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Looking Back at November 22, 1963

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posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

I remember. I was sitting on the floor watching a cartoon, I believe it was the Flintstones, when the broadcast was interrupted and the scene came onto the TV. It was my first exposure to violence and to politics.

I didn't understand what was happening, of course, but now, over 50 years later, I've grasped the gravity of the situation.
Recently I asked my mom how she and Daddy had responded or reacted to it.....
I had never thought of it before.

I had turned 5 years old 5 days earlier.
edit on 11/24/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 10:41 AM
I remember where I was, too. I also remember standing in person, for the longest time, staring at the eternal flame.

I'm also just going to present one photograph, imo the most important photograph taken that day...

Edit: Oh yah, the video. Most revealing tidbits are towards the end, for those really interested beyond a 'quick look'.

edit on 24-11-2016 by intrptr because: YouTube

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 06:07 PM
Kennedy proposed "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" by the end of the 1960s, in an address to Congress on May 25, 1961.

I was 5 when I heard that on the news, at that age you can still dream.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World played November 7, 1963 just prior to the Kennedy assassination.

That Beechcraft D-18 that Tallmantz Aviation flew in the movie should be in a museum.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 09:52 PM
Is there any evidence that some traffic on highways in the US ground to a halt in the wake of JFK's assassination?

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

We were sent home from school and all the teachers were crying. Told to all "go straight home to be with your families"...we didn't know if it was an attack by Russia and the start of WWIII.

We were all really really scared....terrible day.

same here.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 06:24 AM
I remember the killing of JFK, in fact it's probably my earliest memory that's clear. It upset me they interrupted Casper the friendly ghost to tell the world. I remember my mother crying and not understanding why. Nice to see you put together so much of Rising Against's work (RIP). He was looking in to dark corners few got around to and I truly wonder if suicide was the cause of his death. It's been almost 10 years ago now. We've lost too many good members.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: sarahvital

Hi! Presidents been assassinated, didn't know yet by tell little kids to jump under the desks and cover to keep the nukes from killing us...was terrible.

And. It. Wouldn't. Have. Worked. Either. Dead...70-80/85% of us "duck n covering" kiddies.

Just scarier these days knowing..Nothing's different. Tk care, thnx!
edit on 09222030America/ChicagoTue, 27 Sep 2022 09:02:20 -050002202200000020 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

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