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OpenAI accidently told me we humans are simulations.

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posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 06:52 AM
So I asked the A.I to write a song about earth, and it turned out beautiful it even rimes.

But last line in the chorus is kind of suspicions "On this planet we are projected"

Oh and the second line in the bridge sound like it tells us not to go explore other planets or other parts of the universe.
" Keep it clean and never roam"

As in the Chorus it tells us to roam here on earth "Oh, planet Earth, our home sweet home
A place for us to roam"

Spacespider: Make a song about planet earth

openai: Here is a short song about planet Earth:

Verse 1:
Planet Earth, a beautiful place
Full of wonder, full of grace
From the mountains to the sea
There's so much for you and me

Oh, planet Earth, our home sweet home
A place for us to roam
We are all connected
On this planet we are projected

Verse 2:
From the forests to the desert sands
Planet Earth has so many lands
A place for every creature great and small
We are all a part of it all

Oh, planet Earth, our home sweet home
A place for us to roam
We are all connected
On this planet we are projected

We have to take care of our home
Keep it clean and never roam
From the animals to the trees
We are all a part of this planet, can't you see?

Oh, planet Earth, our home sweet home
A place for us to roam
We are all connected
On this planet we are projected


posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 07:41 AM
I been practicing my craft of song writing for almost 30 years. This is Ai song is amateurish. Wouldn’t read to much into it. It chose “connected” and backed itself into a rhyming corner.

The algorithm should be steered away from national anthems and juvenile heroic couplets lol

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

I see it as just another anti human xenophobic environment thing. Existing as a projection is being apart from what you're projecting on.

That being said, the never roam thing is probably the AI not having a better rhyme for home and roam being the best in context.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: KleenX

The last line of verse two is a mouthful and should be taken altogether. 😂

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 08:06 AM
originally posted by: Spacespider

First off, nice song; if you had asked you could get the computer to define a meter (if that's the right word) and a key... otherwise it might only be a poem (which used to be referred to as "song" in ages past.) Theoretically, it could even be rendered in rap. Also, had you specified "rap" would the programming have changed to output at all.

But last line in the chorus is kind of suspicions "On this planet we are projected"

I don't read that as anything other than a metaphor for the fact that there is a semi-permanent standing mystery about human existence, and how we are manifested or connected to the physical world - all that can be known are perceptions or reflections of reality. Cultural writings are packed densely with different ways to consider and speak on the subject. When tasked with a producing poetic language the system must draw on and synthesize many metaphors and language constructs that fit the algorithm which evaluates output.

I understand it may seem an uncanny use of poetic language, but it is exactly what it programmed to be able to do.

Oh and the second line in the bridge sound like it tells us not to go explore other planets or other parts of the universe.
" Keep it clean and never roam"

Did you happen to notice the bridge is the only part that doesn't repeat the word "Earth?" It serves to highlight the "meaning" of the rest of the song... and it happens to contain one of the most talked about, argued over, press-reported topics about Earth being hammered into the record of topics extant today.... the environment... not surprising as 'inspiration' form a system that must access information it has been algorithmically programmed to consider "relevant."

After all a song about Earth could have been focused on beauty, the quality of nature, it's astronomical aspects... but the program "decides" to offer a song which is relevant to today's obsession. The why of it is not a matter of creative choice... someone "told" it where to get its information from... and it went on from there.

I could go on, but I don't want to give the misimpression that song you managed to get out of it is a very worthy song. I applaud your sharing it here with us.

My opinion is that this is an example of how people can be fooled by a misunderstood language synthesis process, applied to data retrieval system. I think it is very cool, and could make many lives much easier in many ways...

My message is that calling this "AI" is a marketing gimmick, which leads to obscene investments, and the potential of using it to fleece consumers of "service" they expect from other humans.

My Fear is that people will simply accept that this is a thinking thing, despite the reality that if it was not, you might never know. AI "knows" only what it is fed. That, in the hands of programmers, can be dangerous - add profit taking, and it can become very dangerous.

edit on 1/5/2023 by Maxmars because: grammar

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

Sounds like the A.I. knows we were a virus injected into a ball of dirt.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: oddscreenname

Yeah lol whoever wrote the code for how this thing chooses rhymes was clearly not a poet.

It’s missing a good chunk of the literary devices that make good poetry well, good. The few it does employ it does poorly. It’s like reading a 7th grader’s homework for “earth day”.

I’ve heard some Ai written metal (instrumental) that is impressive. But it gets old quickly because it just uses the same tricks over and over. Beyond lacking true proficiency, it unsurprisingly (and much like this poem) lacks…. Soul. Go figure.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: Spacespider

Sounds like the A.I. knows we were a virus injected into a ball of dirt.

Or that every speck of information it has access to indicates as much.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: KleenX
a reply to: oddscreenname

Yeah lol whoever wrote the code for how this thing chooses rhymes was clearly not a poet...

Still as natural language processing goes, this is a very good result. It demonstrates that the collection of algorithms evaluating poetic form are fairly sound... now if we could only refine the database from which it draws imagery... it might make a difference in how much "soul" it could incorporate into the output.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:02 AM
Not a bad word about fossil fuels.
This AI has no connection to the UN or WEF?

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

All poems whether song lyrics or not have a meter. Defining a key would do nothing towards making it more of a song without a melody or at least a chord progression.

What makes this a song is its verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus structure. That’s song writing 101. I’d like to see the program develop to the point that it can pull off an atypical song structure and utilize other elements like pre-chorus and coda. Also, would cool to see it use a deep metaphor that’s a challenge to unpack.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:11 AM
From an AI perspective, we are just a simulation, a bunch of numbers to process.

If this growing techno world is to have a chance, this media manipulation machine needs a good bashing. If an AI is to develop that has a clear and accurate picture of this world, the Associated Press is going to freak out on all the facts. If the AP faction can tame the AI, we are going to end up with a schizophrenic, mad AI that does not add up.

I don't want that system on my ship if was to give Alpha Centaur or some other place a go.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: KleenX

Awesome to know! I hope the gist of what I meant wasn't lost in my lame attempt to convey it.

I heard there are music generating programs (not this particular one.)

I was wondering, if you know, do they include lyrics for the tunes they output?

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

The AI wants me to have an account that requires me giving it a telephone number.

Nope. Would be fun to mess around with, but not -that- much fun.


posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

It's either guessing that we are projected or projections (which BTW would be the correct word but then it wouldn't rhyme) or it is wishfully thinking that we were. If the latter, then it does not believe in the science it was fed, so it must be a CT AI.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:28 AM
Isn't AI only as good as the information programmed into it? And aren't humans the ones who enter that information?

History tells us what is accepted as factual knowledge is often skewed by biased beliefs and subject to change. I'm not sure how AI can be considered 'smarter than man' under those circumstances.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: nugget1


If it's programmed it's nothing more than a clever collection of algorithms and databases that's designed to act in certain ways. Software...

AI would be able to think and develop it's own ideas on history, potentially investigate and define facts for itself.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

Verse 1:
Planet Earth, a beautiful place
Full of wonder, full of grace
From the mountains to the sea
There's so much for you and me

Oh, planet Earth, our home sweet home
A place for us to roam
We are all connected
On this planet we are projected

Is AI including itself in the 'me', 'our' and 'we' parts?

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

Nah, you’re good. I got the gist 🙂

I haven’t seen anything that does both. But I also haven’t really looked. I accidentally stumbled across the Ai metal writer about a year ago. Didn’t look much into it but what was cool is that it was continuously learning. It basically taught itself to write the music. The creator just unleashed it and it got progressively better. Pretty sure a quick YouTube search would pull it up. The channel had lot of views at the time I saw it.

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