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Downed Ukrainian Plane By Iran Mystery

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posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 07:21 AM
Ive been watching all the major national news on the Ukrainian plane that was shot down . The one topic that Ive yet to hear is why was only one civilian plane shot down if Iran had their anti aircraft systems on full alert after the killing of Soleimani and launching missiles in a act of war on US bases in Iraq ? The Middle East has been in turmoil and war for ever and yet civilian planes traverse these skies daily with zero incidents! CNN and MSNBC is reporting that they made a mistake , because they were on alert due to Trumps attack ! My question is , when are all Middle East countries surface to air missile defences NOT on high alert ? There is something we are not being told ! How does Israel’s anti aircraft systems differentiate from friendly or foe aircraft every second of the day ? So from what I understand from this is the Tor SA-15 when active which is always the case in Iran just happened to blow a civilian plane down ? I dont have knowledge of these radar based systems , but I find it hard to believe that the SA-15 does not have cross sectioning radar and a computer system that knows the radar signature of a Boeing civilian plane ! So we are back to human error or bullsnip on this ! Now if it was operator error then the person inside of the SA-15 overrode the computers identification algorithm and fired blindly ! If that was the case due to war like alert due to Trumps killing of their general and their own missile launch , were are all the other downed planes ? This makes zero sense! Your thoughts are appreciated.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt
It seems that the plane did not have contact with the airport after takeoff. I have heard that their transponder was down. This would make the aircraft show as 'unidentified' to the crew operating the SAM missile system.
I have no proof of that, but it is rumored that this is the reason for the missile launch.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 07:52 AM
Most likely the only aircraft taking off for a while .
Some countries had already limited , shut down , or got their folks home days before .
Just ask yourself one question as well,
Who would want to vacation in Iran ?
Not highly ranked on the list at all.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Another angle to consider per this article
Israel had obtained codes to access Iran's Tor-M1 missile defense system from Russia in exchange for codes for UAV's Israel sold to Georgia.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Tekner
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Another angle to consider per this article
Israel had obtained codes to access Iran's Tor-M1 missile defense system from Russia in exchange for codes for UAV's Israel sold to Georgia.
The plot thickens

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt
It seems that the plane did not have contact with the airport after takeoff. I have heard that their transponder was down. This would make the aircraft show as 'unidentified' to the crew operating the SAM missile system.
I have no proof of that, but it is rumored that this is the reason for the missile launch.
That would make sense if they did not have cross section radar ? I dont know , but its a good theory you have ! Thanks

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Most likely the only aircraft taking off for a while .
Some countries had already limited , shut down , or got their folks home days before .
Just ask yourself one question as well,
Who would want to vacation in Iran ?
Not highly ranked on the list at all.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Gothmog
Most likely the only aircraft taking off for a while .
Some countries had already limited , shut down , or got their folks home days before .
Just ask yourself one question as well,
Who would want to vacation in Iran ?
Not highly ranked on the list at all.

Plus I read somewhere that there were 63 folks returning to Canada.
Think about that.
63 folks that could have been listed as Canadian citizens.
They were of Iranian descent though.

edit on 1/10/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Tekner
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Another angle to consider per this article
Israel had obtained codes to access Iran's Tor-M1 missile defense system from Russia in exchange for codes for UAV's Israel sold to Georgia.
The plot thickens
If that article is true then who knows what happened ! We are lied to so much on all things !

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Gothmog
Most likely the only aircraft taking off for a while .
Some countries had already limited , shut down , or got their folks home days before .
Just ask yourself one question as well,
Who would want to vacation in Iran ?
Not highly ranked on the list at all.

Plus I read somewhere that there were 63 folks returning to Canada.
Think about that.
63 folks that could have been listed as Canadian citizens.
They were of Iranian descent though.
Scary that they are right next to the US ! These liberals are going to destroy the world ! Rome burned in 410 ad , because they appeased the Germanics and invited them right on in ! Thanks for the great info
edit on 10-1-2020 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

According to Al Jazeera the Iranians are claiming they did not do it. In a very surprise move the Iranians are allowing Western plane crash experts into the country to do the investigation. It seems to me if the Iranians do this we will find out the exact type of SAM missile missile that was used in bringing down the jet. According to Iran, it was not one of their SAM missiles.

Now it seems to me the people in power who desperately want to start a war with Iran have a huge interest making Iran look bad with this kind of event. It doesn't seem to me Iran downing a jet full of Canadians helps their cause one bit.

edit on 10-1-2020 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: Tekner
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Another angle to consider per this article
Israel had obtained codes to access Iran's Tor-M1 missile defense system from Russia in exchange for codes for UAV's Israel sold to Georgia.

Well now everything makes sense. Of these possibilities, which is most likely?
1. Iran shot the plane down on purpose, killing many of their own citizens.
2. Iran somehow shot it down by accident.
3. Netanyahu, who has been desperately pushing for war against Iran for years, tried to false-flag Iran at the perfect moment.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt
Jesus dude this is a wall of text that you may consider splitting into paragraphs.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Gothmog
Most likely the only aircraft taking off for a while .
Some countries had already limited , shut down , or got their folks home days before .
Just ask yourself one question as well,
Who would want to vacation in Iran ?
Not highly ranked on the list at all.

Plus I read somewhere that there were 63 folks returning to Canada.
Think about that.
63 folks that could have been listed as Canadian citizens.
They were of Iranian descent though.
Scary that they are right next to the US ! These liberals are going to destroy the world ! Rome burned in 410 ad , because they appeased the Germanics and invited them right on in ! Thanks for the great info

RE: "These liberals"

I wish people would stop with the hyperbole BS. As if conservatives are not war mongering hawks!

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: RMFX1
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt
Jesus dude this is a wall of text that you may consider splitting into paragraphs.

At least it's not one giant run-on sentence. I give him credit for using periods.

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

According to Al Jazeera the Iranians are claiming they did not do it. In a very surprise move the Iranians are allowing Western plane crash experts into the country to do the investigation. It seems to me if the Iranians do this we will find out the exact type of SAM missile missile that was used in bringing down the jet. According to Iran, it was not one of their SAM missiles.

Now it seems to me the people in power who desperately want to start a war with Iran have a huge interest making Iran look bad with this kind of event. It doesn't seem to me Iran downing a jet full of Canadians helps their cause one bit.

Agreed 100% ! Israel could be behind this !

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:46 AM
trump makes them embrace and apologize and excuse iran
even when they murder innocent travelers

the man truly is a wizard of astounding power

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt

originally posted by: Gothmog
Most likely the only aircraft taking off for a while .
Some countries had already limited , shut down , or got their folks home days before .
Just ask yourself one question as well,
Who would want to vacation in Iran ?
Not highly ranked on the list at all.

Plus I read somewhere that there were 63 folks returning to Canada.
Think about that.
63 folks that could have been listed as Canadian citizens.
They were of Iranian descent though.
Scary that they are right next to the US ! These liberals are going to destroy the world ! Rome burned in 410 ad , because they appeased the Germanics and invited them right on in ! Thanks for the great info

RE: "These liberals"

I wish people would stop with the hyperbole BS. As if conservatives are not war mongering hawks!
Your correct, but the difference is the conservatives dont invite their created enemies or not to invade their countries through progressive immigration laws or the lack of them ! Both groups propagate war !
edit on 10-1-2020 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 10 2020 @ 08:51 AM

a reply to: Gothmog

Think about that.
63 folks that could have been listed as Canadian citizens

How to pretend you're Canadian when you travel

Ukraine leader confirms missiles sales to Iran

edit on 10-1-2020 by Infoshill because: (no reason given)

(post by SulfurMercurySalt removed for a manners violation)

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