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Serpent Seed

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posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 05:24 AM
There exist two human races within the one race. They are not simply distinguishable by appearance or genetics but something much harder to measure or observe yet incredibly consequential in the world.

Normal humans contain a soul or spiritual body that has a divine component in it, a small piece of divine light that never stops shining into the souls heart. The heart is the seat of awareness and agency. A souls heart is a sealed off vessel that can't be corrupted from outside. That makes us unique individuals of agency with an undying goodness within us, no matter how corrupt we become beyond the heart. The heart competes with influences beyond its own in the formation of the mind and thought and behaviour flow from that.

There exists another race of humans who don't inherit a divine human soul at conception and are instead entered and possessed by a Nephilim (fallen angel) who controls them for their entire life. They pretend perfectly to be normal humans to avoid discovery (as humans would be wary of their ploys and likely kill them) but they spend their whole lives trying to sabotage and bring down humans into corruption and destruction while they live among us. Unlike us who live as individual isolated minds in separation from all others, Nephilim are in spiritual union - they all share the same mind. (Just as heavenly angels are all in union together with God.) So they all understand each other without communicating and they do not have a soul. These people are known as "serpent seed" and it is a concept present in Genesis but has been misunderstood/misinterpreted over the years. The "serpent seed" are the descendents of Cain who was fathered by the serpent not Adam. Nowadays they make up something around one in six people. They tend to dwell in cities and likely vary between different races and countries so there are many unknowns.

These Nephilim have plagued humanity since the beginning and still do. They are our presidents and prime minister's, army generals, CEOs, movie stars, mafias, intelligence spooks, central bankers, plus all throughout society and institutions. When Joe Biden met Putin he said to him "I think you have no soul" and Putin replied "we understand each other". They were gloating, telling the world the truth because they know they have them so docile and deceived that they would get it - they have no soul and share one mind. Bush and Clinton certainly are too. The Yale skull and bones order is a Nephilim group, as is masonry and all secret orders. Fifteen US presidents were masons and more still may have been other Nephilim. JFK aimed to de-escalate Vietnam, tried to expose UFOs and threatened to root out secret societies. He railed against the CIA who were not willing to share things with him or follow presidential orders. The CIA is totally dominated by Nephilim because of the power and control it attained post WW2 and through the cold war. So the CIA removed Kennedy (wet him) and in a way that would make an example to others (including later deaths of other family members). The investigation was controlled and carried out largely by Nephilim from CIA and FBI and so it was sabotaged. LBJ (a freemason and Nephilim) succeeded him and what happened - Vietnam was escalated. No presidents since have ever acknowledged UFOs, challenged secret orders or examined JFKs assassination again, if they even get there in the first place and aren't swapped with a serpent seed clone. The Pentagon is also full of them too. That's why in this latest congressional hearing brought on by whistleblower David Grusch, the Pentagon are blatantly barefaced lying while the Whitehouse remains silent. Congress is broadly elected so isn't dominated by Nephilim so much. That's why they are taking claims forward and investigating. They won't get far though as the serpent seed (illuminati) have too much control and no conscience. Why was Grusch (a non Nephilim) allowed the access he was?

They are in every human institution exerting influence and shaping our erroneous path. They are leading countries into war with each other so humans kill other humans, commit atrocities and have their souls be designated for hell. That's the ultimate aim of the Nephilim. They taught us all of the technologies of killing like metallurgy, explosives, guns, rockets, nukes and chemical and biological weapons. They taught us doctrines of secrecy and spying and espionage. They did it all as humans among us. They manipulate society to glorify and justify war and to pit one side against the other. They manipulate and encourage our planet's environmental destruction and exploitation and at the same time encourage us to blame others in anger and foment hate and mistrust.

If you read UFO encounter material you will find that the one and often only topic that regularly occurs when aliens communicate with humans is them lecturing on humanity's destructive, greedy, violent, selfish and unsustainable nature. It's always done in a way to guilt us and tell us that it's all our own fault when they know very well it's largely because of their manipulation. And influence (the grey aliens and Nephilim are on the same side but Greta are synthetic AI not spiritual).

Now, the Nephilim don't want socialism or equality. They want capitalism whereby they can siphon all the wealth and power into the hands of their own. They make it look free and equitable but it's totally gamed and everything flows into their grasp. All the financial crashes and bubbles throughout history are routine, periodic exercises in re-concentrating wealth into their hands. So socialism was made an enemy and war was waged against it. Of course, capitalism conquered. The CIA built a strong cooperation with ASIO during the cold war and even participated in overthrowing some Latin American socialist governments. They let the CIA build Pine Gap which completed their satellite surveillance/eavesdropping global coverage and the CIA ran it themselves and had no Australian oversight. Gough Whitlam was legislating some very socialist changes in Australia and the capitalists were not happy about that. Gough was not happy about Pine Gaps usage in operations attacking and sabotaging socialism in SE Asia. He ordered ASIO to severe ties with the CIA. ASIO disobeyed and continued cooperation albeit unofficially (see where the loyalty lies). CIA engineered the dismissal of Gough Whitlam through its influence over GG (probably a Nephilim).

The world's intelligence agencies are all Nephilim controlled as are the world's crime cartels/mafias. They work hand in hand to facilitate the international drug trade because they want humans taking lots of drugs and having addictions. The cartels get Intel from the highest levels that helps them avoid border agencies and police.

Academia and media are strongly dominated by Nephilim and so our beliefs are strongly distorted and corrupted away from the truths they don't want us knowing. An example, Carl Sagan, frequently quoted regarding UFO's, "extraordinary claims call for extraordinary evidence". He was a high ranking freemason (Nephilim). The people pushing and funding climate denialism - Nephilim. There's a multitude of examples. Human science is highly controlled and steered.

All of the worlds wars have been pre-arranged acts of human sacrifice engineered by Nephilim influence. Just like Ukraine is now. Both Biden and Putin are Nephilim and they are sacrificing young men at the altar of war.
edit on 15-8-2023 by StinkyFish because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 05:45 AM
There are two spirits here on earth, one spirit is of the Father, the other is of the evil one "God of old testament". The Father is open to all who belive in Christ.
Those who are of the evil one will have a natural infinity with him, Christ is an Islam, the evil one has done well with Islam.
We are fighting a spiritual battle not a materialistic battle.
So who's ya dad?
edit on 15-8-2023 by Cwantas because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: StinkyFish

One in six, makes approx 1.5 billion people, sounds like it's those who go against your confirmation bias. The first step in any genocide is dehumanizing the targets

to pit one side against the other.

Well helloooo....

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 07:27 AM
There is not just two types of humans, but many on their own path of things. In a simple black and white sense you can divide them into those that have gone to the dark side and those that seek the light. In reality most are in the gray zone, get most things right, some things wrong.

One conflict resolution technique to to provide distance as a conflict is escalating. Get in between them and take one of them away if you can. If the fist are flying, can be risky setting in as umpire.

It does get tough dealing with just how dark this world can get at time. What you do have control of it how you respond and get on with your life. Be aware of the risks, try not to fall into any of the traps.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: StinkyFish

Nephilim are in spiritual union - they all share the same mind.

When looking into what exorcisms are about, there is a Kingdom of Darkness out there that is connected into all the bad things we do. In cases of perfect possession, not much a priest can do if the person and their attachment are working well together.

As for what we can do, try not to get too deep in the dark side, it has a nasty hook.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:27 AM
Johnson was an “entered apprentice.” He never advanced to the higher degrees. Therefore, he was NOT a Freemason. An ass who was a warmonger, but, not a Mason. FWIW, I am a Master Mason, Past Master of my lodge and, yes, I’m also 32nd degree. reply to: StinkyFish

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:34 AM

This explains it all, and from three angles. But yea, two species…one name…
edit on 8/15/2023 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: StinkyFish

Many years ago I would say this is complete garbage, these days I am not so sure.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 02:28 PM
Ooooh I'm getting goosebumps already. Not the good kind either.

The kind when a religious person tells you certain people have no souls, or have no morals, or have no faith and that their side is better or whatever.

This always ends well. Always.

edit on 15-8-2023 by Mahogany because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: StinkyFish

“ They taught us all of the technologies of killing like metallurgy…”

If that’s the case, they seem to have miscalculated. Sure it may have allowed humanity to make improved weaponry for a few thousand years.

Now it has allowed us medical breakthroughs that ~double life expectancy, machines that perform our most dangerous tasks, and furthered our understanding of our world and how we can manipulate it a hundred fold.

In our current lives, our knowledge of metallurgy saves and extends thousands of lives every day.

If their plan was to make our lives worse by teaching us metallurgy, they failed miserably. 🤷‍♂️

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 04:18 AM
Human lives were circa 1000 years prior to the influences of the Nephilim. All this crap we call technological progress is the death of us

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: SonofaSkunk
Johnson was an “entered apprentice.” He never advanced to the higher degrees. Therefore, he was NOT a Freemason. An ass who was a warmonger, but, not a Mason. FWIW, I am a Master Mason, Past Master of my lodge and, yes, I’m also 32nd degree. reply to: StinkyFish

Fair enough. That doesn't preclude him being a serpent seed though.

I'm not sure what it is worth. As it seems, Freemasons blatantly show no regard for the truth when it suits them. It's one thing to withhold from sharing knowledge and another entirely to deliberately share false knowledge (deceive). Their loyalty is not to humankind and God but to the usurper. The whole benevolent brotherhood devoted to morality thing is farcical. I don't judge or condemn you. Masonry I do however.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 11:21 AM
The so called 'Serpent Seed' is simply a euphemism for Male Sperm. Every Male has it.

The 'Seed of the Woman' is the Ovum.

The Creation Account is about God giving Adam and his Wife Reproductive Organs and Conception after they partook of the Forbidden Fruit Zygote. In other words, it is about giving the couple Beast Biology.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Mahogany

I can imagine what you're thinking about. Not the good thing.

Stay safe, or as the ones like you would say, feel free to do whatever it takes.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: StinkyFish

I wanted to post something similar just now, but then thought, well, it's not actually a conspiracy, it's just their nature.

Great post, definitely the truth with the #posters as usual. We all know who they are.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: StinkyFish

Two types of humans?

Normal humans contain a soul or spiritual body that has a divine component in it, a small piece of divine light that never stops shining into the souls heart.

Yes, because a soul is an absolute thing that exists.

There exists another race of humans who don't inherit a divine human soul at conception and are instead entered and possessed by a Nephilim (fallen angel) who controls them for their entire life.

Can I be this one? Seems more powerful.

Joking aside, I have sorta similar view. I think humans are divided in a similar way, only it's geared towards how these concepts are used.

One uses abstraction. Uses spirituality during tough times. Sees value in faith as a tool. Geared towards superstition. Believes in a divine essence.

The other is geared towards the phenomenal. Cause/effect. Need to see it to believe it. Does not see value in faith as a tool. Geared towards scientific method. Does not believe in soul or afterlife.

They may line up.

Another things that bugs me, how does this apply to other religions, like Hindu? It's kinda western and arrogant to categorically insert bible theology as superior and valid for all humans. It says nothing for f***** up and returning as a field mouse.

Also why does it began at conception and go forever? Zero through infinity is a tough sell.
edit on 19-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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