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A battle for the future of humanity

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posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder on Oct, 7 2011

We have two choices. The first choice is a future with a One World Government controlled by the elite. Everyone will be micro-chipped and everyone will have a file containing everything about them. Vaccinations will be mandatory. All children will be required to attend a certified educational institution. The internet will become highly regulated and free speech will be suppressed, all television and media will be carefully scrutinized so that it conforms to some one standards. Your thoughts wont even be safe. People will be milked like cows until death and they wont have the ability to question it, they wont be able to do anything or go anywhere without being tracked and taxed. We will remain dependent on inferior technology. Scarcity and poverty will continue.

We have two choices

I've made my fair share of predictions in my time on ATS, but not even I could have foreseen just how accurate the above statement would turn out to be when I made it a decade ago. We now stand at a pivotal point in history, and what happens in the next few years will determine the course of our future for centuries to come. I always found it amazing that I happened to be born at the precise moment in time when humanity transforms into a digital society, and I've always been fascinated with science and technology, that's why I became a programmer.

But I never really understood the full implications and repercussions that might arise from humanities increased dependence on technology. When society chooses to worship science and technology as if it were a religion, we can quickly find ourselves faced with man-made existential threats. When I look at the state of the world right now, it's clear to me there's an immense power struggle taking place. The globalist elite are enforcing a digital dystopia, and they are doing it with absolutely no remorse or empathy. Resist, and you and your kids can go homeless for all they care.

I think the elite see a new world on the horizon which scares them, because it's a world they don't control. I think they despise 95% of humanity because they think they're better than us, and believe it's their place to chart our destiny as a species, for our own good of course. Think about how much control the elite have lost over the last few decades. Instead of Hollywood deciding who we worship, anyone can become famous on social media. Instead of the MSM deciding what news we get to see, we have independent reporters with more viewers than the MSM.

Not only that but the advent of cryptocurrency has essentially undermined their stranglehold on banking and money systems. I know crypto talk turns some people off and I totally get that, but there is a reason China has banned everything related to crypto, except of course any official government crypto technology, because they can control that. I also believe they kind of shot themselves in the foot by pushing the global warming agenda so fervently, because they created a massive green movement full of naturalists who obsessively track down organic non-GMO foods.

I remember years ago seeing a news segment on TV where they mocked people for growing their own food, as if those people were some how crazy. Now it would be unthinkable for the media to suggest something like that. I've never cared too much about healthy eating personally, but if the elite really do want less people on the planet, then it doesn't bode well for them when people aren't constantly eating processed food full of artificial flavorings and preservatives. It has also resulted in a resurgence of natural medicines being used as an alternative to big pharma drugs.

When America elected Trump instead of Hillary it was essentially a big middle finger to the elite of the world. They can say it's because Hillary's a women and men are sexist or whatever bogus narrative they can come up with, but we all know that is absolutely not the truth. It was a rejection of career politicians and the establishment corruption. And despite having a completely compromised administration, Trump managed to create a thriving economy with low rates of unemployment, and it lasted for years until a virus leaked from a lab and undid all that work.

The hell unleashed upon the Earth since then seems all a bit too orchestrated for my liking... I can't help but feel like this is partly a punishment for daring to defy their will. Humanity might very well lose this battle, but the elite wouldn't be so desperate if they were certain they could win the war. There will inevitably come a point in the future when the human spirit can no longer be restrained and the truth can no longer be suppressed. A future which the elite fear because it's one where they have no power over society and we chart our own destiny, for better or worse.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:11 AM
While I still believe humanity has a choice, I fear too many people have become addicted to the convenience of their tech devices to make the right choice.

I agree with most of your post, except hailing Trump as some sort of creator of anything good. The man is still an elitist billionaire who ran on the premise of what people wanted to hear. He continues to fall short of what the US really needs.

There won't be implanted least not yet. It will all amass to your cell phone. That is everyones digital gateway to the New World Order. First, tracking apps and "digital certification", then...everyone will have to use them to access places they never thought imaginable.

After that, once the tech is thought of as "second nature", we may see implantable devices. Once security and vaccinations are made to be what everyone should fear....

Mark my words....(pun intended)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Sounds like you called it well 10 years ago.


posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: havok
I agree with most of your post, except hailing Trump as some sort of creator of anything good. The man is still an elitist billionaire who ran on the premise of what people wanted to hear. He continues to fall short of what the US really needs.

I thought some people might have a problem with that part, but we have to look at this from a perspective where we can understand why Trump was elected in the first place, without being distracted by his personality or wealth. Very few people actually like egoistical billionaires, but they will still choose that option when the alternative is a true elite globalist. I'm not even American but it's clear to me Trump represented a threat to the globalist agenda which was taking over all western nations, because he put his own country before their sacred agenda.

Sure he's far from perfect, and I can think of many people I'd rather see as president, but unfortunately that's unlikely to happen, and Trump already has the supporter base to oppose them. It's very probable the next US election will come down to Trump and Biden, well maybe not Biden because I doubt he'll last that long, but it might as well be Biden because the people behind the curtain will be the same. You will have two choices. One will restore freedom and liberty. The other will drag humanity into a globalist hellscape the likes of which we once thought to be science fiction.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think I just don't have much faith in billionaires and believe me I didn't put faith in "Status Quo Joe" either. I think its appalling that the US only had Trump able to get that far and actually win. And we all know how much the latest election looked stolen after 2020.

The US had plenty of excellent people running for president almost every election cycle, but it seems the propaganda machine and money are the only things that get people elected.

I didn't buy into Trumps rhetoric then and I still don't now. I see pictures of him and Epstein, Gates, Clintons, and more...I don't trust any of them and never will.

I digress.

Our future is looking more and more technocratic. Once the choices narrow down to "accept this or else" ... I believe we will actually see more warfare and strife.

Thankfully we all have time to learn skills and be valuable assets to our community without the gov't overlords stepping in.

For now.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:13 AM
I'm curious about the milking process. Please, tell me more.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:18 AM
You know who I'd really like to have a conversation with. A greeny leftist who is also pro-choice and "my body my choice", but is also pro-mandatory vaccines. Man what a real conundrum that must be, it would be fascinating to hear how they morally justify such a contradictory position.

EDIT: btw I am pro-choice in terms of abortion, so long as it happens in a reasonable time frame. I also know some greenies who are strongly against mandatory vaccines, and it's great to see them coming together with people on the other side of the political spectrum to stand for a common cause.
edit on 25/10/2021 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: havok

Well from where I sit, it seems very clear Trump has been ostracized from the elite community even if he once was a part of it. The constant and relentless MSM attacks against him make that abundantly clear. If virtually every Hollywood elitist has a seething hatred for him, that tells me he isn't part of their little club anymore. And I doubt he wants to be, because even if he's egotistical and stubborn, his heart is usually in the right place, and his wealth makes him hard to bribe and hard to take down with legal actions.
edit on 25/10/2021 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: network dude

Not sure if you're joking but I was just referring to economic milking, for example a money system which puts high numbers of people into debt. My outlook on economics has changed a bit since a decade ago, but some time soon I plan to write a fairly deep analysis of how they manipulate the economy, and why free market capitalism (with fair and sensible regulations) will always be superior to communistic systems or heavily socialist systems. It's an extremely complex topic with many subtleties which is why I mostly avoided discussing it here, I have to save it for a new thread where I can properly present my full thoughts on these issues.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:20 PM
Also, I think the situation with Trump strongly mirrors the political situation in Australia right now. One of the only politicians we have standing up against mandatory vaccines is a billionaire called Clive Palmer. At first I dismissed him as another guy who cares more about money than anything else, but after listening to some of his recent conferences, it's clear to me he cares about Australia and opposes medical tyranny, and those are the most crucial points for me. His United Australia Party uploaded a brilliant video a few days ago which already has over 1.5 million views.

edit on 25/10/2021 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
Well, let me give you a prophesy. The whole Earth is going to get cooler from 2022 and by 2025 we'll be entering a mini ice age. When that comes the world will forget about carbon credits, crypto-currency and the NWO will not be able to do a single thing. Then it will come down to survival of the fittest.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
Well, let me give you a prophesy. The whole Earth is going to get cooler from 2022 and by 2025 we'll be entering a mini ice age. When that comes the world will forget about carbon credits, crypto-currency and the NWO will not be able to do a single thing. Then it will come down to survival of the fittest.

I share a prophecy with you also.

At some time in the future, we are all going to die.

Dying is not something we should fear. Living a life under tyrannical control, and stripping future generations of a chance at independent freedoms, is something that makes me afraid. Very afraid.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: network dude

Not sure if you're joking but I was just referring to economic milking, for example a money system which puts high numbers of people into debt. My outlook on economics has changed a bit since a decade ago, but some time soon I plan to write a fairly deep analysis of how they manipulate the economy, and why free market capitalism (with fair and sensible regulations) will always be superior to communistic systems or heavily socialist systems. It's an extremely complex topic with many subtleties which is why I mostly avoided discussing it here, I have to save it for a new thread where I can properly present my full thoughts on these issues.

I was joking and my mind went to a very dark and kinky place. I'm a little ashamed of myself. A little.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:25 PM
In Loving Memory to Russ Dizdar. A Warrior lost but not forgotten.

We are in an information and biological war. In the battle of the spirit we do have to acknowledge our own authority to do the right thing. With things going as far as it has, it does not look good for many over the coming years. At least locally, I am noticing more and more people know something is not right. For those that do stand up against this corruption, it is a fine line.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: havok

There won't be implanted least not yet.

Mark my words....(pun intended)

with nanotechnology .... we won't know when they will be used.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Sure he's far from perfect, and I can think of many people I'd rather see as president, but unfortunately that's unlikely to happen, and Trump already has the supporter base to oppose them.

I myself supported Trump only after he was elected. When I saw he was actually
trying to fulfill his ideals. I also like who Trump is where many do not. Tuff and
scrappy and non presidential. But the power of darkness being draped over the
world now? Allows us no illusions of it's power anytime in history. Trump played
a roll that was needed for some reason or another. Possibly timeline or star
alignment who could know really? So in the true nature of this dark power
Trump emerges a savior from all that you for saw. Good for you albeit it looked
like a page from The Book of Revelations that to me is even more commendable.

And certainly not condemnable. So was Trump just a toy? Offered up as a carrot
on a string? An affectionate stroke before the sacrifice? Were we not shown how
easy it is for anyone to employ the right policies? Thru DT were we not shown
a glimpse of what the world could be? Even despite all the sandbagging we
all witnessed? I don't believe they were as against Trump as they were showing
us how they were against any policies that were good for the world as it is.

The possibility that Donald Trump was a part an obvious design fits perfect
to a dark personas power. The obvious hatefulness towards mankind can not
be ignored. Because the pace we are now being marched away from all we
can call Trump. Is far to hurried towards the obvious. Make no mistake we
our on our way to hell.

Thank you for the thread good member
edit on 25-10-2021 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:58 PM
Truly Prophetic.

I would like to add some things my father, dead now, God rest his soul.
Many things he said to me have come to pass.

We are now close to a few others:

1. We will have to show a mark to buy food, go to work, partake in society.
2. There will be widespread fighting in the streets, brother against brother.
3. This world will not be destroyed by flood, it will be fire.

Awesome post.

a reply to: ChaoticOrder

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2

Anyone allowed to be in a position of authority, is part of the system.

If someone miraculously made it to the White House circumventing the powers that be, they would either make them an offer they could not refuse, or they would eliminate them.

Our government is corrupt, deadly and toxic. Whomever is allowed into the White House, will not be a savior, he will just be another, figurehead or puppet of the system.

With the ability they have shown to control the masses, how for one second do you think they will not be controlling the President?

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

It's Every Man or Woman for Themselves Time ! Good Luck , and Be SAFE If you Can ..........

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
Well, let me give you a prophesy. The whole Earth is going to get cooler from 2022 and by 2025 we'll be entering a mini ice age. When that comes the world will forget about carbon credits, crypto-currency and the NWO will not be able to do a single thing. Then it will come down to survival of the fittest.

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