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Labor Party wins election in Australia as predicted, and what it means for our future

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posted on May, 21 2022 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Mar, 30 2022

Just think about how many freedoms we lost in 2020 and 2021... now we are in a worse situation and our freedoms are returning. What a coincidence that the federal elections are just around the corner, it's almost like they know the majority of voters are beyond fed up with this nonsense and now they decide to listen to those complaints. The most ironic part of all this is that Labor will probably win the next election despite the fact the most locked down states were Labor-run states such as Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia.

Nearly the entire world was criticizing Australia for having some of the harshest lockdowns on the planet. They even held a "Save Australia" protest in New York City a few months back. But the cost of living is rising to astronomic levels and Labor gets votes by offering endless handouts, and people never consider the fact massive cash handouts just cause more inflation, thus increase the cost of living. People prefer that temporary relief rather than consider the long term impacts. That also applies to these recent handouts right before the election.

Well as predicted Labor won, just another in a series of elections around the world where the same people who enforced the most absurd Covid-19 restrictions are now the exact same people that we're voting to lead us forward in the brave new world. Melbourne was one of the most locked down cities in the world, two different people in Melbourne burned themselves alive in protest. source source

It wasn't hard to foresee this outcome, because Labor was able to blame everything that happened during the pandemic on the Morrison government. Similar to how the Dems blamed everything on Trump, and now all that blame gets dumped onto Biden even though he might not deserve all of it (yes I know, it's shocking to see me say anything in favor of Biden).

That's not to say Biden isn't responsible for creating a lot of the problems he now faces, his poor policies clearly are the reason for many of the problems. Likewise, Morrison has made many poor leadership decisions, and in many ways he deserved to lose this election. Labor also had a much more effective advertisement campaign, they were talking about how to solve issues.

Whereas the Morrison government just had a dumb advert about Labor raising taxes to cover all their social spending. Who ever came up with that advert needs to be fired, and I say this as someone who believes in minimizing taxes. Did they really think voters care that much about paying more taxes after the media has spent years brainwashing people to be socialists?

If voters think their taxes are going to solve issues that they think need immediate attention, like inequality, the cost of health care, and climate change, then people are perfectly willing to pay more taxes. It's fine to point out issues in the Labor budget, but you can't make that the focal point of the election because it comes off as childish and desperate.

Right now in the United States, we are seeing what happens when people vote for "social justice" and wokism. It's interesting, because the political climate is almost the opposite to what we see occurring in Australia. You guys are quickly shifting back to the right due to the poor leadership of a left-leaning President, and I predict Biden has no chance of winning the next election.

Our political climate has shifted to the left due to the poor leadership of a "conservative" leader the past several years. I use quotes because the Morrison government is barely conservative in any way. To make things much worse, Morrison had to lead us through the pandemic, and several massive natural disasters, including multiple fires and floods, plus a long drought period.

Of course all of these natural disasters are the result of climate change, assuming we believe the media. When we have floods, it's because global warming causes more ocean water to evaporate, but when we have droughts it's because global warming dried up all the water. It couldn't possibly just have anything to do with natural weather cycles Australia has always had.

So now, we are the nation of critical climate action, the nation of socialism, and we love our dictators telling us how to live our lives. Because that's what the MSM has conditioned us to be, we are a land of true intellectuals and forward thinkers. But just give it a few years, and we'll be saying "man this government sucks, time for a change", and back and forth we go.

Regardless of which of the two parties are in control, real issues never seem to get solved. Who would have guessed that simply taxing people more and creating money out of thin air isn't a real solution... how could we possibly know that allowing the government to endlessly grow, with higher taxes, more regulations, less freedoms, doesn't actually result in a better world.
edit on 21/5/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2022 @ 11:31 PM
There should be a no confidence box on those ballot papers.

I sympathise with your sentiments however, I have total no confidence in politics. Society is a huge con game designed to suck away your life.

a reply to: ChaoticOrder

edit on 21-5-2022 by Dalamax because: Express sentiments

posted on May, 21 2022 @ 11:32 PM
Well they get what they deserve then .

posted on May, 21 2022 @ 11:32 PM
Both parties have the same goals, and in order to maintain and keep their opulent lifestyle they convince us they are different and have different goals.

posted on May, 21 2022 @ 11:54 PM
Australia uses voting machines from Dominion.

We have the other side of the snakes head this time.

Still same snake.


posted on May, 22 2022 @ 12:09 AM
Yep. Albo's already said that "climate change" will be one of his main priorities.....We're truly f##ked.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
Well they get what they deserve then .

Quite right mate.

Aussies have voted for their future.



posted on May, 22 2022 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Record early and mail-in voting.
Things that make you go Hmmmmm.
The Leftist DEMs in the US taught them well?

Either the people down unduh did not learn anything during COVID or there is fraud going on.
At any rate, they will reap what they have sown.
Look on the bright side, Australia already has gulags set up and some Americans believe the land down unduh is in Europe.....

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 12:37 AM
Yeah I think we deserve what ever we get. But hey, maybe I'm wrong, maybe Labor will manage to lower the cost of living, to lower the cost of energy and fuel, to lower the cost of housing and food. That is the power of socialism, we all know that's how it works... using taxes as a form of wealth redistribution can never fail. Now we can spend those precious extra dollars printing those climate change text books and the drag queen story books for kids, we can dump millions into ensuring that businesses hire people based on the color of their skin or their genitalia. It's not like the Morrison government wasn't already doing all that stuff, but now we get to experience social justice on hyper drive. Boy I just can't wait for our socialist utopia to arrive.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: IamSeekerof

I don't really think the election was rigged, at least not against the two major parties. Morrison lost by his own merit unfortunately, and for all the other reasons I listed. But I agree with others who have said there's not much difference between the two major parties in Australia. It's almost laughable to call the Morrison government conservative, but the media constantly uses that term because that's the picture they want to paint. We need to feel like we have some sort of choice, when in reality the outcome of this election might as well have been predetermined.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 01:38 AM
Maybe Australia was just fed up with these useless corrupt blue bloods??? Scomo and Barnaby ... lol it cant get any worse thats for sure.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: homerJ

I usually vote for the Libs but even I was fed up, but my main problem is how they handled the pandemic. Sure the Labor states were much worse off, but Morrison could have done a lot more to ensure Australians were not stripped of their medical autonomy and most basic human rights, but instead he went along with it for the most part. Then the elections arrived and they completely reversed course, despite the fact we had record high case numbers. Then they gave out of a bunch of money to mostly old people right before the election... that was probably the final straw for me.

Instead I chose to vote for parties who promised to respect our freedoms, even though I knew they had virtually no chance of winning. I'm not going to vote for a party based on who will give the most hand outs, but unfortunately most people do vote that way. If Clive Palmer had of won, the media would have freaked out, they would have reacted much like when Trump unexpectedly won. I don't like Clive any more than Morrison, Clive's advertisement campaign may have been even worse than Morrison's. But I would still much prefer Clive over any career politician from one of the major parties.

The same way I think Trump is a fairly egotistical and pompous person, I'd still feel much better having him as my leader than any NPC stooge who has been groomed most of their life to carry out a specific agenda. They don't give a crap about the common people, even though they claim to have the biggest hearts in the world. They bring nothing but suffering and poverty upon the people they lead, and that is most likely intentional imo. And one of the greatest tools they have for stealing our wealth is by printing endless amounts of money. Sure they can increase taxes, but that often isn't enough.

Socialists love to promise utopia, but money doesn't grow on trees, and there are always consequences for spending money they don't have. We saw it happen on a global scale throughout the pandemic, and now what is the end result? The cost of living has skyrocketed due to inflation. We all saw that coming from a mile away, and we posted warning after warning about the economic damage which would unfold if the world continued its neurotic approach to "flattening the curve". Only when the world was on the brink of total economic collapse did these lunatics decide it wasn't a good approach.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 02:20 AM
Are people on this thread saying Australians gets what they deserve? I hope I'm wrong.
They have no choices and, come on now, honest election.
edit on 5 22 2022 by BelleEpoque because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Australia uses voting machines from Dominion.

We have the other side of the snakes head this time.

Still same snake.


No, Australia won’t use Dominion voting machines next election - from October 2021

Electronic voting at federal elections - from the Australian Parliament.

Counting the votes Getting it right, not rushed - Australian Electoral Commission

You have to stop believing everything you read on Facebork.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Your first link takes us to a fact-checker, lol.

Your second and third take me to sites.

Sorry, try again.


posted on May, 22 2022 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: chr0naut

Your first link takes us to a fact-checker, lol.

Your second and third take me to sites.

Sorry, try again.


LOL, they just didn't use voting machines at all. Nor did they intend to.

Nothing for me to be sorry about.

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 06:00 AM
Yeah, no voting machines in Australia. Votes are cast on paper ballots, and numbered by pencil. They are put by the voter into boxes at the booths. The whole election is run by the Australian Election Commission nation wide. All votes are counted by hand by AEC officials and scrutineers are present from the different parties overlooking the counting. Every ballot is literally checked by three seperate sets of eyes. All ballots are kept in national archives and can be pulled out and re-counted years or even decades later. Australians have compulsory voting - meaning they have to attend a polling booth or vote preroll or post. What you actually mark on the ballot is not checked though. You are not legally required to cast legitimate vote if you do not want. Australia's elections are probably one of the most difficult to rig in the world.

It helps to understand that we have preferential voting. This means you number the candidates in your electorate say 1-5 or however many there are in order of most preferred to least preferred. That means if your preferred doesn't get enough votes, your second/third/fourth preference etc gets tallied to the next in line. Labor had a pretty poor first preference vote this time, but huge votes for the greens and climate focused independent candidates put them up in a lot of areas through preferences. This election result marks a seismic shift in Australia's political landscape. I've voted greens my whole life so fair to say I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. There will be a lot of greens in the senate.
edit on 22-5-2022 by harold223 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I always read your posts... as an uninformed American, It does look like Australia's transformation has been complete, and I definitely agree here in America we got a small snapback, but it isn't over here either. Here in Georgia, we could have our first Democratic Governor in 19 years and even those guys would be considered moderate Democrats now if not Republican.

Times are changing and we don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows...

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 08:05 AM
Hi ChaoticOrder,

Fellow Australian here. I'm 29, so I haven't had the pleasure of voting in many elections.

I agree with most of what you are saying.

Im afraid most of our sovereignty is lost, if we ever had any to begin with.

I'm also afraid being lead down this climate rabbit hole is just another way for other world superpowers to gain control. I really can't think of a better narrative if I wanted to take over the world. Think about it...

Anyway, I hope we learn to look after ourselves, personally and as a country.

It would be nice to see some real progression though, not this "progressive" BS that is only holding everyone back from achieving all the things we want to achieve, including our climate goals.

One thing that does annoy me about the election, is the fact we don't need ID to vote.

It's hard to say democracy exists when it's possible to run around to different voting booths and vote multiple times, with no way of determining which of the extra votes are/aren't valid at the end of the day.

I have a lot more to say but I'll leave it there.

Take care and stay positive

edit on 22-5-2022 by Tropics because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2022 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: bally001

originally posted by: ancientlight
Well they get what they deserve then .

Quite right mate.

Aussies have voted for their future.



Or did they ?

Americans did not vote for Biden. Dominion and other criminal activities did.

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