does no one any good. Not unless you actively put it to use..and not in "preaching" but by "doing".

So, respectfully...what do you do?

God Bless

FEMA Responder/Region 2 South, Michigan.
edit on 09233930America/ChicagoTue, 26 Sep 2023 08:58:39 -050058202300000039 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Hey days I came up w synth color organ...each note assigned 1 of 13 colors (notes).
One chord or combination(s) and one could "hear" green, hear "blue" not "blues".

The colors and frequencies when mixed with both hands-10 fingers ...the more Id play...faster and those color gels flashed like a kaleidoscope.

Learned mediation from it 1987....on frequencies.


edit on 09232430America/ChicagoTue, 26 Sep 2023 09:05:24 -050005202300000024 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Deetermined

Ok, I'll bite.... If that's so? Why are you still talking, postulating?

Please don't quote, put it in your own words please.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Compendium

If you've got time to quote all these walls-of-text? What are you doing EQUALLY to help your community...other than telling them to "read"?

As much effort you put? Dang... we could use help in the community from someone as committed to ideals as you!


posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: randomuser

The seven kings that make up the seven heads of the wild beast that ascends out of the sea are the seven world powers that have had direct influence on God's people in history. So in order of their ascension they represent: (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Babylon, (4) Medo-Persia, (5) Greece, (6) Rome, (7) Anglo-American world power.

Revelation 17:10-11 - 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

While I have studied this over and over and believe that a lot of theories are plausible, there are a few verses in Revelation that lead me to believe that the 8th king is a revival of the 7th. What was the 7th empire? It was the Ottoman Empire, in which the Sunni Islam religion was the "official" religion of the empire.

While I battle with the idea that a world full of people could be fooled into believing anything coming from the Muslims, I'm slowly giving up based on how many people we see today being fooled into other nonsense that I didn't used to believe was remotely possible. However, the Bible does tell us that a time would come when God will allow people to believe the lies that the Anti-Christ will be spewing in 2 Thessalonians 2.

The Muslims believe that every piece of land that they've ever ruled over is still theirs...that includes the promised land to the Jews. and they vow to take back every inch of what they believe is theirs over generations, no matter how unlikely it appears to us now. We already know that immigration is out of control everywhere and that European nations are starting to reap the repercussions of the number of Muslims they have allowed into their countries. While it may appear far fetched for now, there's still a Bible verse that keeps sticking out in my head...

Revelation 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

The above verse is one that we know is part of the Great Tribulation, which is a future event, since we know the Millennial period starts afterward. While we may believe that the use of the word "beheaded" is being used only because the people of the time of the Bible were using it as a way of death or execution, it is STILL a means that Muslims use today to kill Christians. The above verse is one that I just can't seem to stop contemplating in the scheme of things. The fact that Israel is still completely surrounded by their Muslim enemies can not be ignored. I believe they have the greatest chance of squirming their way into the heart of Israel.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Put your Scripture to work in a more positive way that promotes your beliefs. We need committed people like yourself.

Writing, talking, quoting does no one any good. Not unless you actively put it to use..and not in "preaching" but by "doing".

So, respectfully...what do you do?

So, respectfully...what is it that YOU are doing while we keep watching you post your opinions on ATS too?

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Deetermined

Ok, I'll bite.... If that's so? Why are you still talking, postulating?

Please don't quote, put it in your own words please.

Because the Holy Spirit doesn't reveal everything to everyone at the same time. To some, it won't be revealed at all, but it's worth repeating for those who are finally being awoken by the Holy Spirit.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Gothmog

But ..we have always seen these things...every generation. Thats the point and the beauty of applies from the 1st spoken word to everyone, everywhere, all the time.

But , they didn't have all the means to fulfill the signs.
We do now.
edit on 9/26/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger, neoholographic, Deetermined

Firstly, mysteriousstranger, I didn't "quote" anything, except relevant verses from the original post

Everything is my own words and research

Also, I am not sure if you aware of it or not ...

But your responses clearly show you are less concerned with what people are doing for the community, than you are with drawing attention to your own efforts

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your sacrifices ("FEMA responder"? Good for you! Honestly 👍😃)

Except, when you go out of your way, to try use it to reduce others around you, in order to inflate your own feeling of self-worth

You crafted three near identical, irrelevant responses to posts made by myself, neoholographic and Deetermined in which you basically told us to "get offline and go do something for this world, like you are doing", while you are hypocritically sitting here in the same boat as us

All of which, served no purpose, other than you own validation

You literally crafted a second response to me, that had nothing to with anything being discussed

It was purely self-righteous

With all due respect, those who would systematically cut down others, to feel good about themselves, as you did, are not virtuous

Nor are those who actively fish for some type of praise, validation or reward for the good they do

Such a need for praise, validation or reward, is more likely linked to some type of feeling of inadequacy within themselves

The result of some type of repressed emotional pain, that needs to be dealt with

Don't get my wrong. I am not saying you are a bad person, or disrespecting the good you do for this world ...

I am just saying that negatively reducing others, to make yourself feel better about yourself, actually makes you lesser of a person. Not greater

You know nothing about my sacrifices. Or the sacrifices of others in here. So you should not act as though you do

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to choose to sacrifice your own life, to save the lives of others?

I have, and I sacrificed myself. It is only by some type of miracle, I was revived and am still here today to "post my wall-of-text" as you called it

I have given more to this world than you will ever know

As too, have countless others

You should be careful waiving around your virtue, like you are somehow worthy, or have earned the right to judge, when you know nothing of the virtues of the others you speak down to

Your heart may be in the right place, but you come across as being arrogant and conceited
edit on 26 9 23 by Compendium because: Added tags

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

Posting is only because Im in my studio and the piano hurts my back after about an hour, so my computer and library...and Bibles...are all in here.

Im a retired, tho still active, and volunteer EMT and Disaster responder and 991 Dispatcher. Retired Incident Command. Western Wayne County Michigan.

Liquid nutrition program volunteer. Meals on wheels volunteering.

Pianist vocalist at The Performing Arts Center...and local church. Rest of the doing one or the other above. Constantly.

Husband, with a little dog. Each day thanking God for all of it...long as I can...

God Bless you my friend!


edit on 09230530America/ChicagoTue, 26 Sep 2023 20:18:05 -050018202300000005 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

So true...but would that not mean for 2,000 years, everyone living shoulda disregarded Revelations as nothing to worry bout now...and any signs in their times?

Or should they not have looked for them...disregarded its meaning and intent for them... as you say.. because it wasnt their time? Didnt have all the "stuff"?

Is now the time? Are you sure? Can we ever be sure? They werent. But, Im sure it was designed that way.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:26 PM
It could be that Revelation 17:15-18 is what is happening now.

Much of the Church no longer think their mission is to pray down the loss and theft of souls. Instead they all started sharing in order to cheat on their exams and get better jobs. Then, the rest of the world, who hates the prosperous US and Western Europe i.e. what used to be Christendom, decides they can get a piece of the action. They may want the revolution in the Church and society to become compulsory.

Please consider taking a glance at my recent thread in "Other Current Events" titled "Was Early Christianity Communist?" It may help clarify my point.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

My Friend! Thank you, thank you for that!

"Because the Holy Spirit doesn't reveal everything to everyone at the same time. To some, it won't be revealed at all, but it's worth repeating for those who are finally being awoken by the Holy Spirit."

That was perfect! See. We do think alike...a little!

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Hey. Goth? Once I did try and figure out the signs in Revelations. I waited another 10 ten years, read up again. Another 10 years, and the Millennium hit...and now 20 years head hurts.

I do agree with you these are the "end times' we've been expecting. But? Isnt that the same as people have been expecting for 2,000 years?

Ive said it before. Respectfully speaking? God HAS to have a sense of humor. "Look at 'em all down there scurrying around!!!!!!!!!"


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