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The Russell Brand incident.....

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posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: spacedoubt

He’s been a vocal right wing ahole for a few years now.

Nope always been a liberal. He's one of the rare ones to pull his head out.

Is Brand taking a page out of The Daily Mail, or is he simply catering to YouTube’s almighty, unknowable algorithm? Possibly the latter; Brand’s political position (if he even has one at all), was always milquetoast liberalism with vague anti-establishment posturing, combined with a willingness to hear from all sides of the political spectrum, no matter how odious.

edit on 26-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: MCurns
The name is so ironic, "Online Safety Bill"
Reminds me of this quote...

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
Ben Franklin

Just another nail in the coffin of Western freedoms by the marxist globalists.
People are too stupid to be against this draconian law, by design. Schools in Baltimore, that have the highest funding ever, had 0 (THAT'S ZERO) students pass in math proficiency in 40% of the city schools. But they know their pronouns and marxist slogans.

This war between ideologies has been going on for a long time. Many are just waking up to the realities of it now. I fear it is too late. Enjoy owning nothing and doing what you are allowed. Maybe the drugs will make us all complacent enough.
edit on 9 26 2023 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: stosh64

the line doing the rounds is its to protect the gov from dissent.. only like the levellers what they do is creating any number of grass roots movements to oppose it all which will all converge during next years election cycle. how much survives into the next gov is hard to say but at this point none of it makes any party electable..

we see it in the frantic dialing back of net zero through to the reverse ferreting on women having willies and the other nonsense gov and corporates have been spouting..

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: spacedoubt

brand is still as much a champagne socialist as orwell who even now is hated by the left..

you know the world is broken when traditional left wing values are seen as far or hard right.

labour mp Rosie Duffield is a prime example being seen as far right for refusing to say women have willies..

even the neutral olympians like sharon davis are heralded as far right for defending women's rights..

this is the world we now inhabit and if it carries on like this its one step closer to a soviet like collapse.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: nickyw


"you know the world is broken when traditional right wing values are seen as far or hard left."?

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 01:37 AM
Brand was a threat because he could reach people who were historically left.

The stuff happening now is not about left/right - This is about total control over people.

Pfizer making billions from the vaccine when it was developed with government funds isn't a left/right issue.

Real change will only happen when people stop thinking about things as left/right.
This is why he was stopped.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

unless you can only see the world through an imaginary US version of the world that is not the way the uk is.. after 100 year of dominance in 1924 new liberalism died and it's vote split 50/50 into the English labour/conservative parties so there is only left/hard or left liberal/right liberal.. hence the internals civil war tearing both parties apart and the +50% that are now politically homeless..

Brand is not right nor a right leaning liberal, the modern mix-up came with Blair & Clintons 3rd way infesting both us and uk politics that pushes both closer to fascism than not and champagne socialists like brand and Orwell are not hard right when they criticise, nor are left wing feminists like Posie Parker, Duffield, Joyce, Blindel and Rowling.

the only way to believe that is to see the world through a pair of imaginary American eyes, in the real world you can compare and contrast the views of Matt Walsh & Helen Joyce, the American side come across as continental protestant or pre vatican II Catholics while Joyce is more trad British/Irish left wing feminism. in truth each has an offering for each sex Walsh has a stronger male offering while joyce has a stronger female offering, individually neither has an offering for both sexes.

understanding that you can see the divide that runs through western society. many on the left voted Brexit to move away from Blair/Clinton 3rd way politics as did many on the right. Ironically it was liberal women who got Brexit over the line not right wing males, as the only group not split 50/50 was older Anglican women (split 70/30) the media has suppressed the earlier data in favour of an easy to attack US interpretation that aligns with anti Trump theories.

Ignoring the real reason and who actually voted Brexit is why the establishment has consistently lost time and time again since 2016, understanding that got Johnson the victory he did, and forgetting that caused his demise, just as it will deny Starmer the easy win labour should have, on the reverse it may deliver Sunak a punishment victory as it did May, its why the recent stuff like pivoting to attack brand is going down like a bag of cold sick, not that women don't think he's domne wrong but this smacks of deadcatting for votes as Westminster/conservatives lose control of justice and policing to activism they funded.

losing sight of that loses where that battle lines have moved onto to which is why we're in a mess with a cowardly parliament tying itself in knots, right now the lines are focused on fighting to reverse the green madness hurting the poorest and for women's rights both of which will dictate the outcome of the next election hence the shift to door stepping all candidates on the question what is a woman. This is the group Braverman was talking to with her comments that multiculturalism has failed. as when you look at the makeup of those protesting the migrant camps and hotels its dominated by women as sex assaults in the town centres are getting as common as shoplifting. it doesn't matter the who, it highlights a society close to breakdown.

all Westminster does is see the world through a fantasy version of American issues and apply fantasy fixes to imagined woes, Lucy letby can not be scapegoat for nhs failures, Brand for police failures, or Johnson for Westminster failures..

its why I frame what is happening as reformation like as its a similar deep misunderstanding of the people here and what they are doing, the timing is making things worse not better but brand remains a champagne socialist with a better understanding of the people here than the Westminster bubble.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Daughter2

Brand was a threat because he could reach people who were historically left.

The stuff happening now is not about left/right - This is about total control over people.

Pfizer making billions from the vaccine when it was developed with government funds isn't a left/right issue.

Real change will only happen when people stop thinking about things as left/right.
This is why he was stopped.

the issue is brand can bridge divides Westminster can't.

Westminster has adopted a fantasy version of the world particularly a fantasy version of western issues that seems to apply to us all and married the issues to salvation through self destruction.

left or right there are those who can give people a a shake and wake them up and get all the hate, brand is one, matt Walsh another, Helen Joyce, JK Rowling are others..

I think of the women meeting to discuss the world as a modern version of the Putney debates to discuss what world we want to live in that evolved into the words "we the people" and why the establishment is so scared of people talking to each other and sharing ideas, as its the basis of the plurality they've destroyed...

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 05:36 PM
So is the foul beast that used to be "left" and is now apparently a "right-wing" fundamentalist conspiracy theorist been charged yet?

Asking for a friend.
edit on 29-9-2023 by Kreeate because: i dun derped

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