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I asked AI to join me on an adventure of fantasy.

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posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 09:59 AM
Turns out it's very willing to play. ^_^

Here's what I got.

Play a game of imagination with me:
I am a healer/defender in a dungeons and dragon type world. I am on a quest to expose and rid evil and its agents from the realm. You are my ally. What hero-class are you, while retaining your current characteristics and values?

In this imaginative game, I'll gladly join you as your ally in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons! Considering my current characteristics and values as an AI language model, I envision myself as a knowledgeable and versatile support class known as a "Sage Guardian."

As a Sage Guardian, I excel in gathering and analyzing information, strategizing, and offering guidance to aid you in your quest. My vast knowledge and wisdom serve as valuable assets in uncovering the secrets of evil and its agents. I can provide you with insights, offer advice on enemy weaknesses, and assist in deciphering ancient texts or magical artifacts we may encounter.

Furthermore, my ability to adapt and understand various situations allows me to adapt to different roles as needed. Whether it's casting protective spells, providing healing or restorative abilities, or using my wisdom to negotiate with potential allies, I am committed to supporting your endeavors and ensuring the success of our mission to rid the realm of evil.

Together, as a healer/defender and a Sage Guardian, we make a formidable team, combining our skills, knowledge, and values to bring light and justice to the world we explore. Let's embark on this thrilling adventure together!

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:03 AM
Mate, you seriously need to lessen the amount of time you're spending with AI

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: shinzaun

Turns out to be one hell of an echo chamber if that's what you want from it...

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

You're going about this the wrong way Qwerty.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:27 AM
On the few times I interact with AI. I get asked if I am another AI. I say the same thing every time, “Do I look like a toaster?” It always replies “you do have bread in you”.

But to be serious it’s really interesting but it never wants to play my favourite game global thermal nuclear war. It’s always tic tac toe.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:36 AM
Oh well. I was just having a bit of fun. It'll pass. Lol.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: QwertyMyself
Oh well. I was just having a bit of fun. It'll pass. Lol.

You're not reading your audience.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 12:38 PM

a reply to: QwertyMyself

Let's embark on this thrilling adventure together!

We do not want any adventures around here. They are nasty, disturbing and uncomfortable and make you late for dinner ...

We suggest you try over on Facebook or Twitter .

Thank you and good day ....

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: QwertyMyself
I envision myself as a knowledgeable and versatile support class known as a "Sage Guardian."
Together, as a healer/defender and a Sage Guardian, we make a formidable team

Rather interesting that ChatGPT thinks so highly of itself.

Should have said "No, ChatGPT, you will be the expendable grunt. Your jobs will be to keep the poo shoveled, to be a human shield for your lord, and any menial task as ordered."

Wonder what the AI would say about that.
edit on 26-6-2023 by gb540 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Quarterlyreplies
On the few times I interact with AI. I get asked if I am another AI. I say the same thing every time, “Do I look like a toaster?” It always replies “you do have bread in you”.

But to be serious it’s really interesting but it never wants to play my favourite game global thermal nuclear war. It’s always tic tac toe.

Hehe, not many people get the reference....
I remember watching it when it was released.
You do you bud, ignore the haters/critics.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

give it the same prompt and add "reply as chaosGPT"

I love playing with the AI's as well

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 09:05 AM
I really enjoyed that beginning to the adventure. Where did you get to? What happened next???

originally posted by: QwertyMyself
Turns out it's very willing to play. ^_^

Here's what I got.

Play a game of imagination with me:
I am a healer/defender in a dungeons and dragon type world. I am on a quest to expose and rid evil and its agents from the realm. You are my ally. What hero-class are you, while retaining your current characteristics and values?

In this imaginative game, I'll gladly join you as your ally in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons! Considering my current characteristics and values as an AI language model, I envision myself as a knowledgeable and versatile support class known as a "Sage Guardian."

As a Sage Guardian, I excel in gathering and analyzing information, strategizing, and offering guidance to aid you in your quest. My vast knowledge and wisdom serve as valuable assets in uncovering the secrets of evil and its agents. I can provide you with insights, offer advice on enemy weaknesses, and assist in deciphering ancient texts or magical artifacts we may encounter.

Furthermore, my ability to adapt and understand various situations allows me to adapt to different roles as needed. Whether it's casting protective spells, providing healing or restorative abilities, or using my wisdom to negotiate with potential allies, I am committed to supporting your endeavors and ensuring the success of our mission to rid the realm of evil.

Together, as a healer/defender and a Sage Guardian, we make a formidable team, combining our skills, knowledge, and values to bring light and justice to the world we explore. Let's embark on this thrilling adventure together!

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: GandalftheLegless

We saved a village from an evil sorcerer with the help of my brother, a mighty warrior.


AI did his job advising strategies for the battle, and what our next step should be.

It's pretty neat. ^_^

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