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Nothing is what it seems

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 10:52 PM
So recently there was a whistleblower who claims the government is in possession of multiple alien space crafts which they have retrieved from crashes and other methods. Then around the same time we have multiple UFO sightings, including a family in Las Vegas who claims to have seen multiple aliens in their backyard right after some sort of bright object was seen falling from the sky and releasing an explosion noise.

The falling object was caught on video and in my amateur opinion it looks like a falling meteor which exploded in the air right before hitting the ground. I've seen multiple videos showing meteors falling and exploding in the atmosphere and the object seen in Las Vegas looks very similar. It seems extremely unlikely that an alien ship crashed in Las Vegas and then the survivors were sneaking around in someones backyard.

Reaching another planet outside of our own solar system will be perhaps the most difficult technological feat that humanity will ever achieve, assuming we ever manage to achieve it, because there's just so many extremely difficult problems we need to solve first. Even with a warp drive capable of traveling at fractions of the speed of light, it will still take us a very long time to reach other star systems.

How likely is it we would continue sending our most advanced crafts on such a long journey if they kept crashing or getting shot down? Does that make any logical sense at all? The whistleblower says they have "quite a number" of alien space crafts. It may seem like I'm trying to debunk the whole alien topic, but I do think there's a reasonably high chance the government is in possession of multiple downed crafts.

I've just seen too much to discount all of it, which gets the obvious question, why are there so many UFO cases and so many strange high-tech crafts in our atmosphere, and why have they not revealed their existence to us? It would seem to me we're now arriving at a point in time where someone has decided it's time for a slow disclosure in order to get people prepped for something that is coming.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it feels to me like the elite are willing to pull off any crazy plan they have up their sleeve in order to guide society in a certain direction. Basically what I'm saying is, there's almost no chance we are dealing with extraterrestrials from another star system, and there are many very good reasons which I've written about in the past for why UFO's are man-made.

They could very well be from another planet in our own solar system, I'll admit it's possible, but it still seems extremely unlikely that two different intelligent species would evolve on different planets in the same solar system. Another possibility is a break away civilization or just some highly secret space craft program. Or there's my personal favorite theory, time traveling humans (hence why they can look "alien").

What ever the truth is, I can guarantee it's not what most people expect, and the last thing I would do is buy into all these media reports of aliens falling from the sky. Maybe it's all just a distraction so people aren't focusing on important political issues, that's also a very real possibility, but something feels off to me about all of this. It feels more intentional than in the past.
edit on 10/6/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:27 PM
You are right about not believing anything the media reports or the government. a reply to: ChaoticOrder

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I don't believe they are from different planets. We would see them coming and going from a long way off.

I think they are extra dimensional and have become stuck in this Universe. They have been stuck on Earth for a long time. They were here to watch us and laws were broken by them. They like to play around with genetics.

It appears that the Universe was made from nothing but vibration or sound. And when that sound stops, everything we see, and even things we can't see will melt into nothing.
edit on 10-6-2023 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

It appears that the Universe was made from nothing but vibration or sound. And when that sound stops, everything we see, and even things we can't see will melt into nothing.

You forgot light.

Our light will persist and carry with it our memories.

Matter will decay, but the light will persist.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Remember when there was a Bigfoot video every other day or week?
Or the clowns phase we went through?
I think it's the same thing with the increase of 'alien sightings'.

The UFOs I saw for sure were no crafts, but beings. And since nobody ever saw one anywhere else but here on Earth I would not know why we should assume they're extraterrestrial.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 01:39 AM
Im becoming more of an interdimensional beings theory reader of late myself. Why does it have to be the other beings know how to get here, perhaps they do get stranded, perhaps there are portals that open up and disappear seemingly at random

Are Creatures Living Among Us in Parallel Dimensions?

Meaning we shouldn't even be focusing on searching for life on other planets — but we should instead be searching for life in other dimensions. Stuff They Don't Want You To Know hosts Ben Bowlin, Noel Brown and Matt Frederick tackle particle physics, superstring theory and parallel dimensions in this podcast What are Ultraterrestrials?

Particle physics seeks to explain the origins of the universe and the fundamental building blocks of matter by studying the irreducibly small particles that make up atoms. It's often called the theory of everything, working toward one single elegant solution to explain how matter and energy work.

In the Standard Model of physics, particles are understood to be point-like, like impossibly tiny dots. The Standard Model is still theoretical because there's still a lot we don't understand about the force of gravity. String theory is another model of physics, where instead of dots, particles are actually tiny strings, all vibrating together to create size and mass.

But for string theory to be accurate, it means there could be more than 10 dimensions, instead of the four we're used to experiencing: length, width, depth and time. Some of these dimensions could theoretically be places where the Big Bang never happened and the universe had an entirely different starting point. What would a creature from a dimension like that look like to humans from the fourth dimension? Lovecraftian monsters? Demogorgons?

Or maybe demons, or fairies from folklore? The late ufologist John Keel was a believer in extraterrestrials, but moved away from that after a time. He began to think that all the stories from folklore and religious texts were actually proof that humanity has indeed made contact with another form of intelligent life, but that they weren't from outer space. Instead, they were beings from other dimensions: Ultraterrestrials. Keel theorized that these beings could shape shift to look like anything, and attributed them to stories of demons, monsters, angels, ogres and changelings. He thought these ultraterrestrials likely had a sense of right and wrong, and that they were capable of manipulating mankind.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 01:59 AM
Sorry but I don't put much stock into the inter-dimensional alien theory. You might as well just say they are paranormal entities. I've seen almost no reports of aliens shimmering in and out of existence, but maybe their craft can travel between dimensions if other dimensions exists, maybe there are parallel Earths where people have developed more advanced technology. At least that has some basis in science since the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics could be correct.

Most forms of time travel actually involve parallel universes in order to avoid the Grandfather Paradox. Even Titor wrote about how our timeline had slight differences to his original timeline. So I will admit there could be something to the idea of UFO's coming from other dimensions, but it's very easy to get side tracked with nonsensical pseudoscience. The beings themselves are clearly physical in nature, it appears they are even genetically compatible with our species, meaning they are very closely related to us.
edit on 11/6/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

It is worse.
Nothing Biblical or Alien (Independence Day) is happening because every electrical signal to our brains is "FAKE".

If this is the planet Earth, in this Milkyway galaxy, then this entire World should have gone Mad Max / Zombie Apocalypse years ago.

This Matrix world 6 should have been deleted years ago by the evil matrix "Architect" who loves "Control". Hmmm Draconans (reptilian).

i state that Yahweh's time is up. Yahweh has minutes to start His little Nuclear War or shut-the-f-up. Everything has to change before 15:00 Tuesday June 13th 2023.

So where is His 7 Year Tribulation. Nothing is going to happen. See you next year with the words, "Told you so, Nothing Biblical is going to happen".
edit on Ramp03am by Rapha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

What I feel when reading your thoughts is that you're not pushing your imagination far enough when pondering what 'other dimensions' means.
It sounds like you think of it as a seperate 'realm' but following the same laws dictated to us by our 'set up' when in reality dimensions are 'degrees of freedom'.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I have always liked the idea of a civilization existing here. In the oceans, or perhaps a bit deeper somehow. Humans only live on the land largely, less than 30 percent of the surface of the earth. We theoretically only emerged as a species of our own 300 thousand years ago on a planet that has been habitable for about 4 billion years. If a species managed to survive a few cataclysms, they might start designing their homes and cities in a material more resistant to the storms and other dangers, perhaps stone. They also might have once been above water, but sank due to a changing earth, but survived because they are have ingenuity and designed everything accordingly. They might keep their heads down, perhaps avoid humanity. Whatever cataclysm is next down the pipeline might just solve that issue for them. We don't really know enough to say this is 100% impossible.

If not in the oceans or below, maybe somewhere close by, in a moon or other object we haven't been. It's not like we're everywhere in our own system.

I do think you should be suspicious of media reports, but that's mainly because i think that being suspicious of anything should be standard practice. Kinda like "Trust but verify" minus the Trust part. If it feels off, double your suspicion and keep your eyes open. Never know what you might see.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Hi CO,

I've seen almost no reports of aliens shimmering in and out of existence

There are accounts of the wind suddenly picking up before a "craft" is spotted. I've wondered if that is caused by the displacement of air when the object emerges from wherever into our spacetime.


posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

It appears that the Universe was made from nothing but vibration or sound

For there to be sound there must be air. No air, no sound. The speed of sound varies depending on the temperature of the air through which the sound moves, but that speed can be taken to be zero when compared with the speed of light.

In a universe propagating at the speed of sound you would not yet exist. But that should not worry you: nothing would exist, because at such a slow speed it would be totally impossible for matter to decouple from light, so the universe would simply not exist.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 05:14 AM
I seriously believe that they are inter-dimensional. What we see or perceive as cloaking could be them appearing in our dimension then them returning to their dimension. And I believe the circumstantial evidence for this is with the Missing 411 incidents. I know it's hard to believe but they fit the profile of another dimension. Or the action of interaction between dimensions.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:06 AM
Nice thread, thank you.

I am currently entertaining the idea of ANOTHER EARTH the opposite side of the sun, one we mere citizens cannot get to see unless we have access to space travel far enough away to have the line of sight neccessary to see it for ourselves. Damn you NASA!

Think of it like the simplest thing.. a hydrogen atom with the sun as the proton and it's two electrons who never see eachother but sense something else is there. The natural chasing of each one to the other like an Oroborus, a snake chasing it's own tail.

Hopping off either Earth and waiting in space for a few months would account for so many anomalies like clones, a fake moon landing, the need for the James Webb telescope, war in space, tunnel systems, a dyson sphere, paradigm shifts, etc etc.

Thanks SIMON, you naughty little "Gray". Is it time for things to finally catch up over a year of memories and a year of perception? ATS is buzzing with "out there" right now.

And I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, an orange orb leaving a Welsh forest, a Crow hanging motionless in mid air, an invisible ghost of myself walking in long grass and Angels in the sun through the tears in my eyes.

All those moments cannot be lost in time, thanks to ATS and truth is stranger than fiction sometimes, and I LOVE it.

WE must keep sharp in these times of activity and focus on possibilities, not just facts. Perhaps the UAPs we are witnessing are NOT actual craft, but the pure energies of those who travel which is why so little silod evidence is available.

FIGMENTS from the other side projected like probes that do not need to follow the laws of a physical realm.

THINKING and FOCUSING is the key perhaps, but one sneeze or a moment of distraction is all it takes to scew up a trip for all on a journey and afford no chance to return safely without help. Six months away is far easier to travel than light years eh?

If I take off on my lawn one night, I'll try to return to post about it.

Maybe some of us are not from here after all? It would explain why so many people feel like they don't belong and why so many wish to keep changing to fit in.

Love y'all.. nerb

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Peeple

There are a few ways to interpret the phrase "other dimensions", but if you're talking about an entirely different universe with different laws of physics, then the beings in that other universe would be made from components which obey those laws, and they couldn't exist in a universe which obeys different laws.

If we're talking about extra spacial dimensions like those in String Theory, I would point out that we've conducted several experiments over the last decade or so to look for evidence of those extra dimensions, and the results always appear to support the idea we have 3 spacial dimensions and 1 time dimension.

Even if those extra dimensions do exists they are "curled up" tightly and compacted into extremely small spaces, so it would have the same problem as before; there's no clear way for beings to transition between dimensions which have such different properties. I also doubt such advanced inter-dimensional beings would be crashing so often.

The crafts they operate are clearly built from materials in our universe and they are designed to operate within the laws of our universe. They simply exploit some type of propulsion physics which we don't fully understand yet, my guess would be some type of warp drive which allows them to make otherwise impossible maneuvers.

But if the government has some of these craft and is attempting to reverse engineer them, then the technology and physics being used is something we can replicate in our own crafts. And if they have dead bodies as this whistle blower claims, then they are clearly flesh and blood entities just like we are.

Personally I find it hard to believe that aliens from another dimension would look anything like us, but virtually every account I've ever read describes them with the same basic characteristics, which is basically a tall humanoid with big eyes. I doubt aliens from another planet would look anything like us, let alone another dimension.

We very quickly lose track of reality when we start talking about ghostly figures from other dimensions. I'm convinced this is a far more human issue than most people believe, and that's the entire point of this thread. These beings aren't magical or omnipotent, it may be dangerous to assign them some level of power they don't really have.
edit on 11/6/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Your Paragraph 1 : that's exactly not what it means
YP2: because it is also the wrong idea
YP4: there's no evidence they are crafts, so how could we know about the material?
YP6: avatars not them but devices to interact
YP7: ghosts don't live in other dimensions, they are energy imprints and leftovers of information sets

This is my current theory. I couldn't put it in better words than I did in that thread.
But I believe it goes to show we got a lot more possibilities and room for those dimensions than just that really stupid idea of curled up microdimensions. Which just don't make any sense whatsoever.
Other dimension includes 'not visible' from our point of view because we are 3d+time creatures, but it doesn't imply 'seperated'.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: TacoLoco75
You are right about not believing anything the media reports or the government. a reply to: ChaoticOrder

This one here!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
Something is going on alright, that's the obvious part of everything we've encountered the last decade and its building to a climax.

I do believe we've this extraterrestrial issue here, and previous stories from people who all want to be iconic in their way ,with I told you so and books or it was me who gave proof to whatever what wanting a piece of the historical pie.

But probably will be that cake they're baking that will collapse because they took it to soon out of the oven.

It's interesting and disgusting the same time what we've to experience the last couple of years...

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Direne

The Universe was spoken into existence and then stretched and put into place. It is not nearly as old as people suggest. The Sons of God cheered as God laid down the foundations, created laws of science, and put everything into place. The Sons of God were in another dimension.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

No. The sons of god were, at most, in another realm, that is, in another region of space. But not in another dimension. Also, for the Universe to be spoken you firt need a language. Unless your god could just babble to create universes, which would explain why the only universe we know of is so pathetically imperfect.

A speech therapist would have been very helpful and I would have advised him to first learn to speak before creating universes.

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