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English Football Hooligan takes on 3 London Bridge terrorists - AND WINS !

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posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Oh. I suppose there are some tw@ts about but that really does take the biscuit. Sad, really.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

It bloody well is. Its atrocious.

The word hero is far too often bandied about these days. Rescue a kitten or a puppy, at next to no risk to yourself, and someone on Facebook is going to make the biggest deal of you. Kill the wasp that was threatening your picnic, and your kid may well turn to you and hail you as no less of a man than Hercules.

But this fellow is a genuine, one hundred percent, right man at the right time hero. He did with his fists what a policeman with a baton had failed to do earlier on, and fought the attackers back, and out of the premises, where they were shot dead by armed police. No one else on the day had the bottle to do that.

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