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5G madness in Japan

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posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Done plenty on # 1 with myself

Here's what i find .....EMF bad . stimulating vagus nerve , it helps to relieve symptoms


posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 08:22 AM
Look up the congressional hearing. They ask the leaders in the industry if they had done any testing to validate the safety of 5G and they all replied no. I wonder if it could become a weapon against the population sort of like their crowd control Humvee weapon

posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 08:36 AM
In the UK a few weeks ago this story broke on the news , turns out it was a television set that was the problem

But the next day on a national radio station they did a phone in about this subject and many people phoning in had stories about what electrical equipment they were using that knocked out VAST
areas of phone/cell and broadband coverage ,

Long story short routers with loose wires can be a very big problem and knock out MILES not just one village but the whole area

posted on Nov, 2 2021 @ 12:14 AM
It's funny that you are all harping and fretting about the seismic activity. Hey The Bible tells you that the world comes to an end and when it happens Satan takes it out on the world, which is what is happening. Any student of Armageddon can PM me for the rendevous point of the Lord. (Hey Satan, you are f*ck*ed. Yeah, oh yeah, let it happen.

For the Japanese followers of this thread. Seek true religion. Worship Jesus as the Lord, the Son Of God, it's that simple. Nothing else is required for you salvation.

Peace be with you!

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