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Seeking Answers After NIH Experiments On Children

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posted on May, 11 2023 @ 12:45 AM
The National Institutes of Health is openly planning on spending millions of taxpayer dollars for hormone experiments on minors. A few short months ago "people" were telling us that this was not happening on minors and it was right wing propaganda. I think after the recent revelations of lawsuits against medical facilities by minors who had received double mastectomies and now the NIH openly funding experiments on minors that the "conspiracy theory" has proven to be true.

U.S. Rep. Josh Brecheen, R-Okla., and U.S. Sen. Ted Budd, R-N.C., are asking why the federal National Institutes of Health (NIH) plans to spend millions of dollars on transgender youth studies after one recent NIH-funded study on the impact of cross-sex hormones on transgender youth involved the suicides of two participants even as 11 other subjects considered killing themselves.

They also noted that another researcher involved in the study, Johanna Olson, “later received a federal grant for a study in which she altered protocol to allow children as young as 8 years old to receive cross-sex hormones.”

24 participants in the study received cross-sex hormones after puberty suppression or “in early puberty” and “are likely sterile as a result,” and that all participants “are now at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, blood clotting, and a host of other complications” based on other research.

“We are deeply concerned about your agency’s use of taxpayer dollars to advance experiments on children who will be irreversibly harmed by radical gender ideology,”

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Of course it's happening to children, but where do you think they get these ideas. If not from the parents, where else? The television parents use as a babysitter and the public school system.

Everyone here already knows the first general board of education in the US was founded by the Rockefellers.

I mean, I feel bad for the parents who have to work and feed into the global elites financial system by not being self sufficient, therefore the necessity arises to send children to public schools as "free babysitter" while they are working hard to enrich the elites.

But I also kind of don't feel bad. It should have been obvious from the very beginning of "public school" that this would be more of an indoctrination camp for the very youngest, most impressionable among us than any sort of actual "education".

If everyone had the means to withdraw their children from public school and either homeschool or maybe private academies (these are even getting compromised) I am sure we would see the "trans" children movement die a quick, not notable death, so long as the parents aren't the ones pushing it.

If the parents are the ones pushing it, by all means, do whatever you think is necessary to help your kid turn into the opposite gender. (Or, by a different perspective, help them "become who they really are") keyword "your kid" not everyone else's kid.

Public schools = indoctrination camps and anyone who sends their kid to a public school should already realize they are pushing propaganda almost the entire day and "teaching" very little. They only "teach to tests" the rest is unmitigated propaganda and as long as the kids pass the standardized tests, no one knows what else is going on in there.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 07:24 AM
I am beginning to think that in the desire for profit of the medical and pharma industries they are hiring a bunch of mad scientists to run the health organizations. Yes, influence from the pharma and medical industry directly effect policies of the FDA and NIH research.

EStrogen and testosterone flow through everyone and it goes up and down in concentrations in our bodies as needed. Women make testosterone at usually lower levels than men but if they build muscle or consume food chemistry that brings it up it does increase. Estrogen provides healing properties, testosterone promotes muscle development. Guys increase estrogen production when they get hurt, also altering diet can increase a guys estrogen levels.

There already has been extensive research done on these things, maybe they should just read the research they already have instead of bribing research people by giving them funding money to show their desire to make delusion into reality.

I again state, I have nothing against someone who is gay, it is their choice and none of my business, but I do not think that they should promote or push their desires on kids to normalize it. I also feel sorry for those getting their sex changed, it is not really fixing anything and is very expensive with unknown problem possibilities in the long term.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: infolurker

This is disgraceful news ... minors cannot give informed consent

Off-list treatments or medications can (should) only be given in the case of serious medical need where no approved alternative is available.

One of my children at 15 months old was given a treatment only approved for use in adults ... It was a life or death scenario need when they already had him on more IV anti-biotic and retro-viral than are allowed in a full grown cow (> 16g/24h) and he was still getting worse (sepsis etc on top of original mutated viral infection)

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: infolurker

One side comment ... We should be less worried about it being funded by US tax dollars ... and more focussed on the fact that it is happening at all ... It's sure to be going on underground in other places too with little or no oversight.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 08:43 AM
Developmentally, children that young are unable to make good decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.

8 year olds still want to be a ballerina one day, a truck driver the next day, and are positive they will become a surgeon like they see on TV the following day. That is why there is a market for dress up clothes.

Giving hormones to children to force their bodies to stop developing as they were genetically supposed to and make them into a body that can never be fully achieved because they don't have the gonads they need to achieve the body they are promised with these hormone treatments, is simply child abuse. It is done to make adults feel better about themselves as the expense of little children.

XY given hormone treatment at age 8 will most likely develop a micro-penis that if the child later decides they identify as a male, will not work the way their penis was genetically supposed to work. There is also the high possibility of reducing sperm count so low that the person with a penis is basically infertile. The child will be at a much higher risk of blood clots, heart disease, and diabetes. What 8 year old understands what these things will mean to them in adulthood.

XX given hormone treatment at age 8 or even later greatly raises the risk of heart disease, and diabetes. There is also the possibility of sterility. If breast tissue is removed, so is the possibility of ever breast feeding a child, if they can have one. What 8 year old understands what these things will mean to them in adulthood or even short term?

I think that medical gender transitions for pre-pubertal children, are done to satisfy adult egos of the parents who want a child as an accessory of the latest cool thing to have (a transgender child) and to make the transgender community feel better about themselves and their choices.

I think young children who society has decided are too young to smoke, drink alcohol, vote, even go to strip clubs or highly sexually charged movies - are too young to make life and body altering decisions that may negatively affect their overall health for their entire lives.

This is now government sanctioned child abuse by the NHS if it the reports are accurate.

If an adult over 18 and preferably over 25 when the brain has fully matured decides to cut off parts of their body, take drugs that may cause diabetes, heart disease, blood clots, and knowingly become infertile from surgery - well that is their choice. If they want to become an animal by having massive tattoos, facial surgery, teeth sharpening, etc. - well that is their choice. I won't object, as it is none of my business. My only demand is that they don't make it my business or force me to celebrate their choice; I don't care, don't want to know; don't force me to care, don't force me to know through open displays of genitalia and obscene outwear in public, giving lap dances to children in schools and libraries. If a transgender adult is obscene toward others, especially children, don't expect me to applaud you or anyone who behaves obscenely, expect to be shunned and for others to not want to associate with you.

Tell you what, if you are a transgender, I won't force you to know or care about my sex life, or how I feel about my aging body, nor will I demand you celebrate my sagging body parts, or show you my stretched out and hanging labia in locker rooms, because that is crass, obscene and disrespectful of others.

As an adult transgender be respectful to others in how you behave toward others, especially in public, and you will deserve respect it in return, and receive respectful behavior and kindness from me. Don't insist that little children be given life altering drugs to make you feel better about yourself in the guise of caring about the kids, and you will show you are a true adult who really cares about others and children.

If you are transgender, keep it to yourself, go about your life with dignity and respect, don't demand that I to know or care about your transition, and I'm happy, and will treat you with the respect and kindness you will deserve in return.

edit on 5/11/23 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 09:27 AM
If Fauci and his agencies can authorize those beagle experiments, what makes anyone think they wouldn't be doing this as well? They jobbed out a bioweapon to a Chinese lab, they tortured puppies in a lab in Tunisia, and were involved in many other ethically questionable activities over the years so this is not at all surprising to me.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 09:36 AM
I feel that since the forced jabs for covid became a reality in our nation, we were nothing but the testing subjects for big pharma and the government, one in forced medications the other on social programming.

Soo yep beside a few like me that say no hell not to the jab a big portion of the population fell for the scaremongering.

Willingly subjects of experimentations that will span for decades to come.

Soo that opened the door for experimentation on children, the creation of a big pool of new to be treated subjects with experimental hormone drugs and what not, hiding behind the name of gender equality.

For those that keep claiming that these entities are not after our children is a fool

Our most valuable resources and our leaders of the future will be nothing but experimented on and blotched big pharma subjects.

Is despicable and only those with a monster's mentality will do this, bring back memories of what was done to people during the Nazi era and these monsters happen to get protections from our own government.

This is all in the name of profits.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: AllAnIllusion

Enablers and facilitators, they are soo within the transgender community those pushing for sex change for youth are helping them get the hormones they need.

Soo is a big black market of it. The same way that people turn into black market when they can not afford certain medications.
edit on 11-5-2023 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Paging Dr. Mengele....

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 01:12 PM
I am really curious what the supposed rationale for this was. They had to already know about the side effects.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

They do, Ketsuto they do, the same way that doing fake female genitals on male children will never be viable because children grow and the scar areas once fixed will not grow with them, this is the most horrible thing that could be done to a child, they are nothing more than eunuchs, with never been able to have sexual intercourse or enjoy sex.

Horrible, this will always bring the nagging issue of agendas and conspiracies as trying to erase or make a whole generation that will never procreate for population control

The biggest side effects is the millions that big medical unscrupulous surgeons along with the big pharma are to profit, with surgeries and hormones experiments.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: AllAnIllusion

I beg to differ. That it's happening is horrific; that it's our government doing it should scare the bejesus out you.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Antimony

Seems like it's unavoidable at this point. My mother moved back from Washington recently with an unruly amount of gay pride stuff; floor mats, bags, bottle, even a hallmark card? When I pointed it out and asked if she knew they were all LGBQT+ stuff she had a "woah" moment. It's all gone now lol

The brainwashing is real. Blues clues trans parade episode really got to me. Sadly the influence is unavoidable at this point as it seems to be trickling down federally. I just wonder what their true end goal is

Apple TV is suspicious but that's a big topic

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
I am really curious what the supposed rationale for this was. They had to already know about the side effects.

Me, also Ketsuko. All I can come op with are depopulation and creating a generation of confused 'thems/theys' that will need massive amounts of physical and psychological med$cal treatments.

It would enlarge the medical/government/insurance agencies feed-back loop, plus create a confused generation of easily led servants.

The drug crisis which COULD be adequately/more effectively addressed by our DC representatives created a huge subculture of people living on the streets and contributing little of value to society. That can keeps getting kicked down the road, and so will the problems that arise from 'transitioning' children.

I wish more people were capable of seeing who are creating the problem and why they're doing it instead of focusing on the symptoms.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 02:23 PM
Of course they want you to feel like they are coming for your kids. They already coerced most of the population to inject them with science and then turned around and said well that may have been a bad idea, oopsie. But they still know better than you on what's best for your kids right?

I believe there is a deliberate effort to completely discredit the US government and establishment in order to force the people to rise up and overthrow it. The jab, election mistrust, border crisis, economic turmoil, handling of Ukraine situation and list goes on and on and on. It's hard to believe this government is this incompetent on accident.

I think sometime in the next year or 2 we will get info like an Epstein client list full of government officials. Maybe public proof that 9-11 was an inside job. More info to cause people to rise up.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: FormerlyChucks

Nah, look what happen to Epstain, he was eliminated, before anything like would come out, just like DC madam.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 03:05 PM
Or they really are aiming for the hive. Socialism only works in social insects where most individuals are sexless or asexual drones devoted solely to working for the hive.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

They aren't really doing it, they're paying for it, at the end of the day it will be private enterprises that are creaming off the government money, little bit by little bit all the way down the chain. Did you think the people working at Wuhan were salaried employees of the NIH?

The pharma-medical complex will have been doing this for many many years before this there are rules called IDEs (Investigational Device Exemptions) in devices and something similar in pharma that are used in clinical settings outside of actual trials ... It's the system of trials before trials but should only be being used in extreme/dire/terminal situations ... in many cases these do not even require animal trials to have been performed.

P.S. Love your Avatar - Tom Baker was and always will be my favourite.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: marg6043
But there is a list. There is video from his island. It would be naive to think otherwise. Of course the useful idiot would be eliminated. They wouldnt need or want his commentary on the hows and whys.

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