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What is your Red Line in regards to the paranormal?

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posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 05:59 AM
This is a question for people who believe in the paranormal and the supernatural: What is your "Red Line"?

What is the line in the sand that separates the things that you believe in and the things that you think are just nonsense?

For example, you fully accept that UFOs are nuts and bolts alien spacecrafts, but you think that people claiming to have been abducted for a hybrid program are crazy?

Or you accept that ghosts are the spirits of the dead, but think that people who believe in shadow people are just jumping at actual shadows?

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:00 AM
You don't get to choose who replies.

All of it is nonsense.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:39 AM
I don't believe the Earth is flat but I keep an open mind on everything else.


a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 06:41 AM
As old as I am I don't have a redline never having personally witnessed the phenomenon, but I don't discount the possiblity.

We could use some paranormal right about now.

edit on 14-11-2020 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:39 AM
I think the ancients had a better connection with the “paranormal” than we have in a very long time. I’ve never dabbled in it, but I’ve heard that people who openly use hallucinating drugs such as D.M.T. almost all experience the same or similar “beings” or “entities” that changes the way they see the world around them. I think whatever it is that they are experiencing could very well be the cause of many of of our paranormal experiences.

I also think there’s a connection between these drug induced spirits and ancient religions. Perhaps the beings experienced were the true storytellers of time. It’s a vague idea in my mind, but...for my rational mind it would explain a lot.

I believe people have experienced paranormal events but I can’t truly buy into something without a rational explanation and I believe that an exterior variable, such as these drug induced hallucinations that lift the veil of our busy world might be the way to unlock said mystery.

I also believe that religion is a valuable resource with some truth behind it. But that truth has been hidden by the power hungry corruption of man who would rather use it as a means of control than enlightenment and spiritual understanding.

I know that probably isn’t stated well; but like I said it’s hard for me to really buy into something without hard proof. And until the day comes when I can try something like D.M.T. for myself to experience these beings, I can’t say for sure. But I can’t say for sure about ghosts or religion either.

Edit: seriously? I can’t discuss the effects of a drug in a spiritual nature? I’m not promoting drug use but ATS automatically censors me writing '___' D.M.T.?
edit on 14-11-2020 by Assassin82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2020 by Assassin82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I’ve seen UFOs and ghosts. The one thing I’ve never seen is a ghost walking into a UFO.

So that’s probably my red line.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:16 AM
Don't really have a red line. The problem however with the paranormal is it's definition. Unexplained events and phenomenon. Basically stuff that happens so infrequently and unreliably it cant be explained by scientific methods.

Now that being said I can toss you a bone. In the bible there is a possible explanation for a lot of what's called supernatural here. In the book of Hosea there is a prophecy that Israel and Judah were to face a long term top level Leviticus 26 curse. And from verse 6-2 it's inferred the curse was supposed to last 2000 years. So from that I would have to suppose much of what is called supernatural is currently cut off from the world. And that's why the little that leaks through the curse is infrequent and unreliable.

And from there I would have to ask the question "What happens when the curse is over?"

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:18 AM
When someone with a motormouth tells me they’re an empath.

If you never shut up, you never hear (any form).

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

i accept UFOs as dimensional or ephemeral objects, not nutz & bolts craft

i concur that Ghosts/Spirits/Vampires/Elementals/Demons...all these have presence in our physical reality

i have no red-line for those things...but i cannot accept a hidden population of Yeti/big-foot as about my only phenomena i call out as BS... but i doo see organized religion as a hoax from actual ET interactions with humanity over the Eons and not any Supernatural Deity population

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: AaarghZombies

. . . but i doo see organized religion as a hoax from actual ET interactions with humanity over the Eons and not any Supernatural Deity population

So do I.

I think the War in Heaven was an actual war between off planet political powers for control of earth. That there is a Federation that settled it by choosing between two proposals presented. One to control the earth, one to let us control ourselves. But, is there an end date?

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I don't have any red lines when it comes to the unknown , anything is possible even if it seems impossible to us right now , for me everything is up for grabs including the nature of reality.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: RMFX1
You don't get to choose who replies.

All of it is nonsense.

Actually, I do get to choose, I simply use my connections with TPB to get anybody that I don't like muted.

Not on this board in real life.

If I don't want somebody to answer some Men in Black go round and smack them round the back of the head every time they reach for the keyboard.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 02:36 AM
I worked for a corporation in their research and development department. We had a lot of off book projects that would utilize things like D..M...T... in order to tap into ideas that would help break through new inventions and evolutionary technology. One of the things that I remember of the many stories told from the participants who would go in and out of this dimensional wall is that when asked the question "what is human consciousness" and one answer that gave me a bit of pause was that the energy that is our consciousness is a higher level being and our reality here is more or less for most people a prison or punishment and or training and the challenges you have throughout your life is more or less a test. All the religions that exist on Earth have a piece of the puzzle but in the end, how you meet challenges throughout your life and how you interact with others is measured and analyzed soon after death. Where you go depends on many factors, but there is a chance that you will be sent back and if sent back where you are born and the circumstances of that birth will depend upon your continued punishment and or training and or how you lived your previous experience. For example if you were mean and evil and you return to Earth you will be put in a place with low resources and high risk where fear is a constant and life is a struggle. If you return and your punishment or training doesn't require much punishment you will be born in a place with high resources, relative safety and good circumstances. Your brain encased in your skull is more or less a radio and your senses are the receptors that send signals to your brain that then creates the reality you experience. If you see something like a spirit or something unworldly its possible that your brain picked up on a signal that allowed you to see or experience that different reality that is all around you but on a different plane. For example when you listen to a radio station and decide to change the channel you move the knob and you begin to listen to a different station with its music, does that mean the other station doesn't exist? Nope, it means you are on a different frequency. If you take the worlds strongest microscope and look at a table you will notice none of the atoms that make that table touch. Literally ever physical object around you is just energy and your mind is what makes it real. There are rules to this experience that will result in punishment for the consciousness that is occupying the body you have, for example killing yourself or someone else is frowned upon especially if it ends the program too early, so its important that you respect the others that are here with you. So what about humans that are born with low cognitive function, well depending on the severity it could be a lower dimensional energy occupying the body and has started its developmental training and those with with sever cognitive function is called something like "hollow born" meaning the body is a working machine with all the normal biological desires and needs but there is no consciousness that can make meaningful choices and have that complex experience. For those that are high functioning cognitively can be higher dimensional beings that are here for pleasure or advance training or someone who has been here many times and has yet to get the green light to move forward or is still getting punished. That's why you see some high functioning kids who can speak multiple languages or play an instrument really well without any formal training, its because each time you do come back, you come back a little bit better even though memory is wiped each time. The reason your brain is most active when it sleeps is because your consciousness is sending information to the program and you receive information that serves a purpose when it comes to "global consciousness" to move the program forward. The earth itself has had 12 resets where "humans" grow to a very advanced society, much more advanced then we are today. But once humans reach a certain point the programmers of this reality reset it with a "cataclysmic" event that brings the number of humans down to a small number and all technology is lost and humanity must rebuild. Your consciousness that makes you who you are is an immortal energy and this experience you are having now is but a program to help you grow or improve in someway. Some choose to be here but most are sent here. The religions introduced in this program is to give you a guidance as you grow, Buda talks about karma, Christians talk of forgiveness, Jewish talk of obedience to order and law, Tao talks about balance between light and dark..etc. Your body you inhabit is just a machine that gives you access to this shared experience, your personality that you have is unique to you and has nothing to do with your DNA, parents and or grandparents, DNA just regulates how your body looks and the physical mannerisms that you have. Things like phobias/fears, humor, courage, sensitivity to others and the energy around you a better description of who you are then your DNA and its the experiences you have that continue to shape your consciousness from this life to the next. Most people spend a lot of time wondering, pondering and searching for the reasons "why" when in reality it doesn't matter why. The only thing you have to do in this life is embrace the challenges you are given and grow with those who are experiencing it with you. Sometimes movies, songs and even nursery rhymes give clues. For example there is a great movie called "Defending Your Life", gotta love the little truth it tells. Or the nursery rhyme Row Row Row Your Boat, gives a little bit of truth. So what you should do right now is look at the challenges in your life in front of you. Is it your weight, your health, your finances, your relationships or your environment that is making your life a struggle? Don't dwell on the fact that you are struggling, instead focus on the challenge before you and work to turn it around and if your effort is true and to the best of your ability and maintain the discipline to see it through your reward will be given either in this life or the next because you overcame what the program presented to you and that experience made your consciousness grow and improve and that is the whole point. The world is a stage and a man plays many parts. What I tell you I know to be true but if you believe it or not depends upon the Red Line you draw for yourself. The Universe (Program) and its developers are not perfect and they love to brag by sharing info, even if you randomly stumbled upon my post, nothing is an accident, don't waste the knowledge you are given even if you think its bogus.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: PaladinRoden

Great post. Thoughts and experiences like this are kind of my next steps in seeking the real truth of our/my existence. I’ve come to understand the physical world around me and the flaws of mankind. But I do believe there is a hidden layer with deeper meaning that I’d like to better understand. The Metaphysical world, perhaps.

I’ve heard of people who have died and come back to life describe various different experiences. Some say the lights go out and that’s it. Others say there’s “a light at the end of a tunnel” that they see. But I’ve also heard some stories about some kind of a wheel that rapidly approaches you as your life fades away. I guess it resembles the “wheels of time”? I read that on a thread here awhile back and a few others either acknowledged it with similar experiences or with more knowledge about it. But it wasn’t a unique experience. I’ve realized there are plenty of books on the matter; I just need to find he time to explore it more.

Anyway, great post and thanks for sharing. It was a little tough to read through without paragraph breaks but good nonetheless.
edit on 15-11-2020 by Assassin82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 06:59 PM
People who think bigfoot is an interdimensional being with psychic abilities and somehow has access to advanced technology.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I draw the line at Indigo Children. They're just spoiled brats in need of corporal punishment.

I also don't believe in Canada.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: PaladinRoden
I worked for a corporation in their research and development department. We had a lot of off book projects that would utilize things like D..M...T... in order to tap into ideas that would help break through new inventions and evolutionary technology. One of the things that I remember of the many stories told from the participants who would go in and out of this dimensional wall is that when asked the question "what is human consciousness" and one answer that gave me a bit of pause was that the energy that is our consciousness is a higher level being and our reality here is more or less for most people a prison or punishment and or training and the challenges you have throughout your life is more or less a test. All the religions that exist on Earth have a piece of the puzzle but in the end, how you meet challenges throughout your life and how you interact with others is measured and analyzed soon after death. Where you go depends on many factors, but there is a chance that you will be sent back and if sent back where you are born and the circumstances of that birth will depend upon your continued punishment and or training and or how you lived your previous experience. For example if you were mean and evil and you return to Earth you will be put in a place with low resources and high risk where fear is a constant and life is a struggle. If you return and your punishment or training doesn't require much punishment you will be born in a place with high resources, relative safety and good circumstances. Your brain encased in your skull is more or less a radio and your senses are the receptors that send signals to your brain that then creates the reality you experience. If you see something like a spirit or something unworldly its possible that your brain picked up on a signal that allowed you to see or experience that different reality that is all around you but on a different plane. For example when you listen to a radio station and decide to change the channel you move the knob and you begin to listen to a different station with its music, does that mean the other station doesn't exist? Nope, it means you are on a different frequency. If you take the worlds strongest microscope and look at a table you will notice none of the atoms that make that table touch. Literally ever physical object around you is just energy and your mind is what makes it real. There are rules to this experience that will result in punishment for the consciousness that is occupying the body you have, for example killing yourself or someone else is frowned upon especially if it ends the program too early, so its important that you respect the others that are here with you. So what about humans that are born with low cognitive function, well depending on the severity it could be a lower dimensional energy occupying the body and has started its developmental training and those with with sever cognitive function is called something like "hollow born" meaning the body is a working machine with all the normal biological desires and needs but there is no consciousness that can make meaningful choices and have that complex experience. For those that are high functioning cognitively can be higher dimensional beings that are here for pleasure or advance training or someone who has been here many times and has yet to get the green light to move forward or is still getting punished. That's why you see some high functioning kids who can speak multiple languages or play an instrument really well without any formal training, its because each time you do come back, you come back a little bit better even though memory is wiped each time. The reason your brain is most active when it sleeps is because your consciousness is sending information to the program and you receive information that serves a purpose when it comes to "global consciousness" to move the program forward. The earth itself has had 12 resets where "humans" grow to a very advanced society, much more advanced then we are today. But once humans reach a certain point the programmers of this reality reset it with a "cataclysmic" event that brings the number of humans down to a small number and all technology is lost and humanity must rebuild. Your consciousness that makes you who you are is an immortal energy and this experience you are having now is but a program to help you grow or improve in someway. Some choose to be here but most are sent here. The religions introduced in this program is to give you a guidance as you grow, Buda talks about karma, Christians talk of forgiveness, Jewish talk of obedience to order and law, Tao talks about balance between light and dark..etc. Your body you inhabit is just a machine that gives you access to this shared experience, your personality that you have is unique to you and has nothing to do with your DNA, parents and or grandparents, DNA just regulates how your body looks and the physical mannerisms that you have. Things like phobias/fears, humor, courage, sensitivity to others and the energy around you a better description of who you are then your DNA and its the experiences you have that continue to shape your consciousness from this life to the next. Most people spend a lot of time wondering, pondering and searching for the reasons "why" when in reality it doesn't matter why. The only thing you have to do in this life is embrace the challenges you are given and grow with those who are experiencing it with you. Sometimes movies, songs and even nursery rhymes give clues. For example there is a great movie called "Defending Your Life", gotta love the little truth it tells. Or the nursery rhyme Row Row Row Your Boat, gives a little bit of truth. So what you should do right now is look at the challenges in your life in front of you. Is it your weight, your health, your finances, your relationships or your environment that is making your life a struggle? Don't dwell on the fact that you are struggling, instead focus on the challenge before you and work to turn it around and if your effort is true and to the best of your ability and maintain the discipline to see it through your reward will be given either in this life or the next because you overcame what the program presented to you and that experience made your consciousness grow and improve and that is the whole point. The world is a stage and a man plays many parts. What I tell you I know to be true but if you believe it or not depends upon the Red Line you draw for yourself. The Universe (Program) and its developers are not perfect and they love to brag by sharing info, even if you randomly stumbled upon my post, nothing is an accident, don't waste the knowledge you are given even if you think its bogus.

Holy wall of eyes hurt now...

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:07 PM
I was always a believer of Ghosts and UFOs and Bigfoot. I have seen Ghosts and UFOs later in life, which was awe-inspiring. I would loooove to see Bigfoot, but I am not in Bigfoot country sadly....

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
This is a question for people who believe in the paranormal and the supernatural: What is your "Red Line"?

What is the line in the sand that separates the things that you believe in and the things that you think are just nonsense?

For example, you fully accept that UFOs are nuts and bolts alien spacecrafts, but you think that people claiming to have been abducted for a hybrid program are crazy?

Or you accept that ghosts are the spirits of the dead, but think that people who believe in shadow people are just jumping at actual shadows?

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

So I do not think actual live aliens are here. Space is too damn big and time is not a friend to life. What we see if alien then I think is self-replicating AI/machines. This type is immune to evolution that limits species and can travel for billions of years self-replicating while building on what they have already learned. It is suggested that in two billion years they could travel through most of the known universe and that is what we might be experiencing as they collect data and send it back to an alien race long dead billions off years ago. This would also account for the small like crafts/systems we have seen.

As to the supernatural I need to see something defy the laws of physics in person....Or something we would say is impossible.

edit on 15-11-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
This is a question for people who believe in the paranormal and the supernatural: What is your "Red Line"?

When the guy on Ancient Aliens said that Plasma in your Blood and Plasma in a Fusion Reactor were the same thing.

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