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Adios - Currently Free for Xbox Gold Members

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posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 02:29 PM
I played a messed up video game last night.

I get 2 free video games a month as part of my gold membership. They are usually inexpensive, low quality games.

Last night, I saw this new game called Adios was available for free, so I downloaded it and played it through.

In it, you are an aging pig farmer who has been allowing the mob to use your pigs to dispose of bodies. The mission of the game is to convince your hitman friend, that you no longer want to help them and want out of the business.

To no surprise, he says that's not possible and spends the day with you in your farm hoping to change your mind. It's a pleasant day showing him around the farm and having a good time together. Unable to change your mind, the hitman comes back at night, quickly shots you, and the game ends.

This is not the first psychologically charged video game that has been offered for free, but it's certainly the most disturbing one that I have come across.

I have to wonder why this messed up game was ever created. Is it sending a message across the world, that if you work for the mob, cartels, deepstate, or other large organized crime groups that there is no "getting out"?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I have not touched my console for years, been even thinking about buying a new one, then i saw this thread and thought, yeah video games bring it on!

I no longer have a desire to clean the dust from my console, its raining outside, i think imma go watch some frogs with the dog.


posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 04:16 PM
In defense of video games, Flight Simulator on Xbox Series X, is absolutely amazing.

I'm learning how to fly a variety of planes while exploring many parts of the world.

I've flown over China's Forbidden City, around Paris at night, the Maldives, Niagara falls, the Grand Canyon, and many other places, although I still have most of the world left to explore.

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