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GP’s don’t treat or give advice for burns

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posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:33 PM
So it has come to my attention today that GP surgeries do not treat burns. At least that is the case with my GP.

Long story short, a week ago there was an incident with hot oil which ended up on my arm. It’s a second degree burn but not one which requires hospital treatment.

That was 7 days ago, since then a lot has happened. Ointment a pharmacist suggested cause an allergic reaction (which caused additional blisters and welts) Blisters formed and popped and the skin subsequently ripped off leaving the wound open, now it seems that infection is steadily taking hold.

It’s impossible to get in touch with the Gp surgery over the phone, and when someone answers they tell you to go online and fill out the ‘questionnaire’
So I did this yesterday after my pharmacist told me to.

I received a reply this morning not from a Doctor but from a receptionist informing me that there is nothing the Doctors can do for a burn and that I should consult a chemist or A&E.

With the hospitals allegedly close to bursting and all news associated with healthcare about ‘saving the NHS’ and ‘hospitals are full’ why are Doctors are urging people to A&E for minor injuries. (My burn is a minor injury) I followed all the advice on the NHS website which states to call your GP.

Needless to say I am not going to A&E. Where I will be tested for Covid and HIV. Currently undergoing a consultation with a private doctor online.

Anyone know any natural remedies? I was using organic honey however now the damaged skin is exposed I have discontinued this.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: Compliant

Having had similar nasty burns myself, chances are you'll need some prescription-only stuff.

You've paid your National Insurance, go to A and E. If you don't go now, chances are you'll have to go later.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:51 PM
I always used Water Jel first on a burn, it is a water based burn jell. You are passed that stage. There is Campho Phenique that works on healing burns. For the organic remidy, aloe vera jell works.
edit on 2 17 2022 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Compliant

I'd advise calling your GP again and stressing that you have an infected wound. That could turn into something very serious rather quickly. I'd prescribe antibiotics, or even admit you for IV antibiotics if it is infected bad enough.
edit on 17 2 2022 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Compliant
Several years ago I had a blister on a finger that had burst and wouldn't heal, or it wasn't healing right (that I don't remember ) but I was worried about it at least. My mom told me to dip my finger in a baking soda/water paste mixture and it healed in no time!
Also try some of these maybe ? Carom seeds sound promising :
Natural antibiotics

Good luck! Stupid gps in the UK sound worse than useless.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Compliant
First point, you must make sure you don't get an infection in there or you'll be in serious trouble.
Second, Lavender Essential Oil or Lavender hydrosol (bi-product of the distillation process) heals burns. But please don't use the Essential oil neat straight out of the bottle. That is not how you use it to heal a burn. I had a 3rd degree burn on my wrist from an iron many years ago, you wouldn't know I had as it healed with no scaring whatsoever. Also kept any possibility of infection at bay.
Lavender does have contraindications to use though.
Happy to take this to PM if you'd like to chat. No offence taken if you don't

(Clinical Aromatherapist in case you were wondering/didn't know)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I believe infection is already setting in, I’m hoping I’m mistaken and it is just the serum drying and giving the impression of an infection.

It’s incredibly itchy, a good sign, and there is no redness or inflammation in the wider area.

However now the blister is totally gone, I am worried about infection.

Is Lavender able to be used on the damaged skin beneath? Or would it be best to just keep it clean and covered now?

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Compliant
I could better advise if it was possible to see a photo of the injury, but yes, it will heal the skin underneath and encourages healthy cell regeneration and fights off any possible infection thus reducing any scaring.
You should keep it covered to prevent any scabs being knocked off eg in bed. But get as much fresh air to it as you can.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Compliant

Doctors commonly prescribe a silver cream for severe burns. This is from the Mayo Clinic website:


Silver sulfadiazine cream is used to prevent and treat wound infections in patients with second- and third-degree burns. Patients with severe burns or burns over a large area of the body must be treated in a hospital.

Silver sulfadiazine is an antibiotic. It works by killing the bacteria or preventing its growth.

This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.

This product is available in the following dosage forms:


And that's what I would use if I were in your position, and there are non-prescription options available, such as this one from Curad:

Curad Germ Shield Antimicrobial Gel

Actually, I already keep a supply of colloidal silver (fluid) on hand, and I'd be spraying it on straight! This is the brand I've been using for years and years:

Sovereign Silver Spray

If you do go with a silver cream, make sure it's for open wounds and not just superficial burns!!!

There are also silver dressings (gauze) that you could use. Here's a sample of what's on Amazon:

Silver Dressings for Burns

A pure aloe vera gel -- such as this one from Fruit of the Earth -- would also soothe and heal, but the silver would be more effective for infection.

You might consider adding a natural antibiotic supplement to help heal from the inside, as well as topically. Olive leaf extract is well tolerated and very effective.

I apologize all of my links are US rather than UK. I just wanted to give you an idea of what the options are that I'm talking about. I hope it still helps.

Take good care and good luck!

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:37 PM
I will tell you what most will not. I realize it’s too late now, but for future reference whenever you get any burn immediately run it under WARM water. As hot as you can stand until the pain subsides. DO NOT put cold water or any gels on it. If you don’t have hot running water warm breath will work. I’ve even used a hair dryer. The logic behind this is if you put cold anything on the burn it will initially cool it off and bring comfort it will also seal in the “fire”. Since the “fire” is unable to escape it keeps burning causing blisters, pain and scars. When put under warm running water the hot water draws the heat out thus the “ fire” is released and no more damage is done. No blisters, no scars, and no more pain once you’ve done under the water. IT WORKS I PROMISE. Personal experience in every degree lol
Now as far as your current condition, I would try a paste of baking soda and water. Leave on and cover when working or any activities. Uncover at home or at rest. Rinse clean and peroxide before air drying and leaving it to breathe a while. Repeat this process until it’s healed also applying the paste tans covering to sleep in at night. But the only other option will be antibiotics which I’m sure your doctor will provide if you tell them you you have an infected wound. An open sore that became infected. Don’t mention the burn.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:42 PM
Something you could try is Colloidal Silver. I would get a bottle with a eyedropper with at least 500 ppm. Apply it as a topical. The stuff I have is 1100 ppm and it worked great for an infection that was supposedly a MRSA infection. Looks like mercurochrome and applies like it. If you remember the stuff. Also apply it to a bandage and keep it covered and redo with a fresh bandage every couple of hours for a few days.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:48 PM
GP stands for General Pracitioner and i think the main thing they do is refer you to a specialist.

Throw some Polysporin on it, that stuff is amazing for infections.

Dont listen to the guy up there telling you to run it under the hottest water you can stand. This is immensely stupid

a reply to: Compliant

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I think I managed to send you a picture.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Thank you!

I actually have some colloidal silver, however it is the balm form.

This brand: Amazon

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: Compliant
They might ask you to take a covid test at A&E.My niece gave birth last month and was asked to take a covid test at every appointment at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.She simply declined.Nothing more said.She is a filthy unvaccinated pureblood too.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: glen200376

Congratulations! I hope she and the little one are doing well. I’ve seen videos and testimonials of people who were told tests were mandatory in hospital.

They are conducting HIV tests now on arrival to A&E which is strange, I don’t want to be tested for either.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: Compliant

NHS advice is that you go to A&E for a burn on your arm that causes

Anyway, if you have an open wound you need to get it covered quick smart.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Compliant
a reply to: Boadicea

Thank you!

I actually have some colloidal silver, however it is the balm form.

This brand: Amazon

Good for you! One of my kids had a horrible allergic reaction to prescription antibiotics when young, so I depended on silver for all their cuts and scrapes and wounds. It's been a godsend for us. I hope it is for you as well!

I just took a look at the ingredients... I bet it smells wonderful with the bergamot oil in it. I love the scent of bergamot!

Have you tried it yet? I would be just a little worried about the acids and alcohol in it though, since it is infected and open. That might sting like crazy, and the balm might be difficult to apply. If you do try it, you might want to wash your hands real good, then put the balm in the palm of your hand for a couple minutes to melt a little and it might be easier to apply. I get the shivers just thinking about it. But I could be completely wrong as well!

Good luck! Fingers crossed and prayers up for you!

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Compliant

Not at you I am suffering with my teeth lets' just say that BUT it is our nations own fault.

The flaming stupid sod's put the TORY'S are in power and gave them a MANDATE because so many morons voted for them and believed the ANTI CORBYN propaganda.

And it WAS propaganda the guy was least anti Semitic person you could meet meanwhile half the Tory's MP's have dressed up as bloody NAZI's and hate the poor, it's not race with them but classism.

They keep on going on about SMALL GOVERNMENT which means more freedom for the RICH, Less public services because they cost money and they want to cut tax and the continued erosion of our NHS by fair means of foul all the while they are claiming to support it.

Eventually they will even have private bloody police forces as if our police were not corrupt enough and already putting the poorest down as if they were worthless like that homeless girl whose rape they refused to investigate because she did not have an address.

Many Doctors want the NHS privatised because they can make a huge amount of money in the private sector and off of it and to be fair many nurses do as well because they are sick of abuse from patients and yes there are many patients whom take it out of the nurses, accident and emergency can be a dangerous place to work and Paramedics can be bricked by scum running wild on deprived council estates but they are only scum because they have no future, no job's, no education as government after government has poured money into educating minority's over our own deprived children.

But as for WE the rest of the population, well we are suffering, no NHS Dentists, Poor or NON EXISTANT care from the NHS which was meant to be a comprehensive full national health service to SERVE our nation., closed down A&E and privatisation through the back door via FALSE LABOURS Hospital Trusts (Blair was more Tory even than bloody BoJo and people fell for it because he called himself New Labour) (never mind his Devolution policy which is a cancer on Britain that has made many more crook's wealthy while they fiddle the council tax payers, that needs to be recentralized very badly and the council tax need's to be scrapped with old style rates restored, Corbyn was going to do that you know, eventually but he faced stiff opposition as it was both Tory and Labour councils that got rich from that scam.

Want an NHS back then get rid of STARMER and his Blairite Crook's and get Corbyn Back, sorry if he rubs everyone up the wrong way with his defence and immigration policy's but he was and is a decent bloke that actually CARES about the British people AND IF HE HAD BEEN PRIME MINISTER WE WOULD NOT BE FACING THE BLOODY ENERGY CRISIS AS WELL because like other stolen public assets he was going to return our energy infrastructure back into the publics control and that would have meant a for service NOT a for profit model, cheap energy, subsidies for large employers and a return of British Industry.

And don't EVER and I mean EVER vote for the Tory's.

But no everyone just hated him because the Tory's were more clever at speaking even though you knew they were lying out of there nether regions.

My humble opinion Doctors and NHS funded dental practices that start to turn away NHS patient's should be struck off and told to get out of the country if they want to act like foreigners, let them go were that third world attitude is seen as ok, the US or somewhere like that were the hypocritic oath is more or less meaningless as it will become here if we allow this rot to go unchallenged.

To that End I call for a public body to be set to investigate needless deaths resulting from dental sepsis, poor treatment as manslaughter and for a public review of just whom the hell is sitting on our medical council to allow it to have come to this.

edit on 17-2-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Compliant
Replied hun.

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