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5th Column Subversion of US Military to Distribute COVID Bioweapon 'Prototype Injectables'...

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posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 06:26 PM

Occasionally I happen across information that shocks & surprises me in equal measure, and in this instance the source delivers. It allays so many lingering doubts & answers so many questions, illuminating fully so many half-intuited shades of understanding that hadn't quite formed in my overall view of the COVID scenario that played out 2020-2022 & beyond.

The source is the excellent UK independent newsletter named 'The Light Paper' (June Issue 2023). This is a free periodical which is printed out & delivered to members of the public by members of the truth community in the UK, which addresses many issues facing the world in modern times, basically shedding light on the schemes of the parasitic 'elitist', 'globalist' class - those who wish to do us harm & become wealthy in the process, enriching themselves through the suffering of untold millions, who had no qualms about destroying the health of literally billions - & the economies of nations - for their purposes during the PLANDEMIC in all its heinous 'glory'.

This story is a shocker. It goes to the heart of the PLANDEMIC & all the chicanery. Why were all safety metrics ignored in the VAERS alert system/ the UK equivalent MHRA system? Why did every nation read from the same hymn sheet in terms of the soundbytes the politicians were using "..blah, blah safe & effective, safe & effective, anti-vaxxers evil, de-friend anti-vaxxers, masks are proven, four legs gooood, two legs baaad.."...? And many more besides.

In a nutshell, we have a lady by the name of Sasha Latypova who has claimed, in a detailed interview with Serena Wylde, with evidence, that the MRNA 'vaccines' for the COVID plandemic were NOT actually the product of the pharmaceutical industry titans such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca & Moderna, but in actual fact they were cobbled together in a succession of biolabs at the express behest & direction of criminal elements operating within the cover of a black ops group nested in the US Department of Defence (DOD). She claims that the vaccines were basically mixed from constituents unknown to the technicians, one blending at a time, in a caterpillar sequence of biolabs around the world, different batches being mixed to a variety of specifications by untrained staff who were simply shaking together 'vial A' & 'vial B' to create 'Batch C', with each step in the various processes being shuttled around a variety of nations, seemingly without oversight from anyone but the uppermost reaches of US DOD.

These were then dressed up as the product of various pharmaceutical companies, pushed through a sham regulatory process in which absolutely no evidence of safety or efficacy was required for the inevitable rubber-stamped approval which then saw the whole lot being distributed worldwide as the alleged products of various pharma companies. Furthermore, the VAERS & MHRA automatic safety systems of stop & recall in the event of serious adverse events were 'switched off'. There were tenfold the usual number of attempts by internal executives to halt the process at various stops along the ordinary journey of a medical product entering the market. Every safety protocol & internal flag utterly ignored, repeatedly, brazenly, without exception. The product - which was a 'PROTOTYPE INJECTABLE' from the murky recesses of the US DOD was being rolled out to billions, and nobody was going to get in the way of that process.

Oh, and in return for abandoning their morals & simply going along with it all, those who were supposed to guard the henhouse, who let the foxes in, were offered & accepted lots of filthy lucre in return for so doing.


But I don't blame the USA proper for this - neither do I blame the Department of Defense in & of itself.

I blame Nazi ideology. I blame actual Nazis who, over the course of two/ three generations since Operation Paperclip, ingratiated themselves into the heart of the American power structures, posing as normal, decent, wealthy Americans, fireworks on July 4th, church on Sunday, working their way into crucial logistical pivot points/comms control points in all the right places to solidify their hold, building & strengthening their network over the course of seventy plus years, amassing wealth & working with the power brokers of the Western world - to accomplish their long-term aims of taking full control of & depopulating this world, absent any consideration of true morality. Remembering Nietsche, who forged their philosophical path as they sought the Aryan 'Ubermenschen', who was famously & heroically devoid of morality - it was indeed a virtue to be devoid any moral compass, seizing control & decimating the ranks of the weak & impure.

You know it's not American values that forged this thing. You know of Operation Paperclip, and how the CIA used the Nazi East European network as a ready made Eastern Europe Desk for itself in the days following WW2. The post-war years leaders of the USA foolishly absorbed Nazi science & Nazi spooks, didn't do enough to erect safeguards, and COVID was the epitome of the chickens/foxes coming home to roost, to mix metaphors..

COVID injections a 'military project'
Pfizer claims products were Department of Defense prototypes

Serena Wylde

The pharmaceutical industry's main role in the 'pandemic' project has been to provide cover for what is a military bioterrorism programme, it has been claimed.

Sasha Latypova is a former pharmaceutical research & development executive who has supervised more than sixty clinical trials of new drugs for the industry, and understands every step of the regulatory protocols which govern bona fide studies and trials.

In early 2021, however, she observed that the strong safety surveillance signals of the new injectables being registered in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) were not triggering the automatic stop & recall mechanism, and the relevant regulatory bodies were showing no concern.

This led her to conclude that there was malicious intent.

From then on, she set about examining minutely every aspect of the development, procurement & manufacturing processes of the 'vaccines' being rolled out en masse, through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

To illustrate her point, she explains that in January of 2021, an unusual number of allergic reactions were flagged up in California, following administration of the Moderna product. In any normal safety surveillance system, lots are tracked by their numbers, and if a clustering of problems of deaths occurs with certain batches, these are immediately recalled for analysis. This is automatic and is done by the manufacturers, in the same way as for car parts or food products.

Instead, in this instance, the lots in question were simply distributed more widely, causing sixty five deaths and three thousand serious adverse events.Latypova explains that once a safety signal is flagged up and no recall action is forthcoming, law enforcement is normally triggered and prosecution of those responsible follows.

She emphasises, however, that we are not dealing with straightforward pharmaceutical corruption.

See this highly detailed legal info: SUB

That information is FRIGHTENING. Describes how US citizen protections were systematically dismantled over decades.


posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I highly recommend that everyone read the full article in the linked Light Paper article by Serena Wylde, as there is much, much more included in the text than I can properly represent in the OP - it is well worth the read. The URL links to a download page, it's a simple PDF - totally safe, no risk - there's many more interesting stories in there too, but the US DOD COVID bioweapon story is a massive dose of reality & should help shake off any cobwebs lingering in your brainbox regarding the whole matter.

The SubStack article at the footer of the OP is a treasure trove of fascinating & daming information regarding the destruction of US constitutional protections in accordance with a decades-long, deliberate plan to enact protocols which cause all US citizens to become de facto slaves to the mandates when Emergency Use Authorisation shenanigans are unfurled. There are dozens of articles to explore, I've barely scrated the surface. There are some good www.tinyurl links at the end of the source article too.

Like I said in the OP, this information has seriously smacked me upside the head. There were shades of understanding I had previously, intimations that certain things were connecting the US DOD to the Plandemic - but this cleared everything up neatly. The world we currently live in is a dangerous, frightening place. Adds more weight to the Ukrainian biolabs story too, one wonders whether they were involved in the manufacturing process for the COVID MRNA 'protoype injectables'.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 06:48 PM
And the lockstep manner in which all nations around the world quickly adopted the same protocols and 'phrases', etc. Like demon-possessed parrots.

It seems that if this is the case, the entire world of different this or different types of that is all just a game that we play. We are all under the control of basically Cobra Commander. All militaries, all governments under the same control (at the deep level)

Just look at what happened to the smaller countries that didn't get the message. Like the African and Caribbean leaders that got killed because they said no.

Glad i didn't take it or fall for it at all. And I'm glad to know that I'd die before I ever would.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Believe it or not I WILL read the supporting material.
Can't believe I'm not surprised ( #Jaded) & not sure congrats are appropriate for you stumbling into this. Finding out things are worse than you could have imagined isn't usually a happy feeling.

Still an all we have to deal with "what is" not "how we want things to be".
Thanks for clueing us all in!!!

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

And the lockstep manner in which all nations around the world quickly adopted the same protocols and 'phrases', etc. Like demon-possessed parrots.

That is the Part that Most people refuse to accept .

That the Majority of the world was in on it . Yes it's hard to fathom and it's easier to just not believe it but that is not how reality works .

But Look at Africa , Poor Countries who could care less about International politics and most of the peoples of Africa have healthy access to Hydroxychloroquine to fight Malaria and surprise surprise Africa was basically unaffected.

Like I've said the 'Pandemic' is one of the biggest conspiracies of all time , it makes 9/11 look like little league.
edit on 25-8-2023 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Caver78

not sure congrats are appropriate for you stumbling into this. Finding out things are worse than you could have imagined isn't usually a happy feeling.

Indeed, it was a very depressing read, combined with the shock of sudden realisation as all the pieces fell into place.

I now firmly believe that Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum is essentially a mouthpiece through which the highly placed Nazis exercise their public relations ministry - they are all pushing fascist corporatist ideas, there seems to be no escaping their plans for destruction of the aviation, farming, food production & more, as well as restructuring our cities & towns into high tech gulags/ ghettoes, the whole 15 minute city thing. They're intent on banning private transportation, the destruction of all small businesses, with BlackRock & Vanguard both poised to snap up small to medium sized operators in hostile takeovers, agglomerating all of them into larger syndicate/ cartelised rackets - the ultimate in big box store domination seems to be the way they intend to push it, the wealthiest becoming more powerful, the little guy edged out to the kerb & promptly kerb-stomped for daring to complain.

I'm sincerely hoping that if we share the information widely & discuss it frequently with those we have in our sphere of influence, there will be enough pushback against the central bank digital currencies in particular, as these are deeply insidious & seem to be the last remaining domino to fall before the freedom of humanity is a thing of the past. It gets a bit confusing because the Nazi legacy culture seems to be in an uneasy truce with the Jewish-led banking families, it's hard to know exactly who is pulling the strings. But I do believe the Nazis were largely responsible for the architecture & execution of the COVID plandemic, through this whole DOD distribution situation. Perhaps the Rothschilds bankrolled it & the Nazis executed it with typical legacy German efficiency...

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 12:09 AM
SPAM removed.

edit on 8/26/2023 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 03:26 AM
Hmmm.... interesting.
Even our own Boris Johnson, on one of his nightly broadcasts 'to the nation' told us not to worry as Porton Down was looking into the 'virus'.

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
the power brokers of the Western world - to accomplish their long-term aims of taking full control of & depopulating this world, absent any consideration of true morality.

Trying to look at the state of the planet objectively, with detachment - slow but accelerating destruction of its resources and ecosystems - I can see the cold logic of depopulation. All of the problems future generations face would be dramatically lessoned, some eliminated by a dramatic reduction in humans.

Until we can control our reproduction numbers responsibly as a species we remain a virus on the planet, exhausting the host’s resources in the hope that before they’re gone we can spread to other planetary systems in order to find new hosts to feed upon until they too die.

That is a dark, unforgiving view of humankind. But it’s an honest one. If there are indeed aliens observing us then I believe it would be like a superior life form observing a virus in a Petri dish. Whether they make contact and attempt to assist us would surely only come if they first observe that we’re not a viral threat; that given the keys to the ufo we will not spread uncontrolled, filling planets with more overpopulation and the misery and famine, pestilence and wars that always follow.

So, while I do not share their means I can understand the motives of those who may hypothetically be attempting to depopulate planet earth with, ironically, a virus.

I believe that the biggest threat to humankind is overpopulation. Some will argue that certain data shows this is not happening. I’ve done a lot of travelling and imo whatever data may show I’ve seen many cities bursting at the seems and full of poverty, hunger, misery and death thanks to sheer numbers.

Now project forward… while in some places birth rates fall that is just a bump on the graph. It’s clear that over millennia populations have grown exponentially, despite bumps along the way. A hundred years from now despite those bumps I’ve no doubt that sans black swan events they’ll be exponentially more people on planet Earth than there are now. All using resources requiring a huge upscale in manufacturing. All creating far more waste and destruction than we see now.

If humans can’t learn to reproduce responsibly, in a controlled way then what we see now is just the start of our problems, not the end, not even midway.

But needless to say trying to eliminate that problem in one fail swoop is a fools errand. It will just delay the problems as the cycle begins again. Moreover, who wants humanity to survive anyhow if it means we must become the kind of cruel, ruthless, morally devoid species that could do such a thing?

These lessons and new habits we have to learn will take time. As generations are born we need to educate all and unfortunately police reproduction until care and responsibility are ingrained - hopefully with more transparency and fewer casualties than the Chinese policy. If we’re lucky numbers will come down slowly, but soon enough to narrowly avoid turning earth into a wasteland and warning to visiting aliens what sheers number can do to a species.

edit on 26-8-2023 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 06:06 AM
No, they weren't trading recipes at those 'Bilderberger' conventions. They were strategizing our collective demise.You see, in order to pull off something like this, practically every industry leader had to be in on it.

The very odd lack of resistance to a global economic shutdown that would obviously wreck everything had to be understood and coordinated. Otherwise we would have seen an uproar from those industries and monopolies. The biggest misconception is that these "people" are stupid and rudderless; just wanting to create disturbances in our lives out of sheer boredom.

Our naivety level = 1,000,000¹⁰

They're killing us. I've lost forever eight of my family and friends to this sick twisted agenda.

An ongoing decades long plan to wipe us out and I think the release of something really nasty is next because there's not going to be a rush to get jabbed like before, so they're going to need a major motivator to get similar results.

I've always wondered why they would appoint a fkn POS lawyer scumbag like Xavier Becerra to head up the department of health and human services. Now it makes sense. Most of these cabinet positions were literally filled to fail, or facilitate the plan, on purpose. Who cares who's appointed as long as they play ball.

I love the chronological order of events. It's very well researched and to the point. Perhaps we should mail a copy of this article and timeline to every member of Congress and just see what the response would be...

It would be a waste of time frankly, so is voting and protesting, no? I mean, look at everything that's been enacted and put into action with the mutual support of just about all of them! You think they're not aware?? They keep legislation in this direction, why should we expect any deviations other than the few wins they allow to happen every so often to maintain the illusion?

We have truly been had. Or if we want to be honest about it, we allowed this to happen and folks are allowing it to continually happen. That's the real problem here because we out number "them" many, many times over but act so helpless and subdued about everything.

CBDC's will seal the deal on ending liberty and freedom. That'll be a major signal that this truly over and gone bye bye.

No wonder they're coming after our means of protection, they want us defenseless and subservient.


posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Very intriguing stuff mate and will be going through the info when I get a chance.

There's also some curious info at the thread below about the CIA working with Chinese Military Scientists.

"One of the things I think I show that will surprise people is the deep involvement of intelligence agencies. Not only in the gain of function funding in Wuhan and the very odd partnerships they had with the Chinese military scientists"


Also not much discussed is the Event201 simulation's very close involvement with the CIA and the Chinese Communist Party.


posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 10:29 AM
Which makes more sense?
Euthanize everyone randomly, or inject them with anti-radiation meds?
Let's not forget the solar observatory situation, the currently "closed because they were hacked" telescopes, Gates' block out the sun campaign, the previous radiation treatment talk, the white-hot feeling sun.
I think there is a sciency issue with the sun being addressed across the world, while we are fed a clown show and rad meds.
The people like Gates and Fauci's faces and demeanors don't match up with the reality they are spouting.
Something is off there.

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

Until we can control our reproduction numbers responsibly as a species we remain a virus on the planet, exhausting the host’s resources in the hope that before they’re gone we can spread to other planetary systems in order to find new hosts to feed upon until they too die.

But that is such a 1940s/1950s viewpoint and debate. The human race is heading for mass depopulation all on its own with zero help needed from anyone based only on social norms. If women are not having 2.1 babies we will see a huge population drop very soon. It is estimated China will be 600k by 2050 and that is very soon to come. Much of the rest of the world outside of Africa will see big drops. The US has been negative population growth for decades but we have immigration that has offset it. From like 1800 to 1965 it was between 5 to 6 babies per woman. In 2020 worldwide it was 2.3 while now in 2023 it is about 2.1 or lower in just 2 years.

India is now below 2.1 at 2.0, and China is at a scary 1.2.

edit on 26-8-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 04:39 PM
A global plan of nefarious origin? Yes, it has always seemed so. One of many. Power and control vested in the hands of a few? Again, that is the case.

These few we see, and the real powers hidden from view, are precisely in the position they are because of the way the world has grown and the direction consumerism has taken. They are symbiotic.

If you depopulate by 50% the world pretty much collapses. 25% and most western countries would struggle. It wouldn’t take a huge amount to tip society into a rapid and unstoppable decline.

Are we then to believe that these elite power whores, drunk with wealth and their own importance, would wish to destroy their paradise? Collapse it all and they collapse too.

I don’t think depopulation is the thing. Becoming our absolute gods, outside of law and morality, that is their aim.

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

One thing I forgot to point out expressly, which is in the subtitle of the article itself, is that the claim shared, that the 'vaccines' were a military project (which they referred to as 'prototype injectables'), actually came NOT from someone in the truth community, but FROM PFIZER THEMSELVES, during legal proceedings in June last year. The US DOD allegedly also expressed a legal interest in the validity of Pfizer's claim, effectively admitting the charge, that the MRNA 'vaccines' were prototype injectables manufactured by biolabs under the direct control of US DOD, and they were NOT the product of a variety of pharmaceutical cmpanies, despite that being the story that was spun for the public when they were compelled by mandates & social pressure to accept the 'vaccines' from these alleged pharmaceutical developers. Read further into the article itself to understand the exact point I'm making.

This is deeply compelling for the argument being put forward - the perpetrators have openly admitted it, and yet there has been no public outcry, nothing from the politicians or the regulators - every single one of them was compelled to accept the insidious plan, and every single one of them turned their eyes away as the whole thing unfolded. It brings to mind the whole "We face, around the world, a monolithic conspiracy" quote from the fifties, though I can't recall who said it - the scale of this conspiracy is truly worldwide, and they all know about it. An open, unspoken secret.

If the public becomes fully aware of the monstrosity of this truth, the fact that they were experimented upon likely for depopulation purposes, then we could very well have 'revolution by breakfast time'.

Cheers, FITO.

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: ARM1986

Kissinger led a meeting of major power brokers in the nineties in which worldwide depopulation was expressed as the most important aim of developed nations. They really do want to depopulate. They experimented with keeping their paradise afloat when they locked down the economies of the world - they managed to survive & transferred more wealth to themselves than at any time in history, so they are well ready to get rid of those of us who didn't contribute to their coffers during the lockdown, that is my humble opinion. Lockdown was practice at living well without the masses going to work & living their lives.

edit on AugustSaturday2318CDT04America/Chicago-050051 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
I'm liking your train of thought.
Nice angle.

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I highly recommend that everyone read the full article in the linked Light Paper article by Serena Wylde, as there is much, much more included in the text than I can properly represent in the OP - it is well worth the read. The URL links to a download page, it's a simple PDF - totally safe, no risk - there's many more interesting stories in there too, but the US DOD COVID bioweapon story is a massive dose of reality & should help shake off any cobwebs lingering in your brainbox regarding the whole matter.

The SubStack article at the footer of the OP is a treasure trove of fascinating & daming information regarding the destruction of US constitutional protections in accordance with a decades-long, deliberate plan to enact protocols which cause all US citizens to become de facto slaves to the mandates when Emergency Use Authorisation shenanigans are unfurled. There are dozens of articles to explore, I've barely scrated the surface. There are some good www.tinyurl links at the end of the source article too.

Like I said in the OP, this information has seriously smacked me upside the head. There were shades of understanding I had previously, intimations that certain things were connecting the US DOD to the Plandemic - but this cleared everything up neatly. The world we currently live in is a dangerous, frightening place. Adds more weight to the Ukrainian biolabs story too, one wonders whether they were involved in the manufacturing process for the COVID MRNA 'protoype injectables'.
WOW , what a theory . I don’t believe one bit of it .

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 08:52 PM
It was my opinion also that the vaccines did not originate from any of the pharmaceutical companies hence the head of Pfizer had to admit he hadn’t taken it himself. I think if he had produced it then I don’t think he would had sounded so nervous when asked - he would had been able to lie without hesitation?

Also, I don’t believe the pharmaceutical companies would had promoted people requiring 2nd, 3rd or 4th injection if they had actually manufactured the product - too high a risk if 50 percent of the population started keeling over. Hence something more powerful above them took liability and protected them.

I would had thought there would be more effective means to reduce population? Or just introduce the ingredients to other vaccines.

None of it makes sense. Maybe the injections stop aliens abducting people 🤔it would coincide with the disclosure taking place. I understand many believe it all to be a false flag but if you put yourself in the military’s position what would you do if there was a threat such as the one Richard D Hall explores in his show UFOs and NATO : The Human Mutilation Cover Up.

Another point is that where so many people are focused on the fact that the governments around the world promoted a campaign of fear regarding covid, which I believe came from a higher authority, would they really risk total societal collapse for the sake of scaring people into believing there are aliens when there aren’t? Given the scepticism and apathy seen in the general public. Also many people are narcissistic so would probably try and get selfies with the craft.

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Isn't Klaus the son of Eugen Schwab, a purported nazi colaborator?

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