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U.S. and NATO Backing Literal NAZIS in Ukraine!

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posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 10:24 PM
Dear ATS Readers, Writers,

Once again, I did a search and did not see this come up, with this specific title.

It is basically an updated "situation report" from the contested region of Ukraine.

I can only go by what the post says/shows... about the video at the upcoming link depicts as a recent video from the "front line" in Ukraine.

The Nazi flag video is not hard to believe, because of when the Maiden revolution was going on, and Victoria Nuland was handing out her baked cookies, it was quite common to see the Ukrainians in the "riot video's" sporting Nazi flags. They were also wearing Nazi helmets, and armbands etc, marching at night with lots of candles lit, emulating the Nazi rituals done at pre WW2 Nuremberg Stadium.

U.S. and NATO Backing Literal NAZIS in Ukraine!

The ugly truth about the situation between Russia and Ukraine has come out in all its outrageous sickness: Ukraine has gone NAZI which is why two eastern states are trying to leave for Russia, and the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev refuses to let them go. Russia is trying to defend the departing states from the NAZIS in Kiev!

The video below shows a Ukrainian soldier firing his machine gun against the (breakaway) state militia of Donetsk early Sunday, and he is doing so with the NAZI FLAG flying above his firing position.

There is a second video at the link that shows a soldier committing suicide, because they are distraught over their personal situations...

Ukrainian soldiers have also become so depressed and desperate over the reality that their government has gone NAZI and are positioning to literally ATTACK their own citizens in Luhansk and Donetsk, that they have begun using heavy drugs and COMMITTING SUICIDE with their own machine guns as shown in the video below.

Warning: don't watch this video at the link if you have a weak stomach or anything like that! I did watch it, and it is pretty disturbing, and am pretty sure it is not fake video at all. So, fair warning please. They do NOT "blur out" the bad bits and is fully visible, and it is terrible thing to see, but this is happening with a lot of the soldiers. They figure they are "dead already" being set up to confront the rebels and the Russian army. These poor buggers must be mental wrecks.

The above reminds me of how those poor Aussie blokes must have felt at Gallipoli during WW1. Being in a trench, waiting for the whistle to go over the top, knowing full well they were going to get mowed down with machine guns...when the previous one or two waves had just got completely killed just moments before...and now your turn comes at the whistles shrill call to death just seconds away.

The public is not being told the truth on what's going on in Ukraine. The "western news media", hardly covers this story. But when they do, it is in a completely negative light cast on Russia, like all of this "mess" is Russia's fault.

They always fail to mention, the "revolution", overthrown government, and subsequent terrible violence a few years ago. They also fail to completely mention the declaration by the Ukrainian government on March 11th, and how it's wording is all but a declaration of war towards Russia!

The horrific one sided biased coverage on this Ukraine crisis, is astounding really. The "deep state" are itching, begging; willing to bet praying for a war to get started. A very terrible bloody war. And somehow drag every other nation into it in some manner.

The likelihood of a tactical nuke being used, if, (God forbid); this war does break VERY high, in my opinion.

This situation is so much more intense, and the possible/probable "butterfly effect" propagation into a major world conflict soon as the first nuke is used is astronomically high..

South China Sea doesn't look too good lately either... but Ukraine is the hottest "hot spot" at the moment. A very dangerous hot spot for mankind.


posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 10:44 PM
I have often wondered "who is the beauty and who is the beast ?" there.

posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

It may deserve its own post, but Ukraine has VAST resources, especially coal and iron ore....

Among many others; this might be the reason for Russia’s interest in conquering it.

posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Noticed this quote from your source..

THIS is who the United States, under Joe Biden, is backing! THIS is who NATO is backing!

Interesting, because I’m pretty sure the US and NATO were backing Ukraine long before Biden was president.

See this tweet, for example dated Jan 30 2018

edit on 11/4/21 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 11:02 PM
Neocons will Neocon.

Their origins and loyalties are quite obvious and occasionally they blatantly show their hand.

SSDD = "Same swastika, different decade."

Never forget 'Operation Eagle Flight'.

The fourth reich is in full swing, amongst other things apparently.

posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 11:29 PM

Good old Ukraine...

Shouldn’t have backed them in 2014, shouldn’t back them now.

posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: SeektoUnderstand

Greetings SeektoUnderstand,

No where has Russia stated any desire to "conquer" Ukraine.....The military build up by Russia is on the Russian side of the borders...

If Ukraine attacks and starts killing Russian citizens, which are very numerous in Ukraines 2 eastern states....Russia will respond.

If Ukraine goes after Crimea, which has been formally annexed back into the Russian nation, Russia will FOR SURE respond...and it won't be pretty.

Yes, Ukraine has resources.... and also has control over any current operating natural gas pipeline into the EU's energy market.

They are also trying very hard to shut down the Nordstream pipeline that Russia is building, as it will bypass Ukraine, and take away Ukraines "stranglehold" on the supply route for EU's natural gas sources. No competition is wanted by the west; especially if it favours the Russians.

Putin has given numerous talks on this situation in times past, and Russia is responding as they said they would if Ukraine gets "cranky" or dangerously starts saying/doing things that threaten Russian citizens within Ukraines 2 easternmost states and/or Crimea.

If you are using google in your searches, I have found that "they" censor and "prioritise" the results for you on many topics. Hot spots in a possible world war are heavily censored and prioritised with google.

Try duck duck go, on a subject, just for an experiment; and you will be amazed at the difference in results. Especially on hot topic news items...certain search engines highly censor and list results for you along a certain political agenda. Highly "dodgy" really.

Russia is not looking to "conquer" Ukraine. However, Russia would certainly appreciate if it's citizens in these contested regions would stop dying in large numbers over the last few years. And the current threat level to Russian citizens is the highest it has been since the worst of the fighting some years ago.

As a reminder, this massive Russian "build up" did not take place until Kiev's almost declaration of war on March 11th....

They are preparing for an "almost promised" attack soon by Ukraine military forces to retake the three regions of the former Ukraine. Russia is preparing to defend the lives of thousands and thousands of Russian citizens who live in these 3 regions.

If Ukraine attacks, then the "hounds of hell" will be unleashed on Ukraine by Russia.

I also believe if this breaks into a war soon, that Russia won't stop until it occupies all of Ukraine, and forces a new government to form in Kiev. One that isn't so anti-Russian, and bought and paid for by foreign influences.

They will also probably demand from the new government that the 2 eastern states, Donetsk, and Lubhansk? are Russian territory now; as is Crimea, and to NEVER try to claim them again, etc, etc..

Ukraine has become a festering sore in Russia's southwest regions...(and also as NATO broke their promises of not expanding to Russia's borders).... Russia is tired of dealing with the nasty neighbours who constantly are doing dirty deeds to Russian citizens.

And with the "apparent" almost nostalgic old Germany Nazi "influences" within Ukraine's current power structure; I can only imagine this "look" only enrages Russia as a nation! (Considering Russia loses/destruction to Nazi's in WW2) Perhaps it was chosen to just do that, to hopefully enrage Russia into the "first shot fired" blame game that wars usually begin with?

Time will tell, but the facts are not being covered on this very urgent news story.


posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: Chadwickus

Greetings Chadwickus, thanks for your astute input... good reminder mate.

This region was backed by Obama too... and probably several presidential "turds" in the past as well.

I think the authors point is that Biden is the supposed President now. And since Biden recently had a statement on how he "overwhelmingly supported" Ukraine; coupled with well timed US Navy incursions into the Black Sea, in highly possible perfect "military support" positions off the east coast of Ukraine. There are 2 US Navy destroyers sailing into the Black Sea as we read these posts.. just by coincidence I am sure..cough, cough.

I am also thinking the author is a bit of lamenting the loss of Trump on this hot topic.. Things were pretty calm in this region all during Trumps Presidency because his foreign policy was "step away from the Ukraine mess" war, thank you please.

US foreign policy, once set along an eventual goal; has historically proceeded towards those long sought goals, despite which party is in office over the years. Trump was/is an anomaly. He "interrupted" the long term plan by getting elected. Once he was out, it was back to the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative again, and the once again, push for another dang war.

Author is pointing out that Biden has basically double downed at the "betting table" recently; and implied a possible "weigh in" on the Ukraines behalf should it go too war in the region. It is all in those read between the lines of rhetoric that diplomats utter in Orwellian double speak mate.

Yes sir, you are very correct on not just Biden backing the boys in Ukraine.

When the "iron curtain" collapsed in the former Soviet Union; Ukraine became one of the most corrupt regions in the area.

It was a gold mine for corrupt politicians both Ukrainian and foreign... to amass great amounts of money via corruption and semi-legal means.. via family, or cousins, etc, etc. It has been that way for ages with politicians unfortunately.

The point trying to be made to the world is that this is a situation that needs to "cool down" right now! Or else a world war could easily happen. NOT, on who to blame, or for gods sake which stupid political party is to blame... Dem, or Repub. They both have failed the nation in so many ways it is pathetic.


posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Here we see some great Russia disinformation.

The amount of different forces fighting for Ukraine is astounding. Saying Ukraine be damned because of one guy with a flag...

Idk. Power to Ukraine. Look up more of what's happened in the last 8 years with their conflict. Russia has done some despicable things in this war.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

I read an article a while ago where a leader of this nationalist group was asked why they chose the swastika.

The answer was to grab attention to their cause and to remind people of what the nazis did in ww2.

They don’t believe themselves to be nazis, in fact they believe in almost the exact opposite.

To use this symbol is misguided, nazi or not.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Chadwickus

Perhaps this article...

Why Are Swastikas Hot In West Ukraine?

Article from Oct. 17, 2014, updated Apr. 14, 2017.

But in Lviv, which is considered the heart of the country's nationalist movements, legislators and the local administration insist the Nazi symbols are not dangerous for the country. "I don't care what flags or symbols they use for as long as they fight for Ukraine's freedom," Vice Governor Vladimir Kharchuk told The Daily Beast. To people in western Ukraine, where thousands related to victims of communist repression, the hammer and sickle did not look any less evil than the swastika, yet several organizations still had that insignia on their official documents. "I personally prefer the Ukrainian official flag, and the emblem of Lviv—a kind looking lion—to a Swastika."

But as others have discovered in these times of enormous passions, kindly symbols don’t attract crowds.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

That would be it

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
Neocons will Neocon.

Their origins and loyalties are quite obvious and occasionally they blatantly show their hand.

SSDD = "Same swastika, different decade."

Never forget 'Operation Eagle Flight'.

The fourth reich is in full swing, amongst other things apparently.

Can you please give some information on at least some of that ?
As it appears now , it is a pile of "stuff"

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Iconic

Greetings Iconic,

However the source may lean in his political viewpoint on this matter isn't really the issue...

Reality is, that terrible things have been done by both sides. And so called gassings or whatever in the past have always had dubious conclusions.

We will never know exactly "how it is there" without actually living there and walking a few miles in Ukrainian rebel regions moccasins..Ha! But I do know, the Nazi theme is/was prevelent in Ukraine.

Similar incidents have occurred with other fighting forces around the world. One in particular was the Confederate flag flown by some boys in Iraq?? Anyhow, you probably remember that scandal as well.

We do know that the Nazi influence and overtones were heavy when the Maiden revolution was taking place.

The deep main point, and way forward is some serious news coverage, honest, unbiased, with background from both sides of the story. Sincere urgent diplomatic intervention to avoid huge bloodshed of another war. Something!

Finding some way for those in the region to vote on who they stay with? Ukraine, or go to Russia?

Anything really, some sane solution, rather than starting to blow each other to smithereens..

Regardless of who is the most wrong or whatever, it is beyond that now really... finding a way to avoid slaughter in the region should be paramount, with a high second priority of a peaceful solution.


posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 01:52 AM
Pulled my comment below from the other Ukrainian thread

America's spent 20 years in Iraq and Afghanistan for oil and poppy fields, now let's take a dump in Russia's backyard for some natural gas and coal. This strategy doesn't sound like part of Biden's Green New Deal at all.

That's the point and it was why Trump was different than the RINOS and the old guard MIC Democrats like Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer. If Biden gets American troops embroiled in a Ukrainian war for one day it highlights how gullible 80 million peace-loving Biden voters were. You WERE lied to and used and will be ignored till election time.

The US has no business in Ukraine, it is literally like getting involved with 2 drunk assholes fighting. You aren't going to stop it without beating the # out of somebody and you are likely to get a bloodied nose and the blame in the end. Leave it alone we got a mess here in our own country to deal with.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Greetings putnam6,

Ha! Your response is pretty spot on..

If Ukraine rebel region fighting gets started it will be far worse than the stuff going on a few years ago.

Both sides are stocking up and positioning larger more powerful, and nuke capable cannons and mortar systems than before.

The 2 drunks fighting analogy couldn't describe it better I reckon...

And yep, you are gonna get a bloody nose, or knife to the ribs, and the blame too if they can get away with it.


posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 02:25 AM
Even if they were nazis (which clearly they aren't. Just more lame Moscow propaganda) they are entitled to be whatever the hell they want to be inside their own borders. It's their own sovereign country. Russia has annexed a piece of sovereign land which is far more dangerous for the world peace than anything else. Now we are talking about nazis, nazi Germany annexed countries during ww2, just what Russia has done with Krim

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: XCrycek
Even if they were nazis (which clearly they aren't. Just more lame Moscow propaganda) they are entitled to be whatever the hell they want to be inside their own borders. It's their own sovereign country. Russia has annexed a piece of sovereign land which is far more dangerous for the world peace than anything else. Now we are talking about nazis, nazi Germany annexed countries during ww2, just what Russia has done with Krim

Yes Russia has poked a hornets nest and doesnt realize it yet. Ukraine and Turkey has signed an agreement to provide each other support. Turkey has always considered Russian expansions as a threat. So they will be providing military support to stop the Russian invasion. It will also allow them to lock down the russian fleet so we get to watch the chess moves begin.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Right on track with their new puppet in the white house after Hilldog got denied the presidency.

The backdoor deals are already in place, it was just delayed.

Biden has vast experience and connections in Ukraine as we all know.

China who?

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Noticed this quote from your source..

THIS is who the United States, under Joe Biden, is backing! THIS is who NATO is backing!

Interesting, because I’m pretty sure the US and NATO were backing Ukraine long before Biden was president.

See this tweet, for example dated Jan 30 2018

Been Nazi's the whole time fool, aka Globalists.

Quite easy to spot Soros fingerprints all over this war crime.

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