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Who is God to you?

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posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:11 AM
So with this series on gaining some situational awareness of the spiritual battlefield before us:

1/ Who is Jesus to you?

2/ Who is Satan to you?

Now number 3. Who is God to you?

So as batter up,

The concept of God has changed many times in my life. At first it was my parents, they where my creator and held complete dominion over me. I would not be here without them.

Later in life got some Christian upbringing, Omnipotent and Omnipresent or Everywhere and Everywhen was the main vibe that stuck out. So it kinda sounded like this reality I am in. Well something created my parents so where did that come from? What is this world about that is going on around me?

Continue on as physics, astronomy and man on the moon enters my life. Just how far do these boundaries go? Are they limitless?

In looking for God today, I am thankful that I am not in some deep, dark endless pit that so much of this universe has to offer. There is life out there Jim, just not as we know it.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:19 AM
a being I intend to have a serious word with when I die, as god has some explaining to do for this sh*t of an existence..

growing up RC xtc certainly covered my feelings in this song that came out when I was a young teen..

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: kwakakev
I prayed to a God when I was a teen to help me with baseball. Then I stopped. One random night I said ya know what... I quit drinking and I'm working out, i'ma pray to God, ask it for good things in my future... My mom died 24 hours later. I am my own God now.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: nickyw

be interesting to see the impact of some songs when we're all young teens.. especially in terms of religion.. stand outs for me as an RC are xtc, omd "maid or orleans" but the stand out has to be "the wall" by pink floyd in terms of hating the mixture of roman catholic compelled speech and tankie teachers at school..

if i hate anything its compelled speech.. its one of the things I want to chat to god about.. it may be a different decade but this song still resonates with me today on the way teachers try to create mini versions of themselves..

i was a very rebellious child..

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a being I intend to have a serious word with when I die, as god has some explaining to do for this sh*t of an existence..

originally posted by: 5ofineed5aladder
a reply to: kwakakev
I am my own God now.

Couldn't have said either better myself...

That is if it actually exists.
edit on 20-2-2023 by ATruGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Well I think we can only 'approach' a definition of God, like you can only approach infinity. It's something where you can just never reach full understanding.
The only thing I know is that in my darkest hours, I felt swept away by a presence coming over me, so much 'love' just so good I instantly started crying and appologising for everything, ever since I'm longing for that. Happened two times.
I love to think that was God, but that's obviously not part of the 'know'.

But also theoretically I convinced myself that a structure exists that regulates the magnitude of the universe in layers. Like microbes, us + animals, sol, Milky Way. And whenever a system has enough information stored it forms a consciousness.
So God, if of the size of the universe is very far away from us.
But who knows really, how it works.
My definition would probably be Supreme Consciousness of the Universe.
And since I love the idea of consciousness emerging from information, that's what I am going with.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
So with this series on gaining some situational awareness of the spiritual battlefield before us:

1/ Who is Jesus to you?

2/ Who is Satan to you?

Now number 3. Who is God to you?


edit on 20-2-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Sad. Sure a lot of crappy things have come my way as well. I am still here. It is easy to lose faith on those dark days. But you made it this far.

I am so putting in for another planet if that everlasting life thing has something to it. It had done my head in a few times growing up here. There are some good moments and places that make me appreciate being a part of it.

I don't know how all this afterlife works, I do know I have one body with some experience at this time. The general vibe I get from nature is that it does try many things, a lot of them will fail. It is in the few that works that have got us this far in life and have help create many of the amazing capabilities we do have at these times.

As for where it all goes, might end badly, or might become more that what we could imagine if we are made of 'the right stuff'.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:20 AM
God is someone/thing that people turn to when they want something-usually when life really sucks for them-and is never thought of when things are going great for a lot of people.

Maybe there's a limit to how many miracles one can expect when God is only acknowledged/called on when the going gets rough and ignored all the other days/years?

Relationships are a two-way street and require cooperation from both parties.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:30 AM
I am not going to try to make a formal belief statement about God - I don't want to try to put Him in a box.

I will say that God is Spirit. In Hebrew, "spirit" and "breath" are the same word.

Thus, when God breathed the Breath of Life into non-living Adam, Adam became a living (breathing) soul.

I can say with just as much validity that God breathed the Spirit of Life into Adam.

So, "Life" is "Breath" is "Spirit."

The Spirit of Life is only one of the Seven Spirits of God.

God + Son + Seven Spirits = Nine, or a Trinity of Trinities.

Now, when things are quiet and I am quiet, I can hear the subtle qualities in my breathing. When I inhale, I hear a very quiet "Yaaaaaaaaaaah." When I exhale, I hear a very quiet "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh." I'm not sure everyone will hear that in their breathing, but I do.

The whole universe is God-breathed.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: nugget1

God is someone/thing that people turn to when they want something

I have felt that vibe, more about testing who we really are. Weak does not win. Burn your candles if you find peace. Cry in the corner if it works. As for seeing what has made civilization strong and pulled us out of the dark ages, god plays tough, we would not be strong without it.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Nothing, everything. If I was pushed for a definition I'd lean towards a deistic one.

I had a thought based around the idea that God was fragmented when the big bang happened and everything since is a rebuilding of the image, I figured it was a good enough theory for a maybe...

In essence God itself doesn't do anything because it's already done. It could also be a he that flies around smiting the bad and uplifting the good too. That just sounds dim to me though, hardly inspires anything...

I always loved those God is nowhere stories. Maybe it is both and dependant on the reader.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

I had a thought based around the idea that God was fragmented when the big bang happened

I have not considered that one, God was the big bang until that theory still has a few holes in it. Things go much further than the limitations of light these days.

Can you see some kind of wall in the universe where space does not exist? As for the time angle, If mass can reach the speed of light, looks to stop time. As for what that practically means for us?
edit on 20-2-2023 by kwakakev because: grammer

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 10:59 AM
God is that who animates all things... the "prime mover", as the pre-Socratic and Platonist used to call it. The Pythagoreans called it the MONAD. Our modern concept of "God" derives from the understanding that these Greeks developed around 700 B.C.

Although not proven, in my opinion, the Greeks extracted this concept from the Egyptian god called Atum. Thomas Aquinas, probably the most important Christian mystic of all times (and one of the biggest minds of all times as well), also used the concept of "prime mover" to describe god, which says A LOT for those who have a deep interest in metaphysics and spirituality. The Indians call it Brahma.

Once you learn to separate the metaphysics (the science of the soul) from the religious components (bible, holy books, rituals, god's name, etc.), you'll see that practically everyone metaphysically believes in the same "prime mover" as the One god.

edit on 20-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Idk. My thoughts were based around the idea that all matter eventually coalesces into a supermassive black hole. Rinse and repeat.

Science says probably not, since space itself is expanding.

I guess the question would be is creation finite or infinite. I'm more inclined to think it's finite.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 11:32 AM
People suffer and hurt in this existence, I get it. Been there enough to live though it.

There is some kind of war going on that most of us don't understand, including me. If there is some way to drag civilization through this mess then having a common understanding of why we are here, and where we want to go helps. Not just for me, but everything else wrapped up in this mess.

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

I'm more inclined to think it's finite.

It is easier to live with. Can you prove it?

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Yesterday always held with eternal hindsight.

Statistic anomaly transfixed and notated

An unfalsifiable concept that can find validation everytime an answer is reduced to, "because it just is". For everywhere there can be priori assertion the default agnostic position is at least the most honest one if applying the rigors of testing.

And that will exist so long as we can't observe the "pre-universe" or absolutely explain why it has the laws and constants it's does. All leading answers still unproven.

At very least the question, "Do you believe physical law needs a cause to have been encoded in the universe?"

Otherwise a feeling of cosmic significance applied when the course of events and impeccable timing seems to single something out for better or worse. The tendency to feel blessed by good fortune and tested by bad fortune whether applied to a person or civilization.

Going back to pre-biblical times, the answer for why a meteor exploded over a few inland merchant cities near the dead sea.
edit on 20-2-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

The collective, truth. The stream.

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