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15-Minute City Climate Lockdown

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posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 05:44 AM
You can't make this stuff up! This is so crazy , i cant believe what i am reading. They want to limit people movement with excuse of " saving the planet" Global warming ...So like in China, peoples liberty would be limited , and if someone would broke the rules, they would give fine .

Not sure is this real ? because it`s so crazy i doubt can it be ?

Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024

Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods. Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.

Communism will make the weather better.

Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, secretly decided to divide-up the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts in 2021 soon after they were elected to office. None of the councillors declared their intention of imprisoning local residents in their manifestos of course, preferring to make vague claims about how they will ‘improve the environment’ instead. Every resident will be required to register their car with the County Council who will then monitor how many times they leave their district via number plate recognition cameras. And don’t think you can beat the system if you’re a two car household. Those two cars will be counted as one meaning you will have to divide up the journeys between yourselves. 2 cars 50 journeys each; 3 cars 33 journeys each and so on.

This story is so crazy, I wanted corroboration.

This is the same story published in the Oxford Mail; Traffic filters will divide city into six “15 minute” neighbourhoods, agrees highways councillor 25th October ROAD blocks stopping most motorists from driving through Oxford city centre will divide the city into six “15 minute” neighbourhoods, a county council travel chief has said. And he insisted the controversial plan would go ahead whether people liked it or not. Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for travel and development strategy, explained the authority’s traffic filter proposals in an interview in The Sunday Times. He said the filters would turn Oxford into “a 15-minute city” with local services within a small walking radius. … People can drive freely around their own neighbourhood and can apply for a permit to drive through the filters, and into other neighbourhoods, for up to 100 days per year. This equates to an average of two days per week.

Oxfordshire is the home of the University of Oxford, one of Britain’s premier learning institutions.

Communist states like the Soviet Union and China seem to love movement restrictions and internal passports. In my opinion Britain has been edging closer to naked communism for at least half a century, so I guess it was inevitable that an attempt would be made at some point to introduce Chinese style movement restrictions on British people. In my opinion the climate claims are just an excuse, an attempt to deflect criticism of their authoritarianism. I would love to write that the University of Oxford is up in arms, that Oxford academics are outraged at this attempt to restrict people’s freedom, but so far I have not discovered one utterance of public outrage from university academics. For almost a thousand years the University of Oxford stood as a beacon of intellectual freedom. A number of leading Oxford intellectuals were hanged or otherwise persecuted over the centuries, because of their resistance to authoritarianism. So it seems incredibly sad that the inheritors of that proud tradition seem so willing to turn their backs on those freedoms their predecessors sometimes laid down their lives to defend.

Climate lockdowns coming? You will be tracked in your suburb and happy about it.

Oxfordshire Council to Trial a Climate Lockdown Starting 2024

Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown 'trial' to Begin in 2024

And also related to this same climate grand hoax :

The Mirror Makes Ludicrous Claim That Large Parts of England Will Be Under Water By 2100

How map of Britain will change in next 80 years as towns and cities fall into the sea

The vast parts of Yorkshire that could vanish by 2050 if sea levels continue to rise

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Kenzo


posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
Why do you believe that?
What do you think the last few years were about?

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:06 AM
its an attempt at feudalism and wont work for a huge number of reasons the key one is that the infrastructure and social structure simply can't support it people will be fined for going to hospital seeing a doctor, dentist, relatives etc, it didn't work in covid and won't work now

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: nickyw

But but......the sea is rising , and everything will be flooded

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

i guess because it's wishful thinking.. its all very 70s towns purging themselves of residents and life.. which is also where this kind of thinking comes from, the arse end of the 70s and the towns/cities they killed off to be modern..

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: [post=26797873]Itisnowagain[/post

It's called self-awareness of the b******* that is going on throughout the world. people are going to uprise against the idiocracy of loss of freedom through demented and perverse leadership. which a good example is what is happening right now in the United States with the current administration. it's a very deviant perverted dictatorshd of leadership that America is now faced with. it will also crumble too, real quickly as fast as it started.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: nickyw

To me it looked like covid lockdowns were easy peacy for them to force. Even when there was not any real logic, science to back up it.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

tnow i can see a state like china doing this with its new cities but a 1,000 years of organic growth and the last few decades of centralisation and specialisation means most aresa don't even have a pub or newsagent let alone enough busses, trains, cycle paths, offices, factories, builders yards, libraries, schools, nurseries, doctors, dentists, hairdressers not forgetting that most British families live in roughly 60 mile loops..

sad that we are stuck in failed 70s thinking..

the nearest the ul could do is county size and then that'll just ensure those like mine grab their independence from the fruitcakes..

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Is there other places than Florida where this uprise has been worked ?

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Well i dont really know UK as you do, so i take it as you are the expert on this, and not me.

I was just shocked they had this plan there, Oxford....what are they smoking?
edit on 6-12-2022 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

from my perspective the whole thing was akin to a holiday/vacation, and we were deluged with holiday makers from London and across europe the whole time.. the only bit that caused a grumble was johnson canceling christmas which everyone ignored anyway as they're losing faith in "the science"

Lockdowns are also why it can't work, isolate people from their doctors clinics and hospitals then they die..

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: nickyw
Then it does work!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:39 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

having rolled through the plans, and oxford is not alone these are all death wish stuff like the other councils aiming to tax employers on the number of employees as each employee must have a car take up a space, but what they'll really do is drive employers from their towns..

the thing is they did something similar in the 60s and 70s britain engaged in similar mission to destroy its communities, severing connections which laid waste to many thriving towns and industries..

i was lucky to grow up in one that managed to eek itself through but even so youth unemployment hit around 80% when i left school in the 80s as they'd cleansed the town of industry and jobs.

the thing to remember is the answer wasn't less cars or more communism but rather more cars and more capitalism..

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:49 AM
I agree it's a ludicrous idea (and I am certain the trial will prove that)

But it's also worth noting that some of the more sensationalist claims by the usual suspects are just, well, sensationalist nonsense. No-one will be "imprisoned" nor in any way have their freedom curtailed, other than with regards driving within the city centre.

People can drive freely around their own neighbourhood and can apply for a permit to drive through the filters, and into other neighbourhoods, for up to 100 days per year. This equates to an average of two days per week.

The alternative is to drive out on to the ring road and then back in to the destination.

A maximum of three permits a household will be allowed where there are several adults with cars registered to the address.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

I'm glad that I'm American and live in the free State of Texas.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Enough is enough

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 07:01 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

First , you say this feel good statement :

nor in any way have their freedom curtailed

Then produce this self - contradiction :

other than with regards driving within the city centre.

Which is it ?
Freedom or not ?

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