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Would you eat food that was labled "unavoidably unsafe?"

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posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 08:07 PM
Serious question.

Robert Kennedy, Jr., in a recent interview, made the point that vaccines are legally defined as "unavoidably unsafe." You can see his comments here via Twitter.

Before you get your knickers in a knot, the Supreme Court agrees with him according to a 2011 ruling in which the same verbiage was used.

I have been looking for a full text copy of the cited VCIP statute, but it is oddly extremely difficult to find. I'll trust Kennedy's assertion as, if he were making this up, he'd be proved immediately a fool and a liar for making false claims. As his opponents say nothing, I'll assume that there is a reason they are keeping their mouths shut. (For the same resaon that Tony "Da Science" has not sued him for liable over the book he wrote.)

He says that for the past 18 years he has been challenging anyone qualified to debate him publicly on the safety of vaccines but has had no takers.

Hmmmm... I wonder why. If he's wrong, it'd be damn easy to make him look a fool in a very public venue, thereby shutting his mouth forever.

Given that vaccines are legally described as "unavoidably unsafe," Let me pose a question:

If you were shopping for a car and the salesman told you, "Hey, this one is a great deal. Price is right in your budget. All the bells and whistles. Gets great milage. But it is legally described as "unavoidably unsafe," Would you buy it?

You're shopping for a new house. The real estate agent shows you a beautiful house in a good neighborhood, good school district, great resale potential. The price is amazingly low. "Just one disclosure," she says; "due to some of the materials used in the construction and certain methods, the house - while very lovely and within your price range - is 'unavoidably unsafe.'" You gonna move your family in there?

What about a restaurant of, say, your very favorite food. Nice place, clean, good prices, friendly wait-staff. But at the top of the menu is a disclaimer that says, Please be aware that our food, while tasty and reasonably priced, is unavoidably unsafe. Would you eat there?

I would choose to not buy the car. I would not put my family in an unavoidably unsafe house. I would choose to not eat at that restaurant. But when they want to inject a chemical cocktail into my body that is full of ingredients undefined or unknown to me that is legally defined as "unavoidably unsafe" and I say HELL NO!,I'm the crazy one. Because, you know ... SCIENCE.

Can somebody - anybody - explain the raltionale to me?

My take, prove me wrong ...

edit on 2023 6 15 by incoserv because: formatting error.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 08:46 PM
Its true, people are doing dangerous things because they are taking the governments word for it. A lot of these people are waking up but are still in deep denial. Because they know that being on the wrong side of history is hard to come to grips with, especially when you made the wrong choice and it will harm or has harmed you and your family because of it. Also those you persecuted aren't happy with what you've done either.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Its true, people are doing dangerous things because they are taking the governments word for it. A lot of these people are waking up but are still in deep denial. Because they know that being on the wrong side of history is hard to come to grips with, especially when you made the wrong choice and it will harm or has harmed you and your family because of it. Also those you persecuted aren't happy with what you've done either.

This is why many who have been harmed say they would do it again and demand that everyone else do it. If you're on a wrong road, it feels better to have others walking the wrong road with you. If feels easeir to be damned in a crowed than alone.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 08:58 PM
I think when you distill the Vaccine down to it's most basic function , It is simply a Test on Society.

I think the powers that be wanted to see just how many people would line up ' Without question or hesitation ' and allow a mystery substance to be put in their body. I really think that's it .

Now God only knows what the Vaccine really is or what it's end game really is but I'm sure it's no ' Vitamin Shot ' that is for sure.

Now Vaccine regret is a very real thing and it makes most people who've gotten the vaccine either irrationally hostile towards the un-vaccinated or irrationally stubborn about the subject in general .

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:01 PM
Vaccines are, "unavoidably unsafe" like Tylenol and Aspirin. Some people are always going to have a reaction to every medicine.

+7 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Vaccines are, "unavoidably unsafe" like Tylenol and Aspirin. Some people are always going to have a reaction to every medicine.

You acknowledge that there is risk involved. Excellent starting point...

So it's my choice if I want to take a tylenol or an asprin. I seldom take either and have to be massive pain to do so. That's my choice. On the rare occassions that I take them, I do so of my own volition and in minimal doses.

You referred in another thread to "anti-vax garbage." Do I practice "anti-tylenol garbage" or "anti-asprin garbage?"

See, the difference is that there are no government mandates that I take tylenol or aspirin. Nobody has ever threatened my livlehood for not taking tylenol or asprin. I've never been told that I can't work or can't go to school if I don't take tylenol or aspirin. Nobody has ever said that people who don't take tylenol or aspirin should be left to die in the street. The UN and the WHO is not proposing "tylenol passports" or "aspirin passports" to make travel "safer."

Can you not see the inconsistency? Can you not see your own hypocrisy? I respect your right to take tylenol or aspirin or a vaccine, even if it is legally defined as "unavoildably unsafe." Have all you want. If I choose to not take tylenol or aspirin or a vaccine, that is my business and my decision. Neither the government nor the asprinin takers nor the tylenol takers northe vaccinated nor you have the right to define what I can put in my body.

I call anything that is "unavoidably unsafe" garbage and choose to decide on my own what risks I am willing to take. You may not do that, nor may anybody else.

edit on 2023 6 15 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
You referred in another thread to "anti-vax garbage." Do I practice "anti-tylenol garbage" or "anti-asprin garbage?"

Yes. Tell me more about how you were mandated to take a covid vaccine.

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: incoserv
You referred in another thread to "anti-vax garbage." Do I practice "anti-tylenol garbage" or "anti-asprin garbage?"

Yes. Tell me more about how you were mandated to take a covid vaccine.

You were in a coma the last couple of years?

People lost jobs because they chose not to take an "unavoidably unsafe" concoction. People were denied access to education. Anybody working under contract for the federal gov't was mandated to take an "unavoidably unsafe" vaccine (while high-level federal gov't employees excused themselves).

Are you really going to try to deny that? You'd have to be one of those people discussed above, harboring vaccine remorse and knowing that you made a massive mistake that will have long term negative consequences, but unable to face up to the reality. I'm sorry for you.

edit on 2023 6 15 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: incoserv
You referred in another thread to "anti-vax garbage." Do I practice "anti-tylenol garbage" or "anti-asprin garbage?"

Yes. Tell me more about how you were mandated to take a covid vaccine.

You were in a coma the last couple of years?

People lost jobs because they chose not to take an "unavoidably unsafe" concoction. People were denied access to education. Anybody working under contract for the federal gov't was mandated to take an "unavoidably unsafe" vaccine (while high-level federal gov't employees excused themselves).

Are you really going to try to deny that? You'd have to be one of those people discussed above, harboring vaccine remorse and knowing that you made a massive mistake that will have long term negative consequences, but unable to face up to the reality. I'm sorry for you.


Blah blah blah, that's not what I asked of you. I willingly took my first shot March 2021. I've died 7 times since then.

How were you mandated to take a covid vaccine?

I don't expect an answer lol. I also don't get how this is relevant to RFK's anti-vax quackery. He's against all of them.

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:35 PM
This is probably still my favorite
vaccine quote:

"This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine has been blamed on those who haven't taken it."

Dr. Rober Malone

+5 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Blah blah blah, that's not what I asked of you. I willingly took my first shot March 2021. I've died 7 times since then.

Is this just a Joke to you ?

This Ridiculous pandemic , This Ridiculous Vaccine , These Ridiculous Mask Mandates have done irreparable damage to the world mate and you just mock people when we talk about it ?

How many people needlessly died because they were denied proper medical treatment and instead just had a respirator shoved down their throats ? How many Children's young minds have been stunted because they've stared at masked faces for years now while their minds are so vulnerable ? How many people have died because of this Vaccine , How many heart attacks how many strokes ? How many Jobs lost , Lives destroyed ? Friendships and Families torn apart because of this Pandemic ?

And for What ? FOR WHAT !? So you can make jokes and act like it never happened ?
edit on 15-6-2023 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
I don't expect an answer lol. I also don't get how this is relevant to RFK's anti-vax quackery. He's against all of them.

It's not that you don't expect and answer; it's that you won't hear any answer that doesn't assuage your remore.

Denying that people are forced to take the chemical concotion is just willfull blindness. Sure, in many cases people could choose to loose opportunities for education or loose a job or an entire career. That is coercion. So, let's say that those who were not mandated were coerced.

I ahve not taken a vaccine in many years. I live kind of a fringe life so I am, myself, able to side-step them up to now and I am blessed to be in that position. Many are not, and I speak on their behalf.

I'm glad that you have had no negative effects. I hope you continue to be so lucky. Just because you have, perhaps, not had any negative effects does not negate the fact - the reality - that many have, and that many of those were coerced.

But I take, by your response, that you'd have no qualms about buying that car, moving into that house, or eating at that restaurant, especially if somebody coerced you into it?
edit on 2023 6 15 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

This is a perfect example of what we discussed at the beginning of the thread. People who realize the mistake they've made cannot handle the reality. They have to lash out, ridicule others, belittle anything that doesn't fit with their narrative to make themselves feel better. The cognitive dissonance will eventually take its toll, however.

You've heard the saying, "It's harder to convince someone that they've been fooled than it is to fool them."

The juice ain't worth the squeeze.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

It was clear from the very beginning, from the first "stay at home" mandates, the first "social distancing" mandates, the first face diaper mandates, that it was all about control and compliance. I was bewildered - but not surprised - at how few saw through to it.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

It was clear from the very beginning, from the first "stay at home" mandates, the first "social distancing" mandates, the first face diaper mandates, that it was all about control and compliance. I was bewildered - but not surprised - at how few saw through to it.

Fear mate , Fear is the most infectious condition .

Fear makes the human mind do incredible things.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

When, in history, has anyone ever been told to take aspirin or lose their job/career/income/rights?

I don't care if people wanted to take this jab, that is their right, but when you try to COERCE people with threat of LITERAL DESTITUTION then there is a serious problem.

But go ahead and continue to spout the useless drivel that you always spout, it's your right after all.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

It was clear from the very beginning, from the first "stay at home" mandates, the first "social distancing" mandates, the first face diaper mandates, that it was all about control and compliance. I was bewildered - but not surprised - at how few saw through to it.

Fear mate , Fear is the most infectious condition .

Fear makes the human mind do incredible things.

Frightened people are easy to control. And frigtened people will unwittingly make themselves "useful idiots", turning on those who are not frightened and attacking them in an attempt to draw them into line (as is most clearly evident in this thread).

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: DwindlingHope


And he still has not answered my orginal question.

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 08:29 AM
It's gets absurd arguing with people who are still willing to defend the undefendable. Many good people lost their jobs because of mandates. I myself almost went homeless because every job I heard back from for weeks demanded that I was fully vaxxed. I couldn't help my elderly parents because I wasn't fully vaxxed (the provincial border wouldn't let me pass.) And then the words of hate by political leaders, parroted by many people. It was the single most insane moment in recent history--during my life time at least. Absolutely inexcusable.
edit on 16-6-2023 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: incoserv
You referred in another thread to "anti-vax garbage." Do I practice "anti-tylenol garbage" or "anti-asprin garbage?"

Yes. Tell me more about how you were mandated to take a covid vaccine.

Ok...I was a high level manager in a healthcare company. I was never patient facing. I fought them tooth and nail to prove the safety and effectiveness of an experimental "vaccine", with a lawyer backing me at that.

I was fired with cause in Dec 2021, only days after a stellar annual review recommending a maximum bonus, due to the work I had done to that point.

I took this issue to the regions human rights council and they told me they didn't care. Literally.

I'm now in a completely different industry and basically at minimum wage, with a family to support, as I've had to restart my career, seeing as the past 20 years has been specifically in healthcare. Which I am effectively banned from working in again.

I regret nothing. But I take serious issue with ignoramus' like yourself who embrace ignorance.

Pound sand.

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