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911 System Goes Down Across The United States: Was This A Test?

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posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 03:53 PM
Correct, another member wrote a thread about 911 outage two days ago but it had a different spin to it. Nor did it go too deep.

So MODS, I placed this under this forum as this is typically how I think. Think about it. Are we being boxed in as citizens? Suppose you flee into Canada. You must shelter in place 14 days assuming they even let you in due to COVID-19. Mexico? Today I met a guy who is the Owner of a large store. We began talking and I showed him my bug out joint that I acquired in another Country because if uncle Joe wins the election I am leaving the country. He then showed me his 350 acre bug out joint in Pennsylvania. We discussed what the FBI, SS and Special Forces guys are thinking and saying as he knows many as personal friends. Bottom line is those outspoken Generals should be incarcerated, the Majors can be trusted but no one knows how the recent enlisted will act. That's the wild card among the US troops along with those pushing the buttons behind the curtain to destabilize the streets in Democratic governed cities. Two names pop, Big Mike and Soro's.

Do your own research on "Big Mike"

So here's comes this article. We already know we have both traitors along with foreign and domestic terrorist actors here along with possibility staged Club K missiles.

I have also noticed that all web browsers now seem to be interlinked. Meaning Firefox talks to TOR and Microsoft Edge talks to Firefox. What really got me wondering was why my 2013 bought and paid for MS Office locked me out such that I either had to give Microsoft my email address or reenter the code. I re entered the Product Key code. So what tripped that? My guess is that they planned it so as to obtain my IP address as they know everything I do. Well aside what I wrote here that's about the only junk I have in my toy box.

Just me or what are you seeing? Sure, the entire 911 systems just happens to go down. Sure. I made my case for the authors conspiracy as I am also hearing from my own fed contacts.

911 System Goes Down Across The Country:

As we inch closer and closer to election day and the potential chaos that will ensue, more and more signs of a destabilization of American society that will have reverberations across the world are coming into view. Pieces of the puzzle that have been put together by writers such as myself, Brandon Turbeville, Whitney Webb, Alan Watt and many others are now seen coming together in real life. We are just a month away from one of the most simulated events in years, the 2020 election.

edit on 1-10-2020 by Waterglass because: typo

edit on 1-10-2020 by Waterglass because: added

PS: I forgot to mention but the guy I met said 'its not a matter of if, but a matter of when all hell breaks loose"
edit on 1-10-2020 by Waterglass because: added

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Priming you up for the full corporate take over. Soon goon squads of militarized private police will sweep every neighborhood and city and all your electronics will bear the symbol of TWAAM (Tesla, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft) your new overlords. Hail the tech gods!

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
We began talking and I showed him my bug out joint that I acquired in another Country because if uncle Joe wins the election I am leaving the country.

now where have we heard things like that before, those bloody whining lefties, did any of them actually follow thru with there promise, I doubt it

come on, man up, dont let any politician make you move from where you love, its your (the people/citizens) country not theirs (politicians/leaders).

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I agree it all began when the Geeks and Nerds arose in the late 1970s. Big Tech. Bill Gates, Amazon, Google, Facebook. All nerds.

2020 is the revenge of the nerds on a global scale

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

Correct but I am righty and I put my money where my mouth is. This country is done.

come on, man up, don't let any politician make you move from where you love, its your (the people/citizens) country not theirs (politicians/leaders).

We closed on the property today. Even my non liberal Democratic leaning wife believes that all hell is going to break regardless of who wins. She also hears what Pelosi, AOC, Waters, Biden and the rest of the crazy ones are saying via NPR. So even if Trump wins then we will still leave, later rather than sooner. History does repeat itself.
edit on 1-10-2020 by Waterglass because: added

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Not sure if this is doom porn or not, but when the SHTF, I'll be prepared.

This goes back to my dream I had in 2008 when Clinton and Obama were beating each other up for the dem candidacy. Extremely short version: I was standing on a college campus and all the students were dancing and rejoicing. I screamed as loud as I could, "Are y'all crazy? The democrats are gonna try to take us over now that Obama won!" I turned and looked at the tree line of the woods about 500 yards behind where we were all standing and there were hundreds of armed men in black suits coming out of the woods, looked like SS agents. The students never saw them coming and continued dancing and rejoicing, blind to what was about to happen. I found some sort of metal shed and ran inside, I locked the door because I wasn't prepared, then I heard gun shots all around me. The door to the shed I was in was busted open and I woke up.

Obama DID win later that year, and he created this division, Trump is hated by the government, and now here we are.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

Correct but I am righty and I put my money where my mouth is. This country is done.

come on, man up, don't let any politician make you move from where you love, its your (the people/citizens) country not theirs (politicians/leaders).

We closed on the property today. Even my non liberal Democratic leaning wife believes that all hell is going to break regardless of who wins. She also hears what Pelosi, AOC, Waters, Biden and the rest of the crazy ones are saying via NPR. So even if Trump wins then we will still leave, later rather than sooner. History does repeat itself.

If y'all are gonna leave regardless of the outcome then what's holding you back? I have too much family here, I'll die protecting them and/or I'll die getting this country back if I have to.
edit on 1-10-2020 by LSU2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Waterglass

Priming you up for the full corporate take over. Soon goon squads of militarized private police will sweep every neighborhood and city and all your electronics will bear the symbol of TWAAM (Tesla, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft) your new overlords. Hail the tech gods!

What advance warning signs should we look for?
edit on 10/1/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I live in a small town in Illinois around 50k people. Our 911 system has had no problems. Neighbor across the road from me is a cop, when I asked him about it the other day when it was posted on ats and he said was no problems here.

He also says we have a back up system incase there is ever a problem.

I'm having a hard time believing there was a real problem.
edit on 1-10-2020 by cognizant420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:32 PM
Leave? To where?

This talk of going to canada/mexico (not necessarily implying you from your post) but many others have said as much, as if no one believes the fascist lockdown is happening elsewhere. We are on the exact same slippery slope here in canada as are many other countries. My friend came back from mexico and was quarantined for 14 days with mandatory police check ins... that's canada and in a vast rural area with virtually no cases.

To all of you thinking of running to canada, by all means come here and help us out! We don't have a population big enough to fight the tyranny. If truly seeking freedom, your best chance is to sneak in and live out the rest of your life in the bush. I almost feel like running away into the bush and hiding myself.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: carewemust

On a serious note. Corporatism is actually becoming a reality, and beyond just speculation.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

... So even if Trump wins then we will still leave, later rather than sooner. History does repeat itself.

It'll be too late then. You need to be out before the end of October.

I live outside the US. I have been trying to talk my mother into coming here before the elections. She finally said today that it won't happen. Pains me, but she's on her own now. Along with my son and other family members.

I hope to God we are wrong. I'd rather look like a whacked-out paranoid nut-job, but ... I dunno.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Waterglass

Priming you up for the full corporate take over. Soon goon squads of militarized private police will sweep every neighborhood and city and all your electronics will bear the symbol of TWAAM (Tesla, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft) your new overlords. Hail the tech gods!

What advance warning signs should we look for?

All of the 'advance warnings" have passed, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: igloo
Leave? To where?

This talk of going to canada/mexico (not necessarily implying you from your post) but many others have said as much, as if no one believes the fascist lockdown is happening elsewhere. ...

I agree. If things go where they seem to be headed, there will be virtually no place where it won't be an issue. It may take a little longer to get some places than others, but ...

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown
Ever notice how many gutless spineless jellyfish make themselves known if a little bit of unrest is promised due to an election?? It's a good thing the internet made them all smarter and not a gaggle of pussies from prolongued exposure to terrorist propoganda programming fear into the heart. I don't know where some of those these folks plan on going, but clearly their manhood already took off on them some time ago.

"Omg... The sky... Its falling!!! Criminals plan on comitting crime after election, lets all run around and find a safe place to hide waaaahhhh!!!"

#ing yellow bellied, fake patriot pansy ass cowards is what i call anyone taking this line of thought.
And seriously wtf, if trump does not win??? May as we'll believe the moon really made of cheese.

Real men are fighting for their country right now in the first Christian state against a new Caliphate by a sultan resurrecting the Ottoman empire, but some entitled criminals promising riots after an election gets people tucking their tails between their legs ready to abandon their homeland/community and people. Thank goodness them fools were not alive during this countries revolution or first civil war.
edit on 10-1-2020 by worldstarcountry because: horrible spelling errors

ps. I'm not ranting at you , I'm ranting with you. It can be hard to tell with just text.
edit on 10-1-2020 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

911 systems are indepently maint. Others systems connect them...they are comm., Local, regional....and out from each regional(cities) central point.

Oh, and intentionally made so the whole system can't crash everywhere at once

1st Responder
edit on 1-10-2020 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2020 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 08:42 PM

911 System Goes Down Across The United States: Was This A Test?

Most likely a BRCS test.
It failed.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I thought about this scenario when 911 outages were happening.. it definitely would align with these other sketchy details leading up to the election, including the claims by Trump himself at the debates about it possibly "taking months"... without even mentioning the claims of planned cyber attacks, election interference, and political tensions

It may sound extreme but I have supplies to hunker down and will do whatever it takes to defend my family & our small living space. I know my closest neighbors will do the same but cannot trust them with our own safety so will be on our own. Ready if I need to be but hoping for the best

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: FamCore

I know my closest neighbors will do the same but cannot trust them with our own safety so will be on our own

Same here. I am looking at solar powered security cams with night vision and a panel so we at least charge one freezer. I spoke with a guy yesterday. Hes former special OPS and he talks and knows many Secret Service, FBI and others.

Hes ready.

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Your way above me on that one.

What is a BRCS test

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