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Just a gut feeling

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posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:41 PM
One of the main reasons I ended up at ATS, was because of something I’ve felt, deep down my core, ever since I was old enough to reason. Call it a a gut feeling, or a premonition, if you will, but it is by no means a prediction. What I felt however, and still do to this day, is that I would witness something incredibly and intensely profound, something that would concern us all, globally. It was never clear, until recently, I guess, what that “something” would be, and neither did I have a notion whether it will be something negative or positive. All my gut tells me, is that it will be something that will greatly impact all of our lives. It was through ATS that I became aware of the fact that I am not the only one who has had such an experience, it appears that many more people feel the same.

The first time I thought my premonition was coming to fruition, was in the nineties, before and during the Gulf War. Nothing happened. The second time was in 2001, I really thought that that time it would be it, and yet nothing changed. I still feel that that “something” has yet to happen. Enter DJT, I was convinced, from the day he announced he’d be running for office, that his presidency would be a very “interesting” and controversial period, to say the least. It also reminded me of a quatrain by Nostradamus, where he alluded that a great charismatic leader would rise, one who would be able to win the hearts and minds of the people, bring great positive changes, but he would eventually do a complete 180, and become the opposite of what he was before. What I also felt, and boy was I right, was that DJT’s presidency would be the catalyst leading to something much more serious, or should I say ominous?

What happened during, and after, DJT’s presidency, was, pun intended, unprecedented, and it led me to believe that my “premonition” would soon be unfolding. To me, it felt like a catalyst, a precursor. Enter COVID-19, and everything that came because of it, and with it. Never before has the world been in such a tense state as it is now. The current US government and leadership, if you could call it that, is the worst ever, it’s not even a joke anymore. It is as if they gave up, or,worse, SOLD OUT. We have China, flexing her military muscle, and is ambitiously going for world domination, and, is waste deep connected to the outbreak.

Never before have people’s life’s been affected like this, and had their right’s been violated on such a large scale. Then we have the WEF holding desktop virus outbreak simulations, mirroring EXACTLY what takes place, right before the actual outbreak. Then they’re boasting their “great reset”, spearheaded by likes of Gates, Schwab, Soros etc., all proponents of birth reduction and the drastic culling of “useless eaters” (us), and now they’re running the same desktop simulations they did in ‘19, that simulates a major breakdown scenario of all global financial institutions! We have China threatening Taiwan, Russia about to invade the Ukraine and NATO playing chicken with Russia. And the final wildcard, NATURE, we’re due, for multiple cataclysmic events (Yellowstone, solar activity and melting permafrost to name but a few). I could go on and on like this, but my point is: that this time, it certainly feels like my “premonition” is about to become a reality, it almost feels biblical, and the answer to whether it will be a negative or a positive event, should be very obvious by now.

But it is probably me being paranoid…

Never before did I mean it as sincere as I do now, when I say: “I wish you all a very merry X-Mass, and a Happy New Year”, I hope my intuition sucks, and that ‘22 will be a year of POSITIVE changes, in which case it may be as fast, hard and widespread as possible.

edit on 22-12-2021 by 2Faced because: Catch 22

edit on 22-12-2021 by 2Faced because: Catch 22 times 2

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: 2Faced

Me too.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: 2Faced

Hold on to that bottle of hopeium a little longer. I think 2022 will more likely be "merry crisis and a happy new fear"

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: 2Faced

Hold on to that bottle of hopeium a little longer. I think 2022 will more likely be "merry crisis and a happy new fear"

You & me both!

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: 2Faced
I've had this feeling since my most early years. A feeling that isolated me from society and has guided my direction and led me to here. Here being the edge of some great cataclysm.

I've drifted away from ats numerous times when life got busy and suppressed that signal but when it arose strong I always came back here as that feeling is familiar to a number of ats members.

Keep hoping I'm wrong, but the feeling continues.

Wish you, and all other members (even those I've been sour to and those who dislike my endless anecdotal evidence
) the best wishes in the new year. I'm leaning more now toward the idea that seeding the future with a map of where we want to go is a better solution than wallowing in the what if or ridiculous here and now. So sending light out for the future for all of us.

edit on 22-12-2021 by igloo because: missed a word

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: 2Faced

I also feel very tense about 2022. It is possible that it is a key year or point in time, and there are other places in the timeline like this. This could be the year where things become really horrible and right when everyone is ready to give up a savior appears. Be careful.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: 2Faced

I am for sure fully on board with team paranoid.
It's obviously true that society has changed a huge deal. These last two years alone were major disturbances on the instability scale.
These things are extremely slow developing, so with a little awareness and empathy you might have felt its first tremors in the past.
The Roman Empire survived a few hundred years of that though.
And the majority of the folks back then were really uneducated and fanatic.
So I think feeling it is good to make the right decisions now.
The problem is we can't figure out what the problem is so we 'invent' our own.

edit on 22-12-2021 by Peeple because: posessiv

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: 2Faced

I believe i chose this time and space to be reborn.

This is a big test, i wanted to come here to fight, to temper my soul.

Even if they kill me in the end, i have won.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: GoldSeeker

You people piss me off so much!
There is no savior. There never was one and there never will be one.
Even Moses was not one person. But a group. Mystified like later f.e. Hercules.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: GoldSeeker

You people piss me off so much!
There is no savior. There never was one and there never will be one.
Even Moses was not one person. But a group. Mystified like later f.e. Hercules.

Maybe that was why he/she ended with "Be careful" as people are prone to seek outside solutions.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:12 PM
Ive had the same gut feeling since i was a kid i have alwas felt like something was going to happen in my lifetime to set up back a few hundred years and wipe out a lot of the population leading me to become a prepper not just stocking food but learning every primitive skill i can to prepare. it has led me to be ever watchful of events. in my youth i was expecting a nuclear war that i may not have survived. as ive gotten older i have realized that who ever it comes from they want the infrastructure intact so an EMP and or Virus makes more sense. Fortunately my wife understands and is onboard as well. I am seriously surprised that we have made it this far with out a major event. I think even the current virus is a test run to be honest. At my age they better hurry up or im going to miss the show.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:24 PM
If you really want to pee your pants, listen to this.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Hear that bugle coming from around the bend in the mountains? Cavalry? Don't we wish. Nope, it's just the wind blowing through the filter of our fantasies.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
If you really want to pee your pants, listen to this.

I’m old enough to do that involuntary!

I’ll be watching/listening to it in a bit. Thnx.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: Munkh

At my age they better hurry up or im going to miss the show.

I get that Munk. I"m 75 and since I was in my late teens have watched it all though a lens of ''a great shift is coming. Now though I'm thinking like you. Maybe the small window of my own life is not enough to witness this period in all it's ramifications.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: 2Faced

Lol. I hear ya!
Yeah have a watch when you have time. His prophecies were famous in Russia.
He predicted his early death and a bunch of other stuff.
He delves into vaccines and being allowed into stores etc...pretty crazy stuff

Its a few seconds of Russian, then cuts to English.
edit on 12 by Mandroid7 because: Added2

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:37 PM
I have to agree with your very well thoughtful post. yea i had a 'Gut Feeling' Going on almost a year and a half now about all of this.

Peace bro.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:43 PM
I too am expecting “something”. I often look to the horizon and expect to see a nuclear flash, or giant alien mother ship.

I believe your great charismatic leader, was probably Barrack Obama. He certainly did a 180, and he set back race relations by 50 years.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Nickn3
I too am expecting “something”. I often look to the horizon and expect to see a nuclear flash, or giant alien mother ship.

I believe your great charismatic leader, was probably Barrack Obama. He certainly did a 180, and he set back race relations by 50 years.

I regard Obama and his presidency as a failed experiment.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 08:43 PM

edit on Wed Dec 22 2021 by Jbird because: staff edit

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