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UAW to strike at Detroit Big Three after failed contract agreement

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posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 04:57 AM

The United Auto Workers will strike at the Big Three Automakers-GM, Ford and Stellantis on Thursday night at midnight after the companies did not reach a tentative labor deal with autoworkers.

If you think cars are expensive now, just wait.

The workers are demanding a 40% pay raise over a 4 year period. Full time workers make $32.32 an hour, so that will almost double their pay. Part time workers make about $17, so that would bring them up to roughly $30 an hour and include benefits and pensions.

The union is also pushing for making all temporary workers at the automakers permanent, cost-of-living adjustments, increases in pension benefits for current retirees and restoring pensions for new hires, among other benefits.

I'm not saying they shouldn't get all that, but we know the companies are not just going to eat the cost, it will be passed on to the consumer.

This affects my youngest Son, as he is in the chip industry and his company has asked for volunteers to be laid off. This will have a trickle down effect on other industries that supply the auto makers, so it's not just them. Used car prices were coming back to normal, but they'll skyrocket again because folks just can't afford a new one.

Better get'em while the gettin's good.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 07:31 AM
Yeah, I heard from a woman that works there, before the strike started, who was very angry.

She said the newer, younger workers were going to be the cause of the strike if it happened.

They also want to only work 32 hours, and get paid for 40, and some other BS. And are not willing to negotiate about it, even when being told by other workers that it was BS.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:07 AM
why is it always American companies being targeted by strikes? its never foreign companies, so it almost feels like industrial sabotage or the action of a foreign government to make American companies uncompetitive.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:45 AM
36%, not 40%.

I wonder if the CEO has had a 36% wage increase in the last 4 years…

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: chiefsmom

My bad

edit on 15-9-2023 by knoxie because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-9-2023 by knoxie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

There's a reason a new pickup truck is $80k.😂

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

The auto market was ready to collapse. Wonder if this is orchestrated.

There is only so much people are willing, or able to pay for a car..

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 10:57 AM
and people act as if they can bring all manufacturing back to the US...this is why we can't and won't, our American manufactured goods will cost 5 times the cost of imported ones.

Not a fan of Unions, think they have a purpose in certain cases but overall it's not a good model in a mega-capitalistic and industrialist society and I don't want to live in a socialistic society.

hell in our business we work 48 hours on the slow weeks, between travel and markets there are months where you work 3 weeks straight 7 days a week you then get a regular 48-hour week then back to the grind. If you don't put in those hours you won't get the business you need.

Lots of small businesses are that way, our clients certainly are.

As for cars and trucks I haven't bought a new vehicle in over 23 years, even then it was a lease LOL.

I definitely prefer pre-owned

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 10:57 AM
This is a non starter. As an RN I generally held the lives in my hands on a daily basis..the lives of many. From the time I started training until I retired, auto workers generally made more than I did. A lot more. Today things have not changed.
As a society we have never figured out that greed never wins.
That is what this is:
Even when I retired, my wife also a nurse retired together we couldn't buy a new car now if we wanted to. In fact even when we worked a new car was an investment like a home that never did appreciate. Value decreased consistantly.
Many people are now already priced out of the market. We bought a new Chevy back in 2015 that cost us 25,000 bucks. We paid it off early knowing that we would never be able to buy another. And we can't. If cost of a vehicle goes up further, well even middle class people will have a car payment just as high as their house. In the thousands monthly.
I don't begrudge anyone money. Get what you can folks, but get ready, this is only one event about to happen out of many.
Farmers can't buy equipment, and with droughts and the selling off of beef because of feed costs, to name just one more thing,
The cost of a new vehicle is one of the catalysts that will bring this country to its knees. And no one wants to be on their knee unless they are in front of God.
Some of this is greed. Some of this is need. Some of this is not needed for the sake of a country slowly disintegrating.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: namehere

Have you seen what happens if a strike happens in say China?

Plus, most western nations already went through their bloody periods of worker and peasant uprisings, American company's learned from those instances or were saved by workers revolts because of the boom after ww1 and 2.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 11:09 AM
Dont worry! the Gov will bail them out.
and biden gets his 10%

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 11:12 AM
2024 Lincoln Nautilus Is the Brand’s First China-Made Vehicle To Be Sold in US

When it arrives later this year, the 2024 Lincoln Nautilus will be the brand’s first vehicle imported from China to sell in North America. First spotted by CNBC and confirmed to The Drive by a Lincoln spokesperson, the news has already garnered some criticism online from commenters and will likely be a sticking point for union negotiations for the automaker in the coming months.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: DavidsHope
This is a non starter. As an RN I generally held the lives in my hands on a daily basis..the lives of many. From the time I started training until I retired, auto workers generally made more than I did. A lot more. Today things have not changed.
As a society we have never figured out that greed never wins.
That is what this is:
Even when I retired, my wife also a nurse retired together we couldn't buy a new car now if we wanted to. In fact even when we worked a new car was an investment like a home that never did appreciate. Value decreased consistantly.
Many people are now already priced out of the market. We bought a new Chevy back in 2015 that cost us 25,000 bucks. We paid it off early knowing that we would never be able to buy another. And we can't. If cost of a vehicle goes up further, well even middle class people will have a car payment just as high as their house. In the thousands monthly.
I don't begrudge anyone money. Get what you can folks, but get ready, this is only one event about to happen out of many.
Farmers can't buy equipment, and with droughts and the selling off of beef because of feed costs, to name just one more thing,
The cost of a new vehicle is one of the catalysts that will bring this country to its knees. And no one wants to be on their knee unless they are in front of God.
Some of this is greed. Some of this is need. Some of this is not needed for the sake of a country slowly disintegrating.

Don't get me started LOL I think Hollywood, the Music Industry, Professional Sports and mega corporations all should contribute a significant portion of their gross earnings to those that work for the common good.

Nurses, teachers, police and fire personnel, first responders, animal control, Garbage collectors, etc I'm sure there are more.

Been in and out of hospitals my whole life a good nurse is worth their weight in gold, NGL when we were with my Dad his last 20 days or so every one of his nurses was excellent and no doubt severely underpaid.

My BIL likely wouldn't be here, except this one nurse kept checking for his pulse, she was and is a hero to this family

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: namehere
why is it always American companies being targeted by strikes? its never foreign companies, so it almost feels like industrial sabotage or the action of a foreign government to make American companies uncompetitive.

actually I think foreign workers strike all the time, esp public sector.

if they get the 32-hour work week, the pressure will be on for EVERYONE to get that. starting with the government workers I'd guess.
get ready for a four-day school week too.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:49 PM
So what they want is suggested to be 300k in pay increases and benefits along with the old pension system brought back and 32 hours per week.

I think it is time to open up new factories in right-to-work states.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

get ready for a four-day school week too.

Its already

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

Don't get me started LOL I think Hollywood, the Music Industry, Professional Sports and mega corporations all should contribute a significant portion of their gross earnings to those that work for the common good.

Nurses, teachers, police and fire personnel, first responders, animal control, Garbage collectors, etc I'm sure there are more.

You should start it off by setting the example and go out and hand 100-dollar bills to every nurse you see.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: DavidsHope
The cost of a new vehicle is one of the catalysts that will bring this country to its knees. And no one wants to be on their knee unless they are in front of God.
Some of this is greed. Some of this is need. Some of this is not needed for the sake of a country slowly disintegrating.

These plants are in expensive areas to live brought about by the higher average income ranges that unions create. They need to move their plants plain and simple. In San Antonio at the Toyota Truck plant the wages are $13.75 to $20.67 and when the plant opened they had 15,000 people apply for a job. A new 2023 Tacoma is about 29k and a new 2024 Tundra is like 39k so what kind of Truck are you looking for?

BTW I buy my cars 3 years old with low mileage. One of my cars was 85k new and with 9k miles I got it for 40k, the other was 60k new and I got it for 14k low mileage. I'll never buy another new car again.

Lastly, as 2 nurses you both didn't have a 401k program for 30+ years?

edit on 15-9-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 01:14 PM
Thirty an hour to do one simple task all day? 32 hour work week? WTF

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 02:47 PM
32 hours paid for 40 is a 25% increase alone

what about electric car workers?

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