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UHNWI - The 1% Controlling the Masses is Not What You Think - Not Even Close

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posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:07 AM
Did you know there are 46,800,000 millionaires on the planet? Have you ever heard of UHNWI? I know I hadn’t before yesterday. It stands for ‘ultra high net worth individuals’. And is defined as individuals having assets that are in excess of the equivalent of 30 million US dollars. My mind started spinning about the 1% ruling class that governs this planet. It just didn’t sit well with me that they even equated to 1%. So I started digging, crunching numbers. What I found was IMO, incredibly staggering.

All my info comes from Wiki.

Ultra high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI) are defined as having a net worth of at least US$30 million in constant 2018 dollars.[1][2] It is the wealth segment above very-high-net-worth individuals (>5 million) and high-net-worth-individuals (>1 million). Although they constitute only 0.003% of the world’s population (less than 1 in 33 thousands), they hold 13% of the world's total wealth.[3] By 2017 there were 226,450 individuals designated as UHNWI representing an increase of 3.5% with their combined total wealth increasing to $27 trillion.[4]

First, we must establish just how much money puts you in the ruling class — the 1%. 1 million doesn’t cut it in our society today. If you’re smart, you can live off that for a lifetime. Most would fail at this though. People with even 10 million, aren’t really in charge of anything. They are just doing very well for themselves, don’t have to worry about anything financially.

As wiki states it, you must have 30 million plus to be in the UHNWI category. As it states above, there are only 226,450 in the world as of 2017 with a population in excess of 7.5 billion. Which constitutes .00003% of the population. Not even close to 1%. Now obviously, we have to factor people in that don’t hold their money in a bank. So that number is probably closer to 250,000. That still doesn’t increase the numbers very much closer to 1%.

But are people in the 30 million dollar range running the show??? Most likely not. It’s your hundred millionaires — billionaires that are pulling all the strings. Now this number is mind boggling — there are ONLY 2,325 billionaires in the entire world. These are the ones truly in control.

Billionaires are a special category of UHNW individuals, having net worth in excess of US$1 billion. According to the Billionaire Census 2014, there were 2,325 billionaires in the world, with a combined net worth of US$7.3 trillion.[7] In 2014, these individuals represented just over 1% of the world's UHNW population and 24% of the world's UHNW total wealth. The June 27, 2017 "World Ultra Wealth Report" analysed the state of the world’s ultra high net worth (UHNW) population, or those with $30m or more in net worth. The number of UHNW individuals globally grew 3.5% to 226,450 individuals. Their combined total wealth increased by 1.5% to $27 trillion.[4]

What does this all mean? Well, we’ve been using the phrase of the “1%” ruling class on this planet. In actuality, the people truly running the show (billionaires) equate to 1% of the .00003% (UHNWI) of the entire population of the planet and possess 24% of the entire worlds wealth. Wait what??? 2,345 people own 24% of EVERYTHING!!!

Obviously, these numbers can be tweaked to include not just billionaires, but also individuals who are worth hundreds of millions, as well. Even if we rounded up to 10,000 individuals from the 2,345 number of billionaires alone, that would put the ruling class at .00000132% of the population. Not even close to 1%.

What does this all mean to me?

1. We need to stop calling them the 1%; because they don’t even come close to 1%.

2. In poker, there is a phrase called “The great transfer of wealth”. I’m sure you can see where I’m going with that.

I wish we had some type of power to switch the tides on this planet. Alas, I have no hope for that anymore. I used to in my youth. I just don’t see the possibility anymore. We are slaves to a very few masters.

What says ATS?

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

You can be a billionaire and have little to no political power. You can be broke and have a lot of political power.

Most billionaires have their wealth tied up in companies they created. Being worth a billion does not mean you have billion dollars. It means if you sold everything you own it might add up to a billion.

Those 2500 people may be worth a lot but they've also created trillions in wealth for others as well. Society benefits from their products and services.

Simply being wealthy does not make you nefarious or evil.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: KKLOCO

Simply being wealthy does not make you nefarious or evil.

I agree, I never stated they were all evil.

However, hoarding wealth when there are so many in need, doesn’t exactly make you a saint either.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

I wish we had some type of power to switch the tides on this planet. Alas, I have no hope for that anymore. I used to in my youth. I just don’t see the possibility anymore. We are slaves to a very few masters.

We do. We have numbers.

But.....what are we doing?

Arguing, bickering and fighting.

Over orange men
Over bathrooms
Over sexual orientation
Over firearms
Over political points
Over religion
Over education
Over money
Over rights

And on and on it goes.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: KKLOCO

Simply being wealthy does not make you nefarious or evil.

I agree, I never stated they were all evil.

However, hoarding wealth when there are so many in need, doesn’t exactly make you a saint either.

They arent hoarding wealth. Again, that is their net worth. Not how much cash they have on hand.

You create a company and sell a lot of product, the company valuation may make you a billionaire but you dont actually have a billion in cash. Youd have to sell your shares of the company which you cant necessarily do...

Most of these people give a lot away to charity. Look around your city. Hospitals, universities, museums, parks, etc are all backed by a lot of these people.

I cant find the article as I am on my phone but Elon musk mentioned how we was tight on cash in court when he was being sued. Yes, he is worth like 10 billion but all his wealth is tied up in Tesla. He has to sell his shares which could crash to stock price.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:48 AM


That's because the average citizen is a mind-controlled dumbass.
Give them Netflix and social media, and they're not going to leave their bubble.
edit on 4-1-2020 by ColeYounger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

The very less than 1% appreciates your views on the topic.

As I previously stated, I never said they were evil. Did you read the entire OP? This thread was to inform and discuss on the TRUE numbers of the ruling elite class. Not to banter about how evil they are. There are plenty of threads on that topic already.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: KKLOCO

You can be a billionaire and have little to no political power. You can be broke and have a lot of political power.

Most billionaires have their wealth tied up in companies they created. Being worth a billion does not mean you have billion dollars. It means if you sold everything you own it might add up to a billion.

Those 2500 people may be worth a lot but they've also created trillions in wealth for others as well. Society benefits from their products and services.

Simply being wealthy does not make you nefarious or evil.

And what's happening in the US gives those millionaires and billionaires a lot of power. Corporate america has been propped up so much they are the government, the plutocracy of America is real.

And on the otherside of it, you have nations like Russia, oligarchs and gangsters sway elections almost everytime.
edit on 4-1-2020 by strongfp because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

According to Ronald Bernard there are 8000-8500 people who rule the world.
Also check the top 100 'rich list', we find people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Waren Buffet etc... But you won't find a single banker in that list while the Rothschild family for example owns more wealth than that top 100 rich list combined.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: IncessantOptimist
a reply to: KKLOCO

According to Ronald Bernard there are 8000-8500 people who rule the world.
Also check the top 100 'rich list', we find people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Waren Buffet etc... But you won't find a single banker in that list while the Rothschild family for example owns more wealth than that top 100 rich list combined.

Those numbers absolutely fall in line with my hypothesis. I mentioned possibly 10,000. It actually would make sense that there are less.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Another 1% argument...

"Ruling Class" .... would you rather have the burger flippers and fry guys rule the world?

What about the braindead paper pushers sitting at their desk just waiting to get home and veg in front of Monday Night Football?

Distribution of wealth is out of whack, I'll give ya that, but seriously.... blaming the wealthy for the worlds problems is only something poor/lazy people do.

Thinking that the wealthy are evil boogeymen is also something only poor/stupid/lazy people do.

I've met plenty of millionaires, most of them were more concerned with where they wanted a steak from that night, or that their daughter was changing clothes into something more risqué once they got into school, or they were buying expensive memorabilia for their office. Global domination isn't on these peoples minds near as much as the "have-nots" think.

When you provide services and products to millions, you are going to be compensated for it. And if it was your idea and your invention, you're going to get the lions share.

When you flip burgers or crunch numbers, you are a small insignificant cog in a very big wheel. Find a way to contribute more and you will earn more. Once you hit middle class, the big rich boogeymen start to look more like a necessity to keep it all working, and the drooling masses just drag everyone down by complaining that they don't have enough.

Getting overly concerned about what percentage what group makes up seems like a giant waste of time and the fries are burning.

Get back to work.

What governs this planet is consumer demand, and we all want shiny useless wasteful crap year after year. Oh and cars, my #$%$ do we like cars.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

Yet another person that didn’t read the OP. Nothing in it states anything about evil people. It’s about numbers.

Additionally, If it’s all such a waist of time, why did you make such a long winded reply — that didn’t even address the OP?

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Theres more in my reply than what you knee jerked to...

I wish we had some type of power to switch the tides on this planet.

This is what I ultimately replied to, your post is just another in a long list of blaming the rich for poor problems. You provide no solutions, so why should you get a bigger cut?

edit on 4-1-2020 by MarkOfTheV because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV
a reply to: KKLOCO

Theres more in my reply than what you knee jerked to...

How do I give a negative star to a post....

Stay on topic. This thread is not about evil people with money.

I don’t come to ATS to argue. I come to learn. My god, the argumentative behavior on this site is hitting critical mass.

There are many ways to discuss topics, without constant bickering.

ETA, to respond to your edit. First off, I’m not poor. Secondly, I’m not blaming anyone for my problems. You can try and twist and contort my OP all you want. What I’ve written is there and with no edits.
edit on 4-1-2020 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

We have come to label them ''The 1%'' for convenience sake. It is an easy figure to focus on. Bernie, I think, had a lot to do with this, all his screaming about ''da one percent''.

And while these few do hold so much of the worlds wealth we cannot overlook the system of economics that has provided them with this wealth. These people guide the economies of the world and while those of lesser wealth have less control it is their actions and energy that bolster the the amorphous suction that draws so much wealth into the hands of so few.

I see it kind of like that old movie, The Blob.. That creature that just rolled along with few distinguishing features and didn't eat so much as just absorb all that it encountered and getting bigger with every person it took.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

My god, the argumentative behavior on this site is hitting critical mass.

So is the hypersensitivity to people having differing views... you invited it in your original post... or were you just looking for people to say...

"Good job finding all those meaningless statistics on what percentage of the worlds population is REALLY WEALTHY! I don't have a solution for turning the tides, but gosh, your information has changed my outlook!"

Get real man.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Edumakated

The very less than 1% appreciates your views on the topic.

As I previously stated, I never said they were evil. Did you read the entire OP? This thread was to inform and discuss on the TRUE numbers of the ruling elite class. Not to banter about how evil they are. There are plenty of threads on that topic already.

I can read between the lines...

Look, the 1% is a fake meme because the reality is that at least in the US, practically any working adult is part of the 1% on a global basis. You only need to make about $35k a year to be considered part of the 1% in income.

Then you factor in the standard of living in the US, it is even more hilarious in the sense that the US really doesn't have many "poor people" by global standards. Everyone here for the most part has running water, clothing, free public education, food, indoor plumbing, cars, cable, TV, etc.

So I agree that the 1% isn't really all that accurate. However, it is a convenient saying even if it is so far off from the truth, it isn't even funny.

Yes, there are people who have god like wealth. But again, so what? The world is a big place and there are billions of people. If you make the right product or service, you too will become a billionaire. It isn't easy, but the vast majority of people on that list are self made.

As I also stated, you don't need to be a billionaire or even worth $100 million to have out sized political power. Many congressmen are no where near worth that much, yet they have a lot of political power.

Corporations, unions, wealthy, and even not so wealthy all lobby politicians / government to protect their interests. Acting like it is only a handful of the rich is disingenuous.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: KKLOCO

You can be a billionaire and have little to no political power. You can be broke and have a lot of political power.

Most billionaires have their wealth tied up in companies they created. Being worth a billion does not mean you have billion dollars. It means if you sold everything you own it might add up to a billion.

Those 2500 people may be worth a lot but they've also created trillions in wealth for others as well. Society benefits from their products and services.

Simply being wealthy does not make you nefarious or evil.

And what's happening in the US gives those millionaires and billionaires a lot of power. Corporate america has been propped up so much they are the government, the plutocracy of America is real.

And on the otherside of it, you have nations like Russia, oligarchs and gangsters sway elections almost everytime.

WHy don't you complain about unions like the teachers union? Half the major cities in this country are broke because of union graft and pandering by politicians. This affects all of us with higher taxes.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

Hypersensitivity huh, do you talk to people in person, like you do here? If you do, I’d presume you have no friends. But you think you’re clever, don’t you....

If I’m being hypersensitive about anything, it’s about staying on topic. And not twisting and contorting my OP.

I’m not wasting my time replying to you anymore.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Edumakated

The very less than 1% appreciates your views on the topic.

As I previously stated, I never said they were evil. Did you read the entire OP? This thread was to inform and discuss on the TRUE numbers of the ruling elite class. Not to banter about how evil they are. There are plenty of threads on that topic already.

I can read between the lines...

Look, the 1% is a fake meme because the reality is that at least in the US, practically any working adult is part of the 1% on a global basis. You only need to make about $35k a year to be considered part of the 1% in income.

Then you factor in the standard of living in the US, it is even more hilarious in the sense that the US really doesn't have many "poor people" by global standards. Everyone here for the most part has running water, clothing, free public education, food, indoor plumbing, cars, cable, TV, etc.

So I agree that the 1% isn't really all that accurate. However, it is a convenient saying even if it is so far off from the truth, it isn't even funny.

Yes, there are people who have god like wealth. But again, so what? The world is a big place and there are billions of people. If you make the right product or service, you too will become a billionaire. It isn't easy, but the vast majority of people on that list are self made.

As I also stated, you don't need to be a billionaire or even worth $100 million to have out sized political power. Many congressmen are no where near worth that much, yet they have a lot of political power.

Corporations, unions, wealthy, and even not so wealthy all lobby politicians / government to protect their interests. Acting like it is only a handful of the rich is disingenuous.

All good points. Thank you for your contributions.

Hey, it’s a boring Saturday. Just thought I’d do a little research and share. I found that the info I compiled, was quite compelling. If others don’t, all the same.

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