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The true nature of the gangstalking phenomena in a nutshell

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posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 04:23 AM
So, I have studied this phenomena for some time now , and personally experienced what I believe after many years now to be the true nature of where gangstalking originated from.

And it’s not what most people think..

The majority of the public will never go through it on a personal level. On the same hand that majority will naturally see those who do as “ crazy” .

Most truly do mean well in their concern for family or friends who go through it, but the tragedy is the victims themselves being so consumed by fear , district , lonelieness and confusion will have a very hard time seeing that unless they make it through to the phase where they start to truly see through the veil and understand

A. Who is really behind it

B. What the true intent and purpose for the program is.

Gangstalking does really happen. But just like you see in the movie the matrix. The agents that hunt down those who have been unplugged are simply doing what they are programmed to do.

This would be symbolic for human beings who act erratic/robotic and carry out evil acts towards others..

These would be individuals who do the bidding of the Archons. And contrary to common belief “most” of them do not do it willfully. They are programmed to believe that their intended targets deserve it for any number of reasons and they themselves are blinded to the truth that they are just as enslaved as anyone else.

I will not name names of individuals of spoken with who have gone through this phenomena . I will simply briefly explain their stories and parallel it with the main theme.

One individual in the community I know was at one point married, with children and flourishing in her career as a nurse before her entire life came undone and she was regarded as crazy after that ..

She would tell everyone that people were breaking into her house and stealing things and rearranging things around.. she was convinced she was being followed everywhere she went , to the point where she became completely paranoid of every single car that would even drive by .
She installed a security system and it never showed any human entity coming inside of her house ..

It was so obvious to me that this poor individual was being gaslighted and driven to be paranoid and borderline delusional.

But what this individual showed me one day through photos that were captioned shocked me ..

I saw with my own eyes an apparition of a very tall angelic/nephilim type being with a long beard , piercing eyes and what seemed to look like a robe a pharoah would wear approaching her front walkway

I’ve never seen anything quite like it in all my life.

One day I went out in public with somebody close to me and we both watched a man with a ball cap and sunglasses literally glitch out and completely freeze in the middle of a food court staring directly at us ..

Later that day when we pulled up to a park another man pulled up on que at the same time as us

Got out of the vehicle at the exact same time as us

And here’s where it gets weirder ..

He came out with a baseball bat and balls proceeded to mirror our every step out to the park , stop and hit baseballs against a fence continuously in an unorthodox fashion..
( he came completely dressed as if to play in a softball league and anyone who knows sport knows baseball is not a game you play on your own )

When we got up to leave right on que he got up to leave while walking completely parallel to us , mirroring our every step . When we opened our door to leave he opened his , smirked at us and peeled off ..

The person I was with does not believe in anything in regards to this phenomena and even they looked at me and said that had to have been about one of the strangest occurrences they had ever witnessed while I nodded in agreement and said “ see I told you so “.

I used to think these people were paid gangstalkers and it was all a government funded program where people would target , targets individuals and commit 24/7 manpower to do this ..

The more I learned the more I began to see how a few supposed watchdogs turned into “ everyone was a watchdog and nobody could be trusted “

I felt like the world was against me ..

Just like How Jim Carey felt in the movie the Truman Show ..

Like everyone was seemingly acting or in on it ..

lies .

And that is “ precisely “ what the program wants you to believe to get you to crack and isolate yourself from the people who really do care about you ..

The people who act erratic and stalker like in most of these kinds of cases ( not your isolated stalker incident where someone does it for different reasons ).. are simply the VESSEL for which the archons operate through..

And these people have Nano technology in them that allows them to be accessed to do strange things and the archons bidding ..

This is at the core of all the Mk ultra victims who acted out..

Its objective is to divide and conquer all of us ..

I believe with 99% certainty that this all comes from a higher realm ..

A higher realm that interacts in human affairs ( the adjustment bureau, gamer , the matrix , Truman show , maze runner , snowpiercer among other movies all are hinting at this) ..

Their is a supercomputer that has been altering human behaviour for quite some time now. The weather is changing drastically , Mandela effect is obvious to those awakened to it ..

I am not saying criminal syndicates do not exist and I am not saying there aren’t people out there who have zero free will and know the crimes they commit..

I do believe somehow in someway human behaviour can be chosen by the individual but also simultaneously coherced by suceptible individuals ..

I’ve heard of cases of cops who’ve shot innocent people and when they were asked why did you shoot me , “ they respond with i don’t know”

If you listen to The Aurora theatre shooter James Holmes account of the shooting that night he articulated that it felt like he was in a video game and being controlled and manipulated into doing it .. he felt like he was on auto pilot ...

When you look at all the religious wars of people killing one another throughout history , I know some of us have pondered how the people could not see they were brainwashed into doing things they knew in their heart was wrong ...
Whenever I heard of witch hunts , Protestant’s killing Catholics in Ireland, Sunni Muslims killing Shia Muslims and vice versa .. I remember even as a youngster thinking it almost seemed like they were being pinned off against one another and so blinded by irrational hate to the extent that they were no longer themselves and in touch with their conscience ..

I’m sidetracking a bit here but it all ties in with my main point of contention ..

The true nature of the gangstalking program comes from some form of advanced civilization of inter dimensional beings who are using humans as pawns in a giant chess game ..

A lot of this post may be hard to swallow.

It’s not my intention to spread fear and I will be completely honest in saying there is no way I know this is the whole truth and I certainly do not understand how human free will and interference with that free will interact in what feels like a paradox ..

The true enemies are the archons ..

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 04:38 AM
There are people on this board who speak on this topic who I see hear get labeled as schizos constantly ..

You guys out there who have suffered through so much . Don’t give up and don’t listen to people who don’t have your best interests at heart . If medication is what you need and that route works for you than by all means do that . If the holistic approach works for you do that ..

Regardless though realize that many of your gifts just need to be harnessed and healing needs to take place in order for you to become who you’re meant to be and to help make this world a better place where you live with a pure heart and mind.

Even if it’s manifesting as schizophrenia, I would hope that we understand that even that is “ preceded “ by something else .

Cause and effect ..

The truth is many people who are labeled as schizos are simply incredibly sensitive individuals who can tap into deeper understandings of the nature of our world and the interference being run ..

Some are genuinely sick and those heightened senses and gifts get scrambled through GMO’s, toxins , bad water , air , food , high stress lifestyles etc ..

But even if that is the case those people over in other parts of the world are regarded as spiritually gifted

Here most are thrown in the loonie bins ..

They need love , support and understanding . Not dismissive unsympathetic attitudes..

We all have gifts. And we all need to help one another to let those gifts shine through.

There is another dimension trying to converge with this one and create as much hate , division and confusion amongst us all.

Don’t give in to it ..

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 05:58 AM
I used to think that somehow someone was coming into my house for a few years b/c I would find things missing all the time, I'd look for them for hours, go through all my stuff looking for a specific item and then I'd go out (like to the store), come back and it would be sitting plain as day on my stove or on top of my freezer, in the center of my cleared desk or somewhere I couldn't miss it. It was like someone was playing a game.

Just the other night I showered and when I was done in the bathroom I had my hands full of some stuff and I thought I needed to turn the lights off (but hands/arms were full of stuff) and then decided to leave them on b/c I was coming right back in to get laundry anyway. I went to my room, the room right next door, dressed and came back in and the lights were off, the room lights (ceiling) and the vanity, both with different switches. The vanity light had been "pressed off" which I almost never do as it is a dimmer and I just turn it all the way down. What is odd is when I was leaving the bathroom I felt conflicted about the lights which is really odd, but I remember making the decision to leave them on specifically b/c I was coming right back in. It was near midnight so it would have been completely dark in the house when I turned them off - to walk into my bedroom, but it wasn't and the light from the bathroom was lighting the hallway.

I think these types of things happen to people more often than people really notice but unless they are awake to the happenings, and really pay attention to their surroundings, I'll bet they only notice it on a subconscious level and maybe this is why some people tell others they are crazy when they bring up these strange incidents b/c they know it happens to them too but they are afraid to admit it or face it.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof
I used to think that somehow someone was coming into my house for a few years b/c I would find things missing all the time, I'd look for them for hours, go through all my stuff looking for a specific item and then I'd go out (like to the store), come back and it would be sitting plain as day on my stove or on top of my freezer, in the center of my cleared desk or somewhere I couldn't miss it. It was like someone was playing a game.

Just the other night I showered and when I was done in the bathroom I had my hands full of some stuff and I thought I needed to turn the lights off (but hands/arms were full of stuff) and then decided to leave them on b/c I was coming right back in to get laundry anyway. I went to my room, the room right next door, dressed and came back in and the lights were off, the room lights (ceiling) and the vanity, both with different switches. The vanity light had been "pressed off" which I almost never do as it is a dimmer and I just turn it all the way down. What is odd is when I was leaving the bathroom I felt conflicted about the lights which is really odd, but I remember making the decision to leave them on specifically b/c I was coming right back in. It was near midnight so it would have been completely dark in the house when I turned them off - to walk into my bedroom, but it wasn't and the light from the bathroom was lighting the hallway.

I think these types of things happen to people more often than people really notice but unless they are awake to the happenings, and really pay attention to their surroundings, I'll bet they only notice it on a subconscious level and maybe this is why some people tell others they are crazy when they bring up these strange incidents b/c they know it happens to them too but they are afraid to admit it or face it.

I know what you mean . People are being more effected than ever with small brain freezes like that ( myself included)

Everything comes back to nano technology in my belief.

Check out the Mk ultra glitches you tube video with Lady Gaga, Draymond Green , Al Roker , Bruce Willis etc .. If you haven’t seen it already.

I think we might be in a simulation..

Possible .. but still an unknown for now .

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 06:26 AM
Well about 5-6 years ago (near 2012) I was driving past a field that had horses and cows, maybe 60-80 of them. As I approached I thought something was odd and as I got closer I noticed that not one of them we moving, so I slowed down to about 5mph and kept looking and still nothing moved. No heads moving up and down as they ate, no tails swatting at flies (which is usually non-stop around here), no steps forward as they eat, nothing. I watched for about 10-15 seconds as I drove by and didn't see a lick of movement. Of course when I told other people, they said that wasn't possible.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 06:40 AM
Another thing I noticed and I think I remember some others mentioning this who have complained about gang-stalking is that they are incredibly sensitive to other people's emotions, like the emotional temperature in the room. Some also say they are exceptionally good a telling when others are lying. I've been able to do both of these since I can remember, going back to the age of 4 and I know it really pissed by parents off, and teachers, because I would call them out when they told me/us BS (especially at a young age before I learned this wasn't appreciated so much). Both are like an inner feeling, like inner gauge that feels heavy or hot kind of or even inner dialogue (can't really call it dialouge, cuz it is the same as thoughts but different in a way as it is accompanied by other feelings).

I wonder if there are people who are naturally predisposed to be able to sense emotions, maybe lies are just part of that spectrum, and those people are the ones being targeted in some manner. If they are able to do this then being gaslighted makes sense b/c it will erode their credibility so when they call out others about lying (when it really counts), maybe some will below them off as "that crazy person".

I can say that this "ability" has served me well throughout my time and has saved me from a lot of bad situations and I've learned to trust my feelings/thoughts b/c when I didn't I've ended up in situations which were regrettable and I had been warned (internally) about it. Some may call this type of thing a "message from god" or something, IDK if that is what it is or not, but I am happy that I have this. It even works over the Internet when reading things, though it is a little more difficult.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 07:12 AM
Been there, done that, have the stinking Tshirt.

I'll skip all of the fun, lurid details. I've seen glitches, experienced bot people, and even have seen a couple who (at least to my eyes) forwent their human disguise. I've had people follow me. I've had weirdos do weird things, and watched weirdos do weird things. As it has gone on, I have gotten more and more annoyed by the constant BS- and have been going full rude at them.

Things have... slacked off to a major degree. I'm to the point of it being aliens, demons, interdimensional brain sucking tentacled beasts- I've had a damn gutful of it.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 07:50 AM
Nanotechnology in people possessed by archons, mandela effects, mk ultra, etc.

You sure went overboard with this.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof
Another thing I noticed and I think I remember some others mentioning this who have complained about gang-stalking is that they are incredibly sensitive to other people's emotions, like the emotional temperature in the room. Some also say they are exceptionally good a telling when others are lying. I've been able to do both of these since I can remember, going back to the age of 4 and I know it really pissed by parents off, and teachers, because I would call them out when they told me/us BS (especially at a young age before I learned this wasn't appreciated so much). Both are like an inner feeling, like inner gauge that feels heavy or hot kind of or even inner dialogue (can't really call it dialouge, cuz it is the same as thoughts but different in a way as it is accompanied by other feelings).

I wonder if there are people who are naturally predisposed to be able to sense emotions, maybe lies are just part of that spectrum, and those people are the ones being targeted in some manner. If they are able to do this then being gaslighted makes sense b/c it will erode their credibility so when they call out others about lying (when it really counts), maybe some will below them off as "that crazy person".

I can say that this "ability" has served me well throughout my time and has saved me from a lot of bad situations and I've learned to trust my feelings/thoughts b/c when I didn't I've ended up in situations which were regrettable and I had been warned (internally) about it. Some may call this type of thing a "message from god" or something, IDK if that is what it is or not, but I am happy that I have this. It even works over the Internet when reading things, though it is a little more difficult.

These people are called Intuitive Empaths and they are very powerfull and they are the ones who have always been the right hand sides of World Leaders Kings and Queens.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 10:12 AM
Back in 2002 onwards, I was doing a PhD, three or fours years through, after publishing a paper in an international journal, one of our alumni students from China demanded that I hand all my work over to him. I refused, got the backing of my supervisor who told everyone to "lock things down". Next thing, there's a command that I *must* hand all my work over to another international student. I point out my research contract topic. So instead, my PhD is dragged out for four years, and block me from publishing papers and building up a research track record. Mentally, I flip-flopped from being angry, feeling numb, depressed, to being smug that once this PhD was over, the whole world would know what happened.

Without any stipend for four years, I was forced to live on credit cards and being subsidized by family (from their pension). Thanks to PPI, my bank ripped me off for £20,000 (that's a story in itself), and it took us 10 years to get the money back. During this time I was blocked from buying a new PC and learning new skills. That blocked me from having the freedom of going abroad or anything else. When my PhD was finished, they had arranged a new post-doc position for me - not in Computer Science, but in psychology, and with a university in the most crime-ridden socially-deprived part of London.
I can therefore only presume that the order came from New Labour and their economists.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: stormcell

Would it help to know you aren't the only one that has been screwed?

One of my fun bits was I was in the Navy, and while in California, I was given an aptitude test by (I think, can't remember) Boeing or General Electric, along with a select other group of people. I was told I scored ridiculously high- and then the next thing I knew, test results had evaporated into thin air. The reaction I had to trying to find out what happened was a universal "meh", followed by the lieutenant in charge of the mess trying to get flirty. Some redheaded woman. I wasn't all that interested. I've often wondered what the hell happened, and why it happened.

You have to wonder what in the *hell* is going on, and are we just simply screwed beyond redemption, or will we be repaid for what has been done to us?

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

You hit it spot on. The targeted are always the gifted ones and yes they are being targeted and gas-lighted in an attempt to drive them mad and get them to act out irrationally and lose all credibility in the process..

I believe you see through the veil and can always tell when you're being lied to. I was born with the same gift and it's served me well also..

I guess there are pro's and cons to everything in life. These "gifts" can often times feel like a curse, but there's peace in knowing you have built in defense mechanisms and protection from above. ( For every evil inter dimensional being there's a good one fighting for us all too in my personal belief)

Thanks for writing about your experiences

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I know this stuff is essentially impossible to prove and I see why if you haven't gone through the effects you'd think my post is overboard and think those of us who believe this stuff are crazy lol.

And for those of us who are consciously aware of reality changes and all the effects, glitches.. the guys on your side of it seem like the crazy ones to us..

crazy irony all around right?

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: wylekat

I believe everything you're saying. To see the glitches and experience the negative energy behind the interdimensional parasites is an experience that we couldn't forget even if we tried.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: freedom7

A few points.

One, if the woman you knew had video surveillance, and no one ever showed up there, it's possible she really was mentally ill. That said, you seem to be talking about the perpetrators being something other than human, if I am reading this correctly.

Two, archons? Why not a far older label?

posted on Jul, 13 2018 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: freedom7

I think they should put special caps on airplane glue,seems some leave it off too long,and the end result

posted on Jul, 13 2018 @ 04:58 PM
its a form of skizophrenia and its anything but new
john keel already encountered people that claimed to be gangstalked back in the 60's
its one of those things that doesn't seems to ever die
also archons?! seriously????????

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

The far older label being "demons" ?

It could have certainly been them too. Jinn, Demons, Archons, etc... whatever you name them people from all different cultures all over the world and throughout different timelines have depicted them with stunning similarity in those depictions.

I use the archon word, because a lot of my experiences, research and conversations with others seem to be pointing towards the fact that we live in a computer simulated matrix.

The archons are the agents who cause most of the mayhem in this matrix.. So the word fits.

I know I use the movie the matrix to compare a lot of real life to. And I'll do it again haha. The agents in that movie are symbols for the archons. The directors knew what message they were conveying.

Whatever these beings are and whatever we name them, they aren't benevolent that's for sure. And they have the ability to take on different forms.

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Yes schizophrenia exists.

Some people really do have it and it has nothing to do with interdimensional beings.

A bit of research into the parasite Toxoplasma Gondii and it's effects on the human brain substantiates this.

But don't be so quick to throw out any paranormal topic such as "interdimensional beings" and their involvement with humanity and this world out the window without doing your own research.

There are countless amounts of individuals who have talked about their experiences with this sort of stuff, and a lot of these people are standing nothing to gain by speaking about it.

There is evidence of these interdimensional beings having resided on this planet long ago...

If your do your research , you'll come to understand more and more...

Doubtful we will ever know the whole truth, but there are at least bits and pieces out there

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: freedom7

they exist, but calling them archons and claiming they are controlling humanity is too much to me

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